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Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel

Page 14

by Red Snapper

  All the henchmen in the room began to laugh profusely as I just look at his pathetic ass as he smiled like we were friends or something.

  I looked at my henchman who was standing next to me and he immediately started to punch this bastard in the face. As he did this, my eyes grew large with delight as he was beating this dude like a punching bag.

  After about two or three more strokes to his bloody face, I stopped him then I grabbed this bastard, pulling him up to my face, “Who the fuck is this dude anyway?”

  One of my Capo’s immediately answered, “He goes by the name of Leland Powers.” “He’s some local pig detective who thinks he’s some kind of big shot…a bad ass.”

  “Really…well bad ass…you got three minutes to tell me what you know about my daughter or I’ll make sure you don’t hold no more information from nobody ever again…YOU FEEL ME PLAYER?”

  He smiled showing his blood soaked teeth as he replied, “I’ll talk if you give me $250,000.” “I’ll sing you the Negro National Anthem for that kind of bread!”

  I immediately dropped his ass back in the chair and turn away from him with my back now facing him. I took two steps forward and then suddenly I turn around and stuck him on the side of his head, making him fall out of the chair on the floor. I took out my gun and immediately put it to his left temple, cocking it.

  “Look…things don’t look so good for you cuz…I think you better start talking before you end up in the Missouri River…I can’t believe you have the audacity to try and bribe me...WHERE’S MY DAUGHTER NIGGA?”

  He laid there silent, still refusing to give me my answer. I looked at my Capo and said, “Take him…cut his fuckin’ dick and balls off and stick it in his fuckin’ mouth then ice him anyway you wish.”

  Immediately two of my henchmen picked his trifling ass up and began to drag his ass out the room when instantly this bastard began to beg like a little bitch. As he was fighting and resisting he shouted out, “OKAY…okay…Don Laurie…please sir…I’ll tell you…I’LL TELL YOU…PLEASE…PLEASE DON’T KILL ME!’

  I signaled to them to put him back in the chair and slowly walked up to him, putting my ear next to lips, waiting for him to give me my answer.

  His breath blustered on my ear as he prepared to articulate the information that I so desired to heed. My first instinct would be as soon as he uttered her whereabouts I would immediately dispatch my men to go to that location and get her back. As he began to speak, out of his mouth came these words, “NO MONEY…NO GIRL…FUCK YOU!”

  When I heard this, I went totally berserk. I pulled out my revolver, cocked it, placing the barrel into his mouth, and shot it three times, bursting the back of his skull. He fell lifeless to the floor as the blood gusted out from the back of his head as well as his mouth and eyes. Blood splattered all over the place as my henchmen stood there watching. They had to realize why I was known as the “Ruthless One,” by the other crime families. If they didn’t know it, they knew it now after watching me annihilate this bastard like it wasn’t anything. This shit just came natural to me, especially when it involves someone close to me.

  The room was completely silent as we all just stared at him realizing that we still didn’t get the information needed to find my daughter. His eyes were open, staring into space with his mouth fixed as if he was grinning. It was weird because it was like he was glad he held out from telling me what I wanted to know as he took my daughter’s location to hell with him. After a few minutes, my Consigliere approached me and said, “Don Laurie…we have information about his girlfriend, a Ms. Carissa Edwards, I suggest you send someone to pay her a visit.” “Maybe she knows something.”

  I looked at him and responded, “Don’t send NO ONE…I want to see her MYSELF!”


  June 1988

  The Presidential Suite of the Grand Hotel

  Columbia, Missouri

  I was lying in the comfort of my bed when all of a sudden someone came knocking on my bedroom door. As I sat up in the bed, I could see the doorknob shaking as it took a few minutes for me to get my composure, but I finally did, I got out of bed, looking at the clock noticing the time was 3:00 AM. I strolled toward the door rubbing my eyes, as this thought came across my mind, “Shit…this better be good!” “I know I shouldn’t have drunk all that Cristal last night.” “My head is pounding!”

  Whoever was at my door was pounding profusely, which indicated that whoever was on the other side of the door really wanted to get in.

  “Who is it?”

  “Girl it’s me LaVette…let me come in!”

  After hearing LaVette’s voice I immediately opened the door to see what was going on. When the door opened, she was standing there, completely nude, wet, and shivering as she was looking at me as if she was in despite need. I immediately ushered her into my room, closing the door and locking it. I escorted her into the bathroom, quickly wrapping a beach toward around her cool and clammy body. After drying her off, I ushered her into my bed, putting her in and wrapping the sheets and blankets around her. I quickly strolled over to the bar and poured her a shot of cognac, quickly bringing it to her so she could drink it. After a few minutes, I laid it on her, “LaVette…what’s going on…what are you doing outside of your room this time of night and where are your clothes?”

  She stared at me as she began to explain, “Tangie…It was terrible!” “I was in my room sleeping when suddenly one of the bouncers came into my room, grabbed me, took me outside in the fuckin’ cold, and raped me!”

  I looked at her astonished as she told me her tale.

  “Which one did it…Roscoe needs to know about this shit!”

  As I was about to go out to get him, she immediately grabbed my arm, “Hey Tangie…wait…don’t do that just yet.”

  I turned and looked at her puzzled as I yelled at her, “WHY THE FUCK NOT…WHAT’S REALLY GOIN’ ON LAVETTE?”

  Her eyes began to tear up as she embraced me for a few minutes, then she looked at me answering my question.

  “Look girl…I guess it wasn’t really rape.” “You see…I’d been kind of leading him on…you know…toying with him and I guess I allowed this shit to get carried away.” “He ended up taken it from me.”

  “Why’d you do that?” “You know that you can’t play with men like that…especially a Black man!” “Was he wearing any protection?”

  “No…you know he wasn’t, but what if he gets me pregnant or gives me some type of disease?” “I’m twenty-three years old…I’m just not ready for a baby, especially with this dude!”

  “Well…what do you want me to do about this?”

  “Nothing…I just want to tell somebody and you’re my only friend in this whole world.” “I just want to see what happens.”

  After she said that, all I could do was agree with her decision.

  “Well you know LaVette…I’m here for you…whatever you choose to do okay?”

  She smiled as she embraced me once again, holding on to me tight. Suddenly she slowly started kissing me on my neck and lightly pressing her lip on me. I must admit it was feeling really good as I felt myself starting to respond to her touch. Before I let the situation escalate, further I stopped her.

  “You know LaVette…this really sounds like you’re just making this shit up to get in my bed to fuck me?”

  She looked at me with those bedroom light brown eyes, smiling slightly as she responded, “Look Tangie…this really happened to me, but I’m not going to lie…it’s true that I am in love with you and I want to make love to you.” “I have always wanted you since that first time in the dorm back at the boarding school.” “I just can’t get you out of my mind.”

  I always knew LaVette was attracted to me but LOVE, now that really astounded me. I looked at her smiling with the feeling of one being flattered that she felt this attraction for me and two feeling bad because my love for her was more sisterly and not so much sexual. Yeah I would play with her and even have sex with her but this love
thing had me twisted.

  “LaVette…I don’t know what to say…”

  She quickly interrupted me before I could finish my sentence, “Tangie…don’t say anything…just let me enjoy being in your arms for just a little while…please?”

  Before I could respond, she immediately began to rub my left thigh, making her way to my ass, cupping it gently and then grabbing it slightly.

  Her eyes were sending messages of want as I begin to let her into me. I realized she had been crying and I felt terrible about her experience with the bouncer.

  “I’m sorry, Tangie,” she said, “I'm so sorry that you don’t feel the way I do, but I'm your friend.” “I know that you wouldn’t hurt me and I wouldn’t want to hurt you either by adding this silly attraction to you to the situation.”

  “I’m sorry too LaVette. I’m shouldn't have said the things I said.” “I was just looking out for you.” “You must see that now, you can see I was worried about you getting hurt.” “I care about you and I just don’t want to see you hurt, I’m so sorry.”

  Suddenly I began to feel my own tears coming on as she continued to rub my thigh.

  “Sometimes I wish I was like you Tangie.” “You’re always so sure about the choices you make and you always charge forward, no doubts and no regrets.”

  I sat up in the bed as I responded, “Sometimes I doubt all of my decisions.” “Sometimes I think no one will ever want to love me. I'm twenty-four years old and I'm a whore, I’m okay with that, but what if I die a whore LaVette?” “This sex thing is all I know…what else is there for me?”

  “ I worry about these things.” “I worry that it’s too late to change now, that I just have to stick to the path I’m on.” “If I ever get serious with a man, I won't know what to do, besides sex…I won’t be able to make him happy.”

  “Oh fuck, what are we going to do, LaVette?”

  As the tears began to fall, the only thing she could do was put her arms around me. Since I flipped the script on her, I know she had no idea what to say. She’d never seen even a hint of my doubts before and I must admit it was good to illustrate my human side. After that, we just held each other and sobbed together for a while.

  LaVette looked up at me and said, “Sometimes I get so scared, I get so lonely. I’ve always envied your vigor, your ability to draw strength from an endless source.” “When I get scared Tangie, it’s just me, I’m all alone.” “Sometimes I can hardly get out of bed in the morning.” “But I do, I have to, there’s no choice, I look at your example and just have to keep on going.” “You are so solid…like a rock!” “Always so determined, I've admired that. I've envied that.”

  I could feel LaVette's cheek on my cheek. I could feel her chest heaving with her sobs. The scent of her perfume filled my nose. We were both feeling vulnerable, and we were both there for one another, confessing our secret fears that we had never told anyone before.

  I don't know how it began, but our lips met. They brushed together gently, delicately. It felt so tender and sweet, tentative and experimental. It felt right. I knew it felt right to her as well when I felt her tongue caress my lip. I opened my mouth slightly and let our tongues join sensuously.

  She began to speak, “Tangie…I”

  “Hush…It’s alright baby girl.” “We’re alright. We’ll be fine,” I said, cutting her off as I placed a finger over her lips. Although I had been here in this situation with LaVette before, tonight was totally different as I felt my heart racing. Although, in the past, I had always just toyed with LaVette about this with her, but doing this, right now made me not want to stop. I didn’t want to let her dwell about what was happening. I also didn’t want to bring my doubts into the light where they might grow. So I just went with it.

  She parted her lips and took my fingertip in her mouth. My temperature skyrocketed as I felt the cool wetness of her tongue and lips surround and caress my finger. She sucked my finger into her mouth, down to the first knuckle, sending shivers rushing out from my fingertip. When she took the second knuckle into her cool wet mouth, another round of shivers shot out chasing the first. I kissed her tenderly on the cheek, letting our cheeks brush together. She released my finger, and I felt her lips on my cheek as well, I felt her sweet kisses, and I heard her breath passing my ear. Her moist lips left a trail of kisses on my cheek as she moved towards my neck and ear. She nuzzled that sensitive part of my neck just under my ear, sending more shivers rocketing through my body. She set my heart to pounding when she took my earlobe in her mouth and nibbled it gently. I must admit, LaVette had done her homework, because she had me truly burning with desire for her.

  She was naked in my arms as I ran my hands over her soft caramel skin. I ran my fingertips gently up and down her back, up and down her side, running my nails softly over her tender flesh. I heard her moan quietly in my ear as her breath flow over my lobe.

  Her warm breath flowed over my skin, but it was right. With each passing moment, with each sensation heightening my arousal, I knew that this would be the ultimate expression of our friendship, of our love for one another. We were changing something intangible into something physical, transforming our devotion to one another into sensuality. The funny thing about all of this is that I couldn’t believe that I actually embraced this ideal. I wanted to feel her skin against my own, to feel her breasts caress my own, to feel the lightning that would come when her nipples brushed my own. I laid back on the bed and pulled her on top of me as I drank in the sight of her body, gorged my eyes on her small and petite form, from her medium breasts to her near perfect hips and the narrow waist between. She was a sexy woman and I was rapidly losing what little self-control I still had.

  LaVette closed the space between us while my hands were above my head. I felt her hands on my breasts and her lips on my neck. Her touches sent shivers running up and down my spine. She slipped her hands to my bare back, and drew me against her body. Finally, our breasts met, it seemed like sparks jumped between out erect nipples. With my hand under her chin, I lifted her face to mine and brought our lips together in a passionate kiss. Her lips felt soft and delicate against mine. Our tongues met for a moment and then continued their journey to explore one another's mouths. This shit was so passionate to me; I was so full of desire for her.

  When I kissed her she tasted like the cherry skin soap she had washed with before she came to my room, but it didn’t matter, it was LaVette, sweet, sensual, and passionate, and as I was now discovering, erotic and arousing as well. As we kissed, I ran my hands over as much of her body as I could reach, from the swell of her tight curvy ass and the curve of her hip all the way up to her sensual neck. I moved my head to her neck, licking from where her jaw meets her ear down to her collarbone. I kissed my way up her throat and chin and then kissed her all along her jaw line until I reached her ear. This shit drove me wild, so I could only imagine what it did for her as I used my lips and tongue to tickle her just under her ear, I left a moist path of kisses and licks around the back of her ear, finally ending at the top where I took her ear in my mouth, bending it, licking it, nibbling it. I ran my tongue along the curve of the inside of her ear until I finally reached the center where I delicately probed at the canal.

  My hands had a mind of their own, as they explored every part of her body. One hand moved inward from her hip and up her waist to her breasts. It was an amazing sensation to cup another woman’s breast in my hand. Her nipples were short and stubby, easy to take between my fingers and pinch and squeeze. My other hand wandered down her back, my nails pressed into her flesh. When it reached the base of her spine, my fingers slid down the crevice between her asses, down past her asshole to her pussy lips, which were now moist and slippery.

  As if my touching her punany was an indication, she suddenly shouted, “Girl…let me remove these sheets for you!”

  I thought to myself, “Let me press my whole naked body against you.” “Let me feel the heat of our skin touching from the tips of our toes all the way to o
ur breasts, to our lips!”

  When I finally felt her hand on my pussy, her fingers began exploring my lips, and I welcomed her touch, opening my legs in the hopes that she would explore me more intensely. I was rewarded by her finger entering me, maybe as far as the second knuckle. It was just enough to send shivers up my spine in anticipation of more to follow.

  After kissing her lightly on the lips, I turned to her and put my hands on her shoulders and kissed her again. She welcomed my kiss, opening her mouth to me and running her tongue along my lips. I ran my eyes over her naked body again, feasting my eyes upon the beauty of her nudity as I absorbed every detail of her physique from the tip of her shapely toes, up her ankles and over her muscular calves, to her soft and welcoming thighs, which were open just enough to let me glimpse her lips through a light covering of curly black hair. I continued exploring her with my eyes, up past the flaring of her hips to her narrow waist and sweet navel. I devoured the sight of the swell of her breasts, which retained their shape despite her now lying on her back. Finally, I reached her face. She was smiling at me, watching me as I looked at her, watching me as I lusted in her beauty.

  When I saw the smile on her face and the bliss in her eyes, I couldn’t help but to smile back at her as she reached out to me and put a hand behind my neck, drawing me to her, drawing me down to be kissed. Our lips met in a delicious celebration of sensuality. Our tongues entwined with one another and probed each other’s mouths. I let my hand move through her curly pubic hair and reach the very top of her slit, almost but not quite touching her clit. As I did so she let out a slight sensuous moan, opening her legs as I glided my fingers over the lips of her pussy.

  I took her finger in my mouth once again just as she had taken mine in hers before. I looked her deep in the eye, ensuring her that what was about to take place was alright. There was no doubt then, just heated desire. LaVette smiled as she began to speak, “Tangie…we’re friends, but right now…I don’t mind being your lover.”


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