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Boomer's Fall

Page 18

by Robin Leigh Miller

  Even the dark circles under her eyes were cute. She obviously didn’t sleep last night either and that pleased him. He was getting to her. The way she responded to him last night was proof of that. Just the thought of her leaning into his kiss and moaning into his mouth made him hard even now. Not to mention how her flesh felt in his hands.

  If that damn moron hadn’t come pounding on the door last night he would have felt a lot more of her. But that was okay. She wasn’t ready. Even though her body was ready, mentally she wasn’t. This was too important to him to have it rushed. He didn’t care if it took months. He knew it would be worth the wait.

  * * * * *

  Hannah yanked her comb through her hair. Once she had all the knots and tangles tamed she pulled out a bottle of body spray that her boss had given her for her birthday. She had never used it before but today she wanted to feel sexy and leave a hint of herself on his clothes. With a heavy finger she pumped the citrus-scented liquid all over herself. When she was finished she stood in a heavy mist unable to see herself in the mirror. Her eyes and nose burned and then she began choking.

  “You are such a moron.” Angry, she turned the shower back on, jumped in and scrubbed herself once more.

  This time she applied the spray sparingly making sure to hit specific spots. Her neck, her cleavage, the backs of her legs because she read that somewhere she should do that and then sprayed it into the air and walked through the cloud.

  Next she dried her hair, applied a bit of make-up and then dashed off to her room and rummaged through her closet for something practical yet sexy for the day’s events. After everything was piled on her bed she decided on a tight, short, cream-colored sweater and her favorite pair of jeans. She topped it all off with a wide belt and a pair of black boots with low heels.

  She took one last look at herself, sniffed the air to make sure she wouldn’t choke him and then walked down the hall. As she approached she could her him laughing. She peeked around the corner and saw Raya dressed in her favorite blue jeans with a black turtle neck on, sitting on Boomer’s lap.

  Just like last night the picture of the two of them together floored her. He was so comfortable with her and she with him. They seemed to talk about everything and anything easily. What she wouldn’t give to be like her daughter.

  “You gonna join us or lurk around outside the door?” he asked without looking up.

  Hannah rolled her eyes. She’d forgotten about his uncanny way of knowing she was around. When she stepped inside he looked up and froze. She watched his eyes move down and then back up her body with an approving look.

  “Wow. You look great.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said feeling giddy.

  “But I like the way you looked earlier much better,” he said with a wink.

  Hannah flushed and diverted her gaze. “Sorry you had to see that. I’m a mess in the morning.”

  “No you aren’t. You looked sexy and I mean that.”

  He did, she could tell by the way his voice dropped an octave and his eyes darkened. He really was too good to be true. Anyone who thought she looked good first thing in the morning, not to mention after not sleeping, was a saint.

  “I’ll make us some breakfast before we head out,” she said looking away and feeling the need to busy herself.

  “Don’t bother. Sunshine here and I were discussing it. We think we should take you out for breakfast.” He tweaked Raya’s nose and lifted her off his lap.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “When was the last time someone treated you to breakfast?” he asked walking toward her.

  “I think when I was a kid.”

  “Then it’s about time.” He leaned forward just inches away from her neck. “You smell delicious,” he whispered in her ear.

  Chills ran down her spine as his warm breath brushed her ear. That little spark she hadn’t been able to extinguish flared to life. It was going to be a long day.

  After Hannah put a fresh bandage on his wound they all headed out. Raya bounced down the hall in front of them. When he reached out and took Hannah’s hand her heart skipped a beat.

  * * * * *

  The day was amazing. They went to a local diner and had breakfast then were the first ones in line for the zoo to open. Raya tottered from exhibit to exhibit minus her crutches laughing and giggling, her hands flying through the air so fast Hannah and Boomer couldn’t keep up. She too seemed to be healing fast.

  The two cotton candies and the candy apple Boomer bought her didn’t help the situation. When they sat down to eat lunch she inhaled a salad and hot dog and was ready to make round two of the zoo. It didn’t take as long the second time. Her sugar-high was coming to an end.

  Their next stop was a museum featuring blown glass and sculptures. When Hannah told Boomer she’d like to see it one day he took the driver’s seat of her car and drove until Hannah agreed to tell him where it was. Raya meandered around behind them fascinated by the different shapes and colors.

  “You think she’s bored?” Boomer asked.

  “You’ll know when she’s bored. She may not speak but she can whine just fine.”

  “What about you? Are you bored?”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve had a wonderful day so far.” She stopped in front of a large sculpture of a two-headed dragon. “The way you made faces with Raya at the monkey cages was hilarious. I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. And when she dumped her soda all over you, you didn’t get angry.”

  “Why would I get angry? It’s not like she did it on purpose. It was an accident.”

  “I know but some people…”

  “Hannah, I’m not some people. I’m me.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’m taking you two out for a fancy dinner tonight just like I promised I would. Where would you like to go?”

  Hannah thought for a second. “I know a nice, quiet place that’s very romantic.” When his eyebrows lifted and the corner of his mouth turned up her stomach flipped. “How about I see if I can get Mrs. Romig to watch her tonight and just the two of us have dinner?”

  “I like the sound of that. But I don’t want her to be disappointed. I did promise.”

  Hannah looked down at her daughter and knew there wouldn’t be any problem. “I guarantee she won’t care. She’s so tired she’ll fall asleep as soon as we get home.”

  Boomer requested they make one more stop before they headed back. Hannah sat in the car with Raya and waited while he ran into the department store. When he returned he was carrying a small bag. She had an idea what he might have purchased. Was he preparing for later tonight when they were alone? She sure hoped so.

  When they returned to the apartment Boomer made a phone call as Hannah packed a small bag and ushered Raya to Mrs. Romig’s apartment. Of course there were the suggestive looks from the old woman but Hannah didn’t care. It was none of her business what she and Ben did tonight. As long as Raya was safe and you couldn’t get much safer than inside Mrs. Romig’s apartment. She had a reinforced door installed with three deadbolts.

  When Hannah returned to her apartment Boomer was just hanging up the phone.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. I hope this place isn’t too fancy. I only have jeans with me.”

  She didn’t like the way he was looking. Something was wrong. “It’s not fancy at all, just very romantic.”

  “Good. Ready to go?”

  “Whenever you are.”

  The ride to the restaurant was quiet. When they were seated he stared at the candle flickering on the table. Trouble brewed behind his eyes, she could see it, sense it and it made her nervous.

  “Come on, Ben, spill. What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself since you made that phone call.”

  “I’m sorry. I called W&S and talked with Walt. It sounds like they have some trouble but he wouldn’t tell me what it was. I guess I feel kind of left out.”

  She rea
ched across the table and took his hand in hers. “I bet they just want you to relax and recover. You can’t do that if you’re worrying about business.”

  “You’re probably right. They are family and sometimes family worries too much.”

  “See. You made your own point. Now relax and enjoy the atmosphere.”

  They ate, they joked, they shared personal feelings and experiences and they gazed at each other in the candlelight. When dinner was over they left hand in hand and feeling like they’d know each other forever.

  At her apartment they turned on some music, lowered the lights and danced. Slow, seductive music set the mood as he held her tightly against his body and swayed. The smooth, whimsical sound of a saxophone swirled around them and between them drawing their bodies closer together.

  She could feel his heartbeat against his rib cage and was soon lost in the warmth and safety of his arms. She pressed her cheek against his, parted her lips and let her warm, moist breath flow across his ear. In return he moved his hands from her hips around her back and rested them at the top of her ass. She responded by lightly running her hands up and down his broad back.

  He groaned, slightly turned his head and began plying kisses to her cheek. Hungry for more she turned her head until their lips met. She lost her breath when he covered her mouth with his and devoured her. Weak knees and limp legs allowed her body to fall even closer to his if it was possible.

  His kisses grew deeper more intense. His hands slid further down over her ass and squeezed then pulled her hips toward his groin. She gasped at the initial roughness then melted inside. Her own hands grew desperate for flesh. The harder and faster her heart beat, the hotter her blood became.

  She wanted, needed to feel every inch of him. She pulled his shirt from his jeans and slid her hands up his bare back. His rock-hard muscles quivered under her fingers urging her to continue. She raked the tips of her fingers around his rib cage and then up his chest. The contrast between soft skin and hard-as-stone muscle was intoxicating.

  Unable to stop herself she rubbed her thumb over his nipple and jumped when he bit down on her lip in response. There was no pain just electricity coursing through her body. Every nerve ending tingled making her own flesh that much more sensitive.

  He pulled away from her and rested his forehead against hers. “If you don’t want this to happen we have to stop now. Part of me knows you aren’t ready but the rest of me doesn’t care.”

  The way his thick, deep, husky voice vibrated through her only served to fan the flames of desire. If he thought he was walking away now he was out of his mind.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered. “I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want this.”

  Forcefully he crushed his lips to hers at the same time he grasped the bottom of her sweater and jerked it up. As it reached her neck he pulled away, yanked it over her head and off her arms and tossed it aside. Once again he took her mouth with so much power she tipped backward.

  “Be sure about this, Hannah. I don’t make love to just anyone. It’s been a while and I’m not sure I can be gentle,” he said pulling away and looking deep into her eyes.

  Touched by his admission she paused for a second. “It’s been years since I’ve made love, Ben. Since Raya actually. I guess I’ve been waiting for you.” The words came so easily it surprised her. Where they came from she didn’t know but she felt deep in her heart they were the truth.

  When he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw a wave of panic crashed over her. She had just said the wrong thing and scared him away, blown her chance with a real man. God, she was so stupid.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Then I’ll be slow and gentle. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

  He wasn’t scared. He was reining himself in for her. Just when she thought she’d seen everything he had to give, he gave more. She hoped he had one last surprise for her.

  He began unbuttoning his shirt, never taking his piercing, hungry gaze from hers. When he finished with the last button she reached out and helped him slide it down his arms, letting it drop to the floor. Next he reached behind her and unhooked her bra.

  Surprisingly she wasn’t embarrassed or self-conscious at all. Deep inside she knew it was right. And when the lacy material slipped away from her breasts and down her arms she prepared for his reaction. What he did stunned her. His gaze shifted down and took in her nakedness as his hand took her bra, wrapped his fingers in it and then caressed her cheek with the silky material. The act was so sensual she moaned aloud.

  He pulled her against him breast to chest. The feeling was breathtaking, soft mounds pressed against warm iron. Slick, hot juices pooled between her legs. She couldn’t wait much longer. Her fingers fumbled with her belt. Her body was so racked with need she couldn’t manage the simple act of pulling it free.

  Boomer reached down with one hand and released it, then proceeded to unsnap her jeans and lower her zipper. The brush of his knuckles against her skin sent shock waves through her. They weren’t even naked yet and she was on the verge of orgasm.

  The tightness inside her grew when he lowered her pants over her hips and knelt in front of her dragging them to her ankles. After he removed her shoes and socks she stepped out of the legs and waited for him to stand but he didn’t. Instead he ran his hands from her calves up her thighs, brushing past her aching mound, across her tummy and around the sides of her breasts. He never touched those areas that begged to be touched but skirted around them.

  “You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” she panted.

  “No, babe, I’m going to please you.”

  Her brain spun inside her head. His voice was deep, his breath flowing across her tummy warm as his hands tortured her flesh. When his fingertips traced the edge of her black lace panties she nearly exploded.

  “You’re so beautiful, Hannah. Miles of satin skin.” He kissed her right thigh. “Legs that won’t quit.” Then he kissed her left thigh.

  The world disappeared around her. Her skin burned, sweat seeped from her pores and her own sexual juices began trickling down the inside of her legs. She swayed back and forth unsure she’d be able to stand much longer.

  Sensing her weakness he cupped her ass cheeks and allowed her legs to rest against his arms. At the same time he blew warm breath over her swollen, aching mound. She whimpered and reached out to brace herself on his shoulders.

  “Ben, I can’t wait.”

  “We have all night and I intend to use it.”

  Quickly he rose, turned her and dropped her on the couch. She was relieved to be sitting. Standing was becoming impossible. Little did she know that even sitting wasn’t going to be easy.

  Starting at her knees he slid his tongue across her goose-pimpled skin up over her thigh and stopped short of hitting the target. Slipping his fingers down between her panties and hips he pulled with force, ripping them away. The cool air clashing with her hot core forced a groan from her lips. His fingers slid through her juices smeared on the inside of her thighs.

  A low rumble from deep in his chest shook the room. His hands gripped her legs firmly and pulled her butt to the edge of the couch and then spread her knees. Settling himself between her legs, he leaned forward and then stopped. She opened her eyes to find a slow, lazy smile spread across his lips.

  “What?” she asked desperately.

  “You’ll have to tell me how you get that little landing strip so perfect.”

  Frustrated she dropped her head back and hissed between her teeth. Frustration quickly melted away when his tongue slipped between her outer lips and made contact with her plump, sensitive nub. She gripped the couch cushion, digging her fingers in deep as sensations she never experienced before slammed her body.

  Each swipe of his tongue drove her closer to the edge but when his thick finger delved deep inside and he suckled her nub, bright white light flashed in her eyes. Her inner muscles tightened around his finger and then released with such force she screamed, bucking
her hips toward him and forcing herself against his mouth.

  Her mind ceased functioning as wave after pleasurable, orgasmic wave rocked her body. She could feel her body clenching around his finger trying to drag him in deeper. After what seemed like minutes her orgasm subsided and the fragments of her body began to piece back together. Soon her brain began functioning once again and she realized Boomer’s head was lying on her stomach.

  His breathing was quick and short, his cropped brown hair wet with sweat. Gently she pushed him up, looked into his eyes and knew he was battling his own need. She pushed him back further, unfastened his jeans and slid them over his hips.

  “Are you sure?” His voice was barely audible.

  “Oh yes,” she replied reaching down inside his boxers. “Oh yes.” His long, thick, steel-hard erection filled her hand. To her surprise her walls tightened again. “Take me, Ben. Take me now.”

  He reached into his pocket, pulled out a square packet and ripped it open with his teeth. She took it from him and removed the condom as he slipped from his jeans and boxers. Hannah gasped as his large cock sprang free and jutted forward. Would she be able to take him? The question didn’t linger long. Her growing ache for all of him overrode any doubts.

  She rolled the condom down his erection and was yanked to her feet, turned around and thrust forward. She spread her legs, looked over her shoulder and bit down on her lip. When he pressed his head against her opening she held her breath.

  “Relax, babe. We’ll start slowly. If it hurts I’ll stop.”

  She nodded her head and gripped the back of the couch. He stretched her wide as he slid in and then stopped. She moaned her protest and pressed her ass back against him. Taking his cue he continued forward. She’d never felt so full before. It was amazing she could stretch far enough to take his girth.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Better than okay.”

  He pulled out slowly and filled her again. His slow, steady pace drove her to a peak so high she couldn’t breathe or think, only feel. When he stopped, pulling completely out she thought she might cry. His absence inside her was devastating. She stood, turned and pushed him to the couch.


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