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Deep Seal

Page 7

by Posey Parks

  Hello, Donna. This is Nadia again. May I speak to Mr. Grenache? Thank you. She rubbed her brow and placed the phone on speaker.

  Hello, Mr. Grenache speaking.

  Good morning, Mr. Grenache.

  Ms. Kerns, how are you feeling?

  I am fine. I believe I have something you want.

  He paused. Oh, What’s that?

  You know what it is. I know everything. If you don’t show up to this address personally to meet me then I’ll turn the flash drive over to the police.

  You listen here. You had no right sticking your nose where it didn’t belong. I did your father a favor hiring you. Ex-drug addict, my ass. Are you black mailing me so you can run off and buy drugs?

  She clenched her eyes and balled her fist at her side.

  Am I right, Ms. Kerns? Yup, I think I’m right.

  I grabbed Nadia’s hand, she peered up at me through the tears.

  “Wrap it up,” I mouthed.

  You either meet me here at noon or I drive to the nearest police station and expose you for the crook you are. You’ll sit in prison for years for money laundering.

  You fucking bitch! He roared.

  She recited the address and disconnected the call.

  Nadia tossed the cell on the counter and ran into the bedroom.

  I stalked after her. She sat on the floor in the corner clutching her legs. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Hey, hey, don’t be.” I sat on the floor across from her and pulled her into my lap.

  “Your brother and friend must think I’m trash.”

  “I don’t care what they think.” I massaged her wet face. “I know you left that life behind you. There’s no way you would have made it for days without drugs out here in the middle of nowhere.”

  She sniffled. “True.”

  “I’ll clean you up then we’ll get ready for the fight that is coming our way. There’s no way he’ll show his face. He’s sending Thompson a trained killer. But he won’t be expecting your back up.”

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m ready for war.”

  “Good, now let’s get you cleaned up.”




  We gathered in the living room.

  “Nadia, I’d like to put your mind at ease,” Sebastian stated.


  “I pulled your financial records for the past five years. There’s absolutely no way you’re hooked on drugs. You rarely withdraw cash so unless you are paying for drugs using a debit card, we know your clean. Assholes will use your weakness against you every time.”

  She peeked at each of us. “Thank you.”

  “I think you should meet my wife, her cousin and their friends. When things aren’t chaotic in our world, they get together and talk trash over food and wine.”

  Her eyes brightened. “Sounds like fun.”

  “If the big guy is on active duty and you want to hang out call me. I’ll send my private jet to fly you to Cali. Warning their idea of fun sometimes involves shooting weapons at a private gun range.”

  “That’s perfect. Aiden taught me how to shoot this weekend. I’d like to keep my new skill sharpened.”

  Valen shook his head and laughed. “Aiden, please tell me you weren’t out here turning her into a warrior.”

  “Brother, you know our missions are mainly clean, but in the event, they aren’t Nadia needs to know how to defend herself.”

  “Smart thinking Aiden.” Valen smiled.

  VALEN LAID ON THE ROOF AR fifteen at his side peering through binoculars over the trees.

  We had plenty of fire power stored in the second bedroom closet. After selecting our weapons, I placed a fully loaded Ak forty-seven in Nadia’s hands. She planted her bottom on the floor. “Nadia if the door opens shoot to kill. What does that mean?”

  “Head shots,” she stated.

  “Good. If the three of us don’t come back once the shooting stops wait ten minutes. Jump out the window then blow the house with the grenades in the basket across from you. Swim across the lake to the neighbor’s cabin. Understand?”


  I leaned over and pecked her lips. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I will die before I let one man lay a hand on you.”

  A tear slid down her cheek and she shook her head. I closed the door and stalked out of the bedroom.

  I nodded to Sebastian, sitting on the floor posted beside the living room window as I strolled out the door. Lying in the dirt on the side of the cabin, I scanned the grounds through my AR fifteen rifle scope. Sweat dripped down my brow under my black baseball cap. The sun beat against my back. Bullet-proof vests were great protection, but I felt like a baked fish. Nothing was hotter than the weather in Yemen. I’ll take this Idaho heat any day.

  After scanning the woods, I glanced at my watch.

  I tapped my earbud. “How are we looking up there, Valen?”

  “There’s an SUV three miles out heading this way.”

  Good thing my cabin stood alone on this side of the lake. Didn’t want any civilian casualties.

  “Roger that.”

  Valen was hoisted up and harnessed on the roof. He had the ability to slide on the lower slant as the vehicles approached.

  The SUV’s crawled to a halt. Two men hopped out the first vehicle. Hands on holsters they assessed the grounds, walking toward the cabin.

  Only my truck sat in the driveway. Valen pulled his behind the cabin.

  One of the two men knocked on the door. “Ms. Kerns, are you here?”

  “Stop right there,” Sebastian ordered. We heard the conversation over our walkies.

  “Tell your other men to step out of the second vehicle or I’ll light it up.”

  “Give us what we came for and we’ll be on our way.”

  “No, you won’t. You want Ms. Kerns. Tell your men to step out or I’ll blow your knee cap off.”

  “Shit, all right. Peterson and Pickens step out of the vehicle.”

  “Zip tie yourselves. Then we’ll call your boss. Let him know you need back up. Tell him Commander Aiden Wilder request his presence,” Sebastian stated.

  The front passenger doors opened. Two tall men pointing their rifles toward the cabin exited the truck.

  Staring through my scope, I pulled the trigger.

  Pip, pip.

  The bullets released through the muzzle slamming into their heads.

  “Caden, how are we doing with that call?” I asked.

  “Making the call now.”

  “Good. Valen, cover me.”

  Inching forward rifle extended, I scoured the SUV’s.

  “Clear,” I stated over the walkie.

  A phone ringing sounded over the walkies.

  Yes, Jenkins.

  LT. Commander Thompson, we’ve arrived at Kerns location. We weren’t able to retrieve the package.

  And why is that?

  Commander Wilder, is requesting your presence.

  He chuckled. I should have smelled Wilder’s stench all over this derailed mission. I know your listening, Wilder. Had to stick your nose where it didn’t belong.

  When you run around attempting to kill innocent people who caught your hand in the cookie jar than yes, I do. Enough talking. Bring your ass.

  Finally, ready to die and at my hand no less. I’m going to love killing you Wilder. His laugh was sneaky and evil. He disconnected.

  “I’d say the motherfucker has it out for you, Aiden.”

  I glared at him.

  My brother’s laughter echoed in my earbud.

  “Valen, you don’t say.”

  Thompson and I had our first disagreement in BUD (basic underwater demolition) training. Our team carried in the raft from the surf. We placed the raft down. Thompson stepped back, crushing my ankle. I shoved him.

  “What the fuck, you klutz.”

  Thompson pushed me. We rolled around in the sand slamming our fists into each ot

  “Break it up!” Instructor Pete ran over and tore us apart.

  “That’s enough. I don’t want to see this behavior. Especially from officers. In the surf now!” Instructor Pete roared pointing to the ocean.

  Nothing like lying in the ice-cold surf freezing your balls off with a busted ankle. I wanted to slit his fucking throat. Once we became SEALs Thompson, and I continued to butt heads. I caught him running a mini prostitution ring in Pakistan. Turning him in was what I should have done, instead of only destroying the ring. I could have ended his career once and for all.

  Now that our paths had crossed again, I’ll destroy him for good this time.



  I slipped the prickly brush I created over my body in the woods. Sweat trickled down my face as I peered through my scope observing my surroundings. My location was to the right of the cabin amongst the trees. I peeked at the front door then focused on the winding access road. To the naked eye my cabin appeared deserted. But to a trained SEAL he’d know it was a trap.

  “We’ve got movement two miles out,” Valen confirmed.

  “Roger that, Sebastian and I stated.

  In an instant, I was back in combat. No time to worry about Nadia. My focus was to protect her and kill every single man approaching.

  “Four trucks moving in,” Valen stated.

  The nose of my AR fifteen poked out the brush. I held the trigger; bullets penetrated the tires of the first truck. The driver swerved left to right. I pressed the detonator an explosion erupted. Two trucks flipped over. No time to hesitate. I shot the next vehicles front tires. They swerved but rolled to a halt. The smell of tar filled the air. The men fled the remaining trucks taking shelter in the woods.

  “Let the hunting games begin,” I said over the walkie.

  “Brother, I got your back.” Valen held his position.

  I rose, the brush fell from my muscled frame and hit the ground. Running further to my right, I ducked behind a tree. My ears perked up. Their coming.

  “Aiden, coming up on your six.”

  Peering around the thick tree truck. I aimed at my target and squeezed the trigger. The bullet slammed into his forehead and he hit the ground. Snatching up his weapon, I trekked deeper into the woods. I heard a squirrel scurry up the tree beside me. A target crept toward me in my peripheral. Turning to my left, I smiled and squeezed the trigger, the bullet penetrated his head. I continued. Thompson should have hired a better crew. One by one I shot and killed five men. Standing behind a tree in the center of the woods, I was on my own. I didn’t have eyes to assist. Relying on instinct was what I had to do.

  Where would I hide if I were Thompson?

  Crouching, I tread, staring through my scope. The sounds of the Cicada surrounded me. His men laid in wait ahead. I grabbed a grenade from my vest and tossed it. Dropping to the ground, I shielded my body.

  The explosion shook the earth under my feet. Trudging through the smoke, I attacked. Those injured received a shot to the head. I continued.

  “Thompson, I’ve killed your crew. Come out. If you call more men. I’ll blow the gate. No one is coming to your rescue.”

  Laughter filled the hot air. “Come and get me.”

  A grenade landed at my feet. I dove behind a tree. I glanced down at the stick lodged in my thigh. Through barred teeth, I groaned, clutching my rifle. Scooting on the ground, I leaned against a large tree trunk.

  “Aiden, are you hurt?”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  “I’m coming.”

  “No.” I bit out. “This is my fight. Stay in position, Lt. Commander Wilder. I’ll kill that son of a bitch,” I growled.

  “Aiden, I’ll protect her. No one will come into this house.”

  Pip, pip.

  Rang out through the ear piece.

  “These two fuckers are done.”

  “Thanks, Caden.”

  I snatched the stick out of my thigh. The blood trickled down my leg. Slipping the belt from around my waist, I tied it tight above the wound.

  “Shit,” I grunted as I hopped to my feet. Tree sap shot up my nostrils as I peered into the distance. Our eyes met from a far. Thompson darted through the woods. I fired a shot and missed.

  “Fuck,” I growled.

  Hobbling through the trees, I fired my rifle again. He hit the ground. I bared down, ran, and flew through the air, sacking him. Tossing his weapon aside, I punched him in his gut under his bullet-proof vest.

  “Get the fuck off of me. You, big bitch,” he groaned.

  I threw my weapon aside. “Fight me like a man, asshole.” He rolled, shoving me off of him.

  Jumping to my feet in a fighting stance, I winced, waving him over.

  He was about six feet tall, had a permanent scar on his tanned chin from a rowing accident in Navy SEALs training. His muscled frame was thinner than mine, but he could always hold his own. Hunched over, circling, we never broke eye contact. The hatred in his eyes for me was evident.

  “Out of all the men I killed you will me my biggest conquest.”

  I chuckled. “Take your best shot.”

  His fist whisked through the air into my nose. I staggered back and wiped the blood, pooling over my lip.

  Smiling, I waved him over. “Is that all you got?”

  I slammed my fists under his chin, he flew into a tree. Thompson shook it off and laughed. He lunged forward, knocking me to the ground. He stuck his thumb in my wound. His other hand clutched my throat.

  “Ah!” I yelled.

  “Die you oversized fuck!”

  My fist connected with his jaw.

  “No chance. You tried to kill my woman,” I growled through gritted teeth.

  His fist slid across my face. “You have a woman?” His eyebrows wrinkled. “I just knew you’d die alone.”

  I wrapped my hand around his neck. He elbowed my arm knocking it to the ground. His fist slammed into my face again. “I said die.” He squeezed his large hands around my throat.

  I couldn’t break his grip. “Fuck you,” I mustered.

  Reaching up, I pushed my thumb into his eye socket, shoving him back. He released me. Falling to the side I hacked, holding my neck. Like an attack dog, he flew on top of me, slamming his fists into my face and gut.

  I punched his injured eye. He fell in the dirt. Slipping away, I hobbled to my feet, with each kick I delivered to his stomach I winced. Grabbing a knife from his waist, he stabbed my injured thigh.

  “Ah!” I hollered out, staggering back. Slowly, he rose to his feet. He lunged forward. I slipped out of the way. Thompson slammed into the tree.

  I wobbled backward. “Come on.”

  He swung and missed. I punched him in his face. Thompson lunged into me knocking me to the ground again. He yanked the knife from my thigh aiming for my face. I grabbed his wrists, struggling for the knife.

  “You fucking motherfucker!” I winced.

  The pain vibrated my entire body.

  Rocking over, I pinned him to the ground, hovering the knife over his chest.

  “This... is...over,” I grunted, slamming the knife into his chest.

  He gasped and blood filled his mouth. His hands fell to his sides. His cold dead eyes stared back at me. My shaky hand lowered his eyelids. I flopped to the ground.

  “All...clear,” I groaned.

  “Aiden! Aiden!” Valen yelled over the walkie.


  “NADIA! YOU CAN COME out of the closet. We have the all clear,” Sebastian stated.

  I opened the door and stepped out.

  He embraced me. “Are you ok?”

  “Yes, thanks for protecting me.”

  He stepped back. “It was a team effort.” Sebastian smiled.

  “Where’s Aiden?”

  His smile dropped. “Valen went into the woods to find him. He was hurt. I don’t know how bad.”

  My hand flew over my mouth. Tears filled my eyes. “No. I have to see him.”

/>   Sebastian extended his hands. “Wait! There are two dead men in the living room.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “Have a seat. Let me find out what is happening.” He hit his ear piece. “Valen, how is Aiden?”

  “I won’t know until I get him inside. I need your help.”

  “On my way.” He nodded his head to the side, instructing me to follow him.

  He slipped his rifle over his head, leaning it against the door frame.

  “Nadia, please hold the front door open. I need to help Valen carry Aiden. I’ll be right back.”

  Sebastian ran into the woods. I scanned the property. Trucks were flipped over up the road. Dead bodies were scattered over the grounds.

  “Nadia, please step aside,” Valen said.

  I blinked twice, trying to wrap my mind around the all-out war that occurred while I was in the closet.

  Holding the door open wide, my eyes bulged.

  “Aiden!” I cried.

  Blood trailed down the steps. His eyes opened and closed. “Nadia.” I ran my hand over his dirty, bloody face.

  “Baby.” I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

  “We have to get him inside, Nadia,” Sebastian stated.

  I nodded and stepped back then followed them into the bedroom.

  Sebastian ripped Aiden’s pants leg. Valen ran into the kitchen, returning with the first aid kit.

  Sebastian glanced at me. “Nadia, we need several dry and cold wet towels.”


  I retrieved the towels.

  “Place a cold compress on his neck and forehead.”

  I laid the cold towel across his brow. My fingers glided through Aiden’s hair.

  Cleaning his sleeping face, I marveled his sexy features, wondering when he’d wake.

  Standing on my knees at his bedside, I sniffled, kissing his ear. “Aiden, they’ll fix you up good as new.”

  “All patched up,” Valen exhaled, standing to his full height.

  These big burley guys were warriors who kept me safe.

  “I can’t thank you guys enough for saving my life.”

  Valen’s brown eyes sparkled. “Aiden would do the same for us.”


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