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The Alien and The London Escort

Page 2

by A. M. Knightley

  When the rubber lips were sufficiently hot and wet, Chrubba fed his hard-on into the hole. There was no resilience, no firmness, only a hollow space surrounding his dangling dick. Undeterred, he moved his cock in and out of the hole, hoping the rubbery labia would offer some pleasure but, again, nothing.

  And then it hit him: he had not activated the disposal! Contorting his body until his erection hit bottom, he reached for the switch. Just as his finger was poised to flip it, however, he was interrupted by a knock at the door.


  Reluctantly, he climbed down from the counter. Maybe it was just as well, he thought; his training had mentioned how sometimes Earth men required time to recover from an ejaculation. As attractive as the disposal was, he would now save all of his seed for Cherie.

  The door opened and Cherie graced Chrubba with a charming smile. “’Ello, luv. I’m Cherie, and I’m very pleased to meet you.” Her gaze immediately descended from Chrubba’s boyish face to the turgid tally-whacker swinging back and forth like a metronome made of meat.

  “Oooh, looks like someone’s started the party without me,” she said, stepping in and closing the door. “Allow me to introduce myself to Willy here,” she joked, and placed her hand around Chrubba’s erection, as if to shake hands.

  The soft, warm touch of her fingers had an immediate impact on Chrubba’s hair-trigger weapon, and it erupted with a splash of semen on Cherie’s skirt.

  “Oh, my,” she clucked. “You were sure primed, weren’t you?” She aimed the still spewing cock away from her, and watched in wide-eyed amazement as it pumped out a steady stream of spunk. “I’ve never seen one gush like that,” she said, “It’s like a volcano. Here, you’d better sit down. There’ll be nothing left of you if you keep that up. Come on, let’s perch on the loveseat.”

  Cherie guided him to the cushion and they sat. “Are you getting lightheaded, dearie? No? Well, then, since we’ve become such close acquaintances so soon, I reckon you should tell me your name, sweetheart,” she said cheerily, stroking and squeezing his cock as if she were milking the family cow.

  “Ch..Chrubba,” he stammered.

  “Ch-Chrubba! Well, that’s a first, and a very nice name it is. Tell me, is that a common name back in your country?”

  “I…I think so. There are many of us who go by that designation.” Chrubba was amazed that he was still able to communicate. His entire body was alive with sensations that he tried to quantify and categorize objectively, even as he reeled from his first orgasm.

  “Well, I’m going to call you Cherub, how’s that? It’s a pet name, just between us, pet.” A puddle of cum had formed on the carpet before them, and drops splashed up onto Cherie’s calves. “I can honestly tell you that I’ve never had a greeting like this before! Does it ever stop?”

  Chrubba nervously cleared his throat. “I’m not sure. It’s never happened before.”

  “Really? Well, I’m honored to be your first, Cherub. Here, hold this,” she said, transferring his dick to his own custody and standing. “Is that champagne I see? How sweet you are!” Cherie pulled the magnum from the ice bucket, set it on a table and hurled the ice onto the floor, as if she were dumping a bucket of mop water. She placed the bucket on the floor between Cherrub’s legs.

  “There we go. Just let it run in there. I’ve never seen a waterfall of cum before. You must have saved it all up for me! How sweet. And it looks so thick, like cream of mushroom soup. Do you mind?” Cherie dabbed her forefinger into the streaming fluid and touched a drop to her tongue. “Mmmm. It’s sweet, just like you.”

  “I am glad that you find it so pleasing,” Chrubba smiled. “Excuse me, I must make an adjustment.” Closing his eyes, Chrubba scanned the code for the frothing feature he’d created. With a quick tweak, the gusher of jizz came to a halt. The bucket was half full.

  Cherie looked puzzled. “I don’t know how you did that, Cherub, but I’m glad you did. I was afraid I’d be left with just ‘butt and skeleton,’ you know, like that song?”

  “Song?” Cherrub repeated. He knew the word and what it meant, but had never experienced a song.

  “Didn’t your mum ever sing you ‘The Mother’s Lament?’ It’s about a skinny little baby whose mum is bathing him, and when she turns for the soap, the baby goes down the plug hole! You never heard it?”

  “No. I think I’d remember that.”

  “I’d sing it for you, but I’ve got such a terrible voice. Too many cigarettes, which I gave up long ago, thank goodness. Have you got any?”

  “Got what?”

  “Fags. No? I was just curious.” She stood again. “Now that the faucet’s stopped running, let me clean you up. And while you’re recuperating, we’ll have a nice glass of bubbly, whaddya say?”

  “Certainly. I’ll pour us some.” The carpet squished as Chrubba made his way to the kitchen and back. Cherie returned with a hot, moist towel and sat beside him. She ran the towel along the inside of his thighs while she sipped her drink.

  “How does that feel, my little Cherub?” she asked with a gentle lilt, pampering her charge as she cradled his scrotum in the warm towel.

  “Very pleasing,” Chrubba replied, “It seems to be having an effect on my penis. You see?”

  “I do see,” Cherie cooed, now using both hands to caress his erection with the towel. “Don’t tell me you’re ready already!” She was pleased with herself. Don’t let the wrinkles and flab fool ya, she thought; you’ve still got it, Cheri baby!

  Chrubba bounded up to his feet. “Ready! Yes, I am ready! Ready to screw you like you’ve never had!” He grabbed her forearms as if to lift her, but instead turned her over on the loveseat, propping her knees up on the cushion. His hands fondled her buttocks and breasts with feverish movements, and she felt her panties being tugged down her thighs.

  “Oh, dear,” Cherie murmured, slightly alarmed but allowing Chrubba sufficient latitude to take charge. She knew she could handle him if he got too rough.

  “Your buttocks, functional as they are, serve only to lure the lust from my loins. And your breasts could feed a thousand tiny mouths, and yet hang like clusters of ripe grapes gleaming in the Mediterranean sun!”

  Cherie felt his cock knocking at her vaginal door. Fortunately, the hinges had been sufficiently oiled to swing open and allow entry. Somehow he felt even larger than he’d looked, but Cherie wasn’t about to complain. She just hoped that he’d last longer than last time.

  Chrubba savored each centimeter of cock that crept into Cherie’s cunt. It was hot and juicy, just like it had been described in his training. Fortunately for him, another modification allowed him to enjoy the sensations of entry even more, as his length and circumference swelled. Each inch inside her was replaced by another inch yet to enter, prolonging the pleasure for him.

  Cherie, on the other hand, was getting worried. At first, she thought it was her imagination, but as her pussy stretched around the mighty cock, she knew his size was all too real.

  “Cherub, I don’t know what’s going on here, but either you need to rein in that horse cock, or I need some lube!”

  Chrubba halted his advance. Realizing his modification had exceeded his expectations, he relented, allowing his battering ram to deflate somewhat. “How’s that?” he asked.

  “Much better,” Cherie sighed. She now welcomed Chrubba’s rhythm as he rocked back and forth. Cherie didn’t know what was going on, but this young stud was using something – some prescription product, herbs, voodoo, she didn’t know exactly what – to overwhelm her. It was dirty pool, she thought, like an athlete using steroids. She was at a disadvantage and didn’t know what to do about it.

  “Where did you say you was from, Cherub?” she asked, hoping to unravel the mystery behind his penis powers.”

  “Very far away,” he panted, continuing to savor the tightness of Cherie’s clinging cunt. “Many days.”

  She pushed her ass back at him, meeting him thrust for thrust. “But where exactly, sweetheart?

  Chrubba’s mission was not be revealed to the humans; the Ministry had been clear about that. It was time to employ another modification.

  Cherie’s line of inquiry was forgotten when Chrubba’s rhythm revved up ten-fold. He plunged hard, deep and inhumanly fast. Cherie leaned forward against the arm of the loveseat as the air was knocked out of her lungs. Her teeth seemed to rattle from the piston-like pounding Chrubba whipped on her.

  “Cher-er-er-rub-rub,” she called out, her voice vibrating. “Slow down! You’re jack-hammering me all the way to China!” Cherie had had it rough before, but they were teddy bears compared to this one. Bad enough he has that stonking plonker, she thought, but this was too much. He acted like it was the last rumpy-pumpy he’d ever have!

  She hated to do it, but he left her no choice. With one quick raise of her boot heel, she gave him a swift kick in the bollocks. That seemed to do the trick! Chrubba disengaged and curled up on the floor.

  “Aw, go on,” Cherie scoffed. “I didn’t kick you that hard.” She got up from the loveseat and, in as dignified way as she could, pulled her panties up where they belonged.

  “Why did you do that?” Chrubba bleated. “I thought we were having fun!”

  “No, sweetie, you were having fun. I was the one losing my fillings while you drilled away!” She bent and sipped her drink. “Are you alright? Let me ‘elp you up.”

  Availing himself of a remedial code, Chrubba bounced up on his feet. “It’s okay. I’m fine now, no thanks to you.”

  Cherie noticed that his penis was, for the first time, not erect. “Well, you should learn to behave like a gentleman.”

  “And you…you should look more like your picture!” Chrubba spat. “I barely recognized you. Your face is like this,” he said, puffing out his cheeks like a child holding its breath. “And you’re not thin! And your face is not smooth!”

  Cherie stood shocked. How could a man, even a young man, be so cruel? She set down her glass. She knew that she’d failed, and she’d be back on the streets, but a woman has to have some pride. She tried to make it to the door before the tears started, but she failed at that as well. She did an about-face.

  “I’ve got to use the loo,” she sniffled, but as she walked past him, Chrubba grabbed her arm. When she turned toward him, he loosened his grip until it was consoling more than controlling. He pointed at the tear rolling down her cheek.

  “Did I…did I do that?” he asked.

  “I can’t help it. A girl’s got feelings, y’know.”

  Chrubba looked in her eyes. “Feelings. Yes, I read about them.”

  Chapter Four

  Cherie stared at him skeptically. “You should try exercising them sometimes. They’re like muscles; you lose ‘em if you don’t use ‘em.” She immediately regretted saying that. She took his hand and guided him to the loveseat, sitting beside him.

  “Look, Cherub, I know I’m no Jean Harper or whatever, but I am a person, my own person, and discovering things about another person is one of the special things about making love together. People like to pretend it’s all about the in-and-out, especially in the pornos, but it’s more than that.

  “I know we don’t have time in one session to get very deep, and I know the whole point of your visit was to have some fun. I think we just went about it the wrong way, both of us. So…if you’d like, I’d like us to start over. Let me show you some things that you can use when you get back home, things that ladies like to do for men and vice-versa. Would you like that?”

  Chrubba looked embarrassed. He gave Cherie a shy smile. “Yes, Cherie. I’d like that very much.”

  “Well, then, let’s begin.” She gently pushed him back in a reclining position, then rose and unbuttoned her blouse, making a show of it. Off with her blouse and her bra, the skirt and her panties. “Would you like me to leave my stockings on?” she asked, suspecting that he would, and he did.

  She sat and opened his robe, and lightly kissed his nipples, his neck and onward and upward to his lips. Her fingers danced about his thighs and reached around and caressed his ass. Cherie’s warm, full breasts brushed over his cock, and it grew firm, without any need for modifications.

  Cherie kissed a path down to Chrubba’s stomach and thighs. Her tongue gently bathed his balls, causing him to squirm. When she licked up along his shaft, he reached out and laced his fingers through her platinum blond hair. She continued lapping, using only up-strokes, driving him mad, if his thrashing about was any indication.

  Just when Chrubba thought the sensations couldn’t get any better, Cherie took him into her mouth. He looked down, watching the way her lips and cheeks stretched to accommodate his cock. It was even better than he’d imagined while watching the interplanetary porn, feeling the loving attention of a good blow job from a beautiful woman this close. It was too much, in fact and, being careful not to get too carried away, he pumped his hips at her face, dictating the rhythm he needed to achieve satisfaction.

  Cherie was way ahead of him, and unabashedly looked in his eyes as she synchronized her lips, tongue and throat with his thrusts. It was as if she were nodding to him as her head bobbed, signaling him that she was ready when he was, that she wanted him to cum in her mouth.

  He thrust deep, fast at first, and then agonizingly slow, milking the sensations. And Cherie paced her movements with his, swallowing as her lips tugged and her tongue twirled on his erection. When she’d drained the last drop, she licked him clean and then slid up until she was able to place him inside her.

  “I have no doubt that you can keep going,” she said softly. She lowered herself, taking him all the way inside her and held there for a moment before ascending. As her wet channel moved up toward his knob, she leaned down and kissed him, holding the kiss as their bodies worked together, finding their rhythm. Sure enough, Chrubba stayed firm. They moved as one, with no rushing or drama, just pure, extended bliss.

  Cherie maintained her position on top for as long as she could. When her knees and arms tired, she drew back, coaxing Chrubba forward, and soon she was under him. She drew her fingernails along his back as their leisurely screw continued. Chrubba kissed and licked her breasts, feasting on her as if her tits were a delicacy, a fruit never before tasted. Cherie reveled in his tenderness. Chrubba explored as much of her as thoroughly as he could. When his movements quickened, he held on as long as possible, but Cherie’s urgent reactions beneath him scuttled his hopes for prolonging their pairing.

  They lay in each other’s arms long after their orgasms ebbed. Cherie wanted to stay that way, but the driver was due soon. As she dressed, Chrubba watched closely, appearing to be as fascinated with her donning her clothes as when she removed them.

  “Cherie, I came a long way for this to happen. I’m glad I did.” Cherie smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I apologize for what I said about you, about the picture. It’s not true. You are even more beautiful.”

  Cherie’s eyes twinkled at the compliment. “It’s okay, Cherub. Age is something that happens to all of us, if we’re lucky.”

  “Cherie, if you could be any age, look the way you used to, feel younger, what age would you choose?”

  “That’s an odd question,” Cheri said, “I think about growing older all the time, and I think of how I used to look, but I never thought of what age I’d like to be, if I could choose.” They walked to the door, and Chrubba turned the knob, but didn’t open it. Cheri sensed that he wanted her to answer his question. “Okay,” she relented, “Twenty-seven. And a half.”

  He opened the door and kissed her neck as she passed. She turned and cocked her head. “By the way, I don’t believe in plastic surgery…or voodoo.”

  Chrubba smiled. There was no need to believe in anything. All it required was a little modification to a short code.

  With his mission successfully completed, Chrubba returned to Esquaor for debriefing. His archive was downloaded for eventual analysis and storage. Of course, he’d been returned to his original form,
and it felt good to once again occupy his soft, squishy frame, although a part of him would always miss the…what did Cherie call it? Ah, yes, the tally-whacker!

  “If it’s any consolation to you,” Professor Ben-Wa explained sympathetically, “you can always view the events recorded by your visual receptors. Yes, your experiences are now part of our training collection to help others in their research. You, Chrubba, are now an international porn star!”

  “It is an honor I will always be proud of,” Chrubba stated solemnly.

  “And it’ll look good on your resume! So now that the data has been collected, I’d like to hear, in your own words, about your experience on Earth. I’m talking about your subjective impressions, what you learned and, especially, how it felt doing the nasty with the Earth creature. And, please Chrubba, spare no details!”

  Chrubba regaled the professor with all the ins and outs of his encounter with Cherie, not merely the mechanics of touch, of two human forms binding to become one, but also the other data gleaned through the sensory equipment programmed into Earthlings: the smell of Cherie’s hair as it brushed his face; the music of her voice, ranging from a gentle whisper to sharp reproach to cries of ecstasy; and the taste of her lips, her breasts and, especially, the succulent fruit hidden between her legs.

  Afterwards, they both sat silently in their own private reveries; Chrubba captivated by his memories, the professor intrigued by his imagination. Recovering, Chrubba saw the faraway look on the professor’s visage and felt compelled to steer the conversation in another direction.

  “And you were correct, Professor, about this sexercise teaching a lesson in empathy. One thing the interplanetary porn archive cannot effectively communicate is the emotional component of the human sex act. Yes, it feels good for both parties when the male member is inserted in the female housing, but there is another level of feeling transpiring between the two that goes beyond the tactile sensations.”


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