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Boomer's Fall

Page 25

by Robin Leigh Miller

  Parker cried out in pain but didn’t go down. He thrust the knife out into empty air. Boomer reached up, wrapped his hand around Parker’s wrist and squeezed with bone-crushing pressure. The knife clanked to the floor. Boomer used his free hand and pushed it away.

  He spared a glance across the room. Two men lay side by side unconscious. Sam was struggling to keep herself conscious at the same time as trying to clear the stairway for the frightened children to escape. Kong and Ricochet were still fighting with the remaining terrorists. Both men were slowed by the gas lingering in the room.

  Boomer himself was not at the top of his game. The time he spent trying to assess the situation allowed Parker to retrieve another weapon. Boomer felt the cold steel of a pistol press against the side of his head. The cock of the hammer sent ice through his veins. He didn’t have time to reflect on his life or allow those flashes of past events to invade his mind.

  He knew there was only a fraction of a second for him to act. Still gripping Parker’s wrist he jerked the man’s arm down, simultaneously standing up. The gun fired. Parker’s body jerked hard to the side. A burning pain sliced across Boomer’s upper thigh. Numb with anger and hate he felt it for only a second.

  Profanity filled the room. It took a moment for him to realize it was Hannah calling Parker every foul curse word she could think of, at the same time holding the knife he’d taken from Parker to his throat. Spittle sprayed across Parker’s face as she accounted for his every sin.

  “You don’t deserve to live. You would kill your own child and for what, so you can die and be an important man. I’ve got news for you. No one remembers the suicide killers. No one! You think your name will live on, that you’ll be remembered by people who are only using you to do what they are too afraid to do themselves. You’re just a tool to them. Nothing more. After you’re dead they forget all about you. Maybe have a good laugh at the damn stupid son of a bitch who they conned into dying for more killers. You’re a bigger fool than I gave you credit for and don’t deserve to breathe the same air your daughter does.”

  Boomer struggled not to fall over as he listened to her. His heart flipped in his chest, giving a tight breath-taking squeeze and then released. As it did his body filled with pride, warmth, contentment and love. Amid all the turmoil and violence, the fear, panic and pain, he realized he loved her.

  This woman who lived her life the way she saw fit and didn’t apologize for it, who raised a deaf child on her own and provided for her the best she could, was what he’d been waiting for all his life. Her grit and tough exterior, yet tender and humorous side was what he needed to balance himself. Balance was what he was beginning to feel inside his soul and by God he wasn’t going to lose it.

  “I don’t have a kid,” Parker bellowed as his hand struck out at Hannah. “I only live for Allah.”

  Boomer caught Parker’s hand before it landed on Hannah’s already bruised and battered face. “You got that right,” he growled. “Someone like you doesn’t deserve anything so special.” He jerked Parker’s hand down and around his back, twisting and pressing it against his spine.

  Parker countered turning into the movement and striking out with his free hand, catching Boomer with a hard hook. Boomer stumbled back, his eyesight blurry from the pain blooming in his face. Parker pulled yet another gun from his waistband and pointed it in Boomer’s face.

  Hannah’s own growling now filled the room. Boomer watched as her hand holding the knife rose in the air and dived deep into the back of Parker’s neck, piercing right through to the front of his throat. The man’s eyes went vacant and dilated. Blood pulsed through the opening, spilling down the front of his shirt. The gun dropped from his hand, then his arm lowered, his knees buckled, and he finally fell face first into a pool of his own blood.

  Hannah pressed her red-stained hands to her face, sobbing and shaking. Boomer took a step toward her wanting to do nothing more than hold her close. She stepped back, shook her head and looked at him with pain in her eyes.

  “Hannah,” he whispered.

  “No. Raya, where’s Raya?”

  She turned and ran toward the crowd of children filing down the now cleared stairs. He followed knowing she was in shock and afraid she would collapse. As he approached the group of sobbing children Ricochet stepped in front of him, blocking his path.

  “Let her be for now, buddy.”

  “I can’t,” he said sidestepping his longtime friend.

  Kong positioned himself next to Ricochet and held his hand up, halting Boomer’s movements. “Let her be with her daughter right now. She needs that. She needs to see she’s okay.”

  Boomer stared into Kong’s eyes. He was right. They needed each other. He nodded his head and turned away. He looked around the room. Two men lay bound side by side on the floor. The third lay where he had fallen to his death. Their weapons were piled on the floor.

  Then he looked over at Parker. He walked with slow, tired legs toward the body and knelt down beside him. The blood had stopped pouring from the wound and now trickled out. No more fear for Hannah and Raya he thought to himself, not from this man.

  He thought he fought for a righteous cause but had died for nothing. In the end, even if he had accomplished his goal, nothing would have been gained. Many innocent lives would have been lost, war would continue on a much grander scale and those he fought to free would still be imprisoned. The American people would have risen, as they always do, and demanded action be taken. Unity among the people would reign supreme. They would band together, pouring support to the families and then eventually look to lay blame. Someone would take the fall because it is the way humans operate.

  No one would know the struggle that took place over the last week. The many people involved in tracking and capturing the terrorists would not be known. Within months the whole incident would be pushed to the back of everyone’s mind. People would be sorry it had happened but grateful it didn’t happen to them.

  Boomer sighed long and heavily. Sam’s voice broke through his deep thoughts.

  “Any more up there?” she asked.

  “Negative. Just us.” Kong responded. “Come on Boomer. Feds don’t want us around when the media shows up.”

  He rose from the floor took one last look at the man who caused so much pain, yet was partially responsible for bringing such a wonderful life into this world.

  “Such a waste,” he muttered and then turned and left.

  When they walked outside the children were still huddled together. Sam was trying her best to console them until their parents arrived. Off and away from the rest, Hannah sat on the cold ground with Raya on her lap, her tiny head pressed to Hannah’s breast and rocking back and forth.

  Tears streamed through the blood on Hannah’s face leaving stark, white trails. Raya clung to her mother, her tiny knuckles white from her grip. Boomer slowly made his way to them and knelt down. He smoothed his sore, bruised hand over Raya’s hair. Hannah closed her eyes tightly and cried harder.

  “He’s gone, Hannah. No more running from him. No more fear,” he whispered.

  She nodded her head in understanding and squeezed her daughter tighter.

  “If you need me…”

  “We only need each other,” she snapped pulling away from his outstretched hand and burying her face in Raya’s hair.

  His heart shattered into pieces, scattering throughout his body and settling in the pit of his stomach. He took a step back.

  “Hannah, please.”

  “No. Go away. It’s not my fault. I didn’t know,” she screamed.

  “I know that,” he said in a calm, quiet voice.

  “You turned your back on us, on me. Leave me alone,” her voice escalated, echoing through the trees they sat under.

  Her words were like a blow to the face, stinging as they struck. The truth hurt. He stepped further away, his soul crumbling.

  “Come on, man,” Ricochet said pulling him by the arm. “She needs time.”

eah, time,” he repeated as Rico led him away.

  “You’re bleedin’ again. We need to get you checked out.” Ricochet was looking him up and down.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Un-hunh and I could hide bare ass naked in a snow bank and not be found. Come on, there’s a medic over here not doin’ nothin’.”

  Boomer allowed Rico to pull him toward the paramedic as he looked over his shoulder at Hannah. Sam was sitting with her now, letting her cry on her shoulder. His arms ached but not from wounds he sustained during the fight, from the need to hold her. Maybe Rico was right, he thought to himself, give her some time to process what they’d been through and then maybe she would talk with him.

  * * * * *

  He’s hurting so much. Sam whispered to her guide. I wish there was something I could do for him. Three weeks had passed since they had stopped the terrorist threat against the school for the deaf. Since then Boomer had been walking around in a depressed daze.

  It is hard to watch one you love suffer.

  Can’t I do something to move this along? I mean, they are meant to be together aren’t they? Her frustration with Hannah and Boomer was making her edgy. Even Kong was avoiding her lately.

  Interference may only cause more confusion.

  Sam groaned aloud. Why won’t his guide help him?

  We can only help those who are willing to listen. Reach down inside, Samantha, and offer experience in this matter but do not hinder the path that has been laid.

  Sam rolled those words around inside her head. She wanted to make sure she understood what she was being told to do before mucking things up any worse than they already were. She watched him out on the training field half-heartedly bellowing at the trainees. His shoulders were slumped where they had always been square. His walk was slow and lazy when it had always been quick and sure.

  She may not be able to bring them together but she might be able to help bring him to the one who could guide him. If that was all she could do then she would do it. He walked off the field staring at the ground as he moved. She veered off and intercepted his path.

  “Hey Boomer, got a minute?”

  “I always have time for you, Sam. What’s up?”

  “Walk with me okay?”


  They walked for a few moments before Sam couldn’t refrain from talking anymore. “How’s the bullet graze doing?”

  “Almost healed, same for the knife wound. Doctor wasn’t pleased with me.”

  “I don’t suppose he was. You heal quickly. Have you talked with your brother lately?”

  “I did last night. Jen says to tell you hello. She was surprised that to hear her old friend was a good friend of mine. She would like you to call her some time.”

  “I’ll do that. I didn’t realize how much I missed her until you brought her up. It would be nice to have a female friend again.” They walked some more, the late afternoon air chilled her hands and face. “And how’s Boomer doing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The body is healing but how’s the soul doing?” she asked softly.

  “I’m doing fine, Sam. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “But I do. I wish I could help you with this, Boomer, but it’s between the two of you.”

  “There isn’t anything to help with. She refuses to talk to me and frankly I don’t blame her. I threw her past in her face and I turned my back on her when she needed me most.”

  “No you didn’t. Sure the crack about the dancing was unnecessary but you were angry. When she needed you, you were there.” She stopped, turned and looked up at him. “She killed him to save your life, Boomer. Now I think I can understand how mixed up and confused she is with that. Taking a human life is hard enough but killing the father of your child is harder no matter what a bastard he was.”

  When he looked away, his eyes filled with sadness she took his hand in hers.

  “You’re hurting and it breaks my heart. I think I can do something to help you through this or at least help ease the heartache a little. They’re always with us, Boomer, all we have to do is open our hearts and listen. My guess is if you open your heart to your guide and talk with it, it will make the road ahead a little easier.”

  He blinked several times chasing away the tears that threatened to spill and then squeezed her hand.

  “I don’t know how.”

  “It isn’t as hard as it seems. When you go home tonight and it’s quiet, clear your mind, close your eyes and say a prayer asking to speak with your guide. Ask for it to speak loud and clear and then ask a question. Don’t expect too much at first, just allow what happens to happen and then thank them for it.”

  “Sounds simple enough.”

  “It is. Feel it in your heart, Boomer, feel it deep inside you and I promise you’ll receive.” She leaned forward and gave him a hard hug. “Let me know if you need any help. I’m always here for you.”

  “Thanks, Sam, I know you are. If you ever get sick of Kong you know where to find me.”

  Sam laughed. There was no chance of her getting sick of Kong, they were meant to be together just like she knew Boomer and Hannah were meant to be together. She knew she wasn’t supposed to interfere but she couldn’t help throwing out one last bit of advice.

  “Sometimes the fight is hard but the prize is worth it,” she said giving him a wink and then walking away.

  * * * * *

  As the sun went down Boomer sat in his living room. He was relaxed in his favorite chair with his feet kicked up. Clear your mind Sam had said, so he laid his head back, closed his eyes and focused on the emptiness inside him. When he felt his body relax and drift he asked a question.

  “Are you with me?” He listened hard but heard nothing but his own blood coursing through his veins. “Speak to me loud and clear please.” Again he listened but nothing happened.

  For an hour he sat in his chair, focusing and listening to nothing. Frustrated and feeling even lonelier than before he lowered his feet, leaned forward and sighed.

  “I don’t blame you. I don’t want to talk to me either.” Maybe he’d ask Sam what he had done wrong tomorrow. Tonight he just wanted to go to sleep and fall into that deep void that let him forget everything.

  As he settled into bed he thought about many things. His time with Hannah and Raya, how complete and happy he was then. The asinine way he’d attacked her about her past. The way he wouldn’t allow her to explain why she wanted him there at her apartment. He’d walked into something special and he’d blown it.

  He held her picture in his mind and focused on her lovely smile, the way her hair waved down around the edges of her face. The way his pulse quickened and his muscles quivered every time she touched him.

  Help me get her back, he thought to himself, show me how to win her heart again.

  He was at that in between state of sleep and consciousness. His body felt light as if it were floating above the bed. We’re meant to be together I feel it.

  She is waiting.

  He heard it, a breath of a whisper inside his head. It didn’t frighten him but spread warmth through his body.

  You’re here, he said keeping his body and mind relaxed.

  Of course I am here. I have always been here, Benjamin.

  This time it was louder. May I see you while we talk? He opened his eyes in the dark room and looked around. A very small, gold light flickered at the foot of his bed. Each time it pulsed it grew larger with a gold halo surrounding it. Within seconds the entire room was glowing.

  Boomer sat up, crossed his legs and took in the beautiful sight. I’ve seen you before.

  All see differently. Some see nothing. I am glad you have opened yourself to me.

  Sam showed me how. He was amazed at how soothing and soft the voice was. He couldn’t tell if it was female or male then decided it didn’t matter.

  She is a special friend with special gifts. Love is her biggest gift.

  Boomer sighed. Kong’s lucky
to have her.

  Luck is not what brought them together. Just as luck did not bring you to your happiness.

  You haven’t been paying attention, Boomer thought sadly inside his head. She doesn’t want me anymore.

  Do you believe that, Benjamin? The light moved closer to him. He didn’t feel actual heat from it but loving warmth. Your heart is heavy. You must lighten it.

  How am I supposed to do that?

  I cannot tell you that, Benjamin. You are born with free will and must make your own decisions. The ball of light floated around the room, up in the corner, down by the floor. I cannot tell you how to live, only be there to help you on your journey.

  Boomer rolled his eyes. He was getting a taste of what Sam went through all the time. So what you’re saying is you can tell me I screwed up but not how to fix it. By the way, would it have hurt for you to warn me before I was stabbed? That was an event I could have done without.

  So many questions. I pose you a question. Had you not been injured what would have happened after your mission? Not all paths are easy. Some are necessary.

  Boomer thought about that for a moment as the light danced around the room. If he understood it correctly he was meant to be stabbed because if he didn’t he would have returned home with Kong, Ricochet and Sam. Hannah would have been just another pretty woman who caught his eye. He wouldn’t have gotten to know her or Raya better and he wouldn’t have been there when Parker showed up the first time at her apartment.

  I sense an understanding.

  Boomer chuckled. It seemed his guide had a sense of humor and play. The ball of light danced around his head. He held out his hand to see if it would land. It floated just above his hand and then dimmed. He thought it was leaving when but as he looked into it he could see eyes. The most brilliant blue eyes he’d ever seen. There was happiness and laughter in them and most importantly, love.

  “Is this you?” he asked aloud. The eyes evaporated returning the ball of light back to its golden glow.

  My energy is waning as is yours. Look deep inside, Benjamin, you will find the answer you are looking for.


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