Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel

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Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel Page 17

by Red Snapper


  He faced me with an angry expression on his face as he replied, “DAMN TANGIE…why are you making this so difficult?”

  He glanced at his men as he motioned for them to release Roscoe. When they released him, he immediately straightened his clothes and said, “Can I please speak with your daughter before she leaves?”

  Papa looked at me and then shook his head in the affirmative. Roscoe slowly walked over to me and stood directly in front of me. His eyes still watering from earlier as he spook to me, “Tangie…I guest this means goodbye...huh?”

  My tears began to flow as I replied, “I’m truly sorry that I was not straight with you about my family ties Roscoe.” “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  He smiled as he answered, “Tangie…I could never hate you…If I had to do it all over again…I would do it just the same way!”

  “Look Roscoe…I’ll come back to you…please just wait for me!” “Let me settle things with my family first…than I’ll be back here Okay!”

  As he began to answer, one of the henchmen grabbed his arm and began to pull him away from me. I heard him say as he walked away, “Tangie…just know that I love you no matter what…OKAY?”

  I broke down after I saw them dragging him out of the room. At that moment I felt as if I didn’t know if I would ever see him again. My Papa gazed at me as he motioned for me to go and get my belongings. I turned around and walked in the bedroom and began to pack my things as LaVette said, “So…what happens to me?” “What am I supposed to do now?”

  I looked at her and said, “What do you mean?” “You're going with us to my house…I’m not leaving you here alone!”

  She smiled as she ran out the room to gather her things. I stared at Carissa as she stood there gazing at me with her arms crossed. I noticed that she had been beaten pretty badly.

  “What happened to you?”

  She slowly strolled over toward me and began to help me fold my clothes as she answered, “You know what happened…this is the work of your Papa.” “You know he killed Leland don’t you?”

  I looked at her with a slight grin as I replied, “Really…Leland is dead huh?”

  She continued to fold my clothes as I traced a tear running from her left eye down her cheek.

  “I’m sorry…I knew you loved him…I just …”

  She immediately interrupted me as she replied, “Don’t worry about it…its all good.” “Look Tangie…I really think this is the right thing for you…you know going home is not such a bad thing is it?”

  I looked at her puzzled as I caught on that she was trying to convince me to go back.

  “So was this part of your deal to convince me to go back…is that it?” “You know…if I was an evil bitch…I wouldn’t go back, and your ass probably would die huh?”

  She looked at me with fear in her eyes as she replied, “He’s gonna kill me Tangie…please do this for me!” “I don’t wanna die!”

  I smiled as I put my clothes in my bag and replied, “Look Carissa…don’t you worry…if he kills you…it’ll be because of something YOU fucked up.” “I’m going back home because I don’t want my man getting hurt, so I’m doing this for him not you!”

  She looked at me as I picked up my bag and began to walk out of the bedroom. As I walked out of the room, one of the henchmen strolled slowly into the bedroom with Carissa and shut the door. As I walked over toward my Papa, who was standing there with his arms out, I heard screams coming from the bedroom. I slowly strolled over to him and we embraced each other as the sound of a gunshot rung out from the bedroom. Suddenly the henchman opened the door, putting his gun back into his holster as he strolled over toward my Papa. He nodded his head in the affirmative and we began to walk out the door. I knew that Carissa was no more, as I gazed up at my Papa and said, “Papa…please promise me that you won’t hurt nor do any harm to Roscoe!”

  He looked at me with a straight face as he replied, “Baby girl…you’re coming home now…I don’t care about him…so don’t worry about him okay?”

  When he said that, I knew that Roscoe was in danger. I cried as we walked down the hall toward the elevators. My heart was aching as I thought about what was taking place. I looked at LaVette as we stepped into the elevator. She had a concerned expression on her face as she said, “Tangie…are you alright?”

  I smiled slightly as I replied sarcastically, “Yep…everything is fine…I couldn’t be happier!”

  The elevator doors closed and we rode down to the lobby. As we walked out of the hotel to the limousine, I could sense that Roscoe was in danger. As the limousine pulled away and my Papa was standing outside the hotel, I stared out the rear window, watching, hoping, and wishing I could see Roscoe. As we passed his Fleetwood on the way out of the parking lot, my heart skipped a beat because I knew deep down in my soul that I had to find him. I knew deep down in my heart I had to make sure he was okay.

  My Papa standing there did not make me feel confident about the situation. This just made me feel that he had unfinished concerns and Roscoe was part of those unfinished matters at hand.

  I turned around and faced forward as tears emerged. My man was in deep trouble and I couldn’t do anything to prevent it. LaVette consoled me by taking my hand. She looked at me than embraced me as the limousine continued going back to Kansas City. I knew my love for Roscoe was real and I was determined to return back to him.

  Chapter 12 – Tangie

  June 1988

  The Laurie Mansion

  Olathe, Kansas

  The ride back to Kansas City was a long one. I didn’t realize that the ride took over three hours as we drove across the long empty highway. By the time we reached the Mansion, the sun was starting to set over the horizon. It was weird to see Laurie Mansion after being away for several years. I must say that I kinda miss our old house and the surrounding amenities associated with it. As we pulled up toward the front entrance, the first person I saw was my Grandmother standing there, looking elegant as always, as she stood there dressed as if she was going to the opera. She was always in opinion an extremely beautiful woman. Standing next to her was my Papa’s little plaything, Sonja, who I despised with a passion, standing there like she just won the Ms. Universe Contest. She always seemed like that kind of bitch that’s just a gold digger or something. My Grandmother seemed to be partial to her so I put up with her for the short time she’d been around. As soon as the limousine came to a complete stop, I opened the door. I didn’t wait for the driver to come around as I ran straight to my Grandmother and embraced her. I’ll never forget how it felt when she embraced me. I never felt so safe and secure in my life. I glanced at her face as she said, “Child…I am so sorry you had to experience this!”

  I looked at her and smiled as I replied, “Don’t be Big Momma…I learned a great deal out there in those streets.”

  She immediately focused her attention over toward LaVette as she said, “Well now…who is this pretty young lady?”

  LaVette quickly responded, “I’m LaVette…LaVette Reynolds.”

  When LaVette answered her, something strange happened. It seemed like Sonja was acting like she was a little jealous or something, because when LaVette answered Big Momma, she just sighed and rolled her eyes up in the air as if she had a problem with her. I stared at her until we made eye contact and I made sure she knew I didn’t approve of her little funky attitude that she was displaying. I think my Grandmother caught on to what was happening because she immediately stepped in front of me and said, “Now let’s just go inside and get you something to eat okay?”

  I smiled at my Grandmother as I slipped my hand on LaVette’s arm to guide her in the house with me. I glanced back at Sonja and noticed her frown as she began to walk in behind us. I couldn’t believe my eyes as we walked into the mansion, all the servants were standing there cheering as we walked in. I smiled a
s our butler stroll over to me and said, “Ms. Tangie, welcome home!”

  Grandma looked around as she said, “Tomorrow night…we’ll have the best party that money can buy!” She glance over to our butler and said, “Have the chef prepare for this right away…we’ll welcome them home in style!”

  My Grandmother looked at everyone as she motioned for them to return to work. She then smiled at me as she said, “Why don’t you take your friend up to your room and freshen up…I’ll see you down in the dining room for about an hour okay?”

  I nodded my head in the affirmative as we started to walk toward the stairs. As we were going toward the stairs, I saw Big Momma grabbing Sonja by the arm as she dragged her toward the parlor. She looked really angry as they both moved quickly into the parlor and closed the door. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. Maybe she saw how she was treating LaVette and wanted to get her in check. We finally made it to my bedroom and LaVette went straight into the bathroom, removed her clothes, and got into the shower. As I watched her going toward the Bath, she seemed a little distance. I wondered if she felt offended by Sonja’s rude attitude. I didn’t say anything to her, but if this continues, I will.


  As I stood in the shower allowing the water to jet over my entire body, I couldn’t get the thought out of my mine. I kept trying to find a way to tell her the truth. I kept playing it out in my mind over and over, as I kept coming up short or a clear solution. I just knew if I told her, she would hate me or even throw me out in the street. I wish I would have told her when it first happened, but I knew how she felt about him and I just hoped that maybe this would somehow get past this without any conflict. Now I’m pregnant and I know that he is the father.

  “What do I do,” I thought as I began to apply the body wash on my legs. If I am any type of friend, I must tell her the truth. As soon as that thought came to me, suddenly Tangie stepped into the shower. I was a little startled because I was not expecting her to join me. She looked at me with a serious expression as she began to kiss my neck. I move back slightly and she looked at me with a confused expression and said, “So…you don’t desire me?”

  I smiled slightly as I replied, “No…No Tangie I would never deny you…it’s just that I have a lot on my mind.” “Everything is changing so fast…I…really need to talk to you about something and I don’t know how to say it.”

  Tangie stared at me as she began to speak, “LaVette…I think I’m in love…wait…I KNOW I’m in love!” “I can’t believe I would ever be saying this about him but…I’m in love with Roscoe!”

  When she said that…I almost died! This did nothing but made my news most difficult to tell as she gazed at me with a smile full of love and excitement. How could I ruin her happiness with my outrageous news? How could I reveal to her that I was pregnant by her newfound love Roscoe? This shit just made my head spin as I tried to smile and act as if everything was copasetic. She looked at me and tried to kiss me again but I just turned my head facing away. I could tell she was upset and she said, “So…it’s like that huh?” “You wanted me for yourself?”

  I immediately replied, “No Tangie…that’s not it…I just..!”

  She immediately interrupted me, “At first I thought you would be happy for me, but I see you just don’t want me to be happy!”

  “Tangie…that’s not true…I want nothing but to see you happy…I just have to tell you something and I don’t know how to break this too you!”

  She gazed at me for a second then she replied, “Well…what is it LaVette?” “What is it that is pressing you so bad?”

  I looked at her as I tried to get out of the shower, but she immediately placed her arm up on the shower door, refusing me to pass as she said, “LaVette…what is it…why are you doing this to me?”

  I immediately turned around to face her, looking into her hazel eyes as I said, “Remember when I told that I was raped by one of the bouncer’s at Roscoe’s club.”

  She smiled and said, “Yeah girl…I remember…that night was one of the most satisfying experiences that we shared together, full of love and tenderness.” “Is this what this is all about?” “You think that I will never share that with you again?”

  As the tears began to roll down my face I replied, “No Tangie…that’s not what I’m afraid of…please listen to me.”

  She immediately stopped speaking as she waited for me to say what it was that was so intense. As I began to fix my lips to say the words that I didn’t want to reveal, I just blurted it out in one quick sentence.

  “Tangie…I wasn’t raped by one of the bouncers…I was having an affair with Roscoe…Roscoe is the father of my unborn child!”

  As I finished my sentence, she gave me one of the most bazaar expressions I have ever seen. She frowned as she replied, “WHAT…You’ve been sleeping with ROSCOE?” “HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON LAVETTE?”

  I looked down at the water watching it as it went down the drain and then I raised my head with my answer, “I guess we had been intimate for at least eight months.” “He was having problems with Fancie and he came to me to talk about it.” “One thing led to another and then the next thing I know we were in bed making love.” “The first time was right before he made us call girls.” “He had been drinking and he was really upset behind the way things were going with the strippers fighting all the time and he was really upset about them hating on us.” “He then began to tell me about how he really liked you but you always said that you would never be with him.” “Then…one day he came to me…I think it was after the problem with that Leland guy that you were now interested in him.” “Later…when I found out that you two were seeing each other…I quickly broke it off with him, because I didn’t want to get in the way.” “One thing I can say Tangie is this…he always wanted to be with you…he does really love you!”

  She gazed at me with disbelieve as she replied, “How in the fuck does he love me when he was fucking my best friend?” “Does he know…does he know that you’re carrying his child?”

  I looked at her as I replied in a low tone, “No…I never told him.” “When I saw you and him intimately together…I just backed off.” “I just didn’t want to get in the way!”

  After I spilled my guts, she slowly moved her arm down, allowing me to exit the shower. As I did, I turned around to express how sorry I was but when I saw he standing there, water hitting her head, running down her back. I could hear her crying, which was for me the first time that Tangie had ever broke down like that in front of me. I really felt bad as I wanted to go back into the shower and embrace her, but something told me to just leave her be as she was now crying profusely. I immediately went into the bedroom and dried myself off. As I finished getting dressed, she finally emerged from the bathroom, strolling over to the bed and sat down on the corner. She sat there still nude as she dried her legs. She looked up at me and said, “LaVette…come over here to me.”

  I was afraid as I slowly strolled over toward her. She motioned for me to sit down as I immediately sat next to her. I slowly turned my head to face her as she smiled at me with tears in her eyes. When I looked at her she said, “We’re sisters…friends…no matter what happens no one…especially a fuckin’ man is going to come between that!” “You understand me?”

  I shook my head in the affirmative as I tried to prevent my tears from running down my face. We embraced tightly as I could tell that she was sincere in her actions. I love Tangie and I would do anything for her. I just didn’t want to hold back something this intense from her.


  Damn…when LaVette told me about her secret affair with Roscoe, I was totally devastated. That shit hurt me to the fullest, because I wasn’t expecting these feelings I have for him to escalate and then to get this bombshell dropped on me was grueling. What’s funny about this whole dilemma is that, I don’t know if I was offended more about him playing both of us like two fools or was I more upset that LaVette was doing this shit and never
told me nothing. Deep down inside I know she didn’t mean any harm but she should have let me know something so I could have kept my distance. Now what am I going to do? I really do love this man and I need to see him to resolve this. I just hope my Papa doesn’t do anything drastic to him like beat his ass or murder him. I really need to get back to him. But how…how will I get back to Columbia?


  Sandra must have been more meticulous than usual when she put on her make-up that evening, because I knew she wanted to look perfect for me. But by the time, I finally rang the doorbell; her lipstick had worn off on the stubs of her cigarettes. It was obvious that Sandra had been nervously chain-smoking, as angry tears ruined her mascara. I gazed at her as I tried to make sense of what was going on with her as she opened the door for me and walked away, going straight to her private bar in the den. I strolled into the house puzzled as I closed the door. I walked into the den where she was standing facing the picture window that looked directly into her large back yard. I slowly strolled over to her, lightly putting my hands on her shoulders, but she quickly jerk herself from me and stepped aside.

  “Are you gonna tell me what’s this attitude about,” I said as I stood there waiting for an answer.

  She immediately turned around, sipped her drink and slowly replied, “Why do men always act like they don’t know what the fuck is wrong with women?”

  I gazed at her dumbfounded as I tried to figure out what caused this rude treatment towards me.

  “Look Woman…I don’t know what you’re talking about…please tell what’s got you upset up like this?”

  As soon as I said this, she immediately picked up the newspaper from the bar and handled it to me. As I began to read the article that was on the front page, I read about the murder of a young woman in a hotel who was shot multiple times in the head. She was found in the Presidential suite of the Grand Hotel. Of course, I was familiar with this incident because I was the one who ordered the hit. I quickly looked at her and said, “What’s this got to do with you or me?”


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