Black Envelope: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 2)

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Black Envelope: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 2) Page 1

by Rachel Angel

  Black Envelope

  Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep #1

  Rachel Angel

  Black Envelope

  Published by Romance On the Go, an Imprint of Sparklesoup

  Copyright © 2019 Rachel Angel, a pen name of Kailin Gow

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Do NOT post on websites or share this book without permission from copyright holder. We take piracy seriously.

  All characters and storyline is an invention from Kailin Gow. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidence.

  For information, please contact:

  First Edition.


  This is dedicated to my Mom, who raised me to be a strong woman by being one herself. She kicked cancer to the curb, ran her own business, raised four children, and sent me to learn karate and kung fu at an early age although I was the only girl in class. Yes, there were cute boys in the class, and one with blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes whom I had a major crush on. I’d like to thank my Mom for that too, because he is a muse for many of my books.

  I’d like to dedicate this book to my Dad, too, who revealed that one of our ancestor was a general and a kingmaker, which became the spark for Tempest’s character.

  Hope you all will enjoy this book as much as I enjoy writing it!


  Tossing the Black Envelope is tradition. Now Tempest Ryan has received it, anyone in school can bully her.

  Make her leave.

  That's the K3's decree. That's what she gets for trying to mess with us Royals.

  Kingsbury Prep is a 500 year old institution.

  Only those with royal blood can attend this school.

  A commoner like Tempest Ryan does not belong.

  We will break her, break her will, break her heart.

  She will wish she never step foot into Kingsbury.

  Only now, she is getting under all of our skins like a burn that can't stop itching.


  Kingsbury Prep's K3 Royals have made it known they don't want me here.

  Being at the receiving end of the notorious Black Envelope is no laughing matter.

  I'd learned someone had died from it. Another nearly died but left Kingsbury just in time.

  These guys are cruel. They started a war against me. Even though I am reeling from the pain, I have some secrets of my own.

  Love and Hate is a fine line, especially when they all seem to hate me, but can't stop wanting me.

  ***BLACK ENVELOPE is reverse harem/mature high school bully romance novel. This is book two of six in the series. Contains foul language and sexual scenes; any sex featured is consensual.




  Although Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep is fiction, there was a school in history which only allowed those of royal blood to attend. It was a school to train them to become global rulers and diplomats. The names of the countries of the royals have been changed for fictional purposes. In the writing of this series, specialists such as a weapons specialist, fighting specialist, and lawyer were consulted to best accurately depict certain scenes, while being fiction. While this takes place at a high school level academy, due to the maturity of the themes, language, and sexual content; this series is best suitable for a mature audience. Tempest and her lovers are seniors and at least 18 years old.

  This is also a Reverse Harem, which means the main female character will have three or more love interests.

  Possible triggers in this book for those sensitive to these issues: suicide, bullying, attempted rape.

  The entire series for Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep takes place Senior Year for Tempest and the K3s. Events may go faster than a typical bully romance RH Academy book, which takes place 1 book per year. Tempest, Book 1, is told from her point-of-view and the language will reflect this. The structure of events and timing will reflect her point-of-view to keep with the integrity of the storytelling. Please keep an open mind for the way this book is told, as it may not fall within the typical style of RH Romances and Bully Romances. On the contrary to the typical RH Romances and Bully Romances, this series is a twist to it.

  As this book series has been optioned as a film and is based on a mix between genres (manga, mature comic, and contemporary romance), there will be more action rather than description.

  Finally, this is a bully romance which means enemy to lover romance. By no means do we promote or advocate any bullying of any kind, but seek to prevent it in real life. If anyone is facing bullying in real life, there are resources and help out there. One we recommend is:

  Shy Girls Social Club Handbook on Dealing with Bullies and Other Meanies by Kailin Gow



  “We the students of Kingsbury Prep Academy, ask for new leadership of the student body. We ask for the school to reconsider the scholarship program for non-royals to be extinguished.”

  Kaz, Hunter, and Ori were already making their way to join me at the podium.

  Kaz took the microphone, but before he could speak, twenty students marched up to the front and said in unison, “We vote out Kaz, Orion, and Hunter as the President and Officers of our student body.”

  “Wow,” I said. “So the monarchs here are actually using the system of vote? So non-royal.”

  “You can’t do that,” Kaz said loud enough without a microphone, his voice booming like a lion’s.

  Everyone turned to him, as he commanded their attention.

  “Why can’t we?” the female voice who had been narrating the videos in back, asked.

  Veronica stepped out from behind a curtain, a microphone in hand.

  Ms. Turlington looked as surprised as Kaz, Hunter, Ori, and me. “Why is she back?” She asked.

  Kaz spoke up. “My family owns Kingsbury Prep, and I am a Trustee.”

  “Wrong!” Veronica screamed so loudly into the mic, everyone had to clap their hands over their ears. She pulled out a document.

  “My family bought enough shares of Kingsbury Prep, I am now a Trustee, Kaz.”

  Kaz, Ori, and Hunter’s faces paled along with Ms. Turlington’s.

  I wanted to leap out across the crowd to strangle Veronica. I almost did, except for Kaz quietly laying his hand over mine.

  Next to me, I heard Hunter softly said, “The crazy bitch.”

  Ori looked around and said, “I smell a blood bath coming…”

  I saw the back of the ballroom lined up, not only with students, but with military-looking guards. Soldiers wearing the flag of Normandy on their sleeves. Veronica’s Kingdom.

  “And the first act as Trustee and President of the Student Body,” Veronica announced, “is to clear Kingsbury of bad seed. I invoke the Black Envelope on Tempest Ryan and the K3s!”

  Chapter 1

  Kaz grabbed my hand, “Let’s get out of here,” he said.

  “Can’t we get the Black Envelope revoked?” I asked.

  Kaz shook his head. “It is sacred. Only the King or the Queen of the student body can in
voke the Black Envelope. The person who invoke it is the only one to revoke it. So that would be Veronica.”

  “The good thing is,” Hunter said, “Only the students can attack us under Black Envelope decree, not Veronica’s soldiers. But she brought her father’s soldiers for a reason. I think it’s to intimidate the students to her side. Who knew batshit crazy bitch would bring her Daddy’s soldiers to bully the kids at school?”

  “You’ve got a point,” Kaz said. “Her soldiers are not here to get K3 and Tempest. It’s to intimidate and bully the students and everyone else into siding with her.”

  Ori said, “Kingsbury Prep is neutral territory. Like the UN. Any country who brings their military to the grounds of Kingsbury is acting against the neutrality established by all the monarchs who sent their children to Kingsbury.”

  Hunter said, “Kingsbury Prep was intended by Kaz’s family centuries ago to help broker peaceful relations between countries through their children. That’s why Kaz, Ori, and I are so close. Thicker than blood. Our families were amongst the first to enroll in Kingsbury.”

  Kaz’s hands bunched into fists. “No country in the history of Kingsbury Prep has dared send their troops here.”

  Ori echoed Kaz’s rage. “Veronica has just started an act of war.”

  Kaz, Hunter, and Ori looked at each other. “Technically,” Hunter said, “We are justified to call in our own kingdoms’ military.”

  “The City of Arcadia, this island is a municipality of my country,” Kaz said. “We have military stationed here.”

  He looked torn.

  “You’re hesitating, Kaz,” I said. “What is it?”

  “This is no small thing, Tempest. If I use my country’s military for this incidence at a school for the royals, it might trigger the wrath of the people. There has already been riots and skirmishes in other parts of my country.”

  “So it is looking like a stupid childish game the royals are playing, which might end up killing people, mostly the common people,” I summarized.

  “We could truly start a civil war,” Kaz said.

  “So let’s not use military from Arcadia or from Kaz’s country,” I said. “What alternative protection and forces do we have?”

  Hunter said, “From my own kingdom, I’m contacting a secret select team of men…those who have sworn to protect the king and his family. I’m family, and I’m the crown prince. They need to come out to protect me. It will not be an official military action but one of personal safety.”

  Ori said, “In that case, I’m calling for our special elite service, too. My father actually would be proud of me for taking military action. He’s a military king, who rose to power by being a general. He would approve of my use of military power.”

  Hunter was already on the phone.

  Ori was on his phone, too.

  “It would take time for Hunter and Ori’s special teams to get here,” I told Kaz.

  “Yeah,” he said, eyeing the soldiers in back. “Looks like Veronica is about to issue orders for them to attack, too. We need to have security protecting our guests.”

  “Where’s our security?” I asked, calling Ricky with my phone.

  “I’m right here,” Ricky said, walking up to us. “I’ve got an army of 100 people. The tram could only take 10 people at a time so they are all coming up slowly.”

  “Fabulous, Ricky,” I said, so happy to see him, I hugged him.

  Kaz, Hunter, and Ori looked at each other before Kaz said, “Thanks for coming through. And sorry about the way we guys behaved towards you earlier. I was just jealous. You know when it comes to Tempest…”

  Ricky looked surprised. “Hey no problem. Just glad I could help. And yeah, Tempest is pretty cool.”

  Kaz narrowed his eyes a bit, but proceeded to welcome him. Ori walked over to Ricky, shaking his hand. “Thanks Ricky, I’m Orion. I’m in charge of security for the Ball,” he said. “Where are the men?”

  Ricky took out a walkie talkie and said, “The guy in charge of the group is named Brick. Yeah, he’s huge. He’s my right hand man, and he’s the one loading each set of 10 guys onto the tram. Don’t worry, no one else has the code for the tram except him and me. I’m sure after this, you can change the code if you want. We’re communicating to the guys through this walkie talkie. I communicate to Brick, and he sends out the message to each set’s leader. Since you’re in charge of security… here, take my walkie talkie.” He handed Ori the walkie talkie but said, “First let me introduce you two so he knows he can trust you.”

  Ricky pushed a button and said, “Hey Brick, I’m at the top, and talking to the ones who hired you guys. Ori. Prince Ori is in charge of security at Kingsbury Castle. He’ll give you the orders from now on. Thanks guys!”

  He handed Ori the walkie talkie and turned to me and grinned. “I take it the Ball isn’t going as planned.”

  “Not at all,” I said, pointing out the line of Normandy soldiers in the back. “Someone crashed the ball, and it isn’t Cinderella.”

  I had been watching Veronica and the students with her all the time since the announcement about the Black Envelope. She had gathered the students together and seemed as though they were in a meeting.

  “Thank God, they weren’t all charging at us after the Black Envelope was invoked,” I said

  “Yes, that…” Ricky said next to me. “My mother told me about it once. It hasn’t been used in years. So now it’s on?”

  “Yes, the target is me and the 3 Princes you’ve just met again…the K3s. Kaz, Orion, and Hunter. Any student can attack us.”

  “Crazy,” Ricky said.

  “Welcome to Kingsbury Prep’s world,” I said.

  “See that brunette holding a microphone? That’s the crazy one who pulled out the Black Envelope and handed it to us. She’s also the one who tried to murder me in a meat grinder when I first arrived.”

  Ricky’s face grew stone cold. “That’s taking pranks and bullying too far. Why didn’t anyone stop her?”

  “I actually don’t know. Hunter did by distracting her enough to protect me. He also pulled me away from her when she ran after me with a gun.”

  Ricky was seething. “How dare they treat anyone like that just because you’re not of royal blood.”

  “How did you know why they did?” I asked.

  “Because my mother works in the cafeteria where she constantly gets crap from the students just because they think they’re better because they’re royals.” He took both my hands in his. “Tempest, if you feel at all in danger, you can come down the mountain and stay with my family in Arcadia. You don’t have to stay and get bullied by the royals.”

  “Thank you, Ricky,” I said. “I’m so glad I found you. And please…I need to meet your mother. All this time, I don’t think I’ve met her yet.”

  Ricky smiled, “She’s the head chef at the Academy. Just ask for Valentina, but her nickname is Rosie.”

  “Such a beautiful name,” I said. “I’ll have to meet her. If I survive Black Envelope thrown at me the second time around.”

  “You will,” Ricky said. “We’ll all help you survive, Tempest. You know, everyone in town knows why you’re here. They’re rooting for you to stay and graduate. To show them royals what strong commoner blood is worth.”

  “Wow, Ricky,” I said. “I didn’t know.”

  “You’re famous, Tempest Ryan…or is it Tempest Storm?”

  My head turned in a 360 swipe so fast that I felt I could’ve gotten whiplash. “How did you know?”

  Ricky pulled out his phone and was about to show me something on it when Ms. Turlington, the Principal of Kingsbury Prep, began speaking.

  Chapter 2

  “Parents and Guardians, thank you for being so patient as we move on from that unexpected interruption. I’m sure we will deal with all the students involved later and do an investigation before proceeding. But for now, as you are here because of your children…our faculty will make their way to you to share about your children’s
progress and achievements at Kingsbury Prep while refreshments and cake will be served by our wonderful kitchen staff at Kingsbury. If you’ll make your way towards the cafeteria where your children take their meals everyday, please.”

  Kaz and Ori swiftly walked over to me and said, “We asked Turlington to take the parents to a safer place away from Veronica’s soldiers.”

  “That was brilliant,” I said. “And so smooth.”

  “Once we have all the security from Arcadia up the mountain, they should be stationed around the ballroom to keep a watchful eye on Veronica’s soldiers.”

  Ori said, “I’m on it.” He walked over to a group of men from Arcadia. One of them was huge with red hair, whom I assumed was Brick, the one in charge of giving Ori’s orders to the rest of the security from Arcadia.

  Hunter joined us, “Hey, I’ve asked my band, Tenacious, to fly in. They’ll be a good distraction for the students. Our album just hit the top 100 on the Billboard Charts so they will welcome this entertainment rather than think about how to murder us.”

  “Smart,” Kaz said, “We could use your bandmates’ help. Plus their popularity with the students here may get them to switch to our side if they are on the fence.”

  “That’s why I called them,” Hunter said.

  “Precisely, Hunter,” Kaz said, looking at Hunter and me. “And it’s a way to show off in front of Tempest. She’s never seen you in action as a rock star.”

  Hunter grinned. “You know me too well, bro. Too well.”

  Kaz turned to me and said, “Careful with this guy, when he turns on the charm, you’ll be battling it out with his groupies to even get a piece of him. If he wasn’t a prince, he’d be a rock star fully.”


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