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The Billionaire's Marriage: A Romance Novel

Page 43

by Marshall, Marnie

  I sigh. "How's Grace today?"

  "She's doing well. I'll have to leave you for a while to accompany her for a few tests, but when I return, your discharge papers should be in order, and I'll take you home. I'm sure Ryan will be glad to see you."

  I nod. My poor Ryan. If the last several months haven't screwed him up for good… I can't even think it. He's such a sweet, sensitive little boy. I imagine so much of this has him constantly terrified. I wish he were here right now. I want my baby. My eyes fill with angry tears.

  "It's going to be all right, my dear." Carrick cups my cheek and presses a kiss to my forehead. "Don't fret. Get some rest, and I'll be back in a while."

  I nod, blinking back the tears. God, I'm tired. So tired, of all of this, of this case, of these ridiculous episodes, of hospitals, of tearing my father-in-law away from his wife who quite frankly needs him far more… of not being who Ryan needs me to be, regardless how attached to him I've become. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not in control of my own destiny. A sudden surge of purpose sweeps away the some of the exhaustion, some of the uncertainty, and all at once, I'm no longer put off by the shortness of time until the hearing. I wish we were there now. I'm going to give the lot of them what-for. Ray used to tell me, "Don't stand in the background and let others dictate who you are. My girl is a fighter. Act like it." That's a lot of words in one string for Ray, and they lasso the scattered pieces of me and pull them together. I'm no weakling. Maybe a little unworthy, but I'm no pushover, and I won't be labeled as such.

  It doesn't matter what I think I deserve. I know what I want, and I won't stop until I have it. All of it.


  ~ KRISSY ~

  It's morning… I think. Cloudy, cooler. A squeal alerts me. Throwing off the covers, I fling the window open in a matter of seconds and look down.

  Two stories below, Ryan runs through the dewy grass in his little red jacket and pajama bottoms, the puppies nipping at his heels. Hmm… one of the guys must have brought them over for us. I rest my elbows on the cold sill and watch them play a moment. A knit-hatted figure appears from under the porch eaves, jogs over to Ryan and scoops him up, swinging him around. Ryan giggles wildly.

  The figure looks up toward my window, and gray eyes find mine.

  "Edward…" I whisper.

  He's here! He's here? My brain cries out. I shake off the impending questions and anxiety, and he waves me to join them.

  I don't need to be asked twice.

  Wooly feet find the landing at warp speed and slide across the hardwood. Has Gretchen polished the floors this morning? I yank off my socks by the toes and marvel at the traction rewarded my bare feet as I sprint through to the back door. I throw it open and skid to a halt at the edge of the porch.

  They were here. They were just here.

  "Ryan?" I call. "Edward!"

  "Right here," I hear my husband's voice. I spin once, almost missing a wisp of movement down the path to the docks.

  "Wait for me!" I call. My feet find squishy soil and leaves, slick with recent rain, and the traction is gone once again. "Edward!"

  "I'm here, baby. Come to me."

  "I'm trying! A little help, please?"

  "You can do it, Krissy."

  The soil has turned to mud, and I've sunk to the ankles. Great.

  "Please, Edward! Edward?"


  I've sunk further… oh come on, am I dreaming? I cross my arms, and looking up to the sky, I curse out my subconscious for dangling the thing I want most in my face and then snatching it away, for making me believe, for a second, that this is real.

  What a bitch. We're going to have words when I wake up. "Okay, I'd like to wake up now," I say to no one in particular.


  "Come on, I get it, this isn't real. Give me another dream or wake me up. And don't be cute and put me naked in a public place," I instruct the dream fairy.

  Still nothing.

  I sigh heavily. Not a real sigh, I suppose, but real enough to show my exasperation. I thought that once a person is aware that they're dreaming, they can make themselves wake up? Whoever said that might want to add a disclaimer.

  It's getting darker. Wait, did I do that? Over the water, a fog rolls gently, softly covering the lightly lapping waves. At least it's something. It'd be nice to have some company.

  "Oh Aaaaaaaana…"

  Cripes! I nearly jump out of my skin.

  I whirl in the dirt, causing my legs to tangle and I fall wrist-deep into the muck. At least it isn't real muck. My eyes draw upward from legs to torso, coming to rest on a face, a face… have I seen him before?

  He clicks his tongue. "Now look at you. Who'd want you like this?" He grabs my elbow and roughly rights me. Piercing eyes stab mine. A few wisps of greasy hair escape his ponytail, and he sweeps his hand over his head. "Missed me, didn't you?"

  "I'm sorry, I don't know…"

  "Yes you do!" He spits. "You ruined my life! You and that fucked-up husband of yours." He gasps. "Oh, I see… he didn't tell you about me. Well, I suppose that's in my favor." He pulls me along the path, having no trouble with footing, but I stumble all the way. Damn it all, this is supposed to be my dream! What the hell is going on? And who is this asshole?

  "Hurry up, bitch… you're going to give me what you owe me."

  "What I owe you? Ahhhh!" He's grabbed me by the hair. Wait, this shouldn't hurt, it's only a dream. I grab his hand and twist, and as he releases me, I shove him hard in the chest. Finally, some control. "I don't know you! Get out of my head!" I yell, more to myself… as of course, the creep isn't really here.

  And neither am I.

  The fog rolls in, and as my assailant is swallowed by it, he laughs maniacally.

  "Enough already!" I yell.

  The fog churns, as if digesting its prey, and then settles into its swirling. It hasn't receded.

  I narrow my eyes, unable to make out the water that's surely beneath me from the rushing sound of waves under the dock… I'm here, splintered boards under dry feet. My hands are clean as well. It would be nice if my dreams made sense, for once.


  If my ears could swivel toward the sound, they would. It's all around, echoing.




  "What? Who's there? Show yourself!"

  "Count, Krissy…"


  "I said count!"

  And the pain rips through my head, rendering me blind.


  More voices. This time, I can't see, and I can't move… I can't even see myself. Darkness, the kind that one only experiences in the void, encompasses everything. But I can hear.

  "Anything?" Wait… is that… Ray? Oh, Dad…

  There's no response.

  "Can I get you anything?"

  Again, silence.

  "You going to stay the night?"

  Stay? Who? I may never know, for his companion doesn't utter a word.

  "Okay. You call if anything… changes."

  I feel something warm touch my face… and my right hand. What? Oh, this is weird. Where the hell am I? Am I still asleep?

  I hear a distinct sigh on the left, and feel something shift at my side.


  It's a while before I hear voices again. A while… the concept of time eludes me.

  "We found something." The crinkle of bending plastic… or film?

  "My God."

  "It's very small, but it should be taken care of right away."

  "Outside. Now." Is that…

  Shuffling. No, wait! I want to hear… what's going on? Help me!


  The darkness eases to blurry gray. I'm suddenly very thirsty.

  "Mmm…" I groan. Wait a minute… did that come from me? I try again… yes! I will my body to obey, my eyes to open...

  It's dark here too. A vertical slit of soft white to the left, and nothing to the right.

  I groan again… no response. I can't lick my lips, they're far too dry.

  My eyelids feel like iron weights.


  "… and that's the difference between a product and market extension merger." Paper rustling. "The market is still down. I think we may wait to acquire that cellular tech company after all." More rustling. There's that shift again! Something warm brushes my arm. "Come on, baby. I'm trying here. Work with me."

  Fuck. Me. Sideways. Edward? Oh, brain… don't you dare mess with me again. I manage a small, low groan.


  My eyelids won't budge. And my head hurts. My dry tongue nudges my lips.

  "Baby, can you hear me?" His desperation is palpable.

  "Thirs-ty," I whisper.

  "Of course. Of course," he babbles, and there's more rustling. I hear liquid pouring. Seconds later, something prods my open lips. A straw. I drink weakly, but greedily. Water has never been so delicious before.

  "That's enough, baby, you'll make yourself sick. More in a little while." The straw leaves, and my tongue pushes the new moisture around my mouth.

  "Can you open your eyes?"

  I try. It's hazy, and my eyelids are heavy.

  "Good girl."

  Barely in view, and absolutely bedraggled, Edward's eyes are rimmed in red.

  "Hi," I whisper.

  He chokes a sob. "Hi, baby."

  "You're here."

  "I'm here."

  "But what about..." I can't finish. What do I want to say? I can barely speak, much less articulate complex questions.

  "It's fine for now, baby. Don't you worry." He looks past me toward a dark corner far across the suite. "See him?"

  There's a figure in a chair reading a magazine. He glances up for a moment, and then returns to his reading.

  "Court-appointed security for you. He's keeping an eye on us... on me, rather. It's the only way the judge would let me see you."

  "Oh." My head throbs mercilessly. I close my eyes.

  Long fingers brush softly over my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

  "Head hurts."

  "I know, love. I'm sorry." He shifts against the bed, and my eyes open in time to see him press a button attached to a tube and some wires. "Let me know if that helps. Should be quick."

  A light wave of relief creeps upward, making my head foggy. Well, foggier. "What..."

  "Pain relief, baby. Only once every couple hours. See this light? Red means it's been pushed recently. If you need more, I'll get the nurse, all right?"


  He sighs. "Better?"

  "Yes." As the pain subsides, I'm reminded that I don't know why I'm here. Actually, I don't remember leaving... wasn't I supposed to go home with Carrick?

  "Do you remember what happened?" Edward prods. What a mind-reader.

  "No," I say softly.

  He draws a long breath. "Sawyer called to report that you'd had a seizure, just before you were set to be discharged. He and Dad were with you at the time, thank God. You wouldn't wake up." His voice is low, quiet. "You scared me to death."

  "I... don't remember..."

  "It's all right, love," he rubs his hand over my tubed arm, clasping my fingers with his other. "The doctor found a small clot near the original injury site. It wasn't detected in earlier scans due to its proximity to the healing fracture. They operated on you late yesterday, to fix it."

  "Am I..."

  "You're okay, baby. You'll be just fine." He presses his lips to the back of my hand. "I love you. So much, Kristina."

  "Love you, too." My voice sounds terrible. "Ryan?"

  "Kate has him. He's fine."

  I swallow. My mouth is dry again. My mind-reader pours more water into the cup and brings the straw to my lips. Again, he doesn't let me drink too much at once. Ever the control freak.

  "Tell me," I ask.

  He picks up my hand again. "You didn't miss much. When I heard what happened, I called the District Attorney directly. He's friends with my father... and he put me in touch with the judge, and due to the circumstances he lifted the restraining order while you're here, under the condition that an officer of the court is present when I'm with you. It doesn't cover Ryan, but at the time... you needed me more."

  I sigh. It feels good to breathe. "Thank you." I'm not sure what I'm thanking him for... for being here, however briefly, for getting the judge to agree, however temporarily, for holding my hand... or all of the above. I return his gentle squeeze.

  "You're going to have to stop scaring me like that, Mrs. King," he scolds me gently, smirking.

  The corners of my mouth twitch. Leave it to Edward to lighten the mood after such angst-ridden conversation. He's so damned mercurial.

  But I don't think I've ever loved him more.

  "Do you remember anything else?" he asks.

  Anything else... anything... oh, like another episode? No, I don't think it was like that, was it? "I don't think so, can't remember," I say, honestly.

  He nods. "The doctors think your episodes may stop now, but it's too early to be sure."

  "What about the hearing?"

  Edward's expression changes, from mild to worried and then back again. "I've conversed with the judge twice more since Wednesday, and he's agreed to a small sit-down next week or the week after, when you're up for it. Apparently Mr. Kane is having second thoughts whether he wants to pursue this. He'll still be involved; what things he's investigated will need to be explained, but Dad and I are both confident that we can resolve this amicably."

  And in darkness, there is hope. "What time is it..." I whisper, and realize, slowly as my brain catches up, that I meant 'what day.'

  "Nearly midnight on Friday." He strokes my forehead. "You just missed Ray; he'll be back in the morning. He's been beside himself. We all have."

  Good grief; I need to stop ending up in hospital beds. The past few months have been enough for a lifetime. "Sorry," I manage.

  "No, baby, you have nothing to apologize for," he tells me, bringing my palm to his cheek and holding it there. "This wasn't your fault. None of it is. I should be taking better care of you."

  "Stop," I whisper. If I can't blame myself, neither can he. "You didn't do anything wrong." He closes his tired eyes, his brow furrowing. I brush my thumb over his prickly stubble. "Missed you."

  His eyes tighten. "You too, baby."

  The fog is more insistent, like the one in my dreams, and my eyelids drift closed. "Sleepy."

  "Then rest, my love. I'll stay with you."


  When my eyes open again, it's brighter. Strands of pinkish light peek through the light gray curtain. The pain is gone.

  But so is Edward. Did I conjure him in a moment of weakness? Ugh, probably. The despair that comes with the realization sets into the pit of my stomach like ice.

  "Oh, you're awake," a voice says.

  "Dad?" I croak.

  "I'm here, honey." He strides over from the doorway and plants a kiss on my cheek. "Feeling better this morning?"

  I nod slightly, but it makes my head spin. Verbal communication only, looks like. "Is it Saturday?"

  "It is. Are you up to having a visitor?"

  I paste on a small smile. "Sure."

  He returns to the door for a moment and waves. Carter enters carrying a very worried-looking Ryan, and my heart alights. I reach for him.

  "Careful, Theodore," Carter reminds him, placing him in my arms. His warm body snuggles right in, covering my torso like a leggy little frog.

  "Mommy sick again?" he whimpers, incredulously.

  "Mommy's better now," I murmur to him. "And very glad to see you." His head burrows into my neck, giving me easy access to smell his hair, his delicious baby scent. "I hope you've been a good boy for Miss Ina." He nods into my shoulder. I mouth a "thank you" to Carter, and she nods and slips quietly from the room.

  "Edward thought you'd like to see him this morning, asked me to be here when you woke up. You must be hungry."
/>   "Edward was here?" My voice rises in pitch. Ryan holds on tighter.

  "You don't remember? He said you guys talked for a while last night."

  I take in a cleansing breath, the ice in my stomach melting rapidly. It was real after all! He was real. "I remember. Last night was a little fuzzy. I wasn't sure if I dreamed him."

  Ray nods, his expression softening. "Glad to see you awake, Annie."

  "Glad to see you too, Dad. And yes, I'm starving."

  ~ EDWARD ~

  "Mr. King, Bas Matthews. Have a minute?"

  Here we go. My fingers squeeze the phone a little tighter. "Of course, Judge Matthews. What can I do for you?"

  "I understand Mrs. King was discharged yesterday. How is she recovering?"

  "My father and sister-in-law insist that she's doing much better. I

  appreciate your discretion and consideration given the circumstances."

  "I'm relieved to hear that. Incidentally, per our discussion the other day I've decided against a formal hearing in favor of individual interviews. When would you be available this week?"

  Good news at last. "I can clear my schedule. I'd prefer sooner, however, my wife may not be up to such things just yet. Have you spoken with my father?"

  "Yes, he's been in touch. It seems your wife insists on sooner as well. How's Wednesday for you?"


  "It's settled then. I'll expect you on Wednesday at ten o'clock."

  "Very good, Judge Matthews. I'll be there."

  I hang up and dial my father.


  "She's in no condition to be interrogated, Dad! Are you seriously going to let her jump into this whenever she wants?"


  "She's just had surgery on her brain! What if it were Mom? Would you honestly put her through this if it were Mom instead of Krissy?"

  "Edward!" my father yells. "If you'll kindly shut up for a moment, someone would like to say hello."

  I hate it when he does that. He's probably going to put Krissy on to calm me down. I can't visit the house, part of the amended injunction, but we're now permitted to speak over the phone, with supervision of course.

  "Hello, darling, what has you all worked up today?"

  Shit, it's my mother. I plaster on a smile, she can always hear the expression in my voice. "Hello, Mom. How are you feeling today?"


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