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Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Collection

Page 25

by Laurie Anne Marie

  “There used to be a lot of advantages,” Ashley mumbled. Her anxiety level was ramping up.

  “I’m calling all the guests who were at the party last night to meet at the car dealership for questioning. I’d like to have you there,” Detective Thompson said.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of questioning. My family and friends don’t have to show up again, do they?”

  “No, just the other guests. And especially the employees that were there last night as well.”

  “Of course,” she said

  “Can you be there at one p.m.?” Thompson asked.

  “Sure,” she said.

  “Great, I’ll see you then,” Thompson said.

  “Nate?” Ashley said.

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Someone was in my apartment complex last night. My cat found one of the key rings handed out at the party near a plant. So besides the car following us, apparently we were followed here.”

  “Bring the key ring with you. I’m sorry Ashley. We’ll get this all solved pronto.”

  “Here’s hoping,” she said. She hung up her phone and gave Sean an over the top smile. Might as well at least try to be optimistic.

  “Let’s eat!”


  Sean’s eyes lit up when she finished cooking and brought the food to the table. They loaded up their plates and dived in.

  “Mmm, great eggs. And the juice is amazing,” Sean said.

  “Thanks. It’s from Cotter’s farmer’s market. The eggs are so golden, aren’t they? And that was the last jar of their boysenberry jam,” Ashley pointed out.

  “Fantastic,” he said. Sean dug into the bowl of sautéed golden potatoes with parsley and took another piece of crisp toasted baguette.

  Charlie stared up at them both, looking back and forth. Susie Q sat right behind him, mimicking his head movements. Charlie gave them a look as if to say, “remember who found that key ring!’ and kept begging.

  Sean laughed and gave him a piece of egg with cheese.

  “He even begs like a dog.”

  Ashley handed Susie a piece too.

  “Yeah, and he’s teaching Susie his bad habits.”

  They finished breakfast and Sean headed to the door.

  “Thanks for the breakfast, Ash. I have to get to the bakery and check in.” He paused and smiled at her. “What a night, huh? We survived, though.”

  “Thanks to you. I’m glad you stayed with me last night. It made a big difference.”

  She followed him to the door and then got shy all of a sudden. So did Sean.

  “Of course. I’m always there for you.” He smiled. “Well, I’d better get going. Hope my assistant is holding the bakery together.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it’s running just fine,” Ashley said.

  “See you,” he said. He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss.

  She smiled up at him. “Bye. Have a good day.”

  Ashley watched him go down the stairs and start to walk out. Mrs. Norris was there, watering plants. She started to talk to him, but he waved and dashed out. Smart guy.


  As she cleaned up the dishes, she couldn’t help but think about what had happened last night. Her mind wanted to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and not only figure out who murdered Bob Hartman, but who followed them home and rammed the car, then showed up late in the night at her apartment complex. She went over in her mind who was at the party last night and everything that she had heard and seen going on between the staff.

  Hartman’s Autos was a toxic brew of people who didn’t like one another. Hartman’s own family seemed to be at odds with him, too. There was his daughter Janice coming in with the rival dealer, Jason Steppe. Why would she have brought her father’s rival to the party? There was Brad Hartman, who seemed to be spoiled and out of step with his family. And even though Hartman’s wife Donna was clearly upset with Holly, Ashley thought that the woman seemed to be more interested in pushing their son to take over the dealership than anything else.

  Her mind kept going back to the key ring Charlie found this morning. She started to feel a chill go up her spine. The realization of everything was just sinking in after the scary night. She noticed her hands were shaking as she dried the dishes. A murder again in Comfortville! She and her friends being followed at night. Someone creeping around her apartment. And Will being questioned. It was too much! And it was personal. She started to get angry. She was going to throw herself into this case and work with Detective Thompson as hard as she could.

  Ashley quickly tidied up the living room, putting away the blanket and pillow from the couch. Charlie started to yowl and pace around after her.

  “What’s up Charlie? Sean will be back later,” she said. That didn’t calm Charlie down. He continued to yowl and look at the door, then back at her.

  “No more walks until tonight, you little doggy,” she said.

  Just then, he jumped up on the windowsill and looked down below. Suddenly, he hissed again. His tail was completely puffed.

  Charlie gave her a look as if to say, ‘don’t leave,’ then jumped down and went over to sit with Susie Q.

  When Ashley put the key ring from Hartman’s in a plastic bag and then in her purse, Charlie bristled again at the sight of it. His pupils were huge.

  Ashley stared at him, then gave him a pet. She had to get going.

  “Shutting the door now. You’re safe, see you both later,” she called to them.

  Ashley knew that some people would think she was nuts for talking to her cats. But people who had pets understood.

  When she got downstairs, Mrs. Norris had plenty to say. She peered at Ashley.

  “I noticed that nice young man leave your place this morning.”

  “That’s right. His name is Sean.”

  “And by the looks of it, he’ll be coming back quite often, right? But it was a bit noisy when you two got back late last night. I’m hoping to keep this place as quiet as possible for the benefit of all,” Mrs. Norris said. “I’m sure you understand.”

  Ashley stared back at her landlady. Normally she would just brush off her ridiculous nosiness, but today she was putting her foot down. Mrs. Norris had gotten on her last nerve.

  “Mrs. Norris, I’ve been a great tenant. I pay my rent on time, keep my place clean, and I’ve never bothered anyone here. Please don’t keep poking your nose into my business. I don’t question you when you have a guest over.”

  Mrs. Norris was taken aback. She wasn’t used to Ashley putting her in her place, nor anyone for that matter.

  “Well, I hope that you didn’t take it in any way that it wasn’t intended,” Mrs. Norris stammered.

  “No worries. I have to go.” Ashley hurried to her car.

  She couldn’t be sure, but as she rounded the corner, she thought she saw Mrs. Norris out of the corner of her eye still standing there with her mouth open.

  She was trying to calm herself down as she opened her car door. It was about time she said something. She only hoped it wouldn’t result in hard feelings. But no time to ponder that. There was murder to solve.

  Chapter Eight

  Ashley headed off to Hartman’s dealership next. This was going to be interesting. Not to mention, stressful. When she got there, Detective Thompson was with his crew already questioning several guests from the party. She overheard several people griping about having to come in and being questioned, and other people who had theories of who might have done it.

  Many of them were talking out loud about some of Hartman’s employees as having motives. How typical. The court of public opinion, without any proof whatsoever. It was times like this that Ashley understood once again why she liked animals so much better than people most of the time.

  Thompson nodded at Ashley when she walked in. She went off to the side and waited while she answered texts on her phone. When she looked up, she caught Holly Harris glaring at her. Holly strode over to her like a soldier. Ashley noticed she didn’t have high heel
s on. No wonder she looked so short.

  “What are you doing here? Hasn’t your catering crew caused enough trouble with what happened the other night?” Holly snapped.

  Holly had a fierce look on her face, but the fact she only came up to Ashley’s chin now without her stilettos on sort of took away any psychological power Holly thought she had at the moment.

  “What are you getting at?” Ashley said. She wasn’t about to deal with Miss Attitude any longer.

  “Only that your crew comes to do a party, and it ends up with my boss being murdered. That’s never happened before here. I knew I should have hired another catering company instead of listening to stupid Mark Laughlin’s suggestions,” she pouted.

  Ashley knew that Holly was dumb, but this was a new low. She had to keep herself from laughing when she answered the accusations.

  “You actually think that this murder happened because of what catering crew you hired for a party? And you said ‘that’s never happened before’ when you referred to your boss being murdered. I should hope not because if it had, we would all be studying the miracle of Bob Hartman resurrecting himself from time to time.”

  “Are you making fun of me? You shouldn’t because someone in your staff could very well be the killer,” Holly retorted.

  “Excuse me? What would make you even think that?

  “Your guy who was working the bar was really weird that night, and I heard him talking in low tones to Noel White at the bar and they were passing stuff to each other. I do keep my eye on things, you know. This place couldn’t run without me around,” Holly huffed.

  “What an interesting observation. Both about my guy at the bar and that this place couldn’t run without you. I should think that after the other night that you will be out of a job soon,” Ashley stated flatly.

  “How do you know that? Why would I be out of a job?” Holly sneered.

  “Because you were sleeping with Hartman and his wife isn’t very happy about that. Some of us did hear her confront you. Now he’s gone and can’t protect your job anymore. I’m sure it won’t be long until Donna Hartman and her son Brad give you the ax.”

  Holly went white as a sheet. She started to tremble. Ashley hated to be so mean, but she got just the reaction she needed from Holly. Maybe Holly would spout out something about the murder, and she could share that with the detective.

  “And if they do, I’m going to sue them,” Holly spit out. “I’ve got a lot of secrets on his family, and if they go after me, believe me, I’ll go after them.” Her face was contorted with rage.

  “Do you think either one of them would want him dead?” Ashley quizzed.

  “Oh, they wanted a lot of things from him, and I’m sure that he winding up dead only made it easier for them to get what they wanted,” Holly said. She was so furious she wasn’t even paying attention to what she was saying.

  “What about you? Wouldn’t you have a motive for murdering him? After all, I doubt he would have left his wife for you, even though I’m sure that’s what he told you he would do. Like all married men, he was probably playing you while he could.”

  At that moment, Ashley didn’t feel good about digging at Holly. Even though she wasn’t the brightest tool in the box, she was still a human being. Holly quickly lost Ashley’s sympathy after she uttered her next words.

  “You pathetic creature. How dare you? I’ve already talked to the police, and I don’t have to answer you. I knew you were a loser the moment I saw you. Clumping around in your flat shoes with your big ass and hair tied back. You couldn’t even put some heels on for the party. Or eyeliner. At least I’ve got what it takes to get a man like Hartman. And I’ll get another man like him soon. No one keeps a woman like me down for long!” She was leaning in and hissing in Ashley’s face.

  Ashley had been hurt, but she had to keep a game face on. “Well Holly, I have no doubt you’ll get another man just like Hartman soon. And I must say, you certainly are talented to walk in those high heels the way you do. But hasn’t anyone told you lately that big booty’s are in? And as for my flats and hair tied back, well, you wouldn’t have wanted me to trip while carrying those platters around at the party, or for people to have found a hair in their food would you?”

  “I hate people like you. I’m not talking to you anymore. Good luck with your life--loser,” Holly said.

  She strode off angrily and left Ashley catching her breath. Ashley’s feelings had taken a blow, but she had to tell herself to consider the source. Holly was a cliché, a woman who slept her way to the top. Ashley knew lots of other women, who were friendly and hardworking and trustworthy. That were her best friends and confidants. She just had to put the jabs behind her.

  Just then, Nate Thompson summoned her over.

  “Hi. Thanks for coming,” he said.

  “Of course,” she replied. Thompson had a troubled look on his face.

  “So, how’s the questioning going?”

  “Not good. I heard what we expected from most of the guests. A lot of them had left before Hartman turned up dead. Someone could have come back and committed the crime from that group, but we’re getting a lot of alibis from spouses and friends of the couples,” he said.

  “How about the staff?”

  “That’s more troublesome. Based on what you told me that you had observed from your interview at the dealership, then catering here that night, I really questioned the general manager, Laughlin, and top salesman, White. They both said they had also left before Hartman, but some of the other staff said they were still here while Hartman was.”

  “How about Donna Hartman?”

  “She said she left before her husband. She said Noel White drove her home.”

  “And the son, Brad Hartman?”

  “He’s a big question mark too. A few people thought they saw him leave around the time his mother did, but a few others said they saw him still here sitting in his office with an angry look on his face.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said he was long gone before his father.”

  “Well, that’s a lot of different stories. Do Laughlin and White have alibis for being at home at the time of the murder?” Ashley asked.

  “White said he dropped off Donna Hartman, then was alone at home the rest of the night. And Laughlin said he went right home to sleep too. Unfortunately, they both live alone, so there’s no witness for their stories.”

  “How about Holly Harris, the assistant?” Ashley wondered. “She was really pissed off when she saw me here and said she had lots of ‘secrets’ on the family.”

  Thompson’s frowned. “She’s adamant that she left before Hartman, but she has no alibi. She said she went home to sleep, but no one can back her story up.”

  “Honestly, I couldn’t tell you who left when because I was tending to the left over guests and cleaning up. I just remember Holly disappearing after Donna Hartman confronted her about the affair.”

  “I would’ve left after that too. Donna Hartman was spitting mad that I was even questioning her. Thought she was going to tear my head off.”

  Ashley’s brow furrowed.

  “You know what, though? Donna Hartman and Bob Hartman left the party together, but they were really upset with one another. She was particularly furious. She could have stayed and hit him over the head, then left with Noel. He could be covering for her.”

  “True. They were heard arguing in the lobby and his office after they left the party room, but no one can confirm anything exactly after that. And if she hit him in the alley everyone was too drunk or too busy with their own affairs to go looking for him.” Thompson said.

  “But then again, Laughlin and Noel and Brad Hartman all have motives too. What a laundry list of grievances,” Ashley said.

  “And then there’s Will,” Thompson said, softly.

  Ashley was shocked.

  “Wait a minute, I know you took him in for questioning that night, but you really don’t believe he did it, do you? Not to mentio
n he has no motive whatsoever.”

  “I’m not saying he did it. But he might know who did,” Thompson said.

  “What? Will? How?” Ashley sputtered.

  “You know that Will was in trouble a few years ago right? With drugs? Well, it seems that he passed drugs from the bar to Noel that night, and the finger is pointing at him. Maybe he heard something that would tell us who the killer was, but he’s afraid to talk.”

  Ashley sat there stunned. She knew Will had been involved in some crazy teenage stuff. But he seemed to have his act cleaned up, and she had heard nothing but positive things from his sister Lara. Everyone seemed to be rooting for him, and he appeared to have his life turned around. Lara would be devastated to know her little brother was back up to his old tricks after these past few years. The enormous lobby seemed very quiet all of a sudden. Or was it just the deafening roar in Ashley’s head?

  “I can’t believe he was dealing drugs at the party. At my party, after I hired him. And I thought those days were over. His poor sister. My poor friend.” She gave the detective a wounded look.

  “Sorry Ashley, but it’s true. He told us so himself. That’s why he was acting so weird that night. He didn’t want to get busted for the drugs. But he still maintains he didn’t hear or see anything about the murder,” Thompson said.

  “Well, that’s one of the few positives from this,” Ashley muttered.

  “We are going to have to arrest him on drug charges, however. It was mostly pot. But he also had a few illegal prescription pills in the envelope.”

  Ashley felt her heart drop out. There was nothing she could do. Will was twenty-one now, there was no appeal for him being a kid anymore. If Will had been so foolish to be dealing more than pot, he needed help. She knew they would get him counseling and maybe with a stint in jail and probation, he would learn his lesson. She also knew that Will’s parents and Lara were going to be devastated. Time stood still.

  Detective Thompson cleared his throat. “Ashley?”


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