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The Z-Strain Trilogy Box Set [Books 1-3]

Page 53

by Morris, SJ

  I shook my head, trying to clear my crazed brain as I took in my surroundings. I was lying in bed, and Chris was hunched over me, a towel barely covering his waist as he held me at arm’s length, making sure I was indeed awake and with him in this world. His now long hair dripped water onto my face, and I felt the cold moisture trickle down my cheek. I reached up my hand to brush away the water and took notice that my arms did as I instructed once more. I instantly reached down to my stomach to feel and see that I was still pregnant. I was rewarded with the soft stretched skin of my belly and a few kicks from the two babies still growing inside.

  I smiled up at Chris as he took my face in his hands. “It was a dream. The most horrible dream yet, but still... it was only a dream.” I said flatly.

  Chris smiled back at me. “By the sounds of your screams, it was a nightmare of Freddy Krueger proportions. I heard you all the way in the bathroom, with the shower running. I’d be surprised if Kamil isn’t banging on our door to check on us soon. These walls are thick, Abby, but your screams... I think they’re going to give me nightmares.”

  “I’m so sorry, Chris. I don’t know why these nightmares are so terrible lately. They seem to be getting worse the closer I get to the end of the pregnancy. I’m scared one of these dreams is going to put me into early labor.”

  “Well, no more red sauce before bed for you, little lady. I bet the acid in the food isn’t helping,” Chris said as he reached out to caress my stomach.

  “I don’t have heartburn, Chris. It’s... I don’t know. Maybe it’s just that I’m scared of giving birth to twins in the middle of the damn apocalypse. Doc Bakers is great, and so is Troy, but neither of them is a gynecologist. I’m having twins. If I was giving birth before this whole zombie mess started, I’d probably be scheduled for a c-section already and have a team of ten to fifteen doctors and nurses on standby for any possible complications. My current standby team consists of Jasmine. She’s learned a lot from Doc, but still. She’s no board-certified midwife. Excuse me if I’m having a few anxiety-driven nightmares about the inevitable future,” I snapped at him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. Ugh, these hormones are killing me. I feel like my moods are bouncing all over the place.”

  Chris adjusted his towel, and the muscular v shape of his abdomen was briefly visible, making my stomach now flutter with lust causing me to feel even crazier as he sat next to me on the bed. First rage, and now romance. My emotions were truly all over the place. It was all making my head spin.

  “You have to give yourself some credit here, Abby. You’ve been on bed rest for weeks, and you’re not one to be confined. I know that better than anyone. I understand it’s been hard on you these last few weeks, staying in bed while everyone else goes about their day. I know it doesn’t help that spring is here. I know you want to be outside helping instead of being confined to this room and the bathroom. You only have a few more weeks before the babies are here, maybe even sooner. Just take a deep breath in and out to clear your head. I’ll bring you some of that green tea you love so much. Do you think that will help you relax a little?”

  “I guess so, thank you. Hey, if you happen to see Jasmine when you go up, can you tell her I’d like to see her please?”

  Chris looked at me sideways. “Sure, but is there something wrong? Do you feel something?”

  I laughed at his quick concern. “No, nothing like that. I just think a conversation with another woman might make me feel better. You dote over me too much. I need to talk to someone who doesn’t take every scrunched-up face I make as a sign of labor or something bad when it’s actually gas or a foot pushing on my rib cage.”

  A loud banging on our front door interrupted our conversation.

  “See, I told you Kamil would be in to check up on us thanks to your screaming.” Chris grinned as he got up to throw some clothes on and answer the door.

  I heard hushed talking between Chris and Kamil at the front door, but I couldn’t make out the words. Soon enough, Kamil was pulling a chair over to the edge of the bed to sit with me. Chris yelled from the front room that he was going to get my tea and something for both of us to eat. My educated guess was Chris wanted Kamil to watch over me while he wasn’t directly at my side. It angered me a little to have him think I needed a babysitter, but it was also nice not to be alone. Especially after my horrific nightmare.

  “So, Abby, what’s going on? Chris tells me your nightmares are getting worse. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I think it’s just the anxiety of the babies coming soon. I’ve had three kids, but the labor for each one was so different, and I have no idea what to expect with two of them at the same time.”

  Kamil placed his hand over mine. “I hear ya. I’d be scared shitless to give birth with Troy in there acting as a nurse too,” Kamil laughed as he squeezed my hand. “I’m just kidding. I’m sure everything will be fine. Like you said, you’ve done this three times already. Twins or not, your body will know what to do, and Nancy, I mean Doc Bakers, will be there to help should anything happen. You’re in the best hands possible, Abby. Doc was telling me the other day that she helped a woman in Afghanistan give birth inside of a tank. It was a remarkable story. You should have her tell it to you some time. I’d recount it to you, but I know I wouldn’t do the story justice.”

  “I might have to do that. I’ve got plenty of time, so I’m always up for some good storytelling. So, how have things been with you? I know it’s been tough on you since Dana past, but are you doing all right?”

  Kamil sat back in his chair, taking in a slow, deep breath. “Yeah, I’m okay, I guess. There are still times where I think I see her out of the corner of my eye or hear her humming in the kitchen. Is that weird?”

  “No, Dana meant a lot to you, to all of us. It’s good that you still remember her. I’m the same way. Every now and then, I think I hear Allycia or Lance laughing. They will always be with us in our hearts and our minds. It’ll never stop hurting, but we have to remember them. Oh, look at me. Now I am a blubbering pregnant mess, I’m sorry,” I whimpered as I used my sleeve to wipe away my tears.

  I looked up at Kamil, and he was drying his own eyes, making me feel like an ass for even bringing it up.

  Kamil cleared his throat, “It seems like it was just yesterday, not five months ago. I don’t think I’ll ever feel the same way about anyone else. Not the way I felt towards Dana, but I’m not going to let that stop me from living. If she was my one true love, then so be it. I only got a short amount of time with her, but at least I got something. That’s more than I can say for some people, so I’ll take it.”

  “Good, I’m glad you feel that way. Now can we please talk about something bright and cheery? I don’t think I can cry anymore today without giving myself a tremendous headache, and it’s only nine in the morning.”

  Kamil smiled, “Yes, please let’s change the subject. So, what have your nightmares been about?” he laughed, “Joking, I’m joking!”

  I punched him as hard as I could in the shoulder from my sitting position in bed, which wasn’t very hard.

  “You’re the worst joke teller ever, Kamil. Don’t quit your day job, my friend. On a lighter note, I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m having girls.”

  Chapter 2

  Abbigail Norrington

  I went about my regular daily routine, which wasn’t very exciting. I showered with Chris watching over me, making sure I didn’t pass out or fall. Then it was back to bed rest. Staring at the same four walls was driving me insane, but it was for the benefit of the babies, and I would do anything to make sure they were healthy. Plus, I always had a few visitors throughout the day to break up my boredom. My friends always made me smile with their stories of what was going on around the compound.

  Christine, Chris’s daughter, told me about how much Grayson was improving and interacting with the other children. She talked about how he wasn’t so jumpy around men anymore, either. It was terrific to hear
that Grayson was feeling safe with us. I knew he missed his parents, but I also knew that everyone here treated him as if he were their own son or sibling. He had a home with us, and I was happy it seemed he was feeling that way too.

  Tyler came in to check on me while his new shadow, Chase, lingered in the doorway. Chase was Dan and Kristen’s son. He was also one of Lance’s friends. Tyler was younger than Chase by a few years, but I didn’t think age mattered much anymore. Both boys were mature well beyond their years. I think they grew close out of a need to have a bond or a friendship with someone who shared in the fact that this mess of an apocalypse made them grow up too quickly. I did see, however, that Chase didn’t yet know how to act around me after Lance’s death.

  Chris had told me that Chase and Lance were together the night Brigantine raided our home. The two boys got separated, and that was when Lance was taken. Chris thought Chase blamed himself for Lance’s abduction and in turn, felt responsible for his death. I knew Chase wasn’t accountable for my son’s death, but it didn’t seem like he was ready to hear that yet. I assumed that was the reason Chase kept his distance from me.

  Just as Tyler was leaving, Jasmine came in, saying that Chris told her I was looking for her.

  I smiled as she entered the room. “Jasmine, just the woman I wanted to see.”

  “What’s up, Commando Mom?” she laughed.

  “Ha, ha, very funny. I’m as big as a bus; there is no commando Mom here at the moment.”

  “So, what’s new, fun, and exciting? Chris said you wanted to see me. Something about him being the bothersome, overbearing dad, blah, blah, blah. I tuned out when he started to whine. I hate it when people whine.”

  “You are too funny. You know that, Jaz? And, no worries, I tune out everyone who whines.”

  “Good to know. Do you mind giving me a heads up before you start tuning me out, though? A nod, a yawn, any indicator I’ve lost your interest. I’ve got stuff to do,” she laughed again.

  “See, this is why I needed you. You make me laugh, and I don’t worry about saying the wrong thing around you. You have thick skin and a twisted sense of humor, just like I do.”

  “Well, thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment. So, what do you want to talk about?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, anything to keep my mind off of the fact that I could be sitting here for another few weeks before these babies come. Oh, and not labor. I want to talk about anything other than labor. That topic scares the shit out of me.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard your nightmares have gotten pretty bad lately. Well, let’s not talk about that either. How about a joke?”

  I threw my head back in relief, smiling. I knew Jasmine was the one person I could count on to take my mind off of everything. “Yes, please. Well, as long as it’s a funny joke and not some stupid knock, knock crap.”

  “Come on, you insult me with the insinuation that I would come to the table with a knock, knock joke. You know me better than that. Here goes. So, a hooker finishes up with her John, and she asks him if he just got out of prison. He says, yeah, how’d you know? Is it because I wanted you in the ass? She replies, kind of, but mostly because after you finished, you bent over and yelled, now your turn!”

  I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I was not expecting that kind of joke. Jasmine made me laugh so hard. I hadn’t laughed like that in a very long time. It gave me the exaggerated giggles where you can’t breathe, and you snort when you actually do get to take a breath. I laughed at her joke, and Jasmine laughed at my snorting.

  “All right, this is the last one from me, though, and then it’s your turn, Abby.”

  “Okay, go ahead, but I don’t think I’ll ever top you. That last joke was hysterical. I’m still crying,” I said, wiping my eyes.

  “So, a little girl goes with her dad to the barbershop. She stands next to the barber’s chair, eating a snack cake while her father is getting his hair trimmed. The barber says to the little girl, sweetie; you’re going to get hair on your Twinkie. The little girl responds, yeah, and I am going to get big boobies too!”

  Again, I laughed so hard I thought I peed myself. Then I got a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and back. The shooting pain made me realize it wasn’t urine. My water had broken.

  “Ugh, Jaz... I think I’m going into labor.”

  Jasmine continued to laugh, rocking back and forth, even slapping her knee. “That’s funny, Abby, but not as funny as my jokes.”

  I put my hands down beside my hips on the bed bracing for the oncoming contractions, and I managed to grunt through my gritted teeth, “I’m not kidding. My water just broke.”

  One look at my face twisted in labor pains, and she sobered up fairly quickly.

  “Oh, shit. Stay here. I’m going to get the Doc and Chris!” she yelled as she ran out of the room.

  “Okay, it’s not like I’m going anywhere,” I said to no one.

  Chapter 3

  Abbigail Norrington

  Chris was the first to rush into the room. He practically slid from the door to my bedside.

  Already breathing heavily from running, he huffed, “Abby, are you okay? Are you sure the babies are coming?”

  I looked up at him wanting to answer but had to wait for the pressure on my back to release before I could get any words out. He stared at me with apprehension in his eyes while he waited for my response.

  I breathed out deeply, and slowly. “Yes. The babies are most certainly coming. My water broke, and I just started with contractions, so you may want to get out a watch or something to time them.”

  “Okay, yeah. Good idea.” Chris murmured as he jumped up, searching his drawers frantically.

  I laughed at him, “Chris, you know you’re wearing a perfectly good watch, right?”

  Chris stopped and looked at his wrist, bewildered. “Yeah, sorry. I guess I lost my head there for a second. It’s eleven thirty-four. Tell me when your next contraction starts.”

  Chris knelt on the floor next to the bed as he held my hand tightly. He was smiling from ear to ear, and the sight filled me with happiness. The fact that these babies were not his honestly didn’t matter to him. All he wanted was for me to be safe, and these babies to be healthy.

  My happy thoughts were interrupted by Doc Bakers, Troy, and Jasmine rushing into the room one after the other.

  Troy stood in the doorway, staring at me like he was surprised this was actually happening. Doc Bakers was the first to chime in. “Have the contractions started yet, Abby?”

  “Yes, the last one stopped at about eleven thirty-four.”

  “Good, that was about five minutes ago. I’d like to wait here for the next one to start, and as soon as it’s over, I want to get you moved into the surgical suite. I’ve had everything we could possibly need set up there. I don’t want you to worry about anything, but I want you to know that I have planned for every possible situation I can think of.”

  “Thanks, Doc. That’s reassuring because I may seem calm, but I’m kind of freaking out.” I finished talking just as another contraction started.

  I dug my fingers into the sides of the bed, curling up my body, trying to relieve the pain as much as possible. I remembered this type of pain from my previous labors. It also reminded me of the burning, searing agony of actually passing an infant through my narrow pelvis. I was scared to find out how painful it was going to be to not only have to feel that once but also a second time immediately after the first birth. I focused on one spot on the ceiling trying to think about anything other than the current lighting hot throbbing of my back and abdomen.

  Chris pulled my hand from its death grip on the mattress and squeezed it softly. “You’ve got this, Abby. You’re the strongest woman I know. Just breath through it, and it’ll be over soon.”

  He kissed the top of my fingers as I started to relax and slowly let my breath out. The pain had subsided for the moment.

  Doc hopped to my side, “Good, the contractions are about fifteen minutes apart, so le
t’s get you on the move to the surgical suite. Troy, write down eleven forty-nine, the start of her last contraction. We need to be timing the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next and Troy; you’re the official note-taker.”

  Troy pulled his pad from his pocket and his pencil from its usual spot between his glasses and his temple. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chris helped me from the bed, and the shift in my position caused the small leak my laughing fit had created to now become a full gush as my water completely broke and dripped quickly between my legs. I expected it to happen eventually, but I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed in front of these people I came to know as family.

  I quickly threw embarrassment from my brain, reminding myself of what it was like giving birth in the past. Modesty goes out the window as soon as the contractions really take hold. In my previous experiences, there was always someone new coming into the room, lifting the bedsheets, and sticking their hand where it usually wouldn’t belong. Then telling me I wasn’t quite there yet, and to hold tight, that someone would be in later to recheck me.

  Thankfully the only person I was expecting to check how dilated I was, was Doc Bakers. Hopefully, Troy would stay towards my head and not be witness to the act per se. Troy saw everything from strictly a scientific point of view, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to be looking at my lady parts stretched beyond human expectations.

  Jasmine made it very clear earlier that she was all for helping, acting as a nurse, but she’d rather not witness the actual act of childbirth. Something about not wanting to have that visual in her head, preventing her from ever wanting to have kids herself someday. I was on board with that too. The smaller number of people I had to live with knowing what my privates looked like, the better.

  The contractions came quicker and stronger than I remembered. Jasmine hooked up the ultrasound machine at the request of Doc Bakers. She wanted to check the position of the babies, so she knew what to expect.


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