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Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel

Page 26

by Red Snapper

  “What…just name it!”

  “LaVette you’ve always been a great friend to me. When you decided to have Vikki back in the day I had already decided a long time ago that I’d fund Vikki’s education to whatever school she wanted to attend, plus this would be a great opportunity for her to kind of keep watch over her step-sister…through thick and thin right?”

  LaVette looked at me as the tears began to run down her face as she responded, “Yeah…through thick and thin!” “You know she doesn’t know about her being her step-sister.” “I told her that her Papa was killed in an auto accident so…”

  “That’s fine…I’ll keep this secret until you’re ready to tell her.” “That’s my promise to you…okay?”

  “Thank you my true friend!” “You never cease to amaze me!”

  I quickly embraced her as Vikki strolled over and stood there watching with our food. I reach out my hand to her as she slowly walked over toward us. She put the tray on the coffee table as we all embraced and begin crying.

  After about ten minutes I broke away, grabbing Vikki’s hand and we strolled over to the couch to sit down. I looked at her, admiring her seductive beauty as I said, “Vikki…you’ll be attending Spelman in the fall. I just wanted to ask you to do something for me.”

  “Yes Ma’am…what is it that you wish for me to do?”

  “Well…you see…my daughter…Waynell will be attending Spelman College this fall and I just wanted to know since you’ll be attending there if you could kinda become friends with her and sort of watch her for me?”

  Vikki looked at me confused as she asked, “Sure…I’d be honored to meet your daughter and befriend her but you seem like you have more to say…is everything okay?”

  I looked at her; eyes watered, and said, “Waynell is my daughter but she was raised by another family.” “She was taken from me when she was a baby.” “Her guardians were family friends which my Papa arranged for them to raise her, so she doesn’t know who I am...yet.”

  Vikki looked at me puzzled as she replied, “That’s awful…why did your Papa do this to you?”

  “He did this because I was part of the streets.” “My Papa made this arrangement with this couple that they would agree to take care of my daughter until I could get on my feet.” “I was on the streets, hustling and my Papa was ashamed of that.” “Although I was out on that end…he loved me enough that he made this arrangement to have her placed in the hands of someone who he could trust to raise my daughter until I was ready to accept the responsibility of motherhood.” “By the time I got myself together, she was all grown up and now it’s time for her to attend college.” “My Papa was upset with me because of my being on the streets, but he still loved me.” “Just recently, I found out where she is and I’ve been watching her from afar, trying to find a way to let her know who I am.” “I really love my daughter, but I don’t want to interfere with her plans to finish school.” “When the time is right…I will reveal to her the truth.” “That’s why I need your help.” “I need you to get close to her, get to know her and then I’ll let you know when to bring her to me.” “Will you help me?”

  She smiled as she glanced at her mother then back at me, “Of course I’ll help you!” “I want you to get your daughter back!” “I know how truly a mother’s love can be for her child…just asks my mother.”

  I looked over to LaVette as I responded, “Yes…you have a loving and caring mother who loves you very much…if you only knew how great.”

  “Oh I do…that’s why I must help you!” “It’s the least I can do for the woman who saved my mother.” “Without you…I wouldn’t be here!”

  At that moment all I could do was try to keep the tears from forming as I embraced her. I knew that my plan was coming together and I was ready.


  Several weeks passed since my little Atlanta visit. My limousine was now pulling up to a corner house in the Northeast end of Kansas City on 7 and Quindaro. As the car came to a complete stop, I sat there…watching the house, waiting for her to come out. Finally after about ten minutes, there was a group coming up the street from the bus stop. I watched as the group of neighborhood kids strolled from the bus stop, joking and laughing profusely. Suddenly I saw her. She was so beautiful walking with someone I assumed was her close friend. She was carrying her books and laughing at the joke that her friend just told her. Her cold black silky hair was long, hanging down to her shoulders and she was wearing the cutest little outfit, consisted of a pair of designer jeans and nice little white blouse. Her make-up was flawless and her hair was immaculate. I knew she was excited about her upcoming high school graduation because that’s all I could hear her saying as her friends continued to stroll pass the house. Her fair skinned was silky smooth and her hazel eyes could mesmerize any boy who gazed upon them. She was truly a beautiful young lady and I was flabbergasted as I lay my eyes on my daughter for the first time since her birth. I couldn’t hold back my tears as I watched her walking toward the house. Suddenly the door opened and she was immediately greeted by the woman she called mother her whole life as they embraced and then strolled into the house. I put my head down as I quickly instructed my driver to drive away. As the limousine drove pass the house, I noticed the woman as she stood there watching the car pass. She was acting as if she knew who was in the car as she slowly walked into the house. As the car continued to roll down the road I could still see her standing in the window, watching as we turned the corner. I put my head down as I thought, “I need to talk to her…I need to let her know that I need to see my daughter.”

  Suddenly my cell phone began to ring. As it rang several times I just kept my mind on how I could see my daughter when after the fourth ring I finally answered.


  “Hello Ms. Laurie…this is the hospital calling…it doesn’t look good for your Papa.” “Please Ma’am…he’s been asking for you.” “Can you come?”

  I looked at my watch and noticed it was 4:30 PM as I replied, “Give me twenty minutes…I’ll be there!”

  “Yes Ma’am…I’ll tell him you’re coming!”


  I quickly hung up the phone as I gazed out the window, then I told the driver to make his way toward the hospital. As he turned the car around, I just looked out the window as I thought, “I’ll get my daughter back…even if it takes the rest of my life…I’ll get her back!”

  After about twenty minutes, we arrived at Olathe General Hospital. I didn’t wait for the chauffeur to come around and open the door. I just got out the car and ran into the emergency room. As soon as I walked into the waiting room my Papa’s Consigliere was waiting for me. He immediately walked over to me.

  “Ms. Tangie...he’s in pretty bad shape...when you’re ready, he wants to see you.” “He has something to tell you that only he himself wants to reveal to you.”

  “What could it be,” I thought as I looked up at him. He immediately said, “’re going to be the most powerful young woman in this country are you prepared to accept that?”

  I turned my back to him as I tried to comprehend his words, then suddenly Sonja came running into the waiting room. She stood there for a few minutes as she just gazed at me, not saying a word. I immediately turned back to the Consigliere and said, “I’m ready...whose taking me to him.”

  As we strolled toward the door, Sonja shouted out to me as she tried to step in front of us, “Tangie...remember I’m here for you okay!” “Remember...I’m your friend!”

  As soon as she stepped in our path, one of the henchmen grabbed her arms and restrained her, keeping her in the waiting room as she was fighting trying to get loose. She knew something and whatever it was she didn’t want my Papa to tell me.

  As we walked slowly into my Papa’s room, I knew that he was on his deathbed. The room reeked with the smell of death as the Consigliere stood back and allowed me to slowly stroll over to my Papa’s bed. I sat on the bed next to him as I looked down at
him. His body was frail and it was cool as I took his hand. I knew he didn’t have long as he opened his eyes and looked up at me. He tried to smile as he said in a low breath, “My daughter...I’m so glad you could come.”

  I smiled as I replied, “Oh’re tired just try to get some rest.”

  He immediately interrupted me, “No...Gasp...listen...there’s not much time...gasp...I want you to know...that I’m so sorry...gasp...for everything that I ever did to you!” “I’ve left...gasp...instructions with my Consigliere on everything...gasp...don’t worry.”

  “Daddy...what are you saying...why are you saying these things?”

  “You will be approached by the Costantino’s...gasp...after I’m gone!” “They’ll try to take control of our businesses, but...gasp...they’ll not be able...gasp COUCH!” “You’ll going to be the first take the cartel!” “Will this for me...COUCH!” “Will you be DON?”

  As the tears were now running down my cheeks I immediately answered, “Yes Papa...I’ll do whatever you want...please’re going to be alright!”

  “ have control as of now...I...gasp have passed it to you!” He waved his hand for the Consigliere to come to him as he said, “It’s done...see to it...gasp!” “I....COUCH...COUCH,” and just like that he was gone.

  The Consigliere looked up at me as he motioned for the nurse to come toward the bed. Sonja strolled in as I stood there looking at my now dead Papa. She slowly walked over to me and put her arms around me as I tried to comprehend the fact that I was now without him. She tried to escort me out of the room but I stopped her as I broke her embrace and walked up to my Papa’s bed. I looked at his lifeless body and closed his eyes. After a few minutes I turned at looked at my new Consigliere as I said, “I need to talk to you now!”

  He looked at me with a surprise expression as he smiled and said, “Yes Ma’am!”

  As we began to walk out of the room, Sonja stepped in front of me again.

  “What is it Sonja...what do you want?”

  “I just want you to know that I’m here for you...don’t you think I should be part of this?”

  I stopped and looked at her as I replied, “ Papa just died and all you care about is whether you’re getting paid...get this bitch away from me!”

  As soon as I said that, two henchmen quickly grabbed her as we continued to walk out of the hospital room.

  He directed me into a private waiting room and we sat down.

  I looked at him and said, “So what’s the chance that the Costantino’s are trying to take control of the Cartel?”

  “First they will attempt to take you out as Don!” “There has never in the history of the family had a woman in full control of the Cartel!” “If they can’t do that then they will try to get you to pay tribute to their family, but demanding that the cartel surrender a large amount of the Cartel controlled regions.”

  “What about Uncle Jesse...why can’t he take control of the Cartel?”

  “Your Uncle was assassinated two hours ago...when they found out that your Papa was on his death bed, they quickly went to Chicago and rubbed him out, so really it’s my belief that the Costantino’s were counting on you in taking control so they can overrun Cartel operations.” “They think because you’re a woman that you can’t rule or make sound decisions.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I’m loyal to this Cartel and this family...I believe that you are the ONLY one who can run this Cartel!” “I’m behind you 110 percent!”

  I stood up and began to pace the floor then I looked at him and said, “When is the reading of the will?” “Tonight if you like...his funeral arrangements have already been made we just need to proceed...!”

  “Who gets everything?” “If you sign these’ll have control of all Laurie assets worth a monetary value of over $50 billion dollars.” “Of course this has nothing to do with Cartel funds. Those are complete separate from your own money.”

  I looked at him as he handed me a pen and the papers. I looked at him and then at the papers as he said, “Please Lady Mistress...this is yours by need to do what’s right...sign please Ma’am.”

  I smiled as I signed all the papers. He looked at me and said, “Lady Mistress, there is one more matter that I must inform you about.”

  “What is it?”

  “Your daughter...Ms. Waynell.”

  “Yes...what about her?” “Is there something wrong is she alright?”

  “No Ma’am...she’s fine.” “Your Papa left her a little something for you to give to her at your own discretion...he had a trust fund for her for the amount of $250 million dollars that you will give to her at such time you sees fit.” “Her tuition was paid in full so you don’t have to worry about funding her education.”

  “Does she know this?” “Has her guardians been informed?”

  “No…they think that she was granted a scholarship from the college, they don’t know anything.”

  I smiled as I looked at him, “Well, let’s bury my Papa and then will take care of this Costantino business.”

  Chapter 20– Tangie

  August 2002

  Laurie Mansion

  Olathe, Kansas

  A week had passed since Papa’s death. I felt brave, full of hope when I left Laurie Mansion that morning to go to my Papa’s funeral, but by the time I reached the parlor, I felt weary and discouraged. I just couldn’t believe that my Papa was gone as I tried to cope with losing him. I loved him very much despite how he treated me over the years. I knew I had to get myself together if I was going to progress. The Cartel depended on my tough judgment and stalwart business savvy, so I had to get over his death and I had to do it now. The Costantino’s would be at the funeral so I knew I had to be tough in their presence.

  As the family limousines and flower cars pulled in front of the funeral parlor, LaVette glanced over to me and said, “Tangie…I know you’re a strong woman…but just remember a strong woman lets her tears flow.” “It’s okay to be strong but you must let yourself heal okay?”

  I glanced at her with a smile on my face as I replied, “You always know what to say at the right time, LaVette.” “That’s why I love you!”

  I quickly motioned for the driver to open the door of the limousine, put on my sunglasses and stepped out of the car. As I stepped out of the car, I was immediately greeted by several close business associates, members of the Creole Cartel, as well as members of the Costantino Crime Family. As they approached me, they all, one-by-one embraced me, each sliding an envelope containing large sums of money in it to me. It was always done this way because family always took care of family business this way. The Creole Cartel always made sure that they took care of their own, ensuring that our family was taken care of and I being the new Crime Boss I was the center of attention that day.

  As we went in and walked slowly to observe my Papa’s body, I noticed that the funeral director did an excellent job, making him look as if he was sleeping and I noticed that the atmosphere was peculiar. I just stood there for what seemed like an eternity before LaVette strolled up slowly and stood next to me. As she slowly put her hand on my left shoulder, she responded, “Tangie… as soon as we sit they will start okay?”

  I shook my head in the affirmative as I slowly turned my head, looking down at my Papa, speechless as I began to follow her back to our seat. I kept my sunglasses on as I sighed, sitting there gazing at my Papa’s corpse.

  As the funeral services went on, I did not say a word as I just observed our surroundings. I felt in my spirit that the Costantino’s would try something. Several people stood up and paid their respects, reminiscing on the many good times they had with Papa over the years of his life. After hearing this, I noticed that Don Costantino, the head of the Costantino Crime Family was sitting there watching me. I looked back at him as I signaled for my Consigliere to come to me. When he did I told him, “When can we set up a meeting with Do
n Costantino?” “We need to get this done ASAP!”

  “I will see when he is available...let me go make the arrangements.”

  “Tell him I would like to invite him to a little swaray at Guild Manor...see if the Don is interested in that?”


  “Tomorrow night works for me!” “See if he’s interested!”

  He smiled as he replied, “Sure...I’ll get on it right away Ma’am!”

  As my Consigliere walked away, I noticed that Don Costantino was staring at my legs. So I slowly crossed them ensuring he could see them as I put my tissue up to my nose. I could see him licking his lips as I pulled my dress up slightly allow my thighs to show. When I saw my Consigliere taking to his man and then he walked over to Don Costantino to talk to him. I saw him shaking his head agreeing to come to my party I knew I had a chance to stop them from taking the Cartel’s regions if I could get to him sexually.

  After the services, the funeral procession moved to the graveyard where Papa was to be put to rest. Don Costantino sent one of his Capos over to greet me.

  “Lady Mistress Laurie…Don Costantino would like it very much if he could attend your swaray on tomorrow evening.” “He would like to know what time you wish for him to make his presence to your establishment.”

  “Tell the Don I’d love to entertain him around 8:00 PM tomorrow evening.”

  “That would be fine…please Madam…I would go and inform him of your request.”

  As he walked away, I looked at my Consigliere and smiled. He nodded his head as he smiled back as we knew what we had to do.


  The next evening I was standing in my room staring at my reflection in the mirror as I began to think about this situation. I knew what I was about to offer was a long shot, but I had to try. I just couldn’t let everything that my Papa worked for be turned over to the Costantino Crime Family. I was determined to keep the Costantino Crime Family from trying to take control of the Creole Crime Cartel regions. I remembered the day I first came in contact with Don Costantino. He came to Laurie Mansion for business. I was around fourteen and I distinctively remembered his facial expressions were so demented with his icy blue eyes. I always thought he was a fuckin’ devil. Now I had to face him and I had to have a plan that would keep out assets in the hands of the Creole Crime Cartel. One thing I can say is I loathed him with every single cell in my body. I despised him totally because he treated our family like shit, always trying to overcharge us in any business venues we did together. It was time someone taught this bastard a lesson and since I was determine to lead the Cartel, I knew I was the one who had to teach it.


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