Europe's Last Summer
Page 33
Carol Shookhoff managed to read my longhand and convert my manuscript into something publishable. She has my admiration as well as my thanks. I am grateful, too, to Dr. Ilya Zaslowsky for researches in the Russian archives on my behalf.
For close readings of the finished manuscript, thoughtful suggestions, and challenging criticisms on practically every page, I am immensely grateful to Timothy Dickinson, to Professor Emeritus Alain Silvera of Bryn Mawr College, and to Dr. Annika Mombauer of The Open University in Great Britain. Even more than usually is the case, I must stress that these readers bear no responsibility for the preceding text or for the opinions expressed in it.
My warm and constant thanks to Ash Green, best of editors, and to his ever helpful assistant Luba Ostashevsky. My thanks, too, to the wonder-working Carol Janeway; may she always be on my team.
As always I am grateful to my agent Suzanne Gluck, the best there is or, I think, ever will be. My thanks to her, and to her able and cheerful assistants, first Emily Nurkin and now Christine Price, who aid and assist with unobtrusive efficiency.
My thanks, too, to Robert and Jeanne-Mary Sigmon for locating books and photos in Britain that I needed.
Lunches on Sundays with Professor Ralph Buultjens, with their stimulating conversations, provided me with new perspectives, for which I am thankful.
Finally, my thanks, as always, to James Chace, my lifelong literary advisor. In a sense, all my works are dedicated to him.
Antigny-le-Chateau (Cote d'Or), France
August 27, 2003
Adams, Henry
Aehrenthal, Count Alois Lexa von
Aitken, Sir Max
Albert, King (Belgium)
Albertini, Luigi
Alexander, Prince (Serbia)
Alexandra, Empress (Russia)
alliance system
Apis (Dragutin Dimitrijevic)
Ardant du Picq, Charles
arms race
Aron, Raymond
Artamanov, Col. Viktor
Asquith, Herbert
Austro-Serbian war
Irish crisis
outbreak of general war
Asquith, Violet
Austro-Russian conflict regarding Balkans
Balkans strategy
Balkan wars
Bosnia, annexation of
creation of
declaration of war on Russia
destruction of documents related to outbreak of general war
Dual Monarchy
Franz Ferdinand's assassination, reaction to
Franz Ferdinand's assassination as Serbian operation, views on
Franz Ferdinand's vision for
Italian takeover of Libya
Moroccan crises
as multinational empire
Ottoman breakup
political instability
war planning
see also Austro-Serbian war; German-Austrian alliance
Austro-Serbian war
Austrian mobilization
Austrian ultimatum to Serbia
text of
Austria's defeat
Berchtold's responsibility for
break in relations
British position
declaration of war
delays in Austrian offensive
destruction of Serbia as Austrian goal
Europeans' disinterest in
Europeans' ignorance regarding war preparations
Franz Ferdinand's assassination as justification for
French position
German doubts about Austrian steadfastness
German support for Austria
Germany and Austria working at cross purposes
Germany's responsibility for
halt-in-Belgrade proposal
invasion of Serbia
leaking of information about German-Austrian intentions
legitimacy of Austrian complaint against Serbia
lies by Austrian and German governments regarding
localization strategy
mediation efforts
"prevention of war" issue
"rapid strike" strategy
reasons for going to war
Russian-French involvement, issue of
Russian position
Serbian mobilization
Serbian reply to Austrian ultimatum
text of
"two wars" issue
Wilhelm's withdrawal of support for
"world war" concerns
Bakunin, Michail
Balfour, Arthur
Balkan wars
Ballin, Albert
"Belgian neutrality" issue
German invasion of
Berchtold, Count Leopold von
Austro-Serbian war
Austrian ultimatum to Serbia
responsibility for
Balkans strategy
destruction of documents related to outbreak of general war
Franz Ferdinand's assassination
personal qualities
Berghahn, Volker R.
Bergson, Henri
Berthelot, Philippe
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von
Austro-Serbian war
destruction of documents related to outbreak of general war
German-Austrian alliance
outbreak of general war
resignation offer
rise to power
Bienvenue-Martin, Jean-Baptiste
Bilinski, Leon von
bin Laden, Osama
Bismarck, Otto von
Black Hand
Boer War
Austria's annexation of
political climate at time of Franz Ferdinand's visit
Boyer, Charles
Britain, see Great Britain
Britain and the Origins of the First World War (Steiner)
British-French-Russian alliance
British communications with Germany regarding
House's peace plan and
Moroccan crises and
naval planning
outbreak of general war and
Balkan wars
independence from Ottoman Empire
Macedonian Question
Bullitt, William
Bülow, Prince Bernhard von
Cabrinovic, Nedeljiko
Caillaux, Joseph and Mme
Calmette, Gaston
Cambon, Jules
Capelle, Adm. Eduard von
Carnegie, Andrew
Chamberlain, Joseph
Charlemagne the Frank
Charles, Archduke (Austria-Hungary)
Charterhouse of Parma (Stendhal)
Churchill, Winston S.
Austro-Serbian war
Irish crisis
outbreak of general war
personal qualities
war planning
Ciganovic, Milan
Clark, Christopher
Clausewitz, Karl von
Clemenceau, Georges
"Clio Deceived" (Herwig)
Cold War
Comité de l'Orient
Congress of Berlin (1878)
Conrad von Hötzendorf, Field Marshal Franz
Austro-Serbian war
Craig, Gordon
Crowe, Sir Eyre
Cuban Missile Crisis
Darwin, Charles
destruction and regeneration, philosophy of
Dreadnought battleships
Eastern Question
Economist, The,
Edward VII, King (Great Britain)
Encyclopaedia Britannica,
energy revolution
England, see Great Britain
> Eulenburg, Philipp
Europe before the Great War
arms race
bellicosity of the period
destruction and regeneration, philosophy of
"honor," pursuit of
international relations, system of
peace and freedom in
political changes of
social and economic upheavals
war planning
Falkenhayn, Gen. Erich von
fantasy fictions
Faraday, Michael
Faust (Goethe)
Fay, Sidney B.
Fellner, Fritz
Ferdinand I, King (Bulgaria)
First World War, see Great War
Fischer, Fritz
Flotow, Ludwig von
Foch, Ferdinand
Foley, Robert T.
Forgach, Johann
Austro-Serbian war
Balkan wars
Caillaux affair
destruction of documents related to outbreak of general war
disinclination toward war
Franco-Prussian War
Germany, relations with
Italian takeover of Libya
Moroccan crises
Ottoman breakup
rationale for going to war
social and economic upheavals
war planning
see also British-French-Russian alliance; outbreak of general war
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke (Austria-Hungary)
assassination of, see Franz Ferdinand's assassination
Balkans strategy
marriage to Sophie
military interests
peace, preference for
personal qualities
vision of empire's future
Wilhelm's relationship with
Franz Ferdinand's assassination
cancellation effort
disposal of bodies
Europeans' reactions
investigation regarding
as justification for Austro-Serbian war
murders of Franz Ferdinand and Sophie
origins of the Great War and
political climate of Bosnia-Herzegovina
reasons for Sarajevo visit
Russian involvement
Serbian involvement
Serbian reaction to
social events preceding
summary of events
trials regarding
warnings to Austrian government
Franz Joseph, Emperor (Austria-Hungary)
Austro-Serbian war
Franz Ferdinand's assassination
Franz Ferdinand's marriage
peace, preference for
personal qualities
Freud, Sigmund
Gagarin, Prince M. A.
Geiss, Imanuel
Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain, The (Gleason)
George V, King (Great Britain)
German-Austrian alliance
Austrian perspective on
"blank check" of German support
German perspective on
offensive treaty, change to
as one-way affair
origins of the Great War and
preventive war, consideration of
tensions within
war planning and
Germanic and Slavic peoples, conflict between
arms race
army of
Balkans strategy
Balkan wars
Boer War controversy
Bosnia's annexation by Austria
cultural and academic preeminence
destruction of documents related to outbreak of general war
disinclination toward war
encirclement by hostile forces
financial maneuvers in 1911
France, relations with
Franco-Prussian War
Franz Ferdinand's assassination as Serbian operation, views on
Great Britain, relations with
House's peace plan
Italian takeover of Libya
Moroccan crises
naval policy
paradoxes of
pessimistic worldview
political situation
Reinsurance Treaty
Russia, relations with
social and economic upheavals
unification in
war council of 1912
war planning
"weakening" self-perception
see also Austro-Serbian war; German-Austrian alliance; origins of the Great War; outbreak of general war
Giesl von Gieslingen, Baron
Gleason, John Howes
Goethe, J. W. von
Goltz, Gen. (Baron) Cohnar von der
Gorky, Maxim
Goschen, Sir Edward
Great Britain
arms race
Austro-Serbian war
disinclination toward war
Germany, relations with
House's peace plan
Irish crisis
Italian takeover of Libya
Macedonian Question
Moroccan crises
Ottoman breakup
rationale for going to war
social and economic upheavals
war planning
see also British-French-Russian alliance; outbreak of general war
Great War
changes wrought by
changing motivations of combatants over time
lingering influence in twenty-first century
Marne, first battle of the
participants and casualties
recurrence of world war, potential for
ultimate conclusion of
see also origins of the Great War; outbreak of general war
Grey, Sir Edward
Austro-Serbian war
British-French-Russian alliance
House's peace plan
outbreak of general war
war planning
Grvic, Slavko
Guns of August, The (Tuchman)
Haldane, R. B.
Halévy, Elie
Hapsburg family
Harrach, Count Franz von
Hartwig, Ludmilla
Hartwig, Nicolai
Hayne, M. B.
Heeringen, Vice Adm. August von
Heeringen, Gen. Josias von
Hentsch, Richard
Herrmann, David G.
Herding, Count Georg
Herwig, Holger
Herzen, Alexander
Hobson, J. A.
Holy Roman Empire
"honor," pursuit of
House, Col. Edward
peace efforts
Howard, Sir Michael
Hoyos, Count Alexander
Ibsen, Henrik
Ilic, Danilo
Industrial Revolution
international relations, system of
Inventing the Schlieffen Plan (Zuber)
Irish crisis
Libya, takeover of
outbreak of general war
unification in 1800s
Izvolsky, Alexander
Jacquin de Margerie, Bruno
Jagow, Gottlieb von
James, Henry
Jaurès, Jean
Joffre, Gen. Joseph
Joll, James
Jovanovic, Ljuba
July crisis, see Austro-Serbian war; Franz Ferdinand's assassination; outbreak of general war
nbsp; Keegan,John
Keiger, John
Kennan, George
Kennedy, John F
Kennedy, Paul
Keynes, John Maynard
Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred von
Kitchener, Lord
Kropotkin, Peter
Kudashev, Count
Lafore, Laurence
Law, Bonar
Lenin, V I.
Lichnowsky, Prince Karl Max von
Liège and Namur fortresses
Lieven, Dominic
Liman von Sanders, Otto
Lloyd George, David
Austro-Serbian war
outbreak of general war
London Daily Telegraph,
London Economist,
London Times,
Louis of Battenberg, Adm. Prince
Ludendorff, Erich
Luxemburg, German invasion of
Lyncker, Gen. Moritz von
Lynn-Jones, Sean M.
Magic Mountain, The (Mann)
Mann, Thomas
Marie Adelaide, Grand Duchess (Luxemburg)
Marne, first battle of the
Matscheko, Franz von
Mayerling (film)
Mazzini, Giuseppe
McLean, Roderick R.
Merizzi, Col. Erich von
Miller, Steven E.
Moltke, Field Marshal Helmuth von (the Elder)
Moltke, Gen. Helmuth von (the Younger)
arms race
Austro-Serbian war
destruction of documents related to outbreak of general war
"favorable conditions for war" issue
German-Austrian alliance
as instigator of Great War
Marne, first battle of the
outbreak of general war
personal qualities
preventive war, consideration of
war council of 1912
war planning
Wilhelm and
Moltke plan
Mombauer, Annika
Montenuovo, Prince Alfred
Morgenthau, Hans
Moroccan crises
Morton, Frederic
Müller, Adm. George Alexander von
Narodna Odbrana
Naumann, Victor
newspaper industry
New York Sun,
New York Times,
Nicholas II, Czar (Russia)
personal qualities
Wilhelm's correspondence regarding move to war
Wilhelm's relationship with
Nicolson, Sir Arthur
Nietzsche, Friedrich
origins of the Great War
"accommodation of German strength" issue
alliance system
"Belgian neutrality" issue
British rationale for going to war
"defense of status quo" issue
"favorable conditions for war" issue
Franz Ferdinand's assassination and