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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel

Page 16

by Weston Parker

  "Wait. Where did you hear about that crazy lune from?" I glanced between Nina, my mom, and Bailey. How the fuck did Bailey know the Captain Hotness story?

  "Wasn't me." My mom shrugged and turned.

  "No clue." My sister smiled and went back to working on drinks.

  "Who wants some hot chocolate?" Bailey asked, and everyone busted out laughing - but me.

  "Austin? Save me from too many women in my life." I walked back into the living room looking for the little man.

  "Nope. Not me, Daddy. I'm thinking I'm going to wait until I see evidence and then I'll help."

  "Evidence of what?" I knelt beside him with confusion on my face.

  "Of girls sloughing off their cooties skin. Until then? You're on your own."

  I laughed until my sides hurt. Life couldn't be better, and though I'd lost so much over the short number of years that I drew air into my lungs, I had gained so much too.

  Nothing would ever be the same, but it would be just as good.

  Just as good, in a different way.



  Six Months Later

  "I'm scared!" I moved into Jeremy's arms as we stood in the center of the art museum. "What if they hate it?"

  "Then they're idiots." He leaned down and kissed me a few times. "You're brilliant, Bailey. They're going to love it."

  I turned in his arms and glanced up as they unveiled my first painting. Everyone clapped and cheered around us, and I let out a long sigh of relief. Whether they really liked it or not, the moment was over, and we hadn't heard complete silence.

  "Thank God." I turned to face him. "Why was that so hard?"

  "Because it meant something to you." He touched the side of my face. "I'm so proud of you baby. Going after something you've wanted to do your whole life."

  "Are we talking about you or the painting?" I offered him a cheeky grin.

  "You've wanted to do me your whole life? Slut." He chuckled as I popped him in the chest. "Oh, Nina and Mom are here with Austin. Let's go catch up with them."

  "Does this dress look okay? It's obvious that I'm five months pregnant and not just chunky, right?"

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Please do not make me take you back into a storeroom and fuck you silly in your pretty dress to remind you how fucking hot you look. Cause I will."

  I smiled. "Please?"

  "Ugh. I married a good girl, and she quickly turned into a bad girl." He moved his arm from my shoulders to the back of my waist with his hand resting on the top curve of my ass. My hormones were all over the place thanks to the pregnancy. We'd fucked three times before coming to the event, and I'd sucked him off in the car on the way over. It was getting a little ridiculous. He was fighting the good fight, but I could tell he was exhausted.

  "How is my grandbaby?" Jeremy's mom moved up to me and put her hands on my swollen stomach.

  "Good. We're all good, Mom." Jeremy bent down and picked up Austin. "And me and this guy are hoping for another boy. We gotta even this thing out!"

  "I wouldn’t mind a sister," Austin offered and smiled over at me.

  "Hey! We made a deal. I give you twenty dollars, and you help me talk about the baby being a boy, so we make sure if God is listening that he actually hears us." Jeremy gave Austin a look.

  We all laughed together.

  "Come with me and let's check out the children's room, Aus." Nina reached out for Austin and took him off to another room as Jeremy's mother turned to us and let out a contented sigh.

  "I'm so proud of you both." She reached out and gripped my hand as she looked back and forth between us. "You've had a lot of curve balls, but you've pulled together and done a great job of figuring things out."

  "Well, like I've said before," Jeremy started, "I knew I was going to propose in the spring, I just didn't expect to get married in the same few weeks, but it's been good. No need to drag anything out."

  "Especially with a baby coming." I rubbed my belly and glanced down, still a little overwhelmed that we were pregnant.

  "Enjoy your night. I'm going to go mingle with the upper class and work to make them feel small." She smirked and walked off as Jeremy, and I chuckled.

  "You look good." I turned toward him and pressed my hands to his chest. "Really good."

  "You horny again? Already?" He paled a little, which caused me to laugh.

  I nodded. "Really bad. My pussy hurts."

  "Because I've fucked it ten times today." He pulled me close and kissed me a few times. "Storeroom?"

  "Mmmmm... storeroom please." I held his hand as we walked through the crowds of people that tried to stop us. My sexy husband opened every door and poked his head in until he found the right place. He pulled me inside and closed the door behind us. We were plunged into darkness until he reached up and pulled the string dangling above our heads.

  I laughed nervously.

  "Turn around, baby girl. Let's take care of you." He spun me around and tugged my dress up over my ass. "No panties? You dirty little slut."

  "God yes." I lifted my foot and rested it on a footstool in front of me. "Fuck me hard, okay?"

  "No one would believe this shit if I even thought to tell them." The sound of his zipper had my heart racing. Most women had odd cravings for food, but mine was for his dick. I loved it so damn much, and I couldn't seem to get enough of it. It was almost embarrassing, but he wouldn't let it be.

  "Don't tell anyone that. I'll end up on a sweater or something." I pressed my hands against the wall in front of me as he gripped my hips and drove his thick shaft into my wet slit.

  We moaned together and moved in tandem, fucking each other with little grunts and moans until I was right at the edge.

  "Fuck, Bailey. Tell me you're there, Angel. Your little pussy is contracting like a vise grip around me. I'm so close to unloading myself inside of you. Come with me."

  "I'm there," I mumbled and cried out in ecstasy as he drove himself deeper inside of me. Electricity burst from the center of my stomach, and it was all I could do to hold onto the wall and take the power of his fucking.

  He finally slowed and moved back. "You're going to be the death of me."

  "No. Not a chance." I turned and pressed my back against the wall as I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I'm good for at least a few hours."

  "A few hours?" His voice rose to a high pitch.

  "Should I get a vibrator?" I smiled and gripped the front of his button-down shirt. He looked so proper in his black tie get up.

  "Fuck no. I got this under control." He gave me a scared look as he trapped me against the wall behind me. "You want the D? You get the D."

  I smiled. "I want it again."

  "Holy shit."

  I laughed loudly. "No, I just want you. Kiss me like you mean it."

  He leaned in and nipped at my lips before kissing me good and hard. "Oh, I mean it alright. You're mine, baby girl. Forever."

  Crazy enough, forever didn't seem nearly long enough.

  The End

  Doctor Feelgood

  I am Doctor Feelgood… Tell me what ails you, baby. I’ll make you feel real good.

  I didn’t join the medical field because of the women, but it sure as f*ck has become a perk of the job.

  Now, a new forbidden lust has sparked my interest, but the odds are stacked against me.

  She’s forbidden. Taboo. Unreachable.

  My mentor’s sister is older than me and commands respect when she walks in the room. Nothing like the twenty-year old floozy’s that spread their legs at nothing more than a look.

  Ansley is divorced and dominant. Word on the street is that she left the old guy she was hitched to because she wanted kids.

  He didn’t.

  Wonder if she is looking for a baby daddy?

  I have all the right instruments for that sh*t and I’m more than willing to let her borrow them for a night – or two…

  They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. F*ck that
. I’ll eat that apple first, and then you’re next.

  Now, how do you like them apples?



  "This is gonna be wicked." I smiled and glanced over at my closest friend, Jackson. "You sure you're up for this shit tonight?"

  He snorted and reached up to brush his hand by his nose. The cockiness in his eyes was almost too much, but it mirrored mine - no doubt.

  "I just hope these other guys you're bringing from the hospital don't mess up the flow." He glanced my way and smirked. "You do remember how to do this, right?"

  "Pick up a woman?" I chuckled and nodded at the bouncer at the front of the strip club. "It's what I do when I'm not saving lives. It's you who might need dusting off."

  "Not a chance, asshole." He popped me in the chest with the back of his hand and made a beeline for the bar.

  I stopped and glanced around the darkened room, the lights perfect for the clientele littered all over the club. Sexy jazz music pumped from the speakers above, and the fog machine was in full effect.

  "Over here, man." Freddy, one of my favorite residents from St. Marks waved me over. "We saved you a seat and got you a present."

  I rolled my eyes as he extended his hand, his thick finger wrapped around a bundle of one dollar bills. "You think the type of woman I plan on fucking in the bathroom tonight is going to be impressed with such small bills?"

  "Oh Gawd." Darek, one of the surgeons I worked with gave me a look. "Please tell me you're kidding. Do you know how many germs there are in a bathroom?"

  I snatched up the bills and grabbed a beer from the bucket of them in the center of the table. "I'll make sure to sanitize my cock before and after. Sound good?"

  The table erupted in laughter, and the tension in my chest released. I was with friends for the night, and I was, without a doubt, getting laid by a woman who knew her way around a man.

  "Where's Aiden?" I glanced back toward the bar to see Jackson flirting with the bartender. He always had to go after the most challenging lay in the room. It was almost a game to him.

  "You know Elizabeth isn't going to let him come to a titty bar." Freddy reached over and gripped the back of my shoulder, squeezing tightly as he leaned closer and whispered. "He'll stop by on his way home. Just don't tell on him."

  I shook my head. "I don't know why he settled down."

  "Have you seen Elizabeth?"

  "Yeah, she's beautiful, but still." I took a long drink of my beer. "Complete ball and chain. Not worth the effort."

  "You don't think anyone is worth the effort." Darek glanced over his shoulder and smiled. "Now, get up front. We all made a pact on who you would pick tonight."

  "You've already seen the girls?" I turned back to my friends and smiled.

  "Nope, but you've got a type." Freddy moved around me to extend his hand to Jackson. My best friend was the only one of my friends not in the medical field. "Hey, Jackson. What you know, man?"

  "I don't have a type." I took another sip of my beer and turned to see my mentor, Aiden Crawford walk through the door of the club.

  "Sure you do." Darek smiled. "She's gotta be alive and has more plastic than a bottling company."

  "Fuck you too." I flipped him off and walked toward Aiden.

  He nodded toward my lifted hand. "That for me?"

  I smiled. "You're not that lucky." I extended my hand toward him. "You bring Lizzy with you?"

  He chuckled. "No, and I'm not staying. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I'm here if you need me."

  "Here? Like at the titty bar? It doesn’t really fit your style, old man."

  He gripped my hand tightly as a smirk played at the corner of his mouth. "Make me proud at Boston Gen, okay? Do what you need to do and come back home."

  I shook his hand and nodded. "I feel like I'm about blast the fuck off into space. Do I need to give a short speech or anything?"

  "No, you cocky bastard." He released my hand and patted my chest as his eyes darkened a little. There was no one I respected more than Aiden. He was a god in the operating room and was brilliant with technique and precise with his skill. Everyone at St. Mark's wanted to be Aiden Crawford - even me.

  And I would. One day.

  "Anything else?" I gripped his forearm as he wrapped his fingers around the side of my neck as he had a hundred times. The man was like an older brother to me. I wanted his approval, and I had it.

  "Yes. Don't fuck with my sister. She's been through a lot, and she's just the kind of woman that would excite a sick fuck like you." He squeezed the side of my neck, leaving me a little uncomfortable. "Support her. Teach and train her staff, but don't you dare touch her."

  "Dude. Your sister is old like you, right? I'm into younger women. They're pliable. You guys are stuck in your ways, and if we're being honest," I leaned closer and smiled like a tomcat. "Boooooring."

  He smiled and released me, patting me on the chest again. "I'm serious. She and Gwen are all I have left in the world for family. Don't do something you'll regret."

  I held up a boy scout sign, hoping I was getting the damn thing right. "On scout’s honor."

  "That doesn't work unless you were a scout, idiot." He moved to the side a little and waved at the guys at the table before turning back to me. "Be on time. Be precise. Show them what we've trained you to be at St. Marks. No fucking around with the nurses like you do here."

  "Alright, Dad. I think I got it." I winked and crossed my arms over my chest. "Tell Lizzy I said hey."

  "Not a chance." He gave me one more stern look and turned to walk out, calling over his shoulder, "I'm here if you need anything. Just a call away."

  I stood there for a minute, taking in his advice, his warning, and his offer. I wouldn't mess with his sisters, either one of them. He meant too much to me, and I'd been honest about not liking older women. They were too fucking bossy or insanely confident. I wasn't interested in either.

  Sluts were the name of the game. Easy in and out. No commitment and no chance of getting my balls, my wallet and my heart pulled through a ringer.

  "That go well?" Jackson moved up beside me, his eyes locked on the door where Aiden had left moments before.

  "Yep. He said to stay away from his sister." I smiled over at him. "Some part of me wants her even more now."

  He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, turning us and walked us back toward the guys as the first girl made her way out on stage. "Have you seen this broad?"

  "Nope." I pulled away from him and moved up to the stage, smiling up at the platinum blond as I pulled out a one dollar bill and waved it in the air. "And I don't need to see her. I'm going for the young, dumb, insecure ones."

  "Cause they make you feel better about yourself?" He lifted his hand with a hundred dollar bill clasped between his fingers.

  Asshole. Always trying to show someone up.

  The girl snatched my bill and moved over to him and tugged his from his fingers slowly, seductively. She knelt down in front of Jackson and smiled, her tits spilling out of the tiny blue bikini-like top she had on. "Want a lap dance, baby?"

  I snorted. "You just gotta be first, don't you?"

  He glanced at me and winked. "You gotta up the ante sometimes, Parks. Shit or get off the pot, right? You're not going to land this older woman with little boy tricks."

  "I don't wanna land her. I want a slut, like this girl." I nodded toward the girl as my mood darkened. Jackson had no room to talk about growing up. He was a playboy billionaire that still fucked a different girl each night, and most of them in his high dollar office with the world watching from the windows.

  He turned back to the girl and pulled out another hundred. "Two hundred for a quick fuck for my friend here?"

  "Absolutely." She snatched the money and jumped off the stage, grabbing my hand and tugging me back toward the darkest part of the club.

  I gripped her hand tightly and jerked, pulling her back and wrapping an arm around her to steady her. "I don't need you taking
the lead, princess."

  "Then you take it," she whispered and ran her hand down my chest to cup my dick. Her dark red fingernails matched her lipstick and should have been a turn on, but it wasn't.

  "I just did." I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, dominating the kiss as she melted against me. My eyes fluttered closed, and I imagined her to be someone worthy of my time and attention, the kind of woman I would give up my wanton bullshit for. I had no doubt that girl existed somewhere, but I was unwilling to go in search of her. She'd have to exist somewhere in the recess of my mind.

  "Let's go to the back." She nipped at my lips, her blue eyes filled with lust.

  "No. Let’s fuck here." I dropped down in a chair close to the edge of the stage and reached for my zipper. "Make it look like a lap dance, and I'll throw in an extra hundred. Make me come before you do, and I'll throw in five hundred."

  She laughed and looked around as if I were kidding. "Really? Right here?"

  "You're a slut. You're used to a crowd watching you get off." I pulled a condom from my pocket and bit the edge of the packaging. "It's a big dick though. You're going to have to work hard to hide it firstly, and not soak it too quickly. You down?"

  I pulled the rubber out and slipped my hand into my slacks to grab my cock. My erection had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with the thrill of an exhibition. My job was the only thing that left my blood really pumping as of late, so fucking in public seemed rather appetizing.

  "Fine. You're on." She turned and rolled her hips, moving to stand in front of me as I pulled my dick out and slid the rubber down it. It was just dark enough, and there was far too much going on up on the stage for anyone to pay us much attention at all.

  "You're going down, baby." I reached up and gripped her hips as she leaned forward and dug her fake nails into my thighs. She wrapped her hand around my cock and tugged her panties to the side with her free hand.


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