Chasing After Destiny

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Chasing After Destiny Page 8

by Emma Easter

  “Yeah, no problem,” she said to him.

  Neither of them moved away from the entrance to the fast food restaurant until, at last, Jude chuckled and said, “Goodbye, Sofia. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Yes,” she said, smiling. For some reason, she felt an overwhelming urge to take his hand. She resisted the feeling, however, and turned around again. She did not stop smiling as she walked away. For the first time since George broke up with her, she felt lighthearted. She had not expected to enjoy this date with Jude so much.

  She was terribly grateful that she liked him, or this arrangement to marry him for a Green card and cash would be totally unbearable to her. She had thought she would be ridden with guilt after this date, but she was not just strangely lighthearted, she also felt hopeful of the future for the first time in a month. That was a good thing. That was a very good thing.

  Chapter 9

  Sofia laid out the dress she was going to wear for her date with Jude on the bed. She opened her closet again and brought out a pair of black flats with silver and gold embellishments. She turned to the bed and picked up the floral dress she was going to wear for the date and inspected it. She put it back on the bed again.

  The preparation for this date was so different from the last. On their first date, she had left off picking the outfit she would wear until about an hour before the date, but for this particular date, she’d picked out her dress after she came back from the first date with Jude.

  She put on the dress and went to the mirror to look at her reflection. They were going somewhere casual, and although this dress was appropriate for their casual date, it showed off her every curve, and that was saying a lot as she wasn’t exactly curvy. Would Jude think she was trying too hard? She looked closely at herself again and thought about taking the dress off and putting it back into the closet, but she decided to leave it on. It didn’t matter if she put in a little more thought into what she wore today, and this dress, even though it was snug, felt just right for the date she had planned for them.

  She began to brush her hair and then turned when Edith walked into the room.

  “Getting ready for your date with Jude?”

  “Yes,” Sofia said. She turned to the mirror again and continued brushing her hair. She put it up in a ponytail and then changed her mind and put it down again. Sighing wearily, she turned to Edith, who was sitting on the bed looking at her. She blurted out, “Why am I looking forward to this date with Jude with such eagerness?”

  Edith chuckled. ‘Why not, Sofia? You’re over-thinking this. It’s a really good thing that you’re looking forward to your date with Jude. Since you’re going to marry the guy, it’s good that he doesn’t repulse you.”

  Sofia raised her eyebrows. “Repulse me?”

  Edith smiled. “I know you, Sofia. Jude is typically not the type of guy you usually go out with, even though he’s handsome. Just like you told me the other day, you like much older guys.” Her smile widened. “With much more loaded bank accounts than Jude’s.”

  Sofia glowered at her, but said nothing. Edith was talking about George. She blinked. Every single day for a month since she and George had broken up, she’d thought ceaselessly about him and the day he broke up with her. But when was the last time she’d obsessed over him? She knew exactly when. It was two days ago, after her date with Jude. She’d still thought about him, but she had not cried because of him. Somehow, the thought of losing him was not as painful as it had been before her date with Jude. She turned again to Edith and told her what she was thinking.

  “That’s good,” Edith said. “I’m glad Jude is helping you get over your ex.” She gave Sofia a mischievous smile.

  Sofia frowned. “It’s really not what you are thinking, Edith. I’ve only just met Jude. I think the whole novelty of this arrangement with him, and the fact that we have to get to know each other as much as we can in such a short time, has helped to distract me from focusing so much on George. Nothing more.”

  “Okay, then,” Edith said. “But it’s still a good thing that you are not spending your time obsessing over George. Instead you’re thinking about Jude.”

  Sofia wanted to tell Edith once more not to read too much into what she had said about George and Jude, but she changed her mind. It wasn’t like Edith really cared about her love life. All she was interested in was pleasing Flynn, who had something to gain by her marrying Jude.

  Sofia inspected herself in the mirror again.

  Edith walked over, put her hands on Sofia’s shoulders and turned her around. She smiled. “You look radiant.” She winked at Sofia. “And I thought you didn’t care about making a good impression on Jude.”

  “I don’t.” Sofia shrugged and walked away from the mirror.

  “You don’t have to pretend not to care, Sofia. It’s okay if you like Jude and want to make a good impression on him.”

  “I told you I like him, but not in the way you think. I still miss George. Besides, I cannot allow myself to become attached to Jude in any way, especially as we are going to get a divorce after all this is over. I won’t forget that, and I hope you don’t either.”

  Edith groaned. “George again!”

  “Yes, George,” Sofia said.

  Edith stared at her. “You still believe he will return to you someday, don’t you?”

  Sofia shrugged. Edith was partly right. She wasn’t exactly confident that George would come back to her, but she was hopeful. She loathed herself for wanting him to come back to her, especially after all he had done — all he’d taken away from her. But she could not help how she felt.

  “Maybe you should just give this relationship you have now a chance,” Edith said. “Who knows what will develop from it. Maybe you and Jude will develop real feelings for each other.”

  Sofia chuckled. “That will not happen, Edith. I cannot afford to get my heart attached to Jude’s when we both plan to go our separate ways at the end of all this. Besides, he is still in love with his ex.”

  “And you are still in love with yours.”

  Sofia grabbed her purse from the bedside table and began to walk out of the room. She frowned when Edith followed her.

  “Fine, Sofia. You’re not going to allow yourself to develop feelings for Jude, and he is probably only thinking about getting a Green card, but at least try to get to know him as much as you can so this actually works out.”

  “Isn’t that what I am already doing, Edith? I am going out on a date with him today.”

  “Yes, but don’t close your heart to him. Let him in.”

  “You just said he’s probably only thinking about a Green card. Why then should I not guard my heart?”

  “Okay. I lied. I think this has the potential to be more than just a business arrangement,” Edith said. Sofia sighed in exasperation, and Edith added. “Really, Sofia. I am serious. I like both of you together. Certainly better than your relationship with George. I am just saying that you shouldn’t do anything to mess this up, okay?”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Sofia said. “Is there anything else you’d like to say to me?”

  “If he leans in for a kiss after the date, just go with it, Sofia.” Edith smiled. “And don’t forget to tell me about the date and the kiss.”

  Sofia shook her head. “There’s not going to be a kiss, so get that out of your mind right now.” She touched Edith’s arm and then, without waiting for Edith to respond, quickly walked to the living room and went out the front door. She sighed with relief when she got out of the house, thankful to escape having to hear more of Edith’s unsolicited advice.

  She walked in the direction of the park where she and Jude had arranged to meet when he’d called earlier today. She glanced at her wristwatch and blinked. It was still only noon. She was supposed to meet Jude at the park thirty-five minutes from now. She had left the house quickly in order to avoid Edith’s continuous prodding.

  She turned from the direction of the park and headed to the fast food restaurant she and Jude
had gone to. The sun was blazing hot, and she could do with a cold drink right now. Walking briskly, she got to the fast food joint in no time and then went to find a seat at the back. The ones they had sat on their date were taken, so she chose another seat near there. A waiter came, and she began to order a tall glass of lemonade and then changed her mind. “You know what, I’ll have a milk shake,” she said. “And a double cheeseburger.” She had not had any of these in a long time. George loved her very slim figure, and she’d tried her best not to add any weight in order to please him. Now they were not together anymore, she could have a burger… at least this once. The waiter began to walk away and she called back to him. “And fries,” she said.

  He nodded and left.

  She felt slightly guilty as she waited for her order. And then smothered the guilt. Why couldn’t she have a burger and milkshake once in a while? George was not here telling her how he loved her figure, how he hoped she stayed the same for him.

  She pictured Jude in her mind. What kind of girl did he really like? Did he like the way she looked, or was she not his type?

  She groaned. What did it matter what kind of girl he was attracted to? Focus, Sofia. Remember what this arrangement is for.

  Her phone rang, and she dug through her purse to find it. Her heart flooded with excitement as she gazed at the screen. Lily! She immediately answered. “How are you, stranger?” she said. “How I have missed you!”

  Lily laughed. “Have you really, Sofia? Didn’t you tell me you were preparing for a trip soon? Knowing you, you are probably back from that and already getting ready for another one.”

  Sofia’s heart sank. She would not be taking any more trips abroad. Those days were over. She usually took trips abroad with George, but sometimes she’d gone alone when he couldn’t. However, he’d paid for all her trips. Now that he was not in her life anymore, there would be no more traveling to exotic destinations.

  “Sofia, are you still there?” Lily asked.

  Sofia injected a smile into her voice, ignored Lily’s questions, and said, “How was your honeymoon? Did you guys have a great time, you and Taylor?” A small ache rose in her, mixed with a thread of envy. Still, it surprised her that she did not feel as bad as she’d thought she would when she finally had a chance to speak to Lily. She had thought the pain of her break up with George would increase when she spoke to Lily, considering her friend had gone on her honeymoon with her brand new husband. But it did not feel so bad.

  “Our honeymoon has been awesome so far and we’re still traveling, Sofia. We are not yet back.”

  “Oh, I thought your honeymoon had ended,” Sofia said. “That’s nice, Lily.” Her heart ached as she remembered the day she’d tried to kill herself after George broke up with her. She had tried to call Lily without success. Perhaps if Lily had been there, she would not have done what she did.

  Tell her what happened, Sofia.

  She opened her mouth to tell Lily about her suicide attempt and then changed her mind. It might actually make her feel worse if she told Lily about her break up with George and Lily told her it was good riddance to bad rubbish. Not only had Lily not been a fan of her relationship with George because George was married, Lily had been so against the relationship that she had moved out of the apartment when George had come to spend the week.

  “Sofia, is there something you’re not telling me?” Lily asked. “You’re not as talkative as you normally are.”

  Sofia laughed to cover up her roiling thoughts and said, “There isn’t much going on in my life right now to talk about.” It was a blatant lie of course, as there was a lot going on in her life, but she was definitely not going to tell Lily about it. She knew exactly what Lily would say about her arrangement with Jude and their proposed marriage. Lily would say it was wrong. She already knew what she was doing was wrong, but she did not want to hear it right now. Aside from the fact that she needed the money it would bring her, she liked Jude. She wanted to help him settle down in this country instead of leaving him to go back to his country, which, from all he’d told her, was a dangerous place to live in now. But Lily would not see it that way.

  “Sofia? Are you still there?”

  “Yes, I’m still here, Lily,” she answered. She thanked the waiter when he brought her food and then said to Lily, “Tell me about your honeymoon. I want to hear everything that’s happened so far.”

  “It’s been great,” Lily said.

  “Is that all you’re going to tell me about it?” Sofia smiled.

  Lily giggled. “It’s a secret.”

  In spite of herself, Sofia could not help laughing. “Well then, I’m glad you’re having a great time with Taylor. Send my greetings to him.” Her mind went to Lily’s new husband, the handsome Taylor Dalton. He was everything a woman could dream of, Lily had told her before she met Taylor. When she’d met him, she had agreed to an extent. But she didn’t like what most women did. Taylor was financially successful, which she liked, but he was too young and a bit too pretty. She did not want to have to compete with a guy when it came to physical looks.

  And yet you’re planning to marry exactly that. A pretty boy who is about your age.

  Once again, she felt like telling Lily about Jude, but she held back the words forming on her lips. She continued to listen as Lily, in a voice full of excitement, told her about the places she and Taylor had already been and the places they were soon going to visit.

  Lily sighed loudly. “Unfortunately, we will soon have to return to Fallow Creek because of the kids. We have to pick them up from Taylor’s sister's house and then head back to California because Josh starts school soon.”


  “Yes, Sofia. I told you about him. My stepson.”

  “Oh… yeah. You did.” Sofia chuckled. “The one who doesn’t like you.”

  “Sofia! He likes me now. He just really missed his mom and was afraid I would steal his father’s attention away from him.”

  “So you are both good now?”


  “And what about Taylor’s business?”

  Lily answered, “He took a break for our honeymoon, but he has to start working soon.”

  Sofia completely forgot about her sadness over her breakup with George as she remembered that Lily had been searching for her family. She asked, “What about your parents and sister, Lily? Have you guys found them?”

  For a brief moment, Lily did not answer, and then she said in an emotion-filled voice, “We haven’t found them yet, but we will continue to search for them.”

  “I’m so sorry, Lily.”

  “It’s okay. I believe we will find them eventually. I won’t give up searching for them, and Taylor is determined to find them as well.”

  Sofia liked the firm determination in Lily’s voice. If only she could have as much faith as Lily did that everything would work out for her.

  You know where that faith comes from, don’t you? a voice in her heart whispered.

  She shut out the voice and said, “When will you come and visit me, Lily? And by the way, what country are you in now?”

  Lily chuckled. “We are in Greece now, specifically Santorini.” She paused for a second and then said, “Taylor says hi. He went to get us some food, but he is back now.”

  “I’m super envious of you guys,” Sofia said. She was not really envious of the fact that her friend was in Santorini or travelling the world. What she was envious of was that Lily was doing all that with the man she loved.

  “And what about George?” Lily asked, sounding hesitant. “You’re still together?”

  Sofia’s heart skipped a beat. Did Lily know they had broken up? But how could she? Calm down, Sofia. Lily was probably just speaking her mind. As always, she clearly hoped they had broken up. She didn’t know for a fact that they actually had.

  “Sofia? Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah, George is good,” she said, and then changed the subject. “I asked when you’re coming to visit me, Lily.”

  “I’m not sure when I can come to Tucson next. Our trip to Fallow Creek will be super quick as we will only be picking up Taylor’s kids. It will probably be when Taylor is able to get away from California, or maybe when he has some business in Tucson. We’ll probably stay at the apartment, and then we can get to see each other as much as we want, Sofia. That is if George is not around. We can have a mani-pedi party. I hate being away from Taylor, but maybe we can have an early afternoon party, and then I will go back to my husband.”

  Sofia sighed. Talking to Lily had made her partly forget how dire her situation really was. Lily thought she still lived in the luxury apartment building George had rented for her. Taylor had bought one of the two penthouse apartments for Lily before they’d gotten married.

  She did not know what to say to Lily, but finally said, “A mani-pedi party sounds like fun, Lily.”

  “Yes.” Lily giggled. She whispered something to someone and then said, “I’ve gotta go, Sofia. I hope I’m able to talk to you soon. We usually don’t have phone service on the ship.”

  Before Sofia could say anything more, Lily hung up.

  Sofia lowered her phone and sighed. It was good to talk to Lily again. Her friend was having the time of her life with her new husband.

  Once again, Jude’s face appeared in Sofia’s mind. Soon he would be her husband, even though it would not exactly be a real marriage. She shut her eyes briefly as she imagined with worry what Lily would say when she found out, and how different Lily’s advice would be from Edith’s. Guilt tugged at her heart.

  You already know what advice Lily would give you, Sofia. Whose advice should you listen to? Edith’s or Lily’s?

  She bit her lip and looked down at her burger and milkshake, which she’d almost forgotten now. Edith was brash, sometimes uncaring, recently unscrupulous, and her motives for the advice she’d given Sofia about marrying Jude were not exactly selfless. Lily had always been selfless. Even when they’d lived together, she was as caring as a good mother and as honest as they came.


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