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The Silent Soldiers

Page 11

by Travis Stinnett

have learned?” Grandpa asked.

  “Well, to tell you the truth, it sort of scares me a little. But, at the same time I feel a lot of excitement about the things to come. I can’t wait to learn more about my powers, and I’m curious to learn more about the supernatural world,” I explained.

  “I take it you found the texts that I left in your rooms?” Grandpa asked as he looked from me to Matt.

  “Yes, we got them,” Matt said before I could answer myself. Grandpa went on to explain that Matt and I were starting late in our education, and that was the reason for summer school. He also told us that Ava was planning to retake the courses with us so she could help bring us up to speed over the next few months. I was starting to like Ava even more the more we got to know each other. She could be enjoying her summer, but she chose to help us instead. I was gaining a lot of respect for this girl I had just met.

  “Tomorrow is Sunday. It is also the full moon. We will see what the day brings us. Monday, you will begin your classes, and your training,” Grandpa told us. The room fell silent after that and I assumed this little meeting was over. I asked Grandpa,

  “Can I speak to you alone?”

  “Of course, Luke,” Grandpa said as everyone immediately began to stand. When everyone was nearly out of the room Matt stopped and looked back at me and said, “Come find me when you’re done here, man.”

  “Ok, sure,” I replied. Grandpa motioned for me to sit on the end of the couch closest to him. I didn’t know exactly where to begin or how to explain my dreams to Grandpa, so I just dove right in.

  “What’s on your mind, Luke?” Grandpa asked.

  “Well, Grandpa, I’ve been having these dreams for several weeks. They have been pretty much the same the whole time, that is, until today.”

  “Please, tell me all about them,” he said. I began by telling him about the first dreams with just the valley and the wolves. Next, I told him about the addition of the black cat in the dream I had yesterday on the plane. I could see my grandfather had become quite nervous by this time. He began to change positions in his chair and lean in a little closer toward me. Last, I told him every detail and every word about this last dream that I had today. I even told him about the change in the feelings I had toward the wolves. He gave a little nod as if he understood. After I finished telling him all about the dreams we sat in silence for a few minutes. I could tell Grandpa was deep in thought. I gave him a couple more minutes to think about what I had told him. When I couldn’t wait any longer I asked him,

  “The dreams are about Nhados, aren’t they?”

  “I believe so, Luke, but I am quite confused. I can’t quite understand why Nhados himself would risk coming to the mansion. I told you before that nothing could hurt you here, and that is the truth. There are many barriers that Rachel has set up around the perimeter of this property. Nothing that I know of can break through those barriers. The only possible way that the barriers could be broken is if someone informed Nhados about the exact spells and charms that were in place,” Grandpa explained.

  “That would mean someone working or living inside the mansion would be informing him directly, right?” I asked.

  “That is correct. But I find it very hard to believe that someone would risk their life in this way. Betraying the pack is punishable only by death,” said Grandpa, with anger rising up in his voice.

  “Maybe this isn’t true, Grandpa. Maybe there is some other explanation that we are overlooking.’ “Maybe I’m just crazy and all of these dreams are from the stress I have been through.”

  “You may be right, Luke, or maybe there is a much better explanation. I think you may be gaining a power that we didn’t anticipate. I am beginning to think you could possibly have inherited your grandmothers’ gift of prophecy,” he said with much despair in his voice. I felt a chill run down my back as the pieces all began to fit together. I had never once heard anyone speak of my grandmother. I guess it never occurred to me to ask about my grandfathers’ wife. Suddenly, I realized that she must have been the one that fore told my birth and my rise to power over evil.

  “Luke, I must ask that you tell me the details of the dreams that you have from now on. We must not overlook the possibility of this being visions, and we have to discuss what they could mean,” Grandpa said.

  “My grandmother?” I asked, still hung up on the idea of her.

  “Yes, your grandmother was a very gifted woman. She was, of course, a shifter. But, she was also so much more. Your grandmother, Eleanor, also possessed the gift of prophecy. She is the one that fore told of your birth, and then came to your parents after you were born. Your grandma was an extraordinary woman, and I miss her greatly.

  “Where is she? What happened to her?” I asked.

  “Eleanor couldn’t live under the laws of the pack. She didn’t understand the reasoning behind some of the rules we live by. I want go into detail about these rules and laws, but know that she was easily persuaded by Nhados to join him. She left us to be at his side and use her powers for evil instead of good.

  “I don’t know what to say, Grandpa.”

  “There’s not really anything to say about it. She made her choice, no matter how devastating it was for us, and left us forever. The only time she has been seen since was when she came to your parents after your birth. She told them you had great power, and that you would in fact grow to defeat evil. The only thing I never understood was why she came to them with this news instead of doing Nhados’ bidding, and try to take you to him. That definitely has pulled at my mind all these long years,” Grandpa said. I could tell that talking about her caused him much pain. I decided not to ask any more questions about her for now.


  We sat in silence for quite some time. Both of us had a lot to think about with this new revelation. I didn’t really think it could be true, but Grandpa was determined that I had a new power nobody ever imagined I would have. I didn’t know what to think about prophecy. I never believed in fortune telling, but then again, I never believed in vampires and werewolves either and look where we were now.

  I couldn’t help but think there was more to my grandmothers’ departure from her husbands’ side. I didn’t want to believe that she had in fact abandoned him and my parents. I also wondered if she was still alive, and whether or not I would ever find out what really happened. I stored this information in the vault that is my head. The vault, that seemed to be filling up more quickly than I felt comfortable with.

  About that time Adriana entered the room and informed us with a little hostility in her tone that, “Mr. Williamson has arrived.” I could see the happiness replace the despair on Grandpas’ face as he rose to his feet. “Tell Charles to join us please, Adriana,” Grandpa said. “Yes sir,” she said with much less enthusiasm than should have been used when talking to her leader. I thought for a second about what could be her problem, but again, added it to the vault to ponder over later as Uncle Charles entered the great room with a huge smile on his face.

  Uncle Charles made quickly the distance across the room and hugged Grandpa. Next he came over to me and pulled me to my feet and gave me the same sort of exhilarating hug that he had just given his dad. I knew for sure that my uncle was overjoyed about finally being able to “come home.” I couldn’t begin to imagine what it would feel like if I could have the opportunity to reunite with my own dad.

  “Where’s Matt?” My uncle asked right away. “He is probably in the dinning hall feeding his face again if I know my cousin at all,” I said laughing. “That’s my boy,” Uncle Charles said with a big grin.

  Suddenly I realized that I was pretty hungry myself and suggested that we go find him and let him know his dad was here. We all stood, and made our way to the dinning hall. Grandpa and Uncle Charles walked ahead of me a little ways deep in conversation. I followed them trying to arrange all of the thoughts that seemed to be filling my head very rapidly. We arrived in the dinning hall and I immedia
tely noticed that Matt and Ava were in fact having dinner. It was getting closer to dark, and I wondered if Matt had to change again tonight or if it could wait until the full moon. I was surprised I hadn’t thought to ask him that earlier.

  “Dad!” Matt yelled. “Hey son. I heard you had quite a night,” said Matt’s dad. “You could say that,” said Matt. “I am so glad you are finally here, Dad.” “It’s great to be home, Matt,” said my uncle. “Looking forward to another exciting night?” Grandpa asked.

  Well, I guess I had my answer to the changing question. I was a little disappointed that I was to be left alone again tonight, but I was also happy for Matt. He would have the time of his life tonight being able to change and run with his father. I did feel a little depressed that I couldn’t change and run with them, but maybe I would have my chance soon.

  All of a sudden a very peculiar feeling came over me. I felt like I might even faint. Suddenly my sight went black and the all too familiar dream came into focus. This dream started exactly the same as the one before, only this time, instead of closing my eyes with the flash of purple light I was able to see what exactly was going on around me. I realized that the purple light was actually a glowing purple sphere that circled me and a tiny little

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