Black Envelope: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 2)

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Black Envelope: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 2) Page 2

by Rachel Angel

  “I still might,” Hunter said.

  “That’s kind of sexy,” I said. “If you became a rock star fully and forego becoming king.”

  Hunter smiled. “Maybe I might…if it means I can be with you.”

  I looked at Kaz, who looked surprised. “Talking of which…our parents should be arriving tomorrow morning.”

  Hunter and Kaz exchanged looks that I couldn’t read. “I’ll take this breather from this mess Veronica made of tonight, to get some plans going for their arrivals.”

  Kaz took off and left me with Hunter. Ricky had walked off to join Ori and Brick as soon as Hunter arrived.

  “Oh Hunter,” I beamed. “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you. Top 100 on the Billboards,” I kissed him lightly on the lips. “Why didn’t you tell us before?”

  Hunter grinned. “Too busy with everything else. But,” he leaned in so only I could hear him, “I’m never too busy for you. I want to celebrate with you privately, just us two once this craziness settles. Promise?”

  “Promise,” I said, leaning my forehead to his and kissing him again.

  “I’ll never tire of kissing you,” Hunter said. “Wait until you meet my band. They’ve heard of you and can’t wait to meet you. I told them about the song you wrote for me, The Chase, and they can’t wait to play it. See, Tempest, you’re already a hit with them.”

  “That’s just a silly song I made on the way to Music class with you. I can’t believe you’re using it for your next album. But yes, I’d love to meet them. How soon would they get here?”

  Hunter checked his phone. “They’ll be here before my troops,” he said. “But if we get down to fighting off anyone, my band mates Ollie, Cash, and Terence could hold their own.”

  “The more the better,” I said.

  Hunter smiled proudly at me, “But they’re not fighting champs like my girl Tempest Storm.” He kissed me. “Knowing that about you, Tempest, just makes me love you more. Like I said, your fierceness is fucking sexy.”

  “I didn’t know how you would take it,” I said.

  “Well now you know,” Hunter said. “But it’s your secret to keep. Like me being in a rock band was my secret to keep from my parents for the longest time. To them, being in a band was the most un-princely thing I could do.”

  “Wait until they find out about us,” I said.

  Hunter looked worried. “I’m my father’s favorite son so he’s always been easier on me. I don’t know how he’ll take to you being a non-royal. He’s more open-minded than Kaz’s father, though.” He took my hands in his. “No matter what, Temp, you have my heart.”

  Kaz walked over to us. “Veronica’s making a move, but not if I could stop her first,” he said heading over to Veronica, who was flanked by Sabrina and two students I recognized as the pale blonde sophomore named Holly and a dark-haired brute of a guy named Russell.

  They were both from Normandy and were somehow related to Veronica.

  “What is Kaz doing?” I asked Hunter.

  Hunter’s face was a mixture of awe, disbelief, and even disgust. “I think he’s trying to offer himself to Veronica to revoke the Black Envelope.”

  “No!” I cried out. “Kaz shouldn’t. We can handle it. I did…”

  “It’s not the same, Tempest. This is serious. This time Black Envelope won’t get revoked unless one of us dies. And the one Veronica truly hates is you.”

  “Kaz is sacrificing himself to Veronica for me?” I asked.

  “I’m afraid so,” Hunter said.

  Veronica’s in love with him. Had been for years. But she’s crazy and can’t believe he doesn’t love her back.”

  “Hunter, I have to stop Kaz…” the thought of losing Kaz to Veronica…not having his love, all of a sudden, hit me hard like a punch to the chest.

  I ran up to Kaz right when Veronica pulled him to her, wrapped her arms around his waist, and leaned in to rest her face on his chest.

  “Kaz!” I yelled. “What’s going on?”

  “What’s going on is Kaz here has surrendered himself to me. He wants me to revoke Black Envelope by offering to be with me as I’d like.”

  Kaz couldn’t even look at me when I asked, “Is that true?”

  “It’s true alright,” Veronica said. “Otherwise, I would have already ordered one of my minions to stop you from coming over any way they can.”

  “Why Kaz?” I asked.

  “Isn’t it obvious, Peasant Whore,” Veronica said. “He’s had his fun with you, now he’s going to be with me. After all, it was his parents who sold the shares of Kingsbury Prep to my parents. That’s how I got to become a trustee as Kaz is. I own enough shares to be one.”

  “Tempest,” Kaz finally said, almost like a whisper. “I’m sorry.”


  “So!” Veronica announced to Kaz and me. “Because of Kaz’s offer, I’m letting Tempest have immunity from being killed tonight by the students. Because, that was the plan. She could go and sleep peacefully tonight. But unless you offer more each day, Kaz, tomorrow is another day where she’s free target for the student body. And after the videos I played and the exposure I had of her, the students are inching to start tomorrow morning. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Chapter 3

  Hunter pulled me away from Kaz and Veronica, dragging me towards his place. “Come on Tempest,” he said. “Kaz made his choice. Don’t let his sacrifice be in vain. We need to come up with a real strategy to win against Veronica and the Black Envelope. Kaz won immunity from being attacked himself by surrendering to Veronica. He must’ve had an inkling of how big of an onslaught Veronica and the student body had planned.”

  “We can’t let Kaz alone with Veronica,” I said. “What if she hurts him?”

  “She might, but then again, she’s obsessed with him. She most likely won’t. Kaz, of course knew that about her. He’s smart. Brilliant. If you’ve ever seen him play chess, you’d know he’s deliberate in every move.”

  “He’s buying us time,” I said.

  “Yes,” Hunter said. “So let’s not waste it.”

  “What about Ori?” I asked.

  “He’s organizing the army,” Hunter said. “That’s one of his expertise. He’s been raised by his father his entire life for fighting and war.” Hunter smiled. “I know you were the one who beat him in the Underground Fight Tournament. When he came back not as upset over having lost, but acting like a lovesick puppy, I knew the girl he fought was someone special. Then when you came to Kingsbury and challenged us guys The K3s in the cafeteria, Ori was heads over heels. We both knew you had to be the same Tempest.”

  “Guess I should have changed my name to make it less obvious. Duh!” I said.

  Hunter couldn’t help but laugh. He took my hand, entwining his fingers into mine. “Babe, I don’t think it would matter to those who know you as well as the guys know you, Tempest.” He stopped in front of a wing of Kingsbury Castle which was away from the other dorms and also away from Kaz’s house. It was attached to the Castle, not like Kaz’s separate full-size standalone single family palatial house.

  “They gave me my own place equipped with a kitchen, family room, bedroom, and garage,” Hunter said. “When I first started at Kingsbury, I was touring a lot and playing with my band at all odd hours. I needed a place away where my band and I could practice privately so they set me up here, near the gardens. These townhomes are like cottages, and I love the peace and quiet of my place,” he said.

  “It has the feel of an English cottage,” I said. “An idyllic place for an artist and musician.”

  Hunter placed his key into an antique-looking doorknob and opened the green door, leading to a modern art gallery-like contemporary loft.

  I was surprised.

  “I expected dainty floral wallpapers and old antique furniture from the looks of the outside, but inside, it feels so Soho and modern big city.” I smiled. “It is very much you, Hunter. Sophisticated, sleek, smart, artistic, and beautiful.”
I leaned in to kiss him.

  He grabbed my hips and press me to him, before I could; taking over with his own lips with light kisses along my collarbone, neck, chin, and cheekbones. “Did I tell you how gorgeous you looked in this gemstone-encrusted purple ball gown?”

  “No, you haven’t yet,” I said.

  “You look scrumptious,” Hunter said, kissing the top of my breasts where the strapless dress barely covered my large breasts. In seconds, Hunter made sure they were free and about for his mouth to thoroughly explore.

  “I thought we’d wait for our private time together when all this mess with Veronica was over,” I said.

  “That hot crazy mess won’t be over that soon, Babe,” he said, sucking my nipples and reaching down under the expensive gown’s skirt to dip his fingers into my wet core. “I don’t think I could wait until the end of the school year for that shit to end. If you know Veronica like I do, she’s determined.” Hunter turned me around and unzipped the zipper of my gown, before gently tugging it off of me.

  “We have tonight of peace and tranquility before the real craziness begins,” Hunter said. “Let’s thoroughly enjoy it.”

  Hunter sat me down on a soft leather white sofa. He spread my legs apart and kissed the soft sensitive skin of my inner thigh. I closed my eyes, as each nerve cell of my skin tingled from his warm soft kisses.

  When his tongue licked my core, I jumped and moaned. “Tonight is going to be all about you, Tempest,” he said. “That’s how I’d like to celebrate my latest Tenacious album, hitting the Billboard Top 100. Eating my cake on your gorgeous body.”

  He took me to his kitchen, which was clean, sleek, spotless, and state-of-the-art. Flawless like the beautiful K-drama Prince he was. My Hunter. My sexy artistic prince. He led me to his table, laid me down, and went to his refrigerator. I heard the sliding of some cardboard, the sound of a bottle popping, carbonated beverage being poured into a glass of ice.

  “Close your eyes, Tempest,” Hunter said. “Now open your mouth.” With his fingers, I felt something soft against my mouth. I licked it, and tasted rich chocolate cream against the finest chocolate cake.

  “Oh, this is delicious,” I said, savoring the taste.

  “My parents had it flown from Belgium for me. “Plus, they were coming out to see me at the Birthday Ball, and this is their favorite cake.”

  “Are we supposed to save it for them?” I asked.

  “I’m saving half of it for them. The rest is for us.” He fed me a chunk of the cake while I laid naked on top on the table. His fingers dipped into my mouth, and I was licking and sucking on his fingers.

  “I want more,” I said, licking my lips hungrily.

  “Greedy much?” he chuckled, feeding me another bite of the cake with his fingers. When his fingers entered my mouth, I inhaled the piece of cake and grabbed his hand with my hand, holding his fingers in place while I moved each digit into my mouth to lick it clean. Hunter’s chocolate eyes hungrily watched my every move like a hawk. When I was finished licking his fingers, he leaped onto the table and crushed his body against mine. His mouth was already locked on mine, while his tongue ate my mouth clean.

  “I thought you were going to eat cake off my body,” I said.

  “We ran out of cake, Tempest, my little hungry bird. I’m going to eat you out instead. He moved his mouth down to my stomach, licked my belly all the way to my folds. “This is my favorite cake, right here, he said, licking my folds hungrily. “Sweet like honey,” he said, grinding his teeth against my nub.

  I moaned while my back arched backwards, lifting my round breasts up. He reached out his hands and grabbed my waist, his hands large enough to circle around my waist fully before touching. “Oh Hunter,” I said, moaning. “You sure have a magic touch.”

  His mouth assaulted me while pleasuring me. He smiled while using his fingers to plunge into me. “More like a magic mouth,” he said, sliding his body up against me, and kissing me passionately with his delicious mouth.

  “Yes, magic mouth,” I said, kissing him back as passionately as I could. A skilled musician, his fingers worked me like a guitar string, plucking my body like an instrument. “Oh Hunter,” I said. “Fuck me. I want you in me now.”

  He zipped down his tuxedo pants and lowered his briefs. I opened my eyes to watch his beautiful long thick girth plunge deep into me, rocking me to the hilt. He slid in and out of me, moving his hips tight against mine. He filled me so fully we were joined as if one. Moving in sync as our hips ground against each other, with each other in a frenzied rhythm of dance. Finally with one deep grunt, and my own guttural moan of pleasure, we both arched backwards, pushing our joined hips closer and exploded together.

  Afterwards, he held me in his arms, stroking my cheeks. “Tempest,” he said. “I”ll keep you safe as long as I could, but it’s about to be batshit crazy.”

  “I thought it already has,” I said.

  “It’s going to be ten times as crazy by tomorrow morning. The Black Envelope has killed not just my cousin Allison years ago, but it made one student go insane after he escaped just in time.”

  “What happened?” I asked.

  He took a deep breath. “When you have students as worldly, experienced, and driven as the ones at Kingsbury, you tend to be overachievers and even diabolical. The students kept the victim in Kingsbury Castle’s old dungeon for weeks, fed him rotten food until he was sick, and then made him eat his own filth.”

  My mouth dropped open. “How cruel.”

  “They would have done more, but he escaped.”

  “The Black Envelope,” I said, “sounds like an excuse just to be as mean to your fellow human being as possible.”

  “It is,” Hunter said, “You never know how far anyone would go.”

  Hunter got up from the table and helped me up. He went to his refrigerator and pulled out neatly stacked containers of food, which he heated in the microwave.

  “We have to eat. Make sure you have energy so you can either fight or run at any given time.” He went to get the food out of the microwave, while I went to get dressed.

  “I need to get my clothes from Kaz’s house,” I said, coming back into the kitchen wearing only my panties.

  Hunter stopped preparing our dinner just to look at me standing there with nothing but my panties on.

  “Mercy,” he said. “I think I’m going to have to take you again.”

  With that, he stopped prepping our dinner. Came over to me and pulled me to him at the counter. He turned me around until his hands were running across and over my naked buttocks circling them. “You have the nicest perfectly round ass, Tempest.” He gave me a slap before entering me from behind which sent hot searing heat running through me. Still rocking me with his thick girth, and pounding me hard, in and out so quickly and then slowly, I shuddered before exploding with Hunter climaxing with me.

  After cleaning me up between my legs with a towel, he turned me around to hold me tightly. “Tempest, I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but for tonight, I just want to take care of you and make sure you’re safe.”

  “Can I go to Kaz’s to get my things?”

  “I wouldn’t go there right now,” Hunter said. “Since Kaz surrendered…”

  My heart twisted thinking about Kaz and how humiliating it would have been for him to surrender to Veronica of all people. Veronica’s crew is probably watching his place for me, for the rest of K3.

  “Does anyone know of your place here?” I asked. “How safe is this location?”

  “None of the students know about this place,” Hunter said. “If they look from the outside, it looks like a faculty’s townhouse.”

  “Good,” I said.

  “Only Kaz and Ori knows of my place. And my Tenacious bandmates. Now you.”

  Chapter 4

  As if the universe heard us, there was a knocking at the front door.

  Hunter got up suddenly and motioned for me to follow him.

  We went through a long hallway
to his bedroom, which was just like the rest of Hunter’s house – sleek, sophisticated, masculine yet gentlemanly. He grabbed some clothes out of his closet and handed them to me. “Here, these might fit.”

  I pulled on a pair of red gym shorts and a Tenacious black t-shirt right in front of Hunter. He took a look at me and said, “You even make my gym outfit look sexy and cute.”

  “It’s the outfit,” I joked.

  “It’s the girl,” Hunter said. “A very hot, smart, and beautiful one I’m crazy about.” He pulled me to him and kissed me.

  He led me to sit in front of his desk where he had three computer monitors set up.

  One monitor showed a view of the front of Kingsbury Prep’s entrance. Another showed the entrance to an ancient-looking old door.

  Finally, a surveillance camera showed who was at the front door. Three big guys wearing hoodies and sweats were standing in front of the door. One of them, waved to the camera.

  “It’s the Tenacious guys,” Hunter said. “But let me check if the coast is clear.” He tweaked the camera with his keyboard and was able to survey the area outside.

  “Do you think any of the students would have noticed them arriving into Kingsbury Prep?” I asked.

  “Maybe,” Hunter said, “which is why I think we should still be very cautious.” He pulled out his phone and texted Tenacious. “I’ve asked them to go around the garden to another entrance.”

  “Where is that entrance?” I asked.

  Hunter smiled. “It’s a cave.”

  “You mean you just sent some guys to go hiking into a cave to get here?” I asked. “Is it dangerous to get to that cave?”

  “It’s hard to find if you don’t know where it is, but easy enough if you do.”

  “Right, Mr. wise, but vague.”

  “Tempest, they know where to look. They’ve been here to visit me throughout the years.”

  “Where would they show up after going through a secret cave?” I asked.


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