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Off Limits (Protect and Serve Book 1)

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by Nadine Hudson

  Yeah, this isn’t a conversation I want to have.

  "I'll tell you some time or you'll hear about it, but not today, okay?"

  I looked her way as she nodded sternly. I could tell that she’d crawled back into some kind of shell from trying to be chatty with me. I hadn’t meant to come off so grumpy. I’m not the easiest guy to talk to and she was just trying to be nice, but the past wasn’t something I wanted to revisit.

  She also doesn’t know what I’ve imagined doing to her since the moment I saw her. If I have to be short with her to keep our relationship professional, then so be it.

  The woman at the hotdog stand suddenly screamed as a man grabbed her handbag. I was out of the car in a flash but so was Veronica. I was speechless at her speed as she ran after the guy without hesitation.

  “Veronica!” I called out but she didn’t stop. “Stay here!” I told the woman, who nodded as she pulled her daughter closer to her.

  I started running but Veronica and the man had long since vanished as I pumped my legs to catch up to them. Judging by the frightened looks on people's faces as I ran by, I could easily figure out which way they had gone.

  I wasn't prepared for what I saw when I finally caught up to them. The thief had run out into the traffic, the woman's black bag standing out against his redshirt. I skidded to a halt but Veronica didn't slow her pace, rushing out into traffic as well.

  “Veronica!” I yelled, my heart lodging itself in my throat as a car screeched to avoid hitting her. She jumped onto the back of another car that stopped just before her. The thief looked behind him, slowing him for a moment. I saw the look and fear in his eyes as Veronica dove towards him from on top of the car.

  She tackled him to the ground, both of them rolling for a moment. I ran forward, holding my hand up to stop the rest of the traffic.

  “Don’t move!” I heard her yell at the man beneath her, his left arm bent behind his back. “Hold still!”

  She looked my way, the fierceness in her eyes fading as she grinned at me. “Not bad, right Teacher?”


  I stripped and headed for the bathroom the moment I entered my apartment. My first day wasn’t at all what I had expected and that tumble I had taken with the thief had left some bruises. I had simply reacted the moment that woman screamed. I saw the fear in her daughter’s eyes and acted. Jumping on top of that car was reckless and my dad gave me an earful about it, but he also congratulated me for doing something like that on my first day.

  I turned the water on in my bathtub and recalled the conversation I’d had with Finn.

  “Why did I tell him that I had a crush on him?” I muttered aloud.

  I grimaced and shook my head at my reflection. I knew I’d made things awkward but honestly, I was so nervous I hadn’t known what to say, and out of everything that I could say, I chose that. I finally got into the tub and closed my eyes, the bruises on my body burning for a moment.

  This was what I’d signed up for and there were going to be so many more days like this in the future. Returning that woman's bag to her and seeing the relief on her face was worth it. All I’d done was catch a petty thief but still, I’d done something that had helped someone else.

  Finn’s grey eyes flashed in my mind. I sighed as I lifted my leg out of the water and inspected a reddish-blue mark. Embarrassed doesn’t even start to explain how I’d felt after trying to flirt with him.

  I exhaled as I lowered my leg. I knew this job wouldn’t be without risk, so having him by my side and watching my back made me feel safe. If I’m ever going to be captain like my dad, I have to push past my limits. Finn is the perfect person to help me do it.

  I got out of the tub, dried myself, and threw on my robe. I noticed him looking at me today, but his eyes gave nothing away. He was snappy from time to time, but I know he means well. He’s a man of few words, I remember that much from when I was younger but maybe that’ll change with me being his partner.

  I hope that’ll change.

  Throughout my time at the academy, I didn't date anyone because I wanted to remain focused. Relationships can be distracting for me because I give so much of myself. I’ve had my fair share of single, lonely nights, but I got used to it. Over time I learned to love my solitude.

  Everything about Finn screams maturity, a quality I’m drawn to, but he’s so off-limits. I know that.

  I sighed as I reached over and turned off my lamp. For the first time in a long time, I felt attracted to someone, but it just had to be a man I work with, a man who’ll never be interested in me.

  Just my luck.

  Chapter Three


  On slow days, cops usually lounge around the precinct or catch up on paperwork. Me? I hate this, I hate not being active. I prefer being out there driving around, keeping an eye out. Not all crime gets called in. I needed to find Veronica so we could leave, but I’d been looking for her for three minutes.

  It’d been a week since she started and she’d been doing exceptionally well. She followed orders but still managed to take initiative when necessary. Unfortunately, Veronica has a reckless streak that I noticed on her first day when she chased after that thief. The rest of the week was pretty mellow and now it seemed like this week’s starting out to be that kind of week again. Don’t get me wrong, as a cop, I preferred when things were like this, but I’d rather stay active and in control of everything. I was itching to go out and weed out the bad guys. As quiet as things were now, I knew they were out there.

  I finally spotted Veronica’s red hair as I walked by a window and sighed with relief.

  There she is.

  She was sitting outside, eating her lunch. The way she was staring off into the distance, I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. My jaws clenched as I watched her stick her thumb in her mouth to clean it. Her teasing has been steadily getting worse, and while I knew she does it just to push my buttons, I couldn’t help wondering how much of it she really means.

  I wonder what she’d do if one day I pin her to her car seat and make her whimper beneath my hands.

  I bit down on my lip, my palm suddenly burning to touch her. No, I couldn’t do that. I'm just her dad's best friend and her partner, nothing more, but god I want to hear her scream. I've been slipping lately and entertaining her jokes because who can honestly resist a woman like that, but I have to resist her. I don’t have a choice. In six months, when she’s no longer a brand-new rookie, I'd talk to her dad about giving her a new partner.

  I was due for a vacation since I hadn’t taken any days off for two years. I’d use that to my advantage now. I’d survive just working alongside her here at the precinct, but I wasn’t sure I could do years of driving beside her night and day.

  “Hey Carter, is it true what your partner did on her first day?”

  I turned around to see Marcel, a newbie like Veronica, walking towards me, grinning. I could almost see what the womanizing, obnoxious prick was thinking. I narrowed my eyes.

  "Yeah, it's true. She's been taking martial arts classes for seven years now, ever since her brother passed away."

  He joined me at the window. I thought that bit of news would wipe the smile off his face, but it grew wider as he watched her.

  "I should have known the Captain's daughter would be a badass." He tilted his head to the side. “I think I’ll introduce myself.”

  I was about to tell him to stay the hell away from her when the smile on his face fell. “Oh yeah, I heard what happened to her brother. That was rough, man.”

  So he does have a soul?

  He walked around me then and I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Stay away from her, Marcel.”

  His brows knitted for a moment as he stared at me. He finally nodded and I released him. I watched him walk away and felt a pang of anger at the overprotectiveness and jealousy that I’d just felt. Since I was her partner, I’m sure he didn’t take that any other way, just me looking out for her. Besides, everyone knew I’m th
e Captain’s best friend, it’s a given I’d want to protect her.

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before a familiar scent drifted up my nose. I opened my eyes to find Veronica standing in front of me.

  I frowned, irritated that I hadn’t even heard her approach me. “Why are your footsteps silent, kid?”

  She smiled. “Ninja skills. And I’m a woman, not a kid in case, you haven’t noticed,” she said as she patted my chest. “Teacher.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I growled, but she grinned and walked away.

  I turned around and watched her for a moment before following. Oh, I’d certainly noticed that she was a woman, more than I should.

  "Sure, Teacher. So, are you going for a drive or what?" She spun around to face me. "Don't tell me you're tired on a Monday? Had a sleepover this weekend? Did you get laid?"

  I narrowed my eyes as I advanced on her and my excitement spiked at the way she stood her ground. She comes across as soft, speaks softly, and has kind eyes, but behind all of that was a lioness, I knew it, and damn, it's hot.

  She tilted her head back to gaze up at me and I lowered my face until it was inches away from hers. “I would have if you’d come over.” Her eyes widened for a split second, but it hadn’t gone unnoticed. Sexual tension erupted between us like a volcano and I stepped around her, needing space. “Come on. We have work to do.”

  “Tell me where you live and I’ll stop by this weekend,” she said behind me, but I decided for her own safety it’s best if she stays away from my apartment.

  It’s hard enough being in a car with her, let alone seconds away from my bedroom.


  I curled my legs beneath me lotus style and listened as the phone rang. I laughed at the movie I was watching when finally I heard my best friend’s voice on the other line.

  “Sup babe, I miss you,” she said, and I could easily imagine the pout on her lips.

  “I miss you too. How’s your vacation going?”

  She hummed a little before answering. “It’s going great, Paris is freaking gorgeous. You have to come here.”

  I sighed, knowing that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. “Yeah, I will.”

  “Yeah right, I’d have to tie you up and drag you here. But how’s work been? We didn’t get to chat much last week since you had just started. I could tell you were exhausted.”

  "Yeah, I spent the week trying to get accustomed to everything, you know. It's like I have to erase things I learned at the academy now that I'm experiencing it all for myself."

  Beth and I have been friends since high school and have been inseparable ever since. While I went on to become a cop, she went into fashion. She’d even had a collection that got quite a buzz during Fashion Week in New York last year.

  “So, can you please elaborate now on the fact that Finn is your partner?” she blurted out suddenly and I squeezed my eyes shut, forgetting that I had told her.

  “Oh, well, you know, he’s been really helpful. He’s one of the best, so I’m glad I was partnered up with him, you know?”

  “Jesus, can you cut the shit, do you want to fuck the man or not, Veronica?”

  “Why do I have a feeling you just said that around people?” I groaned with annoyance.

  “Maybe but still, I remember him. He was gorgeous, so please, details. Is he still hot, but like in an older, mature way?”

  I didn’t want to think about Finn right now. “Yes okay,” I admitted. “And he’s not old. Mature yes, definitely, but not old. He’s out of my league, Beth, you know that and I do too.”

  “Oh no,” she replied instantly. “I don’t know shit about that, babe. He’s not out of your league. God, I go away for a month and you forget what a goddess you are.”

  “That’s right, tell her!” I heard a man yell in the background and I arched a curious brow.

  I smiled. Beth has always reminded me of my worth. “You’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right. Listen to me, V, you can get whomever you want, it's just that you don’t want anyone. But think about it, how hot would it be if you started sneaking around with Finn?” She giggled. “I can just picture it now.”

  “Beth, please stop imagining me having sex with someone.”

  “Oh please,” she grumbled. “You’re an adult and he's a man,” I shook my head with a smile at her emphasis on man. “Live a little, boo. You got your dream job now, finally, so lighten up. Nothing is wrong if you let him tap that even once.”

  I shook my head as I laughed. “I really don’t understand how we’re friends.”

  “I love you too, honey, and you know I’m telling the truth. All fun and jokes aside, I want you to be happy, happy getting di-” I laughed as someone yelled her name in the background, a different voice this time. “I wasn’t going to say it,” I heard her say. “Anyway, V, are you there?”

  "Yeah, I'm here. That's all great, but I really don't think he's that into me. I tease him a lot, but most of the time it only seems to irritate him. That makes me tease him even more because I love that I get under his skin so easily, but he might not be interested in me.”

  Beth didn’t say anything for a moment, thinking of what I’d said. “Yeah, maybe he’s not into younger girls.”

  “I don’t think that’s the issue, but I think I’ll stop teasing him so much. His little frowns are so damn hot, though. He has this quiet, secret dom energy that’s just too enticing.”

  “I want to meet him.”

  My eyes widened at that, knowing that if Beth ever did meet him she was bound to say something she shouldn't. "Yeah sure, I'm going to get some sleep, all right? When are you coming back?"

  “I’ll be back next Friday,” she answered as I listened to shuffling in the background.

  "All right, love you," I told her as I turned my television off and all my lights.

  “Love you too, V, see you soon.”

  I crawled into bed with Finn’s grey eyes stuck in my mind. No, my age wasn’t an issue, I was sure about that, but looking back at how I'd been behaving so far was embarrassing. My thoughts went to the day I’d joked about him getting laid. At the time I’d been kidding, but his response had been a shock.

  Today when he’d gazed into my eyes, my stomach had clenched in knots. I couldn’t deny my attraction to him, but I’ve realized that if he returns my hints, it’ll be the end of me.


  "Of course, I'm happy to help," I spun in my chair as the woman on the other line continued to talk. "Yes, that's right. Mm hmm, yes and you're most welcome, Mrs. Jackson. Take care."

  The call came to an end and I groaned as I stretched my arms wide apart over my head. I’d been stuck on desk duty while Finn left about a grocery store robbery. He’d insisted that he’d take care of it and be back shortly, but over an hour had passed.

  “Hey V, I’m going to get lunch. Bring you back something?”

  I spun in my chair to find Elizabeth and Marcel heading out. “Yes, please. I’m starving.”

  “Sure hun,” Elizabeth replied with a wink.

  It's been three weeks since I’d just joined the precinct and I was slowly starting to feel like I was a part of things here. Of course, I wasn’t used to everyone, but so far it has been great. Everyone was helpful when needed.

  I heard loud cursing and I looked towards the door. Finn was dragging two boys in by their collars, one with green hair and piercings was walking silently while the other, a short boy of no more than nineteen was yelling and fighting to get away from Finn.

  I watched as he easily pulled both boys along as if they weighed nothing. I couldn’t tell what he was saying to another officer before he handed them over and they were taken in the direction of the holding cells. He reached up to his forehead as his eyes scanned the sea of cops and then they finally landed on me.

  His hand fell away from his forehead and I saw the blood. Instead of coming towards me, though he walked towards the small room we stor
e first aid kits and medicine.

  I closed the door behind me gently and he glanced over his shoulder, then returned to rummaging through a first aid kit on the small table in front of him.

  “What happened?” I asked as he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and some cotton then sat down on a chair.

  “One of those kids took a swing at me with a bottle,” he answered, his words more like growls.

  “Here, let me help.” I reached out as I walked forward, but he shook his head and pressed the wet cotton to his wound. He grimaced but didn’t make a sound.

  Shaking my head, I took the cotton ball from him. “Let me help,” I said more firmly, and he finally released it.

  I dabbed at the cut slowly, cleaning around it before getting another cotton ball to clean the wound itself. He hissed the moment I touched it and grabbed my arm. His movement was so fast that I jumped with fright, my eyes widening a little.

  “Sorry,” he whispered. I nodded as he released his grip but the loss of his hand on my skin felt odd.

  The air of awkwardness between us sparked by my sexual attraction to him had worsened lately. And here I was, standing between his legs, his body mere inches from mine. At any moment, I was going to forget how to breathe. The way he was seated we were at eye level, and he was staring at me.

  I was close enough to him to easily see the fine wrinkles beside his eyes. His skin was oddly perfect, minus the scar on the left of his cupid’s bow. I always caught myself staring at that scar because it gave his lips a somewhat puckered look.

  God, he looks like a good kisser.

  “What?” I asked when I couldn’t stand his staring any longer.

  “Why did you decide to become a cop, Veronica?”

  "My brother," I answered, exhaling as I placed a band-aid over the cut. I remained standing between his legs, trapped by his eyes.

  "You should have joined for yourself," he said as he ran a finger across the band-aid before letting his hand fall to his lap.

  I looked down as my brother's warm smile appeared in my mind and I smiled. "I joined for myself, but my brother was my inspiration. My dad, too but mostly Jacob. I want to help people like he did. I want to save someone from dying the way he did."


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