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My Boss’s Whim

Page 2

by Liliana Rhodes

  "I'm sorry, I have to go."

  Chapter Four


  "Wait!" I stood up, hoping I could stop her, but it was too late, she was already gone.

  Sitting back down, I saw the reason she left. Alan Smithfield headed straight towards me. He wore a light grey suit yet still looked disheveled. His stringy red hair was combed over his bald head like it had been for all the years I had known him. Smithfield was a slight man that would normally go unnoticed except for his Napoleon complex, which made me enjoy putting him in his place.

  "Good evening, sir. I see you have some champagne. Is there anything else I can get you? You know my staff is here to please."

  "Leave. I'm not in the mood." I growled at him. As he turned to go, I spotted Ashley running through a door at the back of the gallery. I got up, thinking I could catch her. I needed to catch her. "Excuse me Smithfield, I have a pressing engagement."

  I pushed him out of the way as I left the alcove and made my way through the party to the back door. I couldn't let her disappear from my life like this. I wanted more of her.

  Chapter Five


  I grabbed the tray and quickly ran to the break room to compose myself. Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I saw the clip-on tie, the vest, and my ponytail, which seemed to make my face look even fuller, and I started crying. I knew there were worse jobs, but seeing myself dressed like that reminded me of my dreams for the future and how I had no idea how I'd ever be able to make them happen.

  My tears wouldn't stop. I ripped off the clip-on tie and threw it at the wall. I was too upset to continue serving and even though I knew I'd not only lose this job, but that Jackie would be pissed after putting her head on the line for me, I couldn't do it anymore.

  I needed to accept what happened and move on. It was time I looked even harder for a job I could support myself with. I couldn't feel sorry for myself anymore, that was old Ashley. Time for something new.

  I grabbed my stuff from the locker and as I pulled on my purple hoodie, I noticed a bulletin board with the words "Job Postings" in the corner of the room. On the board were a few index cards with the word "filled" written with red marker on them. I wiped away at my tears and saw one towards the top that looked like it had been there for a long time. The card was discolored and faded but was still legible. I pulled it down to read:

  Live-In House Manager

  Must be on call 24/7. Must be flexible and take direction well. Must be presentable. Familiarity with the arts is a plus.

  All living expenses are included. Position includes a monthly stipend. Start immediately.

  It sounded too good to be true. I didn't care that the position didn't go into details about what was needed or expected from a 24/7 House Manager, I only cared that not only would I get a job but also a place of my own. I quickly jotted down the number so I could call in the morning.

  "It was rude of you to run off like that."

  Xander startled me. I didn't need to see him to recognize that intimidating voice. I closed my eyes and inhaled his musky scent. He stood so close behind me I could feel his warm breath on my ear, and it sent chills down my spine. Good chills.

  "I had no choice. I had to leave," I whispered.

  "You always have a choice. You just have to trust it. And trust me."

  His voice was low and husky. He edged closer to me, and I could feel his strong body against my back and his breath moving down from my ear to my neck. His lips suddenly brushed against my skin and I held my breath, savoring the moment as his touch sent a rush through my body and I felt the area between my legs begin to pulse with excitement.

  With one swift move of his hand, he spun me around to face him and pushed me against the wall beside the bulletin board. He stared at me so intensely I couldn't tear my eyes away. My breathing came fast and shallow. I didn't think I had ever felt this excited because of a man before, yet he had barely touched me.

  Suddenly his lips crushed mine then forced them apart as he slid his tongue between my lips. I wrapped my arms around his broad back, slipping them between his crisp button-down shirt and the silk lining of his suit jacket, and pulled him closer against me. All I could think about was feeling his lean body against mine.

  My head spun. He kept me pressed against the wall, and I could feel his member hardening as it pushed against my hip. While we kissed, he pulled my shirt out of my black pants then unbuttoned my pants.

  As his hand slid into the front of my pants, his lips pulled away from mine. His breathing sounded hurried and short. He moved his hand over my silky panties then ran his finger along the lace border that clung to my leg.

  Part of me was in shock. It wasn't like me to just let some guy put his hand down my pants. It also wasn't like me to kiss a stranger, but I didn't care about any of that. The pulsing between my legs had taken over my head. I bit my bottom lip as I waited and hoped for his next move.

  Still pinned against the wall but not wanting to move, I had nowhere to look but into his intense ice-blue eyes. I felt his fingers slip into the top of my panties and held my breath in anticipation. His touch burned against my bare skin and sent waves of electricity through my body. I felt the heat of his strong hand move further down and over my lips.

  I spread my legs a little, and he slid the tips of his fingers over my swollen clit. My knees went a little weak, but he held me up with his other hand. As he slowly rubbed me, I could feel myself getting so wet that it dripped down the curve of my pussy and onto my panties.

  My eyes were still glued to his as his fingers moved further down and into my wet entrance. I briefly closed my eyes and moaned as two of his fingers began to slowly fuck me. My breathing came in even faster, shorter breaths.

  Suddenly I heard the door at the end of the hall open and a couple of female voices approaching the break room. The door to the break room remained open and we were directly in front of it, at the end of the room.

  "Relax," he whispered his command into my ear, and I felt his beard gently scratch my cheek.

  I tried to speak, but his fingers were thrusting fast into me. He pressed his body against mine and I began to shake. I bit down hard on my bottom lip as I tried to keep my moans quiet.

  "Come for me, Ashley," he whispered.

  His lips brushed against my ear as he spoke. I could hear the footsteps and voices coming closer. He slid his hot wet fingers out of me and rubbed quick circles over my clit before squeezing it between his fingers.

  Waves shook my body. I began to writhe and as I cried out, his lips covered mine, muffling the sounds of my orgasm.

  He held me up, his body pressing mine against the wall as the last of my orgasm shot through me. As I stood there panting, I heard the voices get even closer.

  "Turn around and zip up," he growled at me as he let me go.

  I heard his footsteps cross the room quickly and exit as I quickly pulled myself back together. The voices had finally reached just outside the break room door.

  "Good evening, Mr. Boone," said one of the women.

  I stood in shock. Mr. Boone? As in Boone Art Gallery?? No, it couldn't be! I quickly grabbed my things and headed out of the break room and past the women who were still talking to each other. I ran into the exhibit room and looked around for my ice-blue mystery man, but I didn't see him anywhere.

  I knew deep down that Xander and Mr. Boone were the same person, but it didn't make sense to me. There was no way someone like that would be interested in me. He could have anyone. I had to know who he was for sure. I quickly walked past the alcove he sat in earlier, but it was empty. Defeated, I figured I might as well head home.

  I stepped out into the crisp night air and took a deep breath. The sky was clear, and the full moon brightly lit the city. As I walked down the steps of the gallery, I noticed a silver Audi R8 driving out of the parking garage under the building. I stood and watched as it pulled out onto the street and noticed the license plate--Boone.

Chapter Six


  As I headed to the private underground garage, I couldn't help but think that I should go back. It wasn't like me to just leave a woman like that. Then again, it wasn't like me to do what I just did. That woman brought out the animal in me.

  I inhaled deeply as I got into my car and for once, instead of the smell of the leather interior, all I could smell was her. Her sweet scent, like jasmine mixed with vanilla, intoxicated me, and I couldn't get enough of it.

  Driving to my apartment, Ashley filled my thoughts. I wondered how I would be able to see her again when I didn't even have her last name. I considered calling Alan Smithfield and forcing him to give me all the information on his employees so I could find out where she lived. I knew I could bully him into it. It didn't seem right, but I didn't care.

  "Dial Smithfield."

  The phone rang several times before a rushed-sounding Alan Smithfield answered. Based on the background noise, I knew he was still at the art gallery.

  "Alan, you have contact information for all of your employees, right?

  "Yes sir, of course I do."

  "A new girl worked for you tonight. Ashley. Give me her last name, phone number, and address. This stays between us. I find out you spoke of this and you'll never cater in this town again."

  "Yes. I understand, sir, but I don't have her information. She's a friend of one of my workers, Jackie Stone. Did she do something to upset you? I know you've had issues with our wait staff before."

  "No, she was perfect. Thank you, Alan. I'll make sure there's a bonus in your payment."

  I hung up the phone and kept my eyes on the road. How would I get to see her again?

  Chapter Seven


  When I got to Jackie's, I immediately turned on my laptop. I had to look up Xander Boone and find out for sure if that was my mystery man's full name. The first result appeared from a recent newspaper article about the Boone Art Gallery's acquisition of the Pedro Escamino exhibit.

  I clicked on the link, and a photo slowly loaded but when it finished, I wasn't sure if that was the man I met or not. The picture was a few years old and black and white. The man in it had shorter hair and no beard. I studied the photo for a moment before landing on his eyes. Even in black and white, it was obvious the man in the photo had the most intense ice-blue eyes.

  Since I knew nothing about Xander Boone, I scrolled down and read the article. The Boone family was old money. While Xander owned and created Boone Enterprises, a leader in banking industry software and applications, his family operated several huge corporations that were involved in everything. You couldn't purchase something without a Boone company being somehow involved.

  Xander immersed himself in the art world, not only having the gallery, but also donating millions to charities and organizations that supported art education and struggling artists. The article summed up with the fact that Xander was one of the wealthiest men in the world, a billionaire.

  I did another quick search to see if I could find out anything about his personal life. There were some old articles about 'wild child' Xander Boone who had multiple drug and alcohol related run-ins with the law, but those were from over twenty years ago when he was in college. It was almost as if he didn't exist during the past twenty years.

  Hearing the keys at the door, I closed the lid of my laptop. I didn't want Jackie seeing how I was obsessing over this man who was just a grumpy stranger a few hours ago.

  "Hey Ash. I'm glad you're here. I was beginning to worry about you."

  "You're not mad I left?"

  "No way. I saw you talking to that asshole. Figured he probably ruined your night." She shrugged and then walked into her room, talking loudly so I could hear her. "I told you to stay away from him."

  "He's not as bad as you think. I found out who he is." I paused a moment to calm my voice. I could hear the excitement in it. "Have you heard of Xander Boone?"

  She peeked out of her room, half dressed.

  "As in Boone Art Gallery? Boone Enterprises? Boone--"

  "Yes okay, so you have. Jeez, I must live under a rock."

  We laughed and she came out of her room now dressed in sweatpants and an old t-shirt. She looked me up and down and made a face.

  "Why haven't you changed? I thought for sure you'd be out of that uniform by now."

  I shrugged. The truth was I was so busy thinking about finding out who he was that it hadn't occurred to me to change. Plus my clothes smelled like him, a mix of musk and spice. I took a deep breath and blushed when I thought of the weight of his body against mine.

  * * *

  I slept later than usual the next morning. Jackie had already left for class, so I had the place to myself. I got up and poured myself a glass of orange juice and then remembered the phone number I wrote down for the House Manager position, dug it out of my bag, and called.

  "Hello?" The voice sounded like it belonged to an older woman with a southern drawl.

  "Hi. I'm calling about the House Manager position I saw posted at the Boone Art Gallery. I was wondering if it was still available."

  "Yes, it is. I have time for an interview at 10am today. Is that too soon?"

  "Oh no, that's perfect. I'll be there." I lied, thinking it wasn't enough time. I started going through my mental closet of interview outfits.

  "Let me give you the address. When you get here, ask for me. I'm Tara."

  She gave me the address, but it wasn't familiar to me. I pulled it up on a map site and saw that it was on the outskirts of Canyon Cove, a large town on the other side of the city. I'd have to take a cab if I wanted to get there on time. Luckily Jackie didn't mind sharing her closet, so I had my nicer things hung.

  Looking through the closet, I decided on a black pencil skirt with a silky teal-colored blouse. The skirt hugged my hips more than I liked, but it still looked nice. I wore my hair loose, letting it brush my shoulders, and applied only minimal make up. I wanted to look professional, responsible, and mature. I didn't want my youth to be a reminder of how inexperienced I was.

  The cabby honked his horn to let me know he had arrived. I grabbed my bag, a copy of my resume, and ran out the door. I didn't want to leave the cab waiting too long, I was using what was left of my cash to pay for the ride. I didn't have money to waste.

  The car was a traditional yellow cab. The man driving looked like he hadn't taken a shower all month. I was glad for the clear partition between us because I could imagine what he smelled like, and that was bad enough. He wore a cap that covered most of his greasy hair, and his skin looked weathered from too much sun.

  "Hi. The address is 3900 Whispering Woods Way."

  "You sure about that?" he asked as he inspected my appearance.

  "Yes, I'm sure about that. Can you please drive? I don't want to be late. I have an interview."

  "Yeah yeah, I'm going. An interview, eh? What for?"

  "House Manager." I replied shortly, hoping he'd get the hint that I wasn't in the mood to talk.

  "Oh fancy. What's that pay?"

  "I don't know, better than nothing."

  "Well, good luck. It's a nice looking place there. Lots of them out there."

  I thought about asking him why he seemed surprised I was going to that address, but I was already feeling so nervous I didn't want to know anything else. The last thing I needed was to get inside my head and bomb the interview because I was thinking too much. I decided to look out the window and tried to distract myself.

  On the freeway, we drove past the white building of an Audi dealership, and I saw an R8 like Xander Boone's sitting on a giant display in the center of their parking lot. I wondered if I'd ever see him again and decided it was unlikely. We would never run in the same circles.

  I wondered why he had such a bad reputation of making wait staff cry. There was something so brooding and mysterious about him, it drew me to him. As the cabby drove, I replayed the evening in my head and could feel the heat return to my cheeks. />
  I couldn't believe I had been so wild. I convinced myself it was best that I never saw him again; if I did, I'd probably die from embarrassment. The way he watched me, his eyes were so intense I felt naked in front of him, like he knew everything about me. He certainly knew how to make me come.

  I felt the blood rush even more to my cheeks as I thought about his electric touch and his fingers thrusting inside me. I couldn't believe how wet just the thought of him made me. I crossed my legs, hoping that the cabby wouldn't be able to read my mind or know about the throbbing that had started between my legs.

  "It's just right up here, miss."

  I looked out the window and saw we were driving on a small country road along acres of fields with grazing horses. A tall wooden picket fence ran along the perimeter and at the edge, on the other side of the farthest fence, was forest. It was absolutely breathtaking.

  Looking ahead, I noticed a tiny house sitting in the middle of the field with a large stable behind it and an old red pick-up truck. The home looked much smaller than I imagined, it was more of a cottage. It had a stone front and was surrounded by wildflowers. Why would a house so small need someone to manage it?

  "Is that it?" I asked the cabby, who took a glance over in the direction of the cottage.

  "What? Oh that? No!" He laughed, and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks from embarrassment. "We're still several minutes away, miss. You can't see the mansion from the road. You know that address is Jefferson Manor, right?"

  A mansion? Jefferson Manor? Suddenly I was in over my head. It never occurred to me that I was going to a mansion. Was I dressed well enough? How does one dress for a mansion? And not just any mansion--Jefferson Manor!


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