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Dirty Little Secrets: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 14

by Landish, Lauren

  I nodded, then rubbed my backside. “I’ll do my best, Kade. It’ll be easy though, I think. I do have one glorious reminder of why not to break the rules.”

  Kade laughed and took out his keys. I got out, smoothing the skirt I’d bought over my thighs. I was wearing simple flats, so with Kade in his suit, he practically towered over me. Or at least by a good three or four inches, which for a woman my height is towering.

  I was surprised at how open and airy Kade’s offices were. I’d been to Derek’s office before, and it was what you’d expect from a high-end law firm, with lots of oak shelves, somber looking clothing, and things that screamed money. Kade’s offices, on the other hand, were bright and welcoming, with a lot of bright neutrals and open designs that were full of youthful confidence.

  I was surprised by the age of Kade’s legal secretary, Monica. It wasn’t that she was really old, but at forty-six, she’d been a legal secretary for longer than I’d been alive. “Hi, I’m Alix, Kade’s stepsister.” I greeted her, offering my hand. “I guess this is a bit of a surprise.”

  “Working with Kade, I have gotten used to surprising developments,” Monica said. She was well put together for her age, with nicely styled brown hair and glasses that kind of gave her the Sarah Palin look without the political overtones. “It’s nice to meet you. Kade does talk about you all the time.”

  “No I don’t,” Kade immediately interjected, blushing. I had to grin, it made him look so damn cute, and unfamiliar in that he wasn’t totally in control. “Just when Alix did something noteworthy.”

  “Which was just about once a month,” Monica retorted, grinning. “You have a talented stepbrother, Alix.”

  “I know,” I said, looking at Kade out of the side of my eyes and giving a smile that he knew had a lot more meaning than just my words to Monica. “He’s pretty amazing. But enough of making Kade embarrassed. Is there a place I can set up a little work area, and maybe a computer I could nab?”

  “We’ve got a spare laptop around here somewhere,” Monica said, getting out of her chair. Kade, after seeing that the two of us were okay, took his briefcase into his office, shutting the door behind him to focus on whatever his work was for the day. Monica watched him go, then looked at me and smiled. “It’s going to be much better with you around. You have no idea how difficult it is dealing with two men all the time. It’ll be nice to have some more female influence around here.”

  Monica led me to a closed door, which she opened to reveal a small break room area. “We don’t use it for much except the fridge,” she explained, “and the microwave sometimes. Kade has no problems with us eating at the desks or in the conference room if we want, we just don’t when clients are in the office. So most of the room has become a storage area.”

  She reached up on a storage shelf, which I could see was filled with all sorts of bric-a-brac. “Vince is a bit of a computer nerd, never throwing anything away if there’s a memory card or anything like that. Anyway, Kade sprung for upgrades to all of the office computers last year, so I’m sure his old one is still here. Hold on . . . here we are!”

  Monica handed me a laptop, along with a power cord. “The battery is for sure dead, so you’ll need to run off the cord for a while, but everything should still be setup to connect to the office systems. What are you using it for?”

  “Some research,” I replied, “then I have to get to cracking the books.”

  I showed her my book bag, which was full of the study guides Kade had bought for me the night before, causing Monica to grin. “Thinking of going back to school? Good for you. If you need any help, ask Vince, he’s still in law school so he’ll probably have the best outlook on how to do things. Any idea what you’re going to start with?”

  I nodded. “I was going to do one of the ACT practice tests, and see how that turns out. From there I guess I’ll see where I’m doing the worst and jump in on that.”

  The conference room was cozy, at least as cozy as you could get with a room that had a table designed for eight people to sit around. I plugged in the computer and turned it on. Monica left once she was sure I was all set up, closing the door behind her. I launched Google and started looking around at shopping sites, thinking what Rita might appreciate. I wanted to get her something for what she’d done for me. The problem was, I didn’t know a lot about her. I’d spent a total of maybe two hours with the woman in my entire life, with most of it talking about Kade. So what do you send someone in this sort of situation anyway? I wanted to thank her for her generosity in sharing what she knew about Kade, and in guiding me. But how to do that?

  I surfed around to a bunch of different sites for a while, but in each I kept drawing a blank. Finally, an hour into the morning, I sighed and took out my phone, dialing Rita’s number. She picked up after two rings, sounding chipper as ever. “Mornin’ Alix. How have you been?”

  “I’m great. I’m up here in Portland, and loving every second of it.”

  “Really?” Rita said with a big smile. “Just how loving?”

  “Let’s just say that my backside is a little sore.”

  “How many?” Rita asked, laughing.

  “Twenty-one,” I said. “Eleven right, ten left.”

  Rita sounded impressed. “I stand corrected. You’re stronger than I first thought.”

  “Well, if it wasn’t for you, I don’t know if I’d be in the place I am now. Kade and I both know that. Which is kind of why I called.”

  “You don’t need to do anything, it was my service to Kade,” Rita said. “Sometimes the greatest way to serve is to let him go.”

  I nodded, listening intently. “Rita, I’m going to ask you something very strange, but please answer me honestly.”

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “Well, if you could have any gift in the world, what would you want and why?”

  Rita thought for a moment, then spoke up. “I could use a new top of the line tower for my work,” she said after a moment.

  Not what I expected, but that was fine, I could add in something personal from me too. “Email me what you want. Kade’s in a giving mood.”

  “I’ll make sure to not ding his generosity too much. On that note, do you think there might be space for me to come up to visit any time soon? Hanging out with him last week was fun. And I do mean just hang out.”

  “I’ll ask him. In the meantime, thanks. I have to get to work myself,” I told her. “I’m going to try the whole college thing, see how it works out.”

  “You can do it,” Rita said. “I’ll send you some advice on that along with my computer specs. Thanks, Alix.”

  “Thank you, Rita. See you later.”

  Chapter 18


  I was surprised when I finished work, and I hadn’t seen Alix since lunch that day. Vince had left early to go to a bar exam study session, and I found Monica still at her desk, putting things into her purse for the end of the day. “Hey, Kade.”

  “Have you seen Alix?” I asked. “I haven’t seen her since lunch.”

  “She’s still at it in the conference room,” Monica told me, pointing. “She brought out an answer form and asked me to double check that she had scored it right just after two. I double checked her numbers for her, and since then she’s been quiet in there. The one time I checked on her, I brought her a cup of tea, but she barely acknowledged me other than to say thank you.”

  “How were her scores, anyway?” I asked curiously. “Just for a starting point.”

  “Better than I’d expect for someone who took three years off from school,” Monica replied. “I don’t know the questions, she just handed me the answer key and her test sheet, but she did pretty well.”

  “All right, thanks, Monica. Go ahead and take off, I’ll lock up and everything.”

  “Thanks, Kade. Is Alix going to be coming by more often?” she asked, shouldering her purse.

  I nodded. “As long as she wants to pursue this college dream, yes. I figure with the three of us arou
nd, she’ll have all the support she needs. And if she needs some tutoring or something, there’s one of those test prep academies just down the street.”

  Monica grinned and patted me on the shoulder. “Good job, Kade. You’re finally becoming what I always saw inside you.”


  She nodded. “You’ve always been a good attorney, but this . . . you’re becoming a good man, too. Good night.”

  I watched Monica go and shook my head in amazement. Even after working together for over two years, she still surprised me. “Dad was right,” I said to nobody in particular before going over to the conference room door. I knocked lightly and opened it to see Alix bent over a piece of paper, her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth as she worked. “Hey Alix, it’s after six.”

  She looked up, surprised. “What?”

  I laughed quietly and came inside. “I said, it’s after six. Time to put the books aside for the evening and get you some food, or if you want, we can go by my gym and introduce you to the hot tub.”

  Alix stood up, stretching her arms over her head, which did two remarkable things. First, at least to me, was the beautiful swells of her breasts being pushed against the now tight front of her blouse, which, despite two nights of passion, still was able to stir my libido like a horny teenager. Secondly, though, was the series of pops as her elbows, shoulders and back all crackled. “Oh wow,” she said, groaning as she twisted her neck from side to side, which was rewarded with two more deep crackles. “I lost all track of time.”

  “What are you working on?” I asked, looking at the open book. “Math. Jumping in the deep end right away, aren’t you?”

  “It was my weakest area,” Alix said, looking down at the workbook. “Even when I went back and looked at what I was screwing up in the science stuff, I’d have scored better if my math was stronger. So might as well get right to it.”

  “In any case, my little scholar, you’re just getting started. I think eight hours of study in one day is enough.”

  Alix chuckled, closed her book and put it in her backpack. When she went to put it on her shoulders, I shook my head and took it from her, unzipping it before taking the study materials and putting them on a bookshelf in the conference room. “I know you well enough, Alix. You’ll take these home and then after we relax you’ll pull one out and start studying again or something. You’re very single-minded in determination when you want to be.”

  “When I see something I want,” she replied, looking at me with clear intent in her eyes. Still, she followed the rule, and despite a palpable desire in her eyes to reach out toward me, she didn’t. It would have been so easy too, with the office all to ourselves, but I wasn’t ready for that yet. Let the rule become more unconscious to us first, and then see if we can put time and a geographical limit on our activity.

  “Still, for the rest of the night you need to focus on your body as much as you have your mind. So which would you like, the gym or food?”

  “The gym,” Alix immediately replied. “But first we need to go home and get some clothes, right? Oh damn, I don’t have a swim suit.”

  “They sell them there. Hell, you probably did the photo shoot for the company that makes the suits at some point.”

  Alix shrugged, dismissing it. “I may have, it’s not important now. That’s behind me.”

  “You sure?” I asked as we walked across the parking lot. “Why?”

  “I’ve found something more important to me,” Alix said simply, “being a model seems a bit . . . mundane.”

  We got into the car and closed the doors, her eyes flaring at the sound of the latch closing. “God, that was difficult.”

  “Alix, look at me,” I said, my hands resting on the steering wheel. When she didn’t, I turned to look her directly in the eyes. “Look at me, Princess.”

  She responded immediately, her eyes locking on me, blue and sparkling. “Yes, Kade.”

  I reached across the narrow gap between us to stroke her cheek with the back of my fingers, marveling at the soft texture. “I know that this is important to you, and it is to me too. But you can’t give up your entire career for me, or for anything. Walk away for a while maybe. But you can’t burn bridges or nuke your chances of a comeback in the future if you ever wanted.”

  I kicked myself as Alix’s eyes immediately teared up and her lip trembled. “Do you mean that someday you might . . . ?”

  She couldn’t even say it, and I didn’t need her to. I shook my head, smiling gently. “No, Princess. What I mean is, what if in four or five years, after you finish college, you get an offer that makes what I’m doing now look like small potatoes? That seven or eight figure contract you tried to pawn off on me, but for real? Or who knows, maybe Alix Nova can make Portland the new hotbed for models.”

  Alix laughed and cried at the same time, taking my fingers and kissing them before releasing them. “I love you, Kade.”

  “I love you too, Alix. Which is why I won’t let you hurt yourself for me, no matter what. We’ll work together to make sure we don’t limit each other’s choices or options,” I said. “We support each other.”

  She nodded. “Yes, my Lord.”

  I started up the car and drove off, heading toward home. “By the way, what did you decide to get Rita?”

  “I spoke with her,” Alix admitted, “and I was glad I did. She wants a new computer for whatever work she’s doing, and I was thinking maybe you could include something personal from the time you two spent together. You know, for a while she wanted to make things more permanent between you two.”

  “I know. And Rita is a good woman, but she’s not you. Alix, I think . . . no, I know now, that I’ve wanted you for years, and I think that stopped me from developing anything deeper with another woman. It’s more than want, Alix. You’re my Princess, because to me you are royalty. But I’ll think, and we can get something for Rita besides just the computer.”

  “Any ideas?”

  I stopped at a red light and thought for a second, before a wicked grin spread across my face. “Yeah. The designs for that bench and bar that we used last night. I bet she’s got quite a few subs she’d like to use that on.”

  * * *

  The eyes of every man in the gym nearly clicked when Alix stepped out of the locker room in her workout clothes. I could understand why, and I had spent most of the last three days with her constantly by my side, so I was at least partially immune to her beauty. But a woman like Alix, there was no way anyone could ever be totally impervious to her looks. Still, when she came out in her red shorts and white t-shirt, even I did a double take. “Wow,” I whispered as she came over. “Seriously, you’re going to either ruin or motivate the workouts of every man in this place.”

  “I don’t care about their workouts, only ours,” she said lightly. “Like the color scheme?”

  “Yeah, of course,” I said. “Why?”

  “It’s a certain rose,” she whispered, “I thought it appropriate for me.”

  I laughed and nodded. “Does that mean you’re doing your own thing?”

  “Yes, but not in that way,” she answered. “I’m going to get out there and do some stuff that I haven’t in a long time. Who cares if my arms get a half inch bigger or anything?”

  “Not me,” I said, pondering. I remembered what an athletic Alix looked like from her high school days, and I thought she was just as beautiful with the added size. “If you need help, you want me to spot?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not going that heavy. I need to remember how to move first, and I’ll take it easy. Yoga for a warm-up, then some light movements to get familiar again, and finish with a nice soak in the hot tub. What’s your plan?”

  I thought about it. Part of me wanted to take it easy, since it had been a week since I’d really been home and able to exercise the way I wanted. But, I also knew there was another voice inside me, the one that enjoyed inflicting pain, the sadist. It was the side that I keep under control when I’m with Ali
x, and the side that let me be a good boxer when I let it loose somewhat, but I knew someone I could turn it loose against that would never complain. “I’m going hard tonight, so I’ll probably meet you in the hot tub later. It’ll take me close to an hour though.”

  “That’s fine, I’ll be there,” Alix said, walking away. I watched for a moment before turning, and letting the dark side inside me out just a little bit. Adrenalin and power flooded my veins, and the barbell called. Time to go to work.

  Chapter 19


  The next day, after sleeping in for what was late for both of us, Kade prepared a sumptuous brunch of oat pancakes, maple cured bacon, and poached eggs with a green juice smoothie that left me relaxing on the living room sofa and happily patting my stomach. “You’re spoiling me again,” I sighed, sipping the rest of my smoothie. “Not that I mind.”

  “Didn’t think you would,” Kade said. “By the way, after talking to Dad and Layla, you want to go shopping again? Then this evening, I had an idea if you’re open to something a bit highbrow.”

  “What are we shopping for?” I asked, watching Kade out of the corner of my eye. The night before we hadn’t made love, but instead just slept peacefully, waking up spooned together and refreshed. “I’d love to go shopping, just curious.”

  “Well it won’t be for anything nearly as entertaining as last time,” Kade said. He finished off his drink and set it down. I immediately got up, taking the plates from the coffee table. “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Spoiling me is one thing, but I really want to help out around here too,” I said, looking down at him.

  He looked into my face for a moment then laughed, shaking his head. “Okay, but I’m not just going to sit around while you do everything. You did good last time so I can’t say no, but I don’t want to be some chauvinist cad either.”

  “Good,” I agreed happily. “So what are we shopping for?”


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