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A Life Less Ordinary

Page 26

by Scarlett Cross

  “Is okay, he is sleeping…baby is sleeping and will sleep through night…” She sat beside him, a little too close, and noted that he did not draw away as an innocent man might, so she changed tact immediately, playing on this. “I did not like way Aleksei treated you this morning when you tried to talk to him. It was most unfair.” She twisted her fingers in her waist-length white-blonde hair, which was done in tiny braids from which purple and black and silver beads dangled at the ends. The beads clicked together and finally Yuri looked at her, shocking her because he had tears on his cheeks. “Yuri…what has happened between you and…”

  Before she could finish the sentence, he was in her arms, whimpering like a lost puppy, burrowing his face between her breasts. “Did…he tell you about Crystal…my first girlfriend…from America?”

  “Nyet, I do not know anyone by that name. Do you wish to tell me about her?” Anya said, reaching over and giving the fold out berth seat a tug, so that it unfolded, stopping at their legs. She raised hers and he, after a moment, raised his, and the seat folded out into a bed that took up the entire berth. A sleeper car for two. Aleksei hadn’t chosen this berth accidentally, clearly he had hoped to smooth things over with Yuri. But it hadn’t happened.

  Anya crawled, mindful of the short black mini-dress she was wearing creeping up just enough to tease but not enough to show anything, and grabbed blankets from the overhead bin as well as a fabric-covered mattress pad. Those, she knew, were provided for people who did not like sleeping on leather, or in this case faux-leather, upholstery. Once it was spread out, she turned and noticed Yuri’s tears had stopped, his dark eyes were on her in a way that made even an experienced whore feel the color drain from her face. He was growling, she suddenly realized, and looked at the door, recognizing an instant too late that her hesitation was all it took. Yuri went from sitting by the window to pinning her on her back, straddling her hips in an instant, his hands locked around her throat, though he wasn’t choking her, not yet, anyway.

  “Yuri…you do not have to do this…” She said, realizing what he wanted now, it had been what he had wanted all along. Her, he wanted her in his bed, he wanted to have both of them, twins, all to himself. Unfortunately, that would never happen, but tonight…who was going to tell Oleg? Certainly no one on this train. She fake-struggled, lashing out at him, giving him a slap, her long red nails raking the skin on his face, but not leaving a mark. He growled and pulled the dress, which was strapless, down to reveal her breasts, which had become much fuller since she’d been nursing Ivan, and the baby drank milk like a champ when he was awake by day.

  Yuri pawed at them, squeezed them, and then licked away the milk his actions produced with a hoarse moan of longing. His hands were everywhere, sliding her dress up, his fingers caressing her mound as she was not wearing any undergarments, there was no room for them under the tight dress. He slid down deftly and buried his face, and Anya had to cover her mouth to keep from crying out. Oleg did not do oral sex, though he certainly expected her to do it for him every single time they’d had sex, which admittedly hadn’t been much. She was in her thirties, Oleg, his sixties. His mind wasn’t much on that sort of thing with his criminal empire to run, and perhaps he assumed after spending the early years of her life as a prostitute she wouldn’t want sex. But she did. She missed the human connection she’d built with some of her regulars.

  He had a very talented tongue, Yuri did, and it didn’t take long before she felt her release building. It had been weeks since she’d had an orgasm with a man. Years since it had been brought on by a man’s tongue. Sensing her impending explosion, he paused until she squirmed and whimpered, that was all he needed to hear, he licked her from bottom to top, the natural roughness of his tongue enough to send her spiraling into bliss, biting into the pillow provided for the occupants of the berth to keep from screaming, her back arching impossibly until only her head and feet were making contact with the bed.

  When she came down, he was on top of her, driving into her, his lips, wet with her own juices closing over hers. She wrapped her legs around his thighs and took him into her willingly, her purple eyes locked on his dark brown eyes, but only for an instant before he bent again to kiss her. The sex did not last long, not the first time, but by the time she crept off to the showers the following morning, she thought she must have been full of him right up to her neck. In all her years she had never met a man with such staying power. Through it all she had been able to talk to him, to come to understand that it had been his obsession with her that was tormenting him.

  Now, she thought, as she put a coin into the slot on the shower door, to explain things to Aleksei, as soon as she’d had the nap he promised while he looked after Ivan for her. Her knees were trembling so hard, as the train rocketed on into the deep mountains, heading for Romania that she could barely stand in the shower. She had to admit, she smiled to herself wickedly, that was probably the best fuck she’d ever had in her life. Now to figure out how to steal away with him a few more times once they were safely ensconced at their new place of residence. Wherever that might be.

  Chapter 74

  Once she had used the bucket, someone thrust a plastic box in her hand and she felt of it a moment before realizing it was wet wipes. Blushing, still not sure if they could see her or not, she plucked out a few and cleaned herself front and back ‘down there’ before tossing the cloths in the bucket. She had noticed it smelled like a port-a-potty and knew they had put an additive in it to keep the smell of her waste from choking all of them out of the room. This meant they wouldn’t be emptying it every day, which might, she thought, draw attention to them. Of course, she had no idea how big this subterranean bunker might be, since she’d only seen a dimly lit view this room before the lantern had died. Since then, she had seen nothing.

  When her cleaning was done, she held out the box but no one took it from her. Dismayed, she started to place it on the floor near the bucket, but calloused hands stopped her. The hands guided her to the flap that opened to dispense more wipes and a voice said, “Clean.” Now she understood. He wanted to be cleaned as well. In for a penny, she thought, then pulled out a wipe and found his currently soft but still impressive member. It did not stay soft, with her handling it and as soon as she was done the box was taken from her hands while a different pair of hands closed on her hips, so she knew the other man, the blonde, was still in the room. The dark haired man picked her up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist to keep from falling, so he let her settle, impaling her before walking over and dropping onto the bed, one arm supporting her weight, the other catching his own weight so that he didn’t crush her.

  Her back arched painfully when he pulled back and slammed in the first time. She wasn’t exactly wet and whatever lubricant he’d had on him from the wipe wasn’t really enough to ease his entry. Not that he seemed to mind. In fact, her pained response seemed to please him greatly, for he drew back and slammed into her again, this time startling a cry from her. This caused him to give a flurry of hard, fast, deep thrusts, each bringing a louder cry until she was nearly screaming. His mouth closed over hers and he absorbed the screams then, his tongue so far in her mouth it was nearly gagging her as it wrestled with her own.

  By the time he released, pulling out and letting his seed spill on her belly instead of inside of her, she was weak from the abuse, her woman-parts felt as if they’d been ridden by a razor-blade covered baseball bat. He disappeared from the bed, she felt his weight leave, and rolled onto her stomach in an attempt to soothe her aching abdomen. But her reprieve was short, for she felt the mattress compress again, and the impressive bulk of the giant pressed down on her, his already raging hard member pressing against her abused body.

  She did not even have the strength, at first, to whimper, but when that monster, just the tip of it, slid into her, she started to try to escape. It was too big! It felt as if he were ripping her to pieces as he propped over her now in push-up position. A third hand, the
dark-haired man’s hand, undoubtedly, pressed down on her head, holding her still as the blonde worked almost gently until he was buried in her as deep as he could go, which was surprisingly deeper than she’d thought as he was all the way in. The first man hadn’t given her an ounce of pleasure, he’d been too rough, too impersonal. She said a quick prayer that this man was a little gentler, because if he wasn’t, she was afraid she’d be dead before he was done. He leaned down close to her now, the hand on her head moving away, and pushed into her as hard as he could, bringing a whimper from her. She could hear him breathing in her ear, feel the tickle of it as he drew out of her, pausing when only the tip remained, still stretching her painfully.

  “Scream.” He whispered, causing her to tense up involuntarily, which had been what he wanted because the moment she did he gave a massive thrust and drove into her with everything he had. And scream was exactly what she did, for despite the pain of his powerful intrusion, a massive orgasm ripped through her, not a pleasant orgasm, but one so violent it felt as if though her uterus had turned itself inside out and, in the process, caught fire. “I like when woman screams.” He whispered into her ear, giving her another hard thrust and grunting happily when she screamed again. When she opened her eyes, just one time, she realized the room was dimly lit now, and the dark haired man was sleeping on what looked like a fold-down bunk bed. Or at least, he was lying down with his back to them; how he could sleep with the noise she’d been making, she had no idea.

  By the time the blonde’s ride was finished, she was so full of his seed that she thought her abdomen looked bloated, even in the dim light. Unlike the dark-haired man, she had counted at least four times he had released, her insides being so sensitive and painful she’d felt every individual release of seed he’d deposited. Now he, too, shoved her away, leaving her sprawled on the floor, but she did not move. Just lay there, not caring anymore, and as they had promised her, wishing for death.

  The blonde picked two of her long fingernails out of his left forearm, where she’d gripped it in an unsuccessful attempt to make him stop his assault. He looked at the long, bright pink acrylic fragments for a moment, then dropped them on the floor in front of her face. He fastened up his military-issue style pants and stood, stretching and giving a sated yawn. After pulling off his shirt, revealing a gorgeous physique, he drank what looked like a bottle of water and went to the wall in front of her to let down a second bed, which allowed in more light. Now she understood, the bunk-type beds covered the windows, which were opaque with what must have been white paint at one time but were now almost covered over with dirt and grime. This, she guessed, kept them well camouflaged from the outside, though she couldn’t be sure. She wasn’t even sure where they were, if she had to be honest.

  He was taking off his boots, clearly preparing to lie down, but the ringing of a phone made him freeze. The dark-haired man rolled over and they exchanged glances before the blonde hurried to answer the incoming call. The dark-haired man got up then and removed the collar from her neck, leaving her lying where she was, stepped over her and headed out the door. She was so weak that, at that point, she didn’t even realize they’d let her go and that she had survived.

  Chapter 75

  When Anya woke she wasn’t the least bit surprised to find Aleksei sitting across the berth from her, staring at her apprehensively. Ivan was stirring restlessly in his crib and she knew what he wanted, only hoping her milk had recovered after Yuri had ingested quite a lot of it the night before. She sat up, fighting a wince at how sore her woman-parts were, not wanting Aleksei to know just how far it had ‘gone there’ with Yuri. After changing Ivan she plugged him onto one of her breasts. He seemed to prefer the left first, then the right, he always took both, every feeding. That done, she accepted a cup of milk and what looked like a leftover scone from the breakfast service from Aleksei, took a bite and settled back with a contented sigh.

  “It was me, Aleksei. Me he wanted.” She said, being bluntly honest as always, but she couldn’t help but notice he sighed, resignedly, rather than being angry or outright hurt. “You knew?”

  “Of course I knew, well, suspected it. He has been overly interested in you since day we found you in that filthy apartment in Old Moscow.” Aleksei stood and poured himself a cup of coffee from the tray provided by the restaurant car. Each of the first class berths got their own small breakfast tray delivered, if the car wanted it and Aleksei, a heavy coffee drinker, had requested this one be refilled all day. Which was done, for a price, not that money was an issue.

  Anya looked down at Ivan’s wide blue eyes, which were staring up at her almost knowingly, but she brushed off the feeling. How on earth could a baby so small even begin to comprehend what she had done the previous night? Of course, she hadn’t had any experience with this sort of infant. Aleksei had, and he might have warned her not to discuss it around Ivan as he possessed, quite possibly, the same paternal genes as Lizzie. But his mind was too much on Yuri, and the problems between them.

  “He was not cheating on you, Aleksei, not physically, but his mind was definitely astray and he felt horrible for his imagined infidelity.” Anya said, switching breasts, pausing to pry open Ivan’s mouth and, for her trouble, getting her finger bitten. Which only confirmed what she’d been checking. “He is cutting tooth.” She said, sucking the aggrieved finger after getting him latched onto her right breast to nurse.

  “Really? Is too soon, but then, I guess he is not at all normal infant, is he? Lizzie cut her teeth very early, too.” Aleksei did not smile, as he might have at such news any other day. Then he continued the more pertinent conversation. “Did you…”

  “Aleksei do not ask me that. I cannot tell you. But I do know Yuri will be expecting you to visit him now. Go. I want to finish nursing Ivan. Train should be arriving at destination this afternoon, da?”

  “Da, that is right. We will go by civilian transportation after that, and then is long walk to place I have secured for us.” Aleksei smiled mysteriously. “You are going to love it.” ​

  Anya watched him go and said a little prayer that Yuri was recovered. He had gone at her until he could go no more, getting frustrated when his body finally ran out of steam, for clearly his mind had not. She pondered again if they might manage to steal away some, if this place where they would be hiding would be large enough they could do so without being caught. Eventually, she expected Oleg would join them, but until then, as far as she was concerned, Yuri was open and fair game. She smiled to herself as she looked out at the bleak winter landscape whipping by, recalling the events of the previous night in great detail.

  – THE END –


  A Life Less Ordinary: Book Two

  Chapter One

  Three Years Later

  Ivan and Dmitri moved with the grace of panthers across the icy-slick stone bridge, their gate not slackening despite the treacherousness of the footing. Neither man paused to look down at the fathoms deep ravine it traversed because neither of them cared. They were not in the region for sightseeing, so when their guide suddenly panicked and turned back, they amicably allowed him to do so. Dmitri had wanted to keep the man along, as he seemed full of many stories and local legends, which was how they’d found out the tales in the first place, and Dmitri was nothing if not superstitious.

  Sitting still had begun to get more than a little annoying for them, as they were men of action, but since they’d reached the isolated and nearly uninhabited farming hamlet, they had been stymied. No one seemed to want to discuss any mysterious goings-on in any of the fortress strongholds or castles, and there were several in the area.

  The interest they had was not purely academic, as anyone could tell by looking at them, even if Ivan was obviously extremely intelligent. So, for the most part the locals avoided them at all costs for the better part of the first week. The fathers, it seemed, had also hidden their prettiest daughters and the husbands their wives because all they saw were older women with more fing
ers than teeth. Most often, it was the two crones that ran the inn where they were lodging, and they enjoyed flirting, particularly with Dmitri because it seemed to unnerve him, which they found humorous. For Ivan’s part, he gave as good as he got, which only made them flirt the worse, thus deepening Dmitri’s discomfort, which in turn only served to amuse the women, and Ivan, that much more.

  Then, during a terrible blizzard that came in, announcing the arrival of winter, they had just decided maybe it was time to throw in the towel. Dmitri had even attempted to call for extraction, but with the howling storm their handlers had told them they would have to sit tight. So, sitting dejectedly over watery cabbage soup, Ivan had heard a man nearby ranting wildly about something up in the mountains. He nudged Dmitri under the table and both of them turned their attention surreptitiously to the man. As they listened, they overheard him, talking to a second man about a strange castle with even stranger inhabitants.

  Six adults and two children, who never came down from up there, which they took to mean one of the least accessible ancient strongholds in the mountainous region. A perfect place to hide out. Strange, even for this destitute region of Romania, where there were very few villages and what sometimes seemed like even fewer living people. The man had, it seemed, been hunting up that way just before the blizzard had moved in, only making it back down the mountain in scant time to avoid death from cold and hunger. To be sure, he wasn’t interested in returning, not even for a price, not after what he’d seen in the castle.

  But as it turned out, he had been willing to take money to show them the way, and they’d paid him a steep fee, so even if Ivan was willing to let the annoying chatterbox go, Dmitri wasn’t so sure they should. This man, he argued one night as they kept watch while the guide slept, knew more about the area and any danger than they did. But Ivan shrugged him off, clearly annoyed by the man’s nonstop speed talking.


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