Lost Lands, Forgotten Realms
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Howard, Robert E., 98, 169
Hunza and Tibet, links between, 132–133
Hurricane Katrina, 74
disappearance of, 62–63
investigation to find, 67
legend of, 63–64
maps of, 64–65
other names for, 65–69
Terceira Island in the Azores as, 68
Hy-Brasil as extension of the Celtic Otherworld, 61
Hy-Breasal, see Hy-Brasil
Hyperborea and the ancient Greeks, 169–170
Hyperborea, location of, 170–173
appearance of, 172–173
gifts from, 172
Hyperboreans as predecessors of Guanches peoples, 173
Ibadism, 186
Icke, David, 96
Idylls of the King, 103–104
Ila and an underground realm, 247–248
Incan mythology and an underground country, 247
Indian legends of the dead and a subterranean world, 248
Ireland as location for the Fountain of Youth, 192
Irem and the Empty Quarter, 181
Irem, happenings in the city of, 181–182
Ireneaus of Lyons and John the Presbyter, 142
Irmin, 57
Irving, Washington, 112
Isla del Sol, 153
Isla Non-Trabada o Encubierta, La, 66
Islam, branch of, 186
Island O’Brasil, the, 68
Isle of Demons, 65
Isle of Mann, see Hy-Brasil
Isles of Scilly, 102
Israel as location of Eden, 36
Java as location of Eden, island of, 36
Jesuit missionaries in Oaxica, 246
John the Presbyter, 146
as carrier of Christianity to India, 142
Jonah, meaning of the name, 113
Jones, Reverend Morgan, 160
“Jones’s Ale,” 116
Jornada del Muerto, 150
Joseph of Aramethea, Avalon and, 44, 45
Journey to the Center of the Earth, 13, 204–205
Judaculla, 220–225
Judaculla rock, petroglyphs on the, 220–221
Judaculla’s Cave, 221–222
Ju-Kua, Chau, 145
Kalachakra, 130
Kalki, 131
Ker Ys, 104–105
and Gradlon, 108
Khadhulu in Irem, 183
Khmer civilization, ancient, 13
Khmer people, 156
Khylunglung Ngulkhak, mythical city of, 131
King David of India, Prester John and, 143
King Solomon’s Mines, 12, 237
King Solomon’s Mines, 238
“King’s Shilling,” 117
kingdoms, interest in vanished, 14
Knights of the Red Branch, 28
Krakatoa, destruction of, 74, 76
Kumari Kandam, 91–92
Lais de Marie de France, 47
Lake of Fire, The, 202
Lake Titicaca, 153
Land of Eternal Youth, the, see Tir-na-Nog
Land of Nod, the, 33, 190
Land’s End, 105
Lanval, 47–48
Lawhead, Stephen, 109
Le Plongeon, Augustus, 95
Le Poer Trench, William Francis Brinsley, 37–38
Ledbetter, Charles Webster, 134
legends, modern, 12–15
beginnings of, 92–94
occult interest in, 94–95
Lemuria and Blavatsky’s “third root race,” 97–98
Lemurs and Madagascar, 92
Leonaisse, see Lyonesse
Lewis and Clark, 164
Lewis, Francis, 164
Lif and Lifthraser, 56
Life of Appolonius of Tyana, 66
Life of Merill, The, 44
limestone, coastal phenomenon created by the, 246
Lisneakeabree, strange landmass at, 27
List of Kings of Lyonesse, the, 107
“locker,” concept of a, 113–114, 115
Lord Cowdray Mining Company, 213
“Lost Caves of the Golden Quills,” 213
Lost Continents, 98
Lost Horizon, 129, 136
visions of Shangri-La, 133
Lost World, The, 126
Lovecraft, H.P., 96
and sunken lands, 98
and the city of Irem, 179
and Christianity, 108
and the English Channel, 101
as Celtic Otherworld, 101
Lyonesse, 13
Arthurian legends and, 103–105
Breton connection with, 104
Gradlon and, 108–109
history of, 101
sinking of, 107
the fall of, 105–107
Lyonesse Trilogy, The, 109
Madeira, island of, 66–67
Madoc, evidence of, 164–167
Madoc in the Gulf of Mexico, 161
Mahout, Henri, 156
Malory, Sir Thomas, 44
“Manco Capac,” 247
Mandans, the, 164
Manuel I Comnensus, 139
Marco Polo and Abascia, 144
“Master Race,” 175
Mato Grosso region of Brazil, 126
Mato Grosso in the Brazilian rainforest, 156–157
Mayan and Incan civilizations and Atlantis, 84
McNally, D.R., 26
Melungeon people of the Cumberland Plateau, 159–160
Meropis as confused with Atlantis, 83
Mesopotamia as location of Eden, ancient, 34
mines, lost, 237
Minoan civilization as possible location for Atlantis, 86
Mirabilia Descripta, 147
Moctezuma II, 151
Moloch as enemy of Yahweh, 182
Moloch, principal god of Irem, 182–184
Mongol Empire, 146
Monterey Peninsula and stories of underground realms, 211–212
Morgan le Fay, 42, 43
Morgana le Fay, see Morgan le Fay
Mort le roi Artu, La, 44, 47
Mouhot, Henri, 13
Mount St. Michael, 105
Mu and the mythology of Lemuria, 95
Mu, legend of, 95
muqarribun, the, 180–181
Murieta, Joaquin, 212
Muses, Avalon as home of the, 48
Muslim threat in Crusader states, 143
Mustang, kingdom of, 132
mysticism among ancient peoples, 15
Nagas, the, 97
Nanga Parbat, meaning of, 136
Nantahala Gorge, 222
National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP), 176
nature, forces of, 74–75
Nazi regime, Shangri-La and the German, 135–137
Necronomicon, 179
Nesbit, Captain, 63
New Atlantis, A, 84
New World, explorers of the, 162–163
Nidhogg and Yggdrasil, 54
Noah’s Flood, 75
Noble Isle, the, 27
Nordic-Aryanism, 175
Norman Doomsday Book, 106
North Carolina
fireside tales, 250–253
woods, 218
Odin and Yggdrasil, 58
Odin, Norse god, 51–52
O’Flaherty, Roderick, 62
Oisin, the story of, 28
Origin of Continents and Oceans, The, 98
Otherworld, the
and ancient Egyptians, 24
and early Hebrews, 24
and Nordic peoples, 24
and Purgatory, 29
and the Celts, 25
and the Devil, 29
and the Greeks, 25
and the Muses, 25
in Celtic perception, 41
manifesting itself to mortals, 27
Otherworld, the,
abductions to, 28
encounters of, 26–27
function of, 25
Queen of, 28
time differential and, 29
Owen, Gutyen, 162
Pagan to Christian thinking, transition from, 58
Pangaea, 76
“Paradise Tree,” 57
Paradise, unattainable, 21
Parez de Grado, Hernan, 67
Parker, James, 220
Pendragon Cycle, 109
Peralta, Don Miguel, 239–241
Phantom of the Poles, 203
Phantom Ship, The, 119
Philippica, 83
Philosopher’s Stone and the Fountain of Youth, 192
Philostratus, Flavius, 42, 66
Picket, Albert, 166
Pico Blanco, silver mine of, 210–211
Pillars of Hercules, the, 171
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, The, 111, 118
Pishon and Gihon Rivers, 35
Pison River, see Pishon and Gihon Rivers
Plato, Atlantis and, 79, 80
Plato’s account of Atlantis, 81–82
Pliny the Elder, 170, 171, 173–174
Poe, Edgar Allen, 157
Ponce de Leon and the Fountain of Youth, 194–196
Portstewart Bay, large castle at, 26
Post-Vulgate cycle, 43, 44
Prester John
and King David of India, 143
and the Fountain of Youth, 192
as a Church leader in India, 142
as Nestorian king, 140
as political figure, 144
as Presbyter, 142–143
as the ruler of Shambhala, 145
Prester John,
letter from, 139, 144
proving and disproving the legend of, 146
skull of, 146–147
who was, 139–140
Prester John’s kingdom,
description of, 141–142
Ethiopia as location for, 146–147
Prose Lancelont, the, see Post-Vulgate Cycle, 43, 44
Prose Tristan, 107
Puhar, 92
Purgatory, Otherworld and the, 29
Pustara Raja, 74
Quesada, Gonzalo Jimenez de, 153
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 153
Ralph of Coggeshall, 227
Rambling Bald, 249
Ratatosk and Yggdrasil, 54
Rathlin Island storyteller, 64
Reavis, “Madman of the Superstition,” Elisha M., 243
Red Knight of the Red Lands, 103
Reed, William, 203
reptile race, ancient, 96, 97
Rhodes, John, 96
Rock, Joseph, 133
Roger of Wendover, 227
Rohl, David, 34
“Romance of Madoc, The,” 162
Rutherford Mountain Country, 127
“Sacred Tree of Uppsala, the,” 56
San Brandon, 66
Sanfotsi and Zabag, kingdoms of, 145
Santorini as possible location for Atlantis, 87
Schafer, Ernst, 135
Schliemann, Heinrich, 13
Scillonia Insula, 102
Scilly Isles, 14
Sclater, Philip, 92
Scott-Elliot, W., 97, 98
sea, image of what is on the other side of the, 9–10
Secret Doctrine, The, 85, 96, 175
Semitic folklore, Underworld and, 202
Seven Cities of Gold, 150, 152, 165
Seven Years in Tibet, 136
Sevier, John, 163
Shambhala, 130
meaning of the word, 132
Prester John as the ruler of, 145
Shang Shung, see Zhang Zhung
and the Ascended Master Activities, 134
and the German Nazi regime, 135–137
and Tibet and Buddhist folklore, 130
origins in Olmolunggring, 131
Shangri-La, 20
early writings of, 129–130
Shangri-La in Lost Horizon, visions of, 133
Sheol, 24
“Shepherd of the Hills, The,” 250
Shyamalan, M. Night, 127
Siculus, Diodorus, 171
Silverlocke, C.H., 240
sin, original, 33
Sir Richard and the Green Children, 229
Sky People, The, 38
Smith, Clark Ashton, 96
and sunken lands, 98
Smollet, Tobias, 112
Socratic Dialogues, 80
Sodom and Gomorrah, 182, 184
“Sombrero Mine, The,” 239–240
Song of Solomon, The, 32
Sons of Parthalon, 190
South America, exploring, 152–156
Spanish Empire, decline of the, 154–155
Spearfinger, 219–220
Spencer, Frederick, 94
Spirit Cave Man, 84
St. Brendan’s Island, see Hy-Brasil
“St. Brendan’s Isle,” 65
St. Felix of Burgundy, 106
St. Guenole, 108
St. Martin’s Land, 228
no religion in, 230
St. Mary-by-the-Wolfpits, 228
Straits of Sicily and Atlantis, 83
Sturluson, Snorri, 54
subterranean kingdoms, stories of, 201
subterranean world, Indian legends of the dead and a, 248
Sumerian civilization as location of Eden, 34–35
sunken lands, 75–77
supercontinent of prehistoric times, 76
Superstition Mountain, 238–239
Surtur, 55
Sveinson, Brynjofr, 53–54
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 103
Terceira Island in the Azores as Hy-Brasil, 68
Theopompus of Chios, 83
Theosophical Society, Madame Blavatsky and, 97
Thomas of Britain, 104
Thongor of Lemuria series, 98
Thor’s Oak, 57
Thousand and One Nights, The,, 182
Thrace as location of Hyperborea, 171
Thule, 170
as location of Hyperborea, 171–172
Thule Society, 176
fascination with, 14
the intriguing kingdom of, 125
Tibet and Buddhist folklore, Shangri-La and, 130
Tibetan Buddhism, 130, 132
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, 35
Timber Ridge, 250
time differential and the Otherworld, 29
Tir-na-Nog, 27, 29
Tobar, Pedro de, 153
Tolkein, J.R.R., 109
travel as hazardous undertaking, 10
travelers to unknown regions, 124
Travelers’ Tales, Old, 11, 12
traveling long distances, 11
Travels of Sir John Mandeville, The, 144
tree folklore, Germanic, 57
Tree of Conscience, 33
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, 51
Tree of Life, 33
tree worship, 56–57
Trevellyn, 106
as survivor of Lyonesse, 101
Tristan and Iseult, Arthurian tragedy of, 104
Tristan, legend of, 107
Troy, city of, 13
Tsul-Kalu, mythical Cherokee giant, 221
tsunami of December 26, 2004, Asian, 74
Turkey as location of Eden, modern, 35
Turkish kingdom in Tennessee and Alabama, 159
Ubar as frankincense route, 186
Ubar, trading city of, 184–185
Ulagu, 222–224
Uncle Al and the lost silver mine, 209–211
underground country, Incan mythology and an, 247
underground realm, Ila and an, 247–248
underground realms, 207
and Semitic folklore, 202
as a Paradise, 202
tales of the, 248
visions of the, 24–25
USS Shangri-La, 137
Vajrayana Buddhis
m, 130
Valhalla, 24–25
Valley of the Kings, the, 14
Van Slyke, D.O., 36–37
Vance, Jack, 109
Velho, Pedro, 67
Verde, Marcos, 67
Verne, Jules, 13, 204
Viking longship in a mine, 208
Viking raids on Lyonesse, 102–103
Vikings, underground, 208–209
“Village of the Underworld, the,” 246
Village, The, 127
Villasboas, Fernando de, 67
Vivian, 47
Vivienne, see Vivian
volcanic explosion, island civilization engulfed by, 76
von Hutton, Philipp, 154
von Sebottendorf, Rudolf, see Glauer, Alfred Rudolf
Voyage of St. Brendan the Abbot, The, 65
Wagener, Alfred, 76
Waltz, Jacob, see Walz, Jacob
Walz, Jacob, 240
and Superstition mines, 241
Wang Khan, 143
war between Atlantis and Lemuria, 134–135
Waters of Oblivion, 190
Wegener, Alfred, 98
Weis, Jacob, see Walz, Jacob
Weiser, Jacob, 241
Well of Hvergelmir, 53
Well of Mimir, 53
Well of Urd, 52
Welsh language, 162–163
Welsh-speaking Indians, 163
“When Jones’s Ale Is Newe,” 116
Whiteside Mountain, 219
William of Newburgh, 227
William of Rubruck, 143–144
Wizard of Oz, The, 21
Atlantis as inspiration for fantasy and science-fiction, 88
Lemuria as inspiration for science-fiction and horror, 96
Yellow Jacket, the giant, see Ulagu
and Norse mythology, 52
and Scandinavian mythology, 52
and Viking mythology, 51
alternative names for, 53
Christianity and, 58–59
legends of, 53–54
location of, 56
meaning of, 51–52
Nidhogg and, 54
protection of, 54–55
Ratatosk and, 54
realms of, 52–53
Z, 156
Zeno, Antonio, 65
Zeno Map, 65
Zhang Zhung, 130–131
About the Author
Dr. Bob Curran was born and raised in a remote area of County Down, Northern Ireland. He has held a variety of jobs including gravedigger, lorry driver, professional musician, journalist, teacher, and lecturer. His rural background has given him an interest in folklore and mythology, and he has written extensively on these subjects in both books and journals. His books include Vampires, Encyclopedia of the Undead, An Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology, Bloody Irish, Walking With the Green Man, and many others. Dr. Curran is also a historian and lecturers extensively on culture and history. In this capacity, he sits on a number of cultural advisory bodies in Ireland, both North and South, and has produced several academic papers on various topics of cultural interest. He currently lives in the North of Ireland with his wife and young family.