Book Read Free

The Remaining

Page 4

by Travis Thrasher


  Before leaving the room to head upstairs to the roof, Allison pauses for a moment.

  “What is it?” Skylar asks.

  “Thanks for being you.”

  “Oh, stop.”

  “No, I’m serious. Dan is a lucky man.”

  Skylar’s face lights up as bright as her blonde hair. “You got that right. Remind him about that again when you see him.”

  “I don’t have to remind him. He knows, Sky. Trust me. He knows.”

  “It’s good to know some men get it.”

  They share a knowing look, then both smile before leaving the room.

  Perhaps this day and this ceremony and this whole thing will help a certain other unknowing man finally get a clue. That’s all Allison is going to hope and pray for today. For someone to finally, finally get a clue.



  Tommy knocks again on the door and waits to see if a bride opens it. He’s pretty sure this is Skylar’s room, but nobody seems to be inside. He checks his phone for any messages, then starts to walk down the hallway, ready to head back upstairs. A figure rushing toward him makes him laugh. He makes sure to capture her with the video camera.

  Lauren Hall’s bright eyes look extra animated under her newly short bangs. The light-skinned black woman stops right in front of the camera, the bridesmaid dress in a plastic bag draped over her shoulder. “Seen Skylar?” she asks.

  “That’s who I’m looking for.”

  “She gotta be freaking out that I’m late.” Lauren shakes her head and sounds out of breath. She begins to move past him.

  “Hold on. I need to get some prewedding advice for the lucky couple.”

  Lauren doesn’t even think before staring right at the camera, her face angling perfectly like someone accustomed to being filmed. “Put the other person’s needs first,” she says. “You’ll be amazed at how strong your love will grow.”

  Tommy knows she’s speaking from experience. He’s met Lauren’s man, Blake, a big guy who’s as crazy about her as she is about him.

  As Lauren heads toward her hotel room, Tommy sighs and stops filming. “Maybe that’s why I’m still single.”

  Lauren doesn’t even look back as she finds her room key in her pocket. “Quit chasing after the wrong girls, buddy.”

  “What am I gonna do? All the good ones are taken.”

  After getting the door opened, Lauren just gives him a sparkly smile. “If I don’t put this dress on, someone else is gonna have to take my place. Skylar’s definitely freaking out about now.”

  “I’ll find her,” Tommy says. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “You’re a good guy,” Lauren shouts out. “Even if no girl knows it.”

  She laughs and disappears into the room. Tommy knows Lauren is one of his biggest fans, and she’s often joked that she might’ve tried to bring him home years ago in college if her very traditional mother didn’t mind her bringing home a white boy. That’s been a constant source of amusement between them, and for years Tommy has joked about the reasons her mother would love him.

  He heads back upstairs, assuming he’ll find Skylar busy with something.

  In so many ways, it seems unlikely that Tommy should be here at the Plantation, pressing the button of the elevator and heading up to find the bride and the rest of the wedding party. This band of friends started when Tommy ended up rooming with Dan at UNC Wilmington his sophomore year of college after attending a junior college the year before. Dan could’ve gone to University of North Carolina or Duke but chose to attend UNC Wilmington because his father had gone there. Their pairing in a dorm room seemed like a fluke, with Dan being the jock and playing both soccer and basketball. Tommy was the party guy interested in making movies but having no clue what else he wanted to do in his life.

  It was through Dan that Tommy got to know Jack Turner. Dan and Jack were friends from the same neighborhood and grew up going to the same schools. They would go up to Duke for parties on the weekends. It was only a couple of hours away, and the parties there were a lot better than those on their campus. Jack was already pretty serious with a Duke girl named Allison, and her best friend happened to be this gorgeous blonde named Skylar. She was attending the rival school on Tobacco Road, UNC, but fate and chance met up at a party at Jack’s apartment one night when Dan and Skylar met.

  The circle was complete when Tommy recognized Lauren in a class of his and realized he’d had a conversation with her at one of the parties at Duke. She was a longtime friend of Allison and Skylar.

  And just like that, the six of them were suddenly inseparable. Another thing Tommy and Lauren joked about was the fact that they weren’t a couple while the others were. Sometimes they would pretend like they were one. All in good fun.

  If I hadn’t decided to go to a junior college my first year, I would’ve gotten a different roommate at UNC Wilmington. That would’ve changed everything.

  He steps out of the elevator knowing he’s a lucky man.

  Life’s all about luck. All about being in a random place at a random time.

  Sometimes your timing just happens to be very good. He thinks about this as he glances around and finally sees Skylar. Then he sees the maid of honor.

  Then again, sometimes your timing is just a bit off.

  The rooftop of the Plantation is made up of two halves: one half is a large indoor reception room, and the other half is the outdoor deck, where the wedding ceremony will be held.

  Moving away from the elevator, Tommy thinks the hallway resembles a beehive that’s been turned over. Servers are going in and out of the reception hall while early guests slowly meander around trying not to appear too nosy.

  The bride is in the banquet room, just as Tommy suspected. She still doesn’t have the wedding dress on, but otherwise she looks perfect with her hair all set and her face made-up like a movie star’s.

  As Tommy approaches, he can hear Skylar rattling off instructions to the workers. No wonder they’re rushing around like crazy people. This is what Skylar does. She makes you crazy. She says jump and you don’t just ask how high. You look for a trampoline.

  From the entrance to the room, Tommy films Skylar acting like a catering supervisor.

  “Captured on film,” he says into the built-in microphone, “the elusive Bridezilla in her natural habitat.”

  He moves closer to her as she stands near a table set for ten. She’s working on a napkin.

  “Two folds, then one,” Skylar says.

  Tommy starts laughing and has to fight to hold the camera steady as he films her talking to the servers.

  “If this is the most compelling content you’re getting, then we may be in trouble.”

  “I got some great stuff with Dan earlier. You’re gonna love it.”

  “I’m sure,” she exaggerates. “I can’t wait.”

  He moves the camera over the table, getting the ornate flower arrangement in the center. “I’m just trying to document your big day. The good, the bad, and the ugly.”

  “There will be no ugly,” she says, staring at the flower arrangement.

  A voice behind them calls out in mock astonishment. “Did you just say the word ugly at Skylar’s wedding?”

  He turns and sets the camera’s sights on Allison, who moves from table to table helping to straighten out the place settings.

  “Here’s the maid of honor, ready to assist the bride with whatever Skylar needs. Ready to break down in tears at any given moment.”

  “Be nice,” Allison says to him, not looking his way. “You could help out a little too, you know?”

  “I am. I’ve got you in focus.”

  Allison turns those dark Italian eyes and lashes his way, then blows a kiss to the camera. Lauren isn’t the only one comfortable with being in front of a video recorder. This girl he’s facing could be an actress. In fact, she might be acting a bit even right now.

  He really wants to tell her how stunning she looks, how the
bright bluish purple dress complements her, or maybe how it really does fit her like a glove, but that would be too much. She’d roll her eyes and laugh at his comments. So instead he goes for an easy jab.

  “You going to catch the bouquet?”

  The playful, busy, and assured air suddenly vanishes. Allison gives him an honest look for a moment, the same expression she wore last night during the toast. Then she feigns being annoyed with him as she quickly brushes past and heads toward Skylar.

  Allison stands next to the bride and puts her arm around her. It’s a quick and spontaneous moment, the kind Allison has all the time. Tommy is glad to capture it on film. He likes seeing these two ladies together.

  Allison isn’t the only one who’s going to miss the way things are right now.

  With footage of all the wedding party now complete, Tommy decides to get some footage outside on the deck before he gives the camera over to Skylar’s cousin Johnnie. Tommy won’t be holding the camera during the service. He volunteered but the bride thought it was a bit too much.

  He takes in the view of the city of Wilmington. The September sky is blue and perfect for an outdoor wedding. The day is warm but not too stuffy. He can see the bridge and the river from here.

  For a second Tommy lets the camera just settle slowly over the city.

  “This is pretty great, Skylar,” he says. “Your wedding is going to be perfect.”



  The ceremony moves in sweet slow motion, and Allison takes every moment in with a joyful and jealous spirit. The wind seems to hold its breath as the wedding party walks out onto the rooftop deck and begins marching down the aisle. Skylar’s niece, a three-year-old named Charlotte, sprinkles flower petals from a basket as she confidently strides past beaming faces. Tommy and Lauren walk next, arm in arm. Then Jack guides Allison to the altar.

  Feeling his arm locked with hers as they approach the wedding arch made of white flowers, Allison tries not to turn the focus inward. It’s too easy, and it’s too selfish as well. She’s here for Skylar and Dan. She’s celebrating their big moment with them. One day they’ll do the same for her.

  Why don’t you say for Jack and you?

  She glances at her handsome man, and he gives her a bright smile. Jack has always made her feel comfortable and confident, even when those nagging doubts begin to come.

  Allison stands next to Lauren; then they all await Skylar. Allison knows what the reaction will be. It will be the same as her own reaction. She was taken aback a bit seeing her friend so glamorous and so beautiful and most of all so happy. You can’t paint joy as bright and brilliant as the look on Skylar’s face right this instant.

  The bride strolls with her father down the aisle, and for a second, Allison peeks over at Dan. He has tears in his eyes as he smiles.

  The future so bright, so endless. Like the sky above them.

  Music plays and Allison is genuinely happy. The voices that ask when it’ll be her time and why can’t this be her moment have all been shoved far back inside and silenced. For now.

  Skylar reaches them and for a second she gives Allison a knowing here-we-go grin. It’s as if she’s floating, and every single face in the crowd is watching her fly away.

  Pastor Roberts greets the couple and then everybody else in an amiable tone. He looks younger than his fortysomething age, and he smiles as he recounts his first encounter with Skylar.

  “You were about this tall and going into fifth grade when I met you,” Pastor Roberts tells Skylar. “I remember saying to my wife back then—this girl is going to break a lot of hearts. Thankfully for Dan, you only made his grow.”

  The pastor speaks in a natural manner, relaxed and fun. Just like the ceremony. Skylar had said she didn’t want some of the traditional elements that her parents wanted. Like the lighting of the unity candle. Like having some kind of singer doing a number during the service. Skylar wanted it quick and easy, and that’s how it goes. Soon the pastor is asking them to make their vows.

  “Do you, Dan, take Skylar to be your lawfully wedded wife, and do you promise before God and these witnesses to love her, to comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live? Do you so promise?”

  “I do,” Dan says with a big smile on his face.

  Allison glances over at Jack, but she can’t tell if he’s looking at the bride or her.

  “And do you, Skylar, take Dan to be your lawfully wedded husband, and do you promise before God and these witnesses to love him, to comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live? Do you so promise?”

  Skylar gives out a choked and emotional “I do.”

  Once again Allison can’t help looking at Jack.

  Don’t you ever want this?

  The bride and the groom move to face each other, but Allison just keeps watching Jack.

  Don’t you want to be with me for as long as we both will live?

  “I give you this ring as a sign of my promise to you,” Dan says. “And with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you.”

  He slips the ring on Skylar’s finger.

  “I give you this ring as a sign of my promise to you, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you.”

  Skylar does the same.

  All I am and all I have and all I’ve ever wanted . . .

  There are tears in Skylar’s eyes, just like the ones in Allison’s.

  Pastor Roberts raises his hands.

  “Now, by the power vested in me as a minister of the gospel, I now pronounce you husband and wife. And whatever God hath joined together, let not the hand of man put asunder. We now ask the blessing of the Lord on Dan and Skylar and their life together as husband and wife.”

  At the pastor’s prompting, Dan leans over and gently kisses Skylar. It’s a tender kiss, sweet to watch. The crowd applauds and cheers as the couple faces them.

  Allison wonders how long the two of them will stay together, and if they’ll make it, and if this really will be as happily-ever-after as it appears. She wants to hope and believe they’ll make it, that they’ll defy the odds and stay together.

  Love can prevail. Love can endure.

  She wipes more tears away and catches Jack looking at her, smiling, shaking his head at her tears.

  You could make a few of these tears go away, buddy.

  The newly married couple walk down the aisle. The heavens seem to watch with a grin of their own.

  This day really is perfect. Nothing can change that. Absolutely nothing.



  A hundred songs go through Tommy’s head as he focuses his camera on the lucky couple. The vows have been spoken and the kiss has been given and the celebration has started. Now it’s that in-between time where greetings and hugs and slaps on the back and pecks on the cheek can be shared before the reception and dancing commence. And Tommy is just lucky enough to notice the bride and the groom sharing a quiet moment on the edge of the rooftop.

  He’s thinking of songs that sum up these two. There will be several that go on this video, and of course they’ll be songs that both Dan and Skylar love. Skylar’s a country girl, so there will have to be a Blake Shelton song, and maybe one from her favorite band, Thompson Square. Dan, of course, loves his classic rock. So there will be something loud and epic in the video. Led Zeppelin or Aerosmith or Fleetwood Mac. But the songs Tommy’s thinking about are the cuts for moments like this, with the two of them talking and smiling and expressing something only they will know.

  Skylar looks lost. “Lost in Love,” Tommy jokes with himself. The bride is smiling and staring up at Dan while the groom seems to be searching for words.

  He looks like he’s trying to tell her something important.

  Tommy imagines a slow, romantic ballad playing at this
moment. Maybe a sultry Norah Jones song. That certainly would fit her lost look. The backdrop of the small city and the endless sky behind the gorgeous couple make this a great shot.

  Dan’s face is earnest, and he seems to need to get something off his chest. But then a figure comes over to them and interrupts this moment. It’s Lauren, hugging Skylar and then Dan. Tommy doesn’t have to be a mind reader or lip reader to know Lauren’s telling them how much she loves them.

  Music begins to blare out of the reception hall.

  “They want the wedding party inside now,” Allison shouts out to them.

  Tommy shuts off the camera and follows Allison inside. The story of his life.

  The song introducing them is an inside joke between Dan and Skylar. The first time they met, Dan made a reference to the two of them going out, to which Skylar replied, “Don’t stop believing.” Dan soon began requesting the Journey song anytime Skylar was around. The first time they danced was at a bar after Dan played the song on a jukebox. Now the same music plays over the speakers in the reception area while the bridal party is introduced.

  They sit at a straight line of tables facing the rest of the wedding goers. The music soon fades out, and the DJ asks for the maid of honor. It’s time for the toast, and Tommy makes sure he’s recording.

  Allison stands up and faces Skylar.

  “Okay, well, I promise all of you I’m not going to repeat what happened last night,” Allison says with a reassuring smile. “Sky and I are more like sisters than friends. We—we’ve been best friends—BFFs—”

  “Garfield Elementary,” Skylar shouts.

  “Woot woot,” Lauren calls out.

  The crowd responds with smiles and some laughter. Allison appears a bit more at ease hearing it. “Can you believe it? Friends since sixth grade. Garfield Elementary. That’s right: 1999.”

  Someone from the audience shouts that they’re old. Allison pauses for a moment and gives a mock-sinister stare. “That summer Skylar made me go to her church camp, and we made her try her first cigarette—”


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