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Villain of Secrets: A Mafia Romance Standalone (Verona Legacy Book 3)

Page 16

by L A Cotton

  “Miss Abato won’t like that.”

  “She doesn’t have to like it.”

  “What should I tell her?”

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something.” I clapped him on the shoulder before taking off down the hall. I needed some fresh air and a smoke.

  I’d hadn’t even reached the front door when my cell started ringing.


  “Where are you?” Nicco asked.

  “Just leaving La Stella, why?”

  “Darius got hit.”

  “Darius? Motherfucker.” Darius was good people. A pawnbroker operating right out of Marchetti territory in La Riva, he cleaned money through his books for us occasionally. “What’s the damage?”

  “It’s a mess.” Nicco let out a low whistle.

  “He’s in Verona.”


  “Which means no one’s safe.” I was already doubling back around. “I’ll bring Nora to your old man’s house.”

  “We’re already on our way.”

  I hung up, jogging up the stairs to Nora’s apartment. Maurice was whispering into his earpiece. He gave me a terse nod as I walked straight inside.

  “Enzo?” Nora was towel drying her hair as she forked a piece of pancake into her mouth. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “You need to come with me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” She scowled. “I’m not going anywhere with you, I have classes.”

  “Change of plans, Gattina. It isn’t safe for you to be here right now.”

  “Safe? What the hell, Enzo? You weren’t complaining last night when you were fucking me into—” She slammed her lips together and stared me down.

  I arched a brow, fighting a smile. I loved this side of her… fucking loved her sass and smart mouth. But it wasn’t a social visit, and we didn’t have time to stand here and argue.

  “Pack a bag. I don’t know how long you’ll be gone.”

  Her angry expression melted away. “It’s really that serious?”

  “We’re not sure yet.” I ran a hand down my face, letting out a heavy sigh. “But until we figure out how serious the threat is, I need you safe, okay?”

  “Okay.” She nodded, disappearing down the hall.

  I stared after her. That had gone easier than I expected. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

  “Yeah?” I called, assuming it was Maurice, but when he opened the door, I didn’t expect to see Luca standing there as well.

  “You,” he said.

  “Now’s not a good time.”

  “I’m sorry, do you live here now?” He arched a brow. “I was hoping to talk to Nora.”

  “She’s just—”

  “It’s fine, Enzo. I’ve got this.” She dropped her bag at my feet and went to Luca pulling him into the hall.

  Maurice shot me a bemused look right before he closed the door, and I flipped him off.

  Silence echoed around Nora’s apartment as she was out there in the hall, talking to him. Jealousy burned through my veins. I didn’t like the idea of someone we barely knew out there with his hands on her. But Nora deserved her space and despite all my better judgment, I had to respect that.

  Two minutes later, she came back inside.

  “How is the lovely Luca?”

  “Jealousy looks good on you.” Her lips curved into a knowing smirk and I bristled.

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That I have to go away for a family emergency.”

  “Good, that’ll buy us some time. Do you have everything?”

  “I think so.”

  I nodded. “Let’s go.”

  We didn’t take my car. It was too risky. I had Maurice drive us to La Riva, with another security detail tailing behind us.

  Nora was quiet on the ride there, texting somebody back and forth. I wanted to ask if it was Luca, to find out what was really going on between them, but I didn’t.

  It wouldn’t change anything.

  The most important thing right now was figuring out who this fucker was and bringing him down. Everything else could wait.

  When we pulled up at Uncle Toni’s house, everyone was already congregated. Arianne rushed over to Nora the second she climbed out of the black SUV.

  “Thank God. I’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, hugging Ari back. “But I’ll be a damn sight better when somebody tells me what the hell is going on.” Her eyes went to mine, but Nicco called my name.

  “Enzo.” He welcomed me with open arms and the two of us hugged. “It’s good to see you,” he said. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s Nora,” I said with a slight shrug and he chuckled.

  “Nora, you’re here,” Alessia skipped out of the house with Bella in tow, but they both stopped in their tracks when another car rolled into the Marchetti driveway.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” I barked, watching Tristan Capizola climb out of the driver’s side.

  “I invited him,” Nicco said, shooting me a warning look to play nice. “He’s family now, and I want as many people looking out for the girls as possible.”

  He meant Arianne—he wanted as many people as possible looking out for Arianne. I couldn’t blame him, but there had been a time when Tristan was the enemy.

  I guess a lot had changed.

  “I’m glad you called,” he said, coming over to us. “Where do you want me?”

  “You’re with us. Luis,” Nicco beckoned Ari’s personal bodyguard over. “Take the girls into the living room and stay with them.”

  “Got it, boss.”

  My brow arched at that. Nicco wasn’t the boss yet. But he sure sounded like the one in control. In fact, Uncle Toni wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

  “Come on,” Nicco said, “let’s go inside.

  Of course. We needed to meet, to figure out how to deal with the new threat.

  “Hey, Uncle T okay?” I asked Matteo as we filed in behind our cousin and Tristan.

  “He said something about heartburn. Think Genevieve is trying to find him an antacid. I’m relieved as fuck you’re back.” He slung his arm around my neck. “Just promise me it’s a permanent thing.”

  “Aww, did you miss me?” I tapped his face, shirking out from under his arm. “Has your old man checked in?”

  “Called Uncle Toni right before you got here. He’s okay. He’s working with our guys in the local PD. But we’re pretty sure after the shitshow at Darius’ place, that your little friend followed you back to Verona.”

  Anger skittered down my spine. “Who the fuck is this asshole?”

  He grabbed my shoulder. “We’ll figure it out, together.”

  I only hoped he was right…

  Before anyone else got hurt.

  We left the girls in the living room with Luis and headed for Uncle Toni’s office. He was already seated at the head of the table, but he looked a little green around the gills.

  “You good, Uncle T?” Matt asked.

  “Got this damn acid reflux.” He rubbed his chest vigorously. “Driving me up the wall.”

  “A gallon of milk,” Tristan suggested. “Works for my mom every time.”

  “Well, it ain’t working for me, son. Thanks for coming out here.”

  “Of course, anything to help.”

  I snorted at that.

  “E,” Nicco warned and I dropped into a chair, fixing my eyes right on the outsider.

  Tristan Capizola wasn’t one of us. Sure, he was Arianne’s cousin, but being blood related didn’t mean shit, my father was evidence of that.

  “Enzo, knock it off,” Uncle Toni added. “Tristan is our guest, and we will treat him as such. Michele found a bunch of stuff at the warehouse.”

  “What kind of stuff?”

  “More photos, notes, a list of our businesses.”

  “Fuck,” I hissed. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah, but you’re not going to like it.”

  “What?” Tre
pidation coursed through my veins.

  “Your name came up a lot.”

  “It’s personal,” I said. Call it gut intuition or sixth sense, but I already knew this was somehow linked to me.

  “Do you think it’s related to Vincenzo?” Matteo asked, immediately realizing his mistake when Tristan said, “Vincenzo? What does he have to do with anything?”

  My brow went up and he added, “Shit, man, that sounded insensitive. I was sorry to hear about his death.”

  I bristled, the temperature cooling in the room.

  Nicco looked at me and then to his father. Antonio let out a long, steady breath as he rubbed a hand over his mouth.

  “He’s a part of this now. He should know the truth.”

  “What the fuck?” I balked, shooting up out of my seat. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Lorenzo, you need to calm the fuck down.”

  “Come on, cous,” Matteo added. “It sounds like we need all the help we can get right now.”

  Reluctantly, I sat back down.

  “Vincenzo didn’t die in a collision, he was killed.”

  “I see…” Tristan said. “Do I want to know who killed him?”

  “Let’s just say, he betrayed the Family and got what he deserved.”

  “No shit. You think the two are connected?”

  “It’s possible,” Nicco replied.

  “It’s the most likely scenario,” I said, conceding to the fact that Tristan was a part of this now, whether I liked it or not. “My father was promised power in return for betraying us. It’s possible he might have been working with more people and with Mike Fascini serving jail time, the next in line has decided to try to get some kind of vengeance.”

  Something about the whole thing still didn’t sit right with me. I didn’t recognize the guy at all… but the message scrawled across DiMarco’s office wall, and then the way he’d said, ‘surprise’ when he’d knocked me down before attacking Gino… it was almost as if he knew me.

  “I think you should lay low for a while,” Uncle Toni said. “If this—”

  “Fuck that. I want to get to this guy. I can’t do that if I’m in hiding.”

  “Not in hiding. I want the girls with you. At the cabin.”

  “You’re going to stick me on babysitting duty while there’s some fucking psycho out there gunning for us? If I’m the target, use me as bait.”

  I would quite happily walk into the lion’s den if it meant getting to look this fucker in the eye before I put a bullet through his skull.

  “It isn’t permanent. But if you go off the grid, it might smoke him out. He’s in Verona County, we know that much. And now he’s here, something tells me he won’t be leaving until he finishes whatever it is he’s started.”

  “But why hit Providence at all?” Nicco said.

  “To lure me there.”

  “E, come on, that’s a stretch. He wouldn’t know you—”

  “He would if he has been watching me.”

  I’d seen his display board with my own eyes. He’d been collecting intel, building a picture of our lives. If I was his main target, then it meant everyone around me was at risk.

  Everyone including Nora.

  “This is fucked up,” Matteo breathed.

  “I want you all to head up to the cabin for the weekend while we try to get a handle on this. I’ve locked down our most profitable businesses and given everyone else a warning. They know to keep an eye out. Let’s give it twenty-four hours and see if he makes another move.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” I asked, not liking this plan one bit.

  “Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

  Uncle Toni fixed his eyes on Nicco. “Liaise with Luis and his team about getting you all to the cabin and check in the moment you arrive there, okay?”

  My cousin nodded. “What do we tell them?”

  “It’s Sia,” Matt teased. “She’s probably outside with a glass pressed to the wall as we speak.”

  “You’re not wrong there, son. Just tell them as little as possible, but enough to keep them in line.”

  “Good luck with that, cous.” Matteo clapped Nicco on the back.

  “I… uh, where do you want me?” Tristan asked.

  “You’re with us.” Nicco stood.

  “This day just keeps getting better and better,” I grumbled beneath my breath. Not only was I being exiled to the cabin with my annoying-as-hell cousins, my best friend and his wife, and Nora. But Capizola was also coming.

  Fuck my life.

  Chapter 18


  I’d been to the Marchetti cabin before. It was like a well-kept secret, nestled away in the dense forest of Blackstone Reserve. It was impossible to tell anyone the route given the fact we’d driven for a little over two hours for a journey that should have taken forty minutes tops. But I’d heard Nicco tell Luis they wanted to take the long route to make sure no one was following.

  I was riding with Nicco, Arianne, and Enzo, and Arabella and Alessia were in another car with Matteo and Tristan.

  That had caused some arguments. Nicco had wanted Tristan to ride with us and Enzo to ride with the girls. But Enzo had refused to budge. It would have been almost sweet if it wasn’t for the fact we were being forced to spend the weekend at the cabin while Antonio and his men dealt with the threat.

  The threat the guys refused to tell us much about. I was pretty certain Nicco had given Arianne the lowdown. She was his wife and she had him wrapped around her little finger. But she was remaining tight-lipped, refusing to tell me anything.

  So much for the sacred girl code of sisters before misters.

  The SUV finally rolled to a stop. The sun was beginning to sink behind the tree line, the icy blast of wintry air a shock after the toasty warmth of the SUV.

  Enzo offered me his hand, but I knocked it away, clambering out myself. I didn’t need him suddenly acting like my protector when I’d managed just fine without him the last few weeks.

  My cell vibrated and I moved away from the group, to read Luca’s text.

  Let me know you’re okay, please.

  He was concerned when I said I had to go out of town for a family emergency. I wasn’t sure he completely bought the lie, but I didn’t have time to explain. Not that I could tell him anything.

  I’m fine. You don’t need to worry.

  Too late for that.

  I smiled. Luca was one of the good guys. Even after Enzo’s sudden appearance in my life, he hadn’t done the typical guy thing of getting pissed or jealous or walking away.

  But Enzo’s reappearance did complicate things because I didn’t want to be unfair and lead Luca on. Which is exactly what I’d told him this morning.

  “Hey, who is that?” Arianne came over and nudged my shoulder.

  “Er, no one.” I slipped my cell into my pocket.

  “You’re a terrible liar.” She chuckled, lacing her arm through mine and guiding me toward the cabin. Enzo watched me like a hawk, but I refused to acknowledge him.

  I’d been so determined to stand my ground with him this morning and then everything went to shit. Now I was stuck in close confines with him for the weekend.

  We followed everyone inside, and Sia and Arabella immediately called dibs on their room.

  “Me and Tristan can take the bunks,” Matteo said, disappearing after the girls.

  I glanced around to see Enzo’s reaction, but he hadn’t come inside yet.

  “How are you holding up?” Tristan asked me.

  “Okay, I guess. I’d prefer to be back at MU though.”

  “You and me both.” He grimaced. “Is Enzo always so—”

  “So what?”

  “Nothing, man.” Tristan slipped away with a sheepish expression.

  “Where is everyone?” Enzo asked me, barely meeting my gaze.

  “Gone to call dibs on their rooms.”

  His eyes narrowed as he did the math. “Let me guess. Nicco plans on sharing with A

  “I think they’re already christening the bed.”

  I’d seen Nicco pull her into the first bedroom down the hall.

  “But there aren’t enough rooms.”

  “You’re on the couch.” Matteo appeared.

  “The fuck, man?” He gawked. “We always share.”

  “You heard Uncle Toni, Tristan is our guest.” He smirked. “We can’t very well have him sleeping on the couch.”

  “It’s fine,” I said. “You can take the other bed in my room.”

  “Actually, you got the other king.”

  “Oh.” My cheeks burned. “Well, I guess we can—”

  “It’s fine,” Enzo gritted out, “I’ll take the couch.”

  “Fine.” I grabbed my bag off the floor and stomped down the hall. I’d thought that maybe we could be adults and put whatever was or wasn’t between us aside, but I guess that was too much to ask. If Enzo wanted to sleep on the couch, then so be it.

  Stubborn asshole.

  The room was beautiful, just like the rest of the cabin. It was the perfect mix of rustic and modern. An ornately carved closet hugged the wall, beside it a matching dresser. The bed was the focal point on the opposite wall. I slung my bag down and perched on the edge of the bed.

  A knock pulled me from my thoughts. “Come in,” I called.

  “Hey.” Sia stuck her head around the door. “We wondered if you wanted to hang out?”

  “Sure,” I said, tapping the bed. Alessia slipped into the room, Arabella following close behind.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” I said.

  “Is it Enzo? I saw the way he was watching you. Did something happen between the two of you?” Alessia’s eyes were alight with anticipation.

  I chuckled. “Take a breath there, Sia.”

  “Sorry.” She blushed. “I just… Ugh, the two of you would be so good together.”

  “Right,” Arabella agreed. “But Enzo is a total commitment-phobe.”

  “People change, Bella. Look at Nicco.”

  “Yeah, but what he and Ari have is rare. Like once in a lifetime.”


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