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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel

Page 10

by Weston Parker

  I came again just watching him.

  "Such a good girl." He stood up and locked eyes with me as he patted my pussy softly over and over. "You know I plan on fucking you a few times tonight, right, Bailey?"

  I nodded. "Yeah. I want you to."

  "I know you do, Angel. Let's go to the bedroom."

  "What about dinner?" I sat up and took his hand, sliding off the counter with his help.

  "We'll eat in a little while." He turned off the oven and took my hand before leading me to the back room.

  "We need condoms, Jeremy."

  He patted his back pocket. "I got us covered. I hate the damn things, but until you get on the pill, they're necessary. My shit's potent. We fuck without them and you're going to be giving me the best gift a man can get. A baby." He turned to face me as we moved into the darkness of my bedroom.

  A rush of fear moved through me. What if I jacked things up? What if my inexperience made me look ridiculous? What if I didn't feel good to him?

  "Hey. Stop thinking and get over here." He smiled and ran his hands down the side of my hair to cup my face again. "No more thinking. I want you to memorize every good moment from our first time together."

  "From my first time in general." I leaned against him and closed my eyes as he moved down to kiss me. The musky taste of my come on his lips was odd at first, but the more I let myself go, the more I enjoyed it. Enjoyed him. Enjoyed the freedom to simply be a woman who was wanted so fucking bad by a man.

  "That's it." He licked at my lips and moved back to pull my shirt over my head before slipping my skirt down and pulling my panties with it. He stood and turned me around, removing my bra and taking the time to massage my breasts before tugging at my nipples. "You just relax tonight and feel me, hm?"

  "Okay," I whispered and crawled up on my bed as he popped my ass and moved back to take off his clothes.

  I laid down on my back and watched him as he undressed slowly for me. He had to be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life.

  "You look so beautiful like that. I want to see you laid out on a bed for me every day." He leaned over and pulled a condom from his jeans, but didn't put it on. He tossed it up on the bed bedside me and crawled onto the bottom. His muscles were flexed like he’d just come from the gym, and his cock was thick, hard and standing at full attention. "I like to fuck a lot. Maybe I should have warned you." He leaned down and brushed his lips over the inside of my calf.

  I moaned and gripped the sheets. "I'm good with you wanting to do anything you want to. I just want to be beneath you when you do it."

  He chuckled deep in his chest. "Beneath me. Above me. In front of me." He nipped at my inner thigh. "I love deeply, Bailey, but I lust even deeper."

  "God," I moaned as he kissed my pussy before moving up. "I don't deserve you."

  "Bullshit." He pressed his knees into the bed and gripped his cock as he sat back on his heels between my legs. "I'm going to deflower you bareback, baby. I want to feel you release yourself to me, okay?"

  "Isn't it bloody?" I cringed at the thought.

  "Yeah, but it's okay. Just relax and enjoy the fact that you and I are about to become one." He ran his hand up my stomach and between my breasts as he gripped his thick cock and positioned it against my entrance.

  I moaned loudly and gripped his hand as nerves and excitement dance in my stomach. "I've wanted this for as long as I could remember."

  "Good. It's yours, baby girl." He pressed in a little and gripped the base of my neck loosely. "Relax. Let me in. You're fighting me. Just think about how good this big dick is going to feel tucked deep inside your tight little needy slit."

  "Fuck," I arched my back and spread my legs farther and he pressed down on my chest and forced a few more inches inside of me. It felt as if I were going to burst, but the pain of stretching around him moved into pleasure as he released his cock and pressed his thumb to my clit. The slow circles he made around my sensitive nerves were enough to have me dripping with wetness.

  "There you go. She wants me deeper, Bailey. You good with that, Angel?" He glanced up and locked eyes with me.


  All I saw was love in his eyes. My emotions went on high alerts as tears filled my eyes. I needed to know that he cared about me, that he saw us going much farther than a night together.

  He pulled back a little. "Am I hurting you, baby? You gotta talk to me."

  "No." I reached for him and pulled him down on top of me. His strong, thick chest pressed against mine, and he kissed me softly.

  "What's going on?" He rolled his hips, pulling out and pressing back in a little.

  I wrapped my legs around him and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "I'm just scared."

  "Of what?" He reached down and lifted my leg a little as he pushed in farther.

  I cried out in pain. "You not wanting me after tonight."

  He smiled. "I want you for a lot of nights after this. Every night until you kick my ass out." He pressed his elbows beside my face and wiped my tears away. "Focus on me while I get past your tightness. I'm going to push in cause you're ready, but I need you to breath out and think about the delicious fucks were going to have after this moment. I'm going to take you places you never dreamed possible. Highs you didn't even know existed."

  "I want that. For me and you." I pulled him down and kissed him hard as he thrust, breaking my cherry and lodging his huge cock balls deep inside of me.

  "Fuck," he groaned and lifted up as he rolled his hips. "I'm in. I need the condom."

  I reached for it as the burn of pain faded.

  He pulled out, slipped the condom on and moved back on top of me. "Hold me while I lose myself in you."

  I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck, chest and mouth while he took his time working me over the edge several times before joining me.

  No matter what happened from there on out, some part of me would always belong to him.

  Scary enough, it wasn't just my virginity.

  It was my heart.



  A few days after making love to my girl, I sat in my office, staring at the picture of Laila and Austin. I wanted to get her blessing on Bailey, but it was stupid. She'd have given it no doubt, but me wanting it felt silly or contrite. I put the picture in a drawer of my desk, though it hurt to do it.

  I had to start moving on. Bailey was partially the key to that, but the majority of the strength had to come from somewhere inside of me. It had felt impossible up to that point, but holding Bailey in my arms all night earlier in the week and hearing her whisper my name in the dark pushed me toward healing.

  To be loved again. To be needed. It's all I wanted, but it had to be the right woman, and thankfully I felt like I'd found her.

  The fire alarm at the station caused me to jump to my feet as it pulled me from my thoughts. My heart raced as I jogged toward the pole and started to yell out orders. As the Captain, I shouldn't have been going anywhere near the flames, but we were still short staffed as most of the guys were volunteers at the station anyway.

  "Fuck," I growled as I realized we were going in one short.

  "It's going to be alright, Cap." Mayhem jogged past me and started to shout out orders to the guys.

  I nodded and pursed my lips. Every inch of me wanted to take command, to make my orders the ones that were heard, but once again, I moved into second place. We'd be fully staffed soon, and having the guys not pay attention to Mayhem would be... well, mayhem.

  I smirked at the joke and got dressed with efficiency. We were all in the truck and headed to the fire within minutes.

  "Update," I barked and sat down.

  "Structure fire, Cap." Mayhem gripped his hands together and glanced down.

  Something was wrong. "Keep going, John."

  He glanced up with a bit of terror in his eyes as I called him by his real name. "It's collapsing, and several people have perished, Sir. Two kids and three adults."
r />   I nodded and held his stare. "We're going to get the rest out. Be smart. Be safe."

  He swallowed and stood back up before barking orders at everyone like he was pissed at the whole crew. He was scared. We all were when lives were at stake. It was fine to fight a fire and only have to worry about our own lives, but to have to worry about people in the burning building was a whole new level of fear.

  We pulled up and the guys hustled off. I jogged down the stairs right behind them and moved over to the hydrant.

  "Hose!" I yelled and got down on my knees. Memories flooded me as I knelt there waiting. The blaze before me warmed my face and forced me to look up.

  My life had been a mosaic of broken moments, but maybe everyone's was. From losing part of my sight on vacation in the Air Force to being given medical leave and having to walk away from my dream to losing Laila.

  The guys pulled the hose my way, and I moved quickly as I let myself move through the pinpoints of pain and joy.

  My acceptance into the Air Force and Rhys right beside me. Happy as fuck.

  My wedding day.

  Austin being born.

  Thanksgiving. The resurrection of hope to a broken soul. My soul.

  "Done." I bolted up and raced toward the front of the group standing around. "Back up. All the way across the street. Now!" I moved civilians back and helped several with their stuff as the guys started fighting the fire.

  "My son! Please! He's in there!!" A woman grabbed the front of my uniform, crying and screaming.

  "Where. Point to where." I turned toward the building.

  "Up there. Fifth floor. I thought he was behind us, but he must have gone back for something."

  "How old is he?" I moved toward the building as she called after me.

  "He's eight!"

  "We got a little boy. Eight years old up that way on floor five. I'm going in." I pulled my mask down and grabbed a few things. Mayhem moved up next to me and nodded, acknowledging that he would follow my lead.

  We moved into the building and carefully made our way to the fifth floor as fire licked at us from all sides. Sweat dripped down my face and clouded my vision a little. The dark smoke rolling off the burning building made it hard as hell to see anything.

  Mayhem tapped my shoulder and moved past me before getting down on the ground. He was going into the apartment to check for the child.

  I nodded and squatted down. Turning in a full circle, a cold chill ran down my back. Something was off. I could feel it with every cell in my body.

  Moving toward the apartment behind me, I crawled half on my belly while trying to hold the damn equipment I had with me. I knew better than to bring anything that I had to carry, and yet... I'd done just that.

  "Help!" The sound of a little scream caused me to move faster. Why the hell was the kid in another apartment?

  A moment later, I spotted him in the corner of the kitchen in the apartment across the hall from the one his mother mentioned. He was curled up with a little puppy yapping and trying to get out of his arms.

  "Hey, buddy." I pulled up my mask and gave him a warm smile. "We were looking for you."

  "Miss Terry's puppy was crying behind the door. I heard him so-"

  "Let's get you out of here, and you can explain." I reached out and pulled him into my arms. "Hold onto the puppy tightly, okay?"

  "Yes, Sir." He buried his face against my chest and started to cry.

  I hustled him out of the building, running as fast as I could. The little guy was going to have to go to the hospital because of smoke inhalation, but he would be safe.

  "Oh, God. Thank you so much." His mother ran toward us, taking him out of my arms. He was small for eight, but it was a good thing for the situation.

  I pulled my helmet off and smiled down at him. "You were brave, but if you're ever in this situation again, you need to get out of the building, okay?"

  "Thank you again." The mom gripped my arm and gave me a teary smile.

  "No problem." I turned and jogged back toward the building. "Where is Mayhem?" I glanced around.

  "I don't know." One of the younger guys pulled his mask off and started to yell for John.

  "Fuck." I moved around and realized that he wasn't there. "I'm going back in."

  I made my way back into the building, the heat almost unbearable. The sound of the structure falling around me only caused me to move faster. I made it to the fifth floor and pulled my mask up.

  "John! Where are you, buddy?" I moved toward the apartment he originally went into while trying to watch my step.

  "Here. I'm in here, Cap!"

  I moved carefully into the room to see his leg stuck in the floor. He was yanking at it with what looked like all of his might.

  "Dammit." I raced over and knelt down to pull at the board around him. One cracked, and he fell back and landed on his ass. "No. Let's go. No time for resting. This fucker is about to collapse around us."

  "I'm behind you." He got up and moved toward the door.

  I pushed at his back, making him go first. "Stick to the edges. Go."

  We moved forward until we were back out in the grass. He surprised me by turning around and picking me up in a big bear hug.

  "You saved my life." He squeezed me tightly and laughed.

  "Get busy putting this fire out," I barked and patted his chest. "Thank me later with a beer."

  "Fuck yes." He moved toward the fire with the other guys, hoses in hand to take the beast down.

  Gratefulness swam through me, and two people came to mind that I wanted to see.

  My little guy, and my girl.

  "What? Now?" Bailey stood at the open door of her apartment in PJ pants and a tank top. No bra, and hopefully no panties. Her nipples were budded and poking at the material. It took every ounce of reserve not to take her tits in my hands and play with them.

  "Yes, now." I smiled and walked into the apartment.

  She turned to face me in time for me to pull her firmly against me. I kissed her with a passion I almost had forgotten I had pent up inside of me.

  I licked at her perfect lips before kissing the tip of her nose. "Go put on something warm. We're going on a date. I've had a horrible couple of days. No arguing. Get to it, or you won't get a spanking."

  She laughed and pulled me down for another series of kisses, speaking between each one. "I. Don't. Like. Spankings."

  "Then you haven't had the right man give you one." I gripped her sweet face and kissed her one more time. "Go. Now. I have plans for you later, and you're eating into them."

  "Does your plans include you eating into something?" She laughed as I growled low in my chest.

  I popped her perfect ass as she walked toward the bedroom. "Can't we just cuddle on the couch and watch a movie."

  "Nope. Not right now." I walked into the kitchen and made my way to the fridge. After downing a beer, I walked back into the kitchen to wait for her.

  She walked down the hall in a pair of tight jeans, a pretty white sweater, and some knee-high boots. She looked like a fucking model. She was working to get her hair up into a ponytail, but I gave her a look.

  "Not a chance. Your hair stays down around me. You know this." I reached out as she flung the rubber band across the room and sighed.

  "It's unruly in the wind." Her fingers pressed into my chest as she glanced up at me.

  Marry me. I stiffened at the words running through my head in a loop. I'd know her all of my life, and yet I didn't really know her. I trusted her and her family, and Rhys was my closest friend and always would be, but I didn't know her dreams and fears.

  That's what today is about.

  "You're so beautiful." I reached up and slid my fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp as I studied her features. My cock woke up, and my heart started to beat faster as I stood there with her in my arms.

  "You think so?" She gave me a quirky smile. "Where are you taking me that's so damn important?"

  "To a really late lunch in the park, then
the museum and then ice skating." I leaned down and kissed her softly. "Then we're coming home to my house. I'm going to bath you and take my time memorizing every wicked curve of your body. Then I'm going to teach you how numbers work in the bed, then-"

  "Numbers in the bed?" She chuckled. "What are you talking about? It's official. Your dick is talking for you now."

  I laughed and gripped her hand. After sliding it down my erection through my jeans, I nipped at her lips. "Sixty-nine tonight, sweet girl. I wanna hear you cry out around my cock when you come for me."

  She shivered, and I loved it. The effect I had on her was an aphrodisiac.

  "That's so hot," she whispered and slid her fingers into my hair before pulling me down for a probing kiss. I indulged and gripped her tight ass, squeezing as she undulated her hips forward. She was horny, and I wasn't far behind her.

  "Date first." I kissed her again and turned to grab her coat. "Put this on. It's fucking freezing out there."

  "I'm turned on. I want to stay here." She wrapped her arms around me from behind and squeezed tightly.

  "You wet?" I pressed my hand to the door as she groaned lustily.


  I turned and smiled before walking to the couch and dropped down. "Come here and let me take care of you. Then we'll go."

  "Take care of me?" She walked over with a naughty smile on her lips.

  "Hell yeah. Turn around and sit on my lap, baby." I reached for her, turning her around and pulling her into my lap.

  "Pants on?" She turned her head and glanced up at me.

  "Mhmm." I gripped her chin and kissed her softly as I slid my free hand into her pants and panties. The little minx was sloppy wet, her pussy so warm and inviting. I slid my fingers past her clit and pressed the middle one into her tight hole as she moaned and closed her eyes.

  It didn't take more than a few minutes of driving my finger deep inside her slit and pressing my palm firmly over her clit to have her writhing on my lap. My cock was thick and hard, but I wanted to wait. Not everything had to be about sex. She needed to know that I wanted so much more than that.


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