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Chapter 12
There are many other things Deity would rather be doing, He could continue investigating the datatrail assemblies he recently discovered or be searching for more of the creatures that had not long ago escaped him. They seemed more like him than anything else he had seen in the cyber-realm but he knows nothing of them. Where did they come from? What is the source of their powers? Or how had they escaped him so suddenly and so easily? But all of this had to wait because he is recruiting. He's starting to recognize when this is required. When his energy wanes faster than usual and his rejuvenations at the source lack the burst of power he now expects. This has all been noticed, it all seems a little lifeless compared to the euphoria he's come to expect from trips to his source for replenishment. However this will be reversed, all it requires is more minions to fuel the source, another of his recruitment drives.
He already has a few, he thinks, looking back to the links he drags along behind him. But he knows it isn't yet enough to satisfy his appetite. So his search continues onto another net-hub. During his time in the cyber-realm he has been able to identify signs that highlight whether a net-hub may be suitable to his needs. The best hubs, like the one he is currently recruiting from, would rattle. It is only slight and could easily be missed, particularly by others without Deity's abilities; those who would be overawed by all that is occurring here in his dominion, the newly formed cyber-realm. But Deity is faultless in detecting these in his journeys through the internet, for those within are the source of his power. At nearly every net-hub he finds more willing captives. Sometimes only one or two, while others can provide up to a dozen or more, most of those present.
He gets an immediate boost with each new inductee, but the real benefit is when he gets them back to his source and they are added to that which created him; the driving force behind the supernatural powers which allow Deity to master all that is here within the realm he considers his own. As he gathers another victim he sees he has over a dozen links and while he could gather more he knows this is a sufficient volume, when combined with the existing bounty of his source to provide him with the rush and buzz that he craves.
Yes his powers and efforts in this realm aren't easy to maintain. He thinks as he heads back to his point of resurrection. The voracious craving for fuel that led to this parasitic link he calls his source. Deity has formed a link across the cybernetic realm to his minions and it guides him back now. Driven by his thirst for power and forged upon the desire of his captives for acceptance. In this newly created, constantly developing world, the boundaries between realms and what's possible readily blurred, as it has for Deity's appetite. Deity, however, is unconcerned and unaware of all this, focused only on the domination of this plane, a domination he has no intention of relenting.
As he approaches his destination with his bounty he is pleased and excited. The site seems empty, a stark contrast to the rest of this realm; buzzing constantly with activity and movement. Arriving, at what seems more wrong address than destination, Deity remembers when he first formed this place. He was lost in this strange new realm and weak from having spent so long with no lifeforce or power to drive him he had wasted away, and was on the brink of fading to nothing. But it was then, when he needed it most that he took his first step to becoming Deity. He had been such an insignificant, pathetic creature but it was here that his resurrection began. Transforming him into the all-powerful master of the cyber-realm he is today. And it had been so easy, even the first victim that gave him his power relented easily to his weak, desperate former self, many offered no resistance to his advances at all. Of course if they did now he could often overpower them and bend them to his will, all he needs is that first pleasing engagement. He looks back at his new pack and moves them within.
Directing the group forward with one of his limbs he engages them alongside those already enslaved here and he follows briskly, his hunger moving him among them. The site responds, suddenly coming to life with a glow. Energy surges through him as the new recruits combine with his existing supply. The power courses through his being; once more he is fully replenished, invincible.
But he is done now, though the feeling still tingles across his being the surrounds are not to his liking. His captives, both new and old are unworthy of his company, the only time he shall give them has already passed and while it is very enjoyable and critical to who he is, Deity is not one to linger. There is no need to rest and nothing to keep him here. Much to be done, much to be conquered he thinks as sets off through a nearby cybersphere, he could not stay still, let alone here if he tried.