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Page 2

by Marie Skye

  I was eager to see Alegra in class on Monday. I actually showed up earlier than normal. Well, earlier for me anyway. I smoothed my hair back as students started piling in. I didn’t bother looking up because every single one of them bored me. There was only one student I was interested in. The one I wanted to fuck.

  Only she didn’t come. The white blonde hair didn’t show at all. Are you fucking kidding me? I woke up early, on a Monday, and her creamy white, smooth ass didn’t bother to show up to class? Fucking bitch. This is going to make her punishment that much harsher.

  “Mr. Kingston.”

  My eyes cut sharply to the fair-haired boy in the second row, with the overbite.

  “Dr. Kingston! I didn’t go to medical school to earn that title for shits and giggles, you fucking idiot. Although, I can’t say the same about you. I doubt you’ll be getting into any medical school.”

  He stared at me with complete fear in his eyes. Fuck, he annoyed me. “Well, spit it out for fuck’s sake!”

  “Um…I have a question, regarding Heteroatomic Compounds.”

  I sighed. This was going to be a long fucking morning.

  I got home just as the first fat drops of rain landed. School for tomorrow had already been delayed. We were used to this type of weather. The sky was already as dark as my soul. Just how I liked it. The lights started flickering, so I lit a few candles around my house.

  Marcus had sent me a few texts earlier, saying he had information regarding Alegra. I didn’t need to hear what he had to say. I already knew what information he would present to me. The outcome would be the same. She would need to be taken care of.

  A loud boom of thunder cracked through the sky, followed by a knock on my front door. I almost missed it. Almost. Who the fuck is out in this shit? I stalked toward the front door. It better not be fucking Sabrina. She knew better. Instead, I was met with the wide blue eyes and a soaking wet Alegra. She peered up at me in complete shock, as if expecting someone else.

  Before she could take a step back, I pulled her in and slammed the door. She stood there shaking.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Her teeth were chattering, and she had her arms wrapped around herself. Her lips were turning blue as she began to speak.

  “I didn’t know you lived here.” She pointed to the door. “My…my car stalled.” She took a deep breath, and she shuddered. She looked like a helpless sloth. I guided her by the elbow into the living room and turned on the fireplace. I started taking her shirt off, and she began to protest. “What are you doing?!”

  My eyes narrowed. “You’re drenched. Unless you want to get sick, be my fucking guest.” After a few seconds, her arms slowly went lax, and I finished pulling it over her head. I held back a groan as her perky tits blossomed nicely in her bra. Her nipples were hardened pebbles beneath it and pointed right at me.

  She took it upon herself to unbutton her jeans. She turned around to fold up her soaked garments. When she turned back around, she gasped. I had taken off my shirt and pants.

  “What are you doing?”

  I smirked. “What does it look like, cupcake? Body heat.” I looked her up and down. “Lose the bra and panties.” She paled in front of me. I lightly laughed. “I’m a doctor. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Besides, I’m sure they’re…wet.” Her skin flushed red, because if she was smart, as I knew she was, she knew damn well I wasn’t talking about rainwater.

  While she hesitated and thought it over, I studied her skin in the glow from the fireplace. She was a cutter. Or at least had been. The cuts on her thighs were faded. She started off sloppy though, and a bit careless. Amateur at best. But you could easily tell where her lines grew straight, and damn near perfect. They weren’t ridged. That’s where she came into her prime. They weren’t jagged. She would make a spectacular surgeon. She definitely had the Clyper blood running through her. Too bad she would never see the day.

  I walked to the sofa, grabbed a blanket off the back of it, and handed it to her. “Here. Since apparently, you’re modest.” I didn’t hide my smirk. She took it daintily, and tried, awkwardly, to wrap it around herself, all while trying to remove her lace bra and panties at the same time. Did I look away to give her a bit of privacy? Of course, not. I liked seeing her squirm. I rather enjoyed it.

  I walked over to the lounger and opened my arms. “Come here, Alegra.” She stared at me, lips slightly parted. I waited for her to hesitate, to go over to another seat perhaps. She looked my body up and down, spread open for her, before biting her bottom lip. I saw the gleam in her eyes when she finally met my gaze.

  I knew I had her when she stepped toward me and curled up into me. I wrapped my arms around her, inhaling deeply the scent of her hair. It was minty, with a bit of hibiscus. She was perfect.

  After twenty minutes, her shaking finally subsided.

  “That feels nice.”

  I looked down at her. “What?”

  She softly smiled against me. “That. What you’re doing to my hair.”

  I looked down at my hand. I didn’t even realize I’d been softly stroking her hair like she was a damn dog. I froze and cleared my throat, sitting us both up. “Yeah, um…it’s dry now.” As if stroking it was the reason it was dry. “What were you doing out in this storm anyway? Several of the roads were closed early in preparation for it.”

  She pulled the blanket tighter around her. I hated that. It served as a barrier. I narrowed my eyes. “And why weren’t you in class?” Her gaze fell to the floor. I grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. “Look at me when I’m talking to you. Always look at me!”

  “I was busy, okay? Besides, it’s none of your business.”

  The fuck it wasn’t. Especially since she was on a hit list. That much, I knew was true. She was in danger and didn’t even fucking know it. I rolled my eyes. Shit. Why did I care? She was a Clyper. They tormented my family for years. They murdered my family, and hundreds of others, without a fucking care in the world. She would eventually find out their true nature, and their true causes, and do the same. They were all about greed and power. They may all be dead, but there were still alliances that would still get to her. They would train her.

  She shifted slightly, but I didn’t loosen my grip on her. If anything, it made the blanket start to come down, and I felt my mouth watering. She had a birthmark in the shape of a tear on her upper right breast. Before I could stop myself, I leaned forward and circled my tongue around the tear-shaped mark. Her skin, was so fucking soft, with a hint of rose. I heard her gasp, but I didn’t let up, as I went from twirling my tongue to sucking her skin into my mouth. This was wrong. So, fucking wrong. She was my student.

  I needed more of her.

  Her breathing had picked up as I started to lower the blanket. My hand went underneath the blanket, up her thigh with the faded cuts, and I felt her body tense. No, that won’t do at all. We’d get to that later. I reached the juncture of her thighs and met her gaze. She could tell me to stop. The question is, would I? I lightly grazed my fingertips over her clit, and she lightly moaned.

  My voice was low when I spoke, but I kept my eyes on her. “Are you always this drenched, Alegra?”

  Her cheeks reddened, as I continued my slow teasing of her clit. She slowly shook her head no. “You like pain, don’t you?” Her eyes dropped to where her hands were gripped to the edge of the blanket. I smiled. She was too fucking perfect. A perfect Clyper. I thought, I never thought I’d see the day. I took the blanket from her, throwing it over the side, and laid her back against the chaise.

  I spread her legs wide, and she quickly tried to close them, but I held them open. “Don’t!” She looked up at me with uncertainty in her eyes. “Don’t hide from me. Ever. Understand?” She slowly nodded, as she bit her bottom lip. “Good girl.” I stared down at her pussy, glistening with her juices. Fuck, I wanted to taste her. I looked at her thighs, the faded marks from her cutting, and ran my fingers over them.

  I looked back up at her. �
�Answer me.”

  She crinkled her brow in confusion. “The pain. Either you like it, or you don’t. Which is it?” She glanced away nervously, and my grip on her thighs tightened to gain her attention again.

  “I like it,” she finally whispered. “The more I did it, the more I liked it. It felt good, like a rush.” She softly sighed. “I don’t know; I can’t explain it.”

  She didn’t have to. I knew. I got up off the chaise. “Don’t move. I mean it.” I could feel her staring at me as I left the room. She was exactly what I needed. She was exactly what I’d been looking for all these years. I just needed to test her. I got what I needed, and she was in the same position, only her pussy was even more wet, if that was possible.

  Her eyes widened as she saw me lay out a few knives. “Have you ever heard of knife play, Alegra?” She slowly shook her head, but kept her eyes on the knives. I tickled her clit to get her attention, and she jerked. “You have a very beautiful pussy, Alegra. And very beautiful skin, and I would love nothing more than to mark you, and taste you.”

  She shivered as I took a knife from the tray. “You’ve done remarkably well on your own.” I traced the marks on her thighs. “But they’re not good enough.” I shifted in front of her, and she watched my every move. “I’m going to mark you, Alegra. You’re going to let me, and then you’re going to let me fuck you. Understand?” I trailed a fingertip over her clit, her breath hitched, and she subtly nodded. It was subtle, but it was there. Good fucking girl.

  I wasn’t gentle. I was merciless. Each droplet of crimson red that dripped onto her skin was a work of art. Sometimes I pressed too deep; sometimes I didn’t. I just wanted to see what she could take, and yet, I was so fucking hard for her. I laved at the bead of blood on the underside of her breast, eager for a taste, and she moaned. “Fuck, you’re good.” I knew this was a bad idea. This whole thing was a bad idea, but I couldn’t help myself. The way she peered up at me with her sparkling blue eyes, she was practically begging for me to take her, and oh how I wanted to take her. Then the sound of her voice rang out, and I froze.


  It was barely a whisper. But it was filled with need, and want, but most of all desperation. “Please what, Alegra?”

  She was panting hard. Eyes completely wanton. Her juices were soaking the chaise, into practically a fucking puddle. I fucking loved it. She spread her legs wider as if inviting me closer to her. Inviting me. She tugged her nipples, smearing the blood around her taunt nipples, which was a sight to see, and I ached to pull them into my mouth. “Fuck me.”

  I looked down at her pussy, which was practically quivering, and licked my lips. I leaned forward and licked the trail of blood that was making its way down to her pussy. I sheathed up. “I won’t be easy, Alegra. You’ll know that it was my cock that made this pussy sore at the end of the night. It will be my cock you’ll still feel tomorrow when you walk around. I won’t be gentle, nor kind when I fuck you.”

  She nodded. “I don’t want you to.”

  I ran my cock back and forth over her clit. She moaned as I teased her, and I could see her pussy clenching. Wanting so badly to come. More wetness seeped from her pussy, and I could tell she was getting close as I rubbed her clit faster. Fuck, I needed to taste her. I knew if I tasted her, I wasn’t coming back from this. I slid one finger into her cunt, just up to the knuckle, and it immediately clenched. She was so fucking tight. How was she so fucking tight?

  As her pussy sucked on my finger, I decided nothing would be sweeter than her coming in my mouth, and bent over and sucked her clit. She arched up, and let out a beautiful scream as her orgasm consumed her. I didn’t let up and kept her orgasm dragging on and on. With no warning, I moved positions and slammed into her to the hilt. It wasn’t until I felt the barrier that I realized why she was so tight.

  She was a virgin. A Clyper virgin. That made me want her that much more. I didn’t bother easing up. She already got her warning. I plowed into her hard, and ignored the wincing on her face, which was quickly replaced by pleasure, once I started rubbing her clit with my thumb. I took hold of the knife again. “I need you to come for me again, Alegra. I need you to squeeze me. I want to feel you.”

  I placed the blade right above her pelvic bone, and pressed, not enough to draw blood, but enough to trigger a pressure point, and she gasped. I felt her pussy start to tighten, which had me pounding harder. I changed my angle, feeling my balls starting to tighten with an orgasm starting to loom through me. I pressed the blade harder, this time piercing the skin, and Alegra screamed out. My eyes were wild watching the droplets of blood drip down to her beautiful glistening pussy, as I pounded harder into her. I watched as her pussy clenched around me, sending me soaring, as I came harder than I ever have in my life. I collapsed on top of her, covering us both in her blood. I was torn apart by a fucking Clyper. A Clyper that needed to be killed.

  Alegra was gone by the time I got up in the morning. In fact, the only remnants of her being there was the blood on the chaise and the taste of her pussy still on my lips. I picked up my phone, finally returning Marcus’s phone call. He answered on the first ring.

  “It’s about bloody time.”

  I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, as I set my machine for a coffee before I got ready for work. “Alegra Clyper…”

  I stopped him before he could continue. “She only found out she was related to the Clyper’s a few months ago. She was adopted. I think I can keep her away from those trying to bring her back into the fold.” I took a sip of my coffee.

  Marcus laughed in my ear. “Spoken like a man that’s fucked her. Tell me, Killian, have you fucked her? Did you touch the forbidden fruit?”

  “That’s none of your fucking business, Marcus!” I felt my blood boiling.

  He was quiet for a minute before he spoke. “How are your parents Killian?” My stomach dropped. “What about your sister?” My hand trembled. “Oh…that’s right. Alegra’s family killed them, didn’t they? For years, they treated your parents, and sister, and kept saying they were getting better, but they weren’t, were they, Killian? Then what happened on Christmas Eve, when you were nine years old, Killian?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. “Both of your parents died from stage four liver cancer. Two years later, your sister died from the same thing. It was so odd, wasn’t it, Killian?”

  I shut my eyes as I relived the memory.

  Soon after, my brother and I went to live with our Uncle Marcus, and he made sure we were tested for any signs of cancer. I was fine. We both were completely fine. I didn’t understand it. He didn’t understand how three members of my family had the exact same thing, and it became so severe, in such a quick span of time.

  The autopsy was, of course, performed by the Clyper staff, and all said the same thing. Marcus wasn’t convinced. Marcus secretly had the bodies exhumed, moved to another location, and replaced with different bodies. It took a few years for it to happen, but somehow the bastard did it, and an autopsy was performed.

  The results? Not one sign of cancer, on either of my parents or my sister. The even more odd part was that several organs were missing. That’s when we started investigating the Clyper family and found out what they were really doing.

  I focused back on the conversation. “You don’t have to fucking remind me, Marcus. It’s ingrained in my memory and will be for the rest of my life. Retribution for the Clyper’s. I know the plan and will stick to it. You’ve nothing to worry about.”

  Alegra wasn’t in class again. After twenty minutes, I’d had enough of the bullshit, and dismissed class. I got in my R8, and drove to where she lived, because, yeah. I knew where she lived. She didn’t live in the college dorms because she couldn’t afford to, so she lived off campus, in a fucked up neighborhood.

  I pounded on the door. I saw the curtain in the bedroom move. After a few seconds, still no answer. “I swear to you, if you don’t open this fucking door, I will break it down, Alegra!” I heard the chain, and finally a soft
click, and the door opened up wide enough for me to see her big blue eyes. That wasn’t good enough for me. I barged in, practically knocking her over, and shutting the door behind me, locking it. She was in a pair of yoga pants and a tank top that showed the barest hint of her waist. My dick started to harden at seeing a hint of the mark from my knife. Her hair was down, cascading in long waves around her shoulder, and her face was bare, but she couldn’t look more radiant than she did right now.

  “What do you want?”

  Well, that wasn’t the welcome I was expecting. I narrowed my eyes at her, getting into her space. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  She looked at me confused as she took a step back, which prompted me to take a step forward, getting back into her space. “Was it a hard question, Alegra?”

  She frowned. “I don’t know how you expect me to answer that. I’m not doing anything. You showed up here.”

  I caged her in since she managed to back herself into the wall. I took that moment to breathe her in. She smelled of vanilla, with a touch of citrus. Fresh lemons, maybe. And damn did I want to lick every inch of her. Marcus’s warning ran in the back of my head. I straightened. “You left.”

  “Yeah, well…I didn’t want to wake you.”

  I looked her up and down. Her nipples had pebbled through her tank top. I wanted to suck them through the fabric and make them cherry red. Fuck, I needed to get away from her. “Are you sick? This is the second time you weren’t in class.”

  She slowly shook her head, and let out a soft sigh. “No. I just didn’t want it to be awkward, I guess.”

  I crossed my arms, and I noticed the slight blush that went across her face. “Was last night a mistake? Was making you come in my mouth a mistake? Was making you come around my cock until I almost couldn’t see straight, a mistake?”

  She softly smiled and looked down at her fingers, and I tilted her chin back up at me. “No. I liked it.”


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