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Captain Hotness: A Single Father Bad Boy Novel

Page 64

by Weston Parker

  The knock at my front door had to be Grace. Soft rapping that didn't stop until I jerked the door open.

  "You know I hate it when you do that." I gave her a warning look.

  "Yep, but you knew it was me, didn't you. That's all that matters. New York is dangerous, especially the city." She walked in and pulled off her thin navy cardigan. The thick wool sweater she had on underneath left her looking bulky, swollen and as unattractive as I'd ever seen her. She was the only person I knew who wore multiple layers, and none of them matched.

  "What the fuck is that?" I pressed my fingers to my lips as I used my free hand to close and lock the door.

  "What? This?" She twirled around in circles, her dark hair flying behind her.

  "The only thing you're allowed to wear from that outfit is the tights you have on, and even those might have to go." I squinted and moved in for a closer inspection. "Grace Adams. Dear baby Jesus, please tell me that those aren't cats on your tights."

  "Yeah. They're cute, right?"

  "You're twenty-one. Cute is not the look you're going for." I stopped in front of her and put my hands on my hips. "Take it off. All of it."

  "What? No. It's good. I saw someone on a London catwalk wearing this last week." Her shoulders rolled in as she let out a sad sounding sigh.

  "Off. Now."

  "Can I at least keep the shoes? I love flats."

  "No. You can wear those dark brown boots of mine that you love. You're not wearing those flats. They have little bows on them. What are you, twelve again?"

  "You're such a hater." She pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it on my couch before kicking her shoes at me.

  I glanced over toward the couch and laughed. "Someone is going to think we skinned a cat. God that thing is so ugly. How much did you pay for it?"

  "Don't ask." She pulled her tights off and walked toward my room, her little black g-string tucked into the perfect curve of her ass.

  "Tell me and make me feel better." I walked behind her as I reached up to pull my long hair into a high ponytail. I needed to go for playful more than sexy for the night. With both Thomas being there for sure, and Nate possibly showing up, I didn't need to look anything near sexy, even though it was a hard look for me to pull off in the first place.

  "Why would me telling you that I got it at Ross for ten dollars make you feel better?" She turned to face me, her expression still tight with angst. Her breasts rose high above the black lace bra she wore, and her tanned skin stretched across her perfect curves, leaving me to feel frumpy, fat, ugly.

  "Because. I have to stand next to you all night." I walked past her and bumped her shoulder softly. "You're lucky I didn't just leave you in your mauled kitten costume. It would have made me look better."

  "You're stupid." She moved into the closet beside me. "You're the hottest girl in the whole damn city and the richest."

  "No telling anyone that." I pulled down a tight black dress. "Here. Wear this."

  "You sure? This is one of your favorites." She leaned over to work it over her hips and I walked back to the bathroom.

  "Yeah, you'll look great in it." I leaned over my bathroom counter and grabbed a tube of dark pink lipstick. "So I think Nate is going to be there tonight."

  "The hot guy from the coffee shop?"

  "Yep." I pursed my lips and moved back. "And if he is... I'm going home with him. We should take separate cars."

  "And what if I plan on going home with Erik? Isn't that his name? The bad boy from the library the other day?"

  "Erik Bertinelli isn't going to be at Kadia." I snorted and gave her an approving look. "Hot. Two thumbs up."

  "Thanks." She grabbed my lipstick and scowled at it before finding something darker, smokier. "And why wouldn't he be at Kadia?"

  "Because it's filled with college kids and hookers, Grace. He's a hitman. Why would he be interested in any of those people?"

  "Here's for hoping." She bumped her hip against mine and we shared a laugh. If nothing else, it would feel good to hang out with her for the night. It had been a long time since we got to let our hair down and have fun.

  "Thomas has us covered if we get a little toasted?"

  "Yep. Just stick close to me."

  "Why is that?" I glanced her way.

  "Because you get horny when you get drunk. The last thing we need is for you to fuck my brother again."

  I shrugged. "It was three years ago, Grace, and it was an accident. Big deal."

  "Agreed, but he's been in love with you since. You're going to have to show me some of your moves."

  "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear any of that." I turned and walked out of the bathroom as a smile spread across my face. I'd been with a few men in my time, but none of them were what I would consider a good lay. Hell, I wasn't even sure what that would look like.

  If I had to guess... it would look a lot like Nate.

  "Move it on through. Move." The voice at the front of the line was familiar. Too familiar.

  I kept my head down and moved behind the large crowd of people trying to get into Kadia. I was far more worried about stumbling and busting my ass than seeing who was checking I.D.'s at the front door. I'd be there soon enough.

  "Oh, nice." Grace turned and glanced over her shoulder. "It's your man, and he looks fucking hot."

  "What?" I lifted to my toes and my suspicions were confirmed. Nate was taking tickets at the front door and checking I.D.'s. "Oh hell. It's Nate."

  Grace said something, but I couldn't hear her over the pounding of my heart in my chest. I reached into the top of my dress and pulled my breasts up, hoping like hell that I looked better than I felt like I did. Next to Grace I just didn't measure up. She was exotic and thin, I was the girl next door with big boobs and hips that I hated.

  "Jenna," Nate spoke, his eyes filled with something I couldn't quite place.

  Grace slipped into the open door and someone in the back of the crowd pushed forward, causing me to stumble toward the handsome bastard.

  I pressed my hands to his thick chest and glanced up as the air rushed from my lungs. Everything about the moment was perfect except for the fact that I wasn't nearly ballsy enough to press my lips to his.

  "Hey. Sorry about that." I turned and barked at the crowd. "Back the fuck up."

  "No problem. I've been watching for you all night." His eyes moved down the front of my dress as I pulled my hands from his chest and started to search for my I.D.

  "You have? I had this damn I.D. somewhere just a few-"

  "Don't worry about it. I'm sure you're legal." He winked and grabbed my arm, pulling me toward the door. "Bartender's name is Mark. Tell him you and your dark-haired friend can have drinks on me. Save me a dance."

  "You dance?" I walked into the club, turning around to get one more glimpse of him before someone grabbed me by the waist and toted me down the stairs toward a large group of my friends.

  "There you are." Thomas set me down and spun me around. "Wow." His eyes ran down my body and back up to my face. "You're so fucking hot, but you knew that, didn't you?"

  "Not a chance, handsome." I playfully popped him in the face and turned to walk toward the bar where Grace was already perched on a stool.

  "You can't wait for anyone? Shit." I took the seat next to her and let out a soft sigh.

  "Sorry. I figured it would be better to get out of the way. Your guy at the door has to be one of the best looking men I've seen around here."

  "Better than Erik?" I glanced toward the bartender as she flashed me a toothy smile. "Bud Light please?"

  "Anything for you, beauty." He turned to Grace. "How about you, angel?"

  "Same." She smiled and turned to face me. "Hell, no, not better than Erik. Can you imagine the two of them together though? One buried deep in your ass and the other-"

  "Hey. I'm good." I lifted my hand as my pulse spiked. I'd never been with two men, nor had I let one have his way with me. Maybe that's the reason my sex life was so incredibly dull. I only l
ived the fun stuff in my head.

  "Oh. Sorry." She blushed and fiddled with the front of her dress.

  "No, I'm sorry. I was just kidding." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "You been fantasizing about Erik at the library?"

  "Yeah. I can't help it. He's so sexy, Jenna. So dangerous looking."

  "I would tell you to fuck him, but he's dangerous, Grace. He's not the average guy you're looking for when you want a one-night stand. He's vile. Nasty. Dark. Deadly."

  "You talking about me again?" Nate moved up beside me and pressed his forearms to the bar as the bartender returned with our drinks.

  "Here you go, ladies. ‘Sup, Nathaniel. You need a drink, brother?"

  Nate shook his head and glanced down at me. "No, but these girls can drink for free tonight. Put it on my tab."

  "No. You don't have to-" I lifted my hand. I had plenty of money. I didn't need him or anyone else buying my shit.

  He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his face before brushing his nose along the palm of my hand and biting at the flesh. "I want to. Hush or I'll put you over my knee and spank your fine ass right here in front of your bestie and the stiff prick hoping to fuck you tonight."

  I glanced over to Grace to apologize, but the look of lust on her face told me I didn't need to bother. Not many people could talk shit about her brother, Thomas, but it would seem that Nate was one of them.



  "And you're not going to spank anyone." Jenna turned back toward me, her eyes full of challenge.

  "No?" I tilted my head to the side and let my gaze move over to her pretty friend, who was eye-fucking me. "What do you think, Jenna’s pretty friend? Should I let her keep her panties on or should I force her to take them off when I whoop her ass?"

  Jenna stiffened as she popped me in the chest. “It’s Grace, and she’s-”

  "Off. Take them off," Grace whispered as the vein in the side of her neck beat frantically.

  "Grace. Shit." Jenna jerked around toward her friend as my phone buzzed in the back of my jeans.

  I leaned over and pressed my mouth to the side of her neck, just below her ear before I spoke. "I like your friend, but she's not invited to the after-party."

  She swatted at me again, but I walked away before she could get a good slap on me. Hot little bitch. She played the cute innocent girl who served coffee, but no one who had a body like hers was sweet and innocent. Shit didn't exist.

  The idea of forcing her over my legs for a long hard spanking left my cock swollen and throbbing. It would happen. Hopefully later that night. I pulled my phone from my pocket and walked out into the alley.

  "Ashley?" I glanced down the darkened alleyway to see Ash standing there, looking like a million dollars.

  "Hey. There you are. I figured if I called you would have to come outside to answer it." She walked toward me, her eyes wide. "I'm scared. I get so fucking scared when we do this. He isn't just anyone, Nate. He's a really big deal. His fucking father is-"

  "Hush." I put my finger to her lips and used my free hand to pull her flush against me. "Don't be scared. You didn't even kill him, Ash, and the coolest part? I didn't have to kill him either. He'll end up killing himself. It will look like a suicide, or an idiot using a drug incorrectly."

  She glanced behind her and shivered. "I don't know. I feel like this is going to land right back in my lap."

  I reached down to grab her chin and forced her to look back up at me. "Hush. Stop this shit and let's go through the motions. You're the toughest woman I know."

  "And the most beautiful?"

  "Of course, baby. You know that." I searched her face, looking for signs that she might be the right woman for me, and finding nothing. Cold hearted killers. That's all we both were, but I was starting to thaw. I forced myself not to think about how fucked up my timing was. "Now, get into the club with your friends. Go through the front door. Go now. It's getting late and you'll need to be back home by midnight to find him. Remember the plan."

  "Yeah. I know." She slid her hand down my stomach to cup my dick. "You're hard."

  "You're here." I licked my lips and leaned down to kiss her roughly.

  She sunk into me as if she'd been waiting for an open invitation. I hated to pull the rug out from underneath her, but that kiss was all she was getting.

  "I love you."

  "Hush with that shit and get in the club. Remember to act manic when you find him. You got this."

  "We got this."

  "Yes, exactly." I spun her around and popped her ass hard. "Go. Now."

  "Promise you'll fuck me this weekend?" She walked toward the opening of the alley.

  "Everywhere you want me to." I moved back into the shadows and wiped my lips, suddenly repulsed by the taste of her. I was in trouble. Big fucking trouble. If Ashley caught wind that I'd fallen for someone else, there was nowhere Jenna could hide that my childhood friend wouldn't search her out and find her.

  "Not happening." I turned on my heel and walked back into the club, my eyes immediately going in search of my girl. She was still at the bar with Grace, but the stiff dick from the coffee shop was sitting on the other side of her as the three of them laughed together. I should have left her alone, but I couldn't force myself to, not even for her safety.

  She wouldn't want to be involved in the shit I was dealing. Or would she? At midnight, Ashley would be forty million dollars richer as the widow of one of the wealthiest cocks in New York City. She got half, and I got the other half. Plain and simple. Would that kind of money impress Jenna?

  I had that and a lot more already from my last heist with Ash.

  "You're off for the rest of the night." One of the other bouncers patted my chest as he walked by toward the front door.

  I glanced up to find my illustrious boss, Fredrick Carrington, watching from the top floor of Kadia. He nodded and lifted his drink to me. I waved and nodded back my thanks. He took care of me, and he knew good and damn well that I would take care of him. I had been doing so since I was a kid on the streets.

  "So this new drug makes you horny?" Grace was a little louder than she might have thought as I walked up.

  "Yeah. That's exactly what it does." Thomas knew a bit about our lust drug it would seem.

  "It's only safe in small quantities though. A mixture of ecstasy and acid." I slid my hands over Jenna's shoulders and squeezed. "Come let me give you that dance you wanted now."

  "Hey. Are you-?" The guy beside Jenna started, but I ignored him and took her hand when she got up.

  "Did I ask for a dance?" She glanced up at me as I walked toward the floor with her.

  "No, but I knew what you wanted." I moved back and spun her around as I let my eyes move across the sea of faces. Ashley was in the far corner of the club with a large group of girlfriends. I wasn't sure where she'd wrangled them up from, but it didn't matter. She needed alibis. They would work. She was in an odd part of the club where seeing the dance floor wasn't an option. I was safe, or rather Jenna was.

  I pulled her to me roughly and spun her once more, trapping her in a tight hug with her back to my chest, her sweet ass cushioning my erection. I leaned down and ran my lips up the side of her neck before sucking her ear into my mouth.

  "You wanna play a little tonight?" I growled against her ear and flexed my arms as she moaned.

  "Depends on what you have in mind." She glanced back, her expression stealing parts of my heart I thought were long dead and gone.

  "You, you on your knees. Mouth full of dick. Choking and gasping for air, but loving every minute of it." I pressed my teeth against her neck and tugged as she rolled her hips and played with my dick. "You'll be so wet by the time I get done with you that you'll be embarrassed."

  "Does this include the spanking?" She turned in my arms, forcing me to give her a little bit of space until she pressed her breasts to my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  "Of course it does." I leaned down and brushed my nose against hers as
I rubbed her sides and pressed my fingers into the soft flesh of her lower back. She expected carnality, and she would get it, but not in front of a club full of people.

  "I'm not scared of you," she mumbled breathlessly as her eyes moved around my face.

  "You should be." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a tablet. "This is the drug. A full one and you'll be riding anything I put in front of you, but half? Half will just numb the last inhibition you have. The last little pull on your soul that forces you to keep your knees together tonight."

  "You think you need a drug to force me to open my legs for you?"

  "It's not just your legs I plan to open, Jenna, but no. The drug is for you. Getting fucked for hours feels better when you're relaxed and submissive. Don't fight me. It's for your good, baby doll."

  "And what do you know about my good?" She licked her lips as if nervous.

  "You spit or swallow, Jenna?"

  "Shit." She glanced down as her cheeks turned pink.

  "Like a man's tongue on your clit or the tight opening of your ass more?"

  "Nate." She glanced up as her pupils dilated.

  "Want my cock in your pussy and my fingers in your ass or the other way around?" I slid my hands down to the top of her ass and squeezed as I pulled her in closer and pressed my erection against her stomach.

  She glanced down as she panted loudly. "I don't know. I want it all."

  "Of course you do, baby." I touched her chin and smiled. "Take the pill. Half the pill. We share it."

  "I don't know." She looked toward the bar. "How can I trust you?"

  I put the pill in my mouth, clamping my front teeth down on it and leaning down toward her as I shook my head.

  She pressed her lips to mine as I bit the pill in half. I swallowed my part and pressed the rest into her mouth as I thrust my tongue deep into her. She sucked hard, weakening my resolve to teach her a lesson about bad boys.


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