The Billionaire's Marriage: A Romance Novel

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The Billionaire's Marriage: A Romance Novel Page 49

by Marshall, Marnie

  Her breathing quickens, eyes closed. She's weakening. Thank God my arms are around her. I scoop her up, causing her to emit a tiny squeal. It's so adorable, I nearly laugh, if not for the straining in my boxers.

  Before I lay her on our bed, our eyes connect. Something similar passed between us on our first night in the new house… this house… our home. It was as though we knew we belonged here, as though our respective lives had prepared us, set the course that led to that exact moment, and we didn't know it until we were there. It was just another exquisite night of lovemaking, but the connection reminded us how far we'd come, and how grand the journey before us could be.

  "You're everything to me, Kristina. I'm going to show you just how much I love you."


  ~ KRISSY ~

  He pulls the dress over my head, and when my sight returns, his eyes are blazing.

  "Did Kate help you pick out the dress?" he asks.

  I manage a nod, pinned by his gaze. No one has ever looked at me this way before. "She mentioned that you'd like it," I mumble.

  "Did she tell you why?" His hands trace my arms to my shoulders, and then plunge down my back, leaving fire in their wake. He settles at my waist, his fingertips skimming the lace band of my panties. I suck in a breath and shake my head. I may just crumble right here.

  He produces that beautiful smile again, the one borne of sunshine and all that's good in the world. "It was the first dress I ever saw you wear," he tells me. "It still takes my breath away. You wear it whenever you desire to have my full attention."

  His voice is so damned seductive. I gasp. It's all I can do. His lips brush mine, shooting sparks all the way to my fingertips and toes. A thousand questions come to mind, but are interrupted when he continues.

  "And these earrings…" his lips shift to a soft spot behind my earlobe, and my legs start to tremble. "…they were my gift to you, after you granted me a second chance."

  Oh, God. If intimacy is this overwhelming, how does anyone function? How is Edward still functioning? He's so controlled… so is it me? My eyes close of their own will, and less than a second later, I'm in his arms. My eyes fly open, and I do believe I squeak.

  Our gazes connect. A moment suspended in time… that's what such a concept must feel like. And it's more than that… in the warmth of his arms, I'm… home. I know it, I feel it. I belong here. As a fish speared by hook, to tear myself away would call upon unimaginable pain, this much I know. His eyes tell me that he feels the same.

  He places me on the bed, and the words run like wine from his lips; "You're everything to me, Kristina. I'm going to show you just how much I love you."

  What air rests in my lungs leaves me in a rush. I may expire from his words alone. He perches on the edge of the bed, his torso twisted to face me, and the muscles across his chest and abdomen ripple delightfully. He's. So. Hot. My hand lifts, unbidden, and stretches toward him, and I stop mid-reach. I'm not sure how any of this is supposed to work. All I know is that my body screams with need for him. Edward senses my inner conflict and reaches out for my hand, guiding it forward until it makes contact with warm skin. He turns forward into my touch, my immobile hand brushing over his abdomen, as he leans in to stretch over me. His lips descend to hover over mine, his hot, sweet breath in my face, and his nose brushes mine. "Touch me, Kristina," he whispers. "Please, touch me."

  And then his lips crush mine. He moves reverently, passionately, licking into my mouth. Good God, this man can kiss. My hands abruptly find their purpose, stroking his magnificent body from his waist, over his stomach, running up his chest, over his shoulders and back to the beginning again, and then around his back, and I pull him closer. He complies eagerly with my insistence, his abdomen pressed to mine, and then, with no warning, he takes my bottom lip between his teeth. I gasp, arching my back, and my breasts thrust forward into his chest. He moans, a starving man led to a feast and told to take all he wants.

  His back muscles coil beneath my hands as he resumes his delectable worship of my mouth. Oh, I could spend an eternity touching every inch of him, memorizing how he feels, every ridge, every peak and vale, every spot that makes him gasp or sigh. My fingers glide down the subtle valley over his spine, brushing the elastic of his boxers. Oh, his skin is even warmer here. I take the lesson from his squeezing of my ass and give his a nice, firm grab.

  Edward's hips thrust forward into my belly, and he groans into my mouth. He remembers himself and chuckles, peppering my lips with fluttering kisses. "My girl wants to play…" he murmurs, his mouth traveling the line of my jaw. "Perhaps we'll explore that later, but for now…" his lips trace my neck, my collarbone, down to the valley between my breasts. Oh my… we're really going to do this. "I want to kiss every inch of you." His determined hands lift me gently so that I rest on my elbows as he releases the clasp of my bra. My skin is a live wire, and as such I should have passed out long ago. I feel the subtle shift of my breasts as they bask in the release from their bonds.

  "So beautiful," he breathes, straddling me, and his mouth descends to kiss the swell of one breast, teasing a circle around the nipple. I'm lightheaded from watching him. His eyes are closed, his brow furrowed with concentrated lust. His tongue emerges to lick the path he's just kissed, and then he sneaks one hand to the other breast, while the other slides up my back to support me.

  My brain is torn asunder at all the sensations, but none more than the subtle acts of care. He touches me so carefully, pays so much attention to drawing out my pleasure while at the same time supporting my back, taking some of the weight off my elbows… I hadn't realized the position was growing uncomfortable until he took the ache away. He must grow an extra arm, because there's a pillow beneath my shoulders and he's lowering me onto it.

  "Comfortable?" he rasps, his eyes both caring and demanding.

  "Yes," I breathe.

  His lips twist into an impish grin. And then he takes my nipple in his mouth. My eyes cross… or I think they do. I don't know. I don't know anything… except for the silken suction of his mouth, the pinch and twist of his capable fingers, the warmth of breath and tickle of hair and clench of muscle as the stars burst forth from nowhere and my body betrays me, lifting supernaturally from the bed and shattering into a thousand shards of bliss, and then dissolves away into the darkness.

  ~ EDWARD ~

  God, it's been an eternity since I made my wife come. The heaving little sighs, curling of her delectable toes, the bucking of her precious hips, fisting the sheets in her delicate fingers… my dick throbs for her.

  But it can't have her yet. I can't have her yet. Not quite.

  She's still panting, chest rising and falling, eyes closed, and just the barest sheen of perspiration over her perfect skin. I ache to taste her. My lips fall upon the valley between her breasts. My tongue emerges, trailing south a line of wet, sucking kisses, my hands moving ahead, to the line of lace. My lady hasn't quite returned from the land of oblivion as I begin the slow slide of elastic down, down.

  She's let her hair grow, down there. Naughty man that I am, I cannot resist dipping my nose into the soft, dark fluff, and revel in a deep, luxurious inhale.

  Oh, she smells glorious.

  I open my eyes and raise them to take her in, and she's staring back at me. "Your scent is so sweet, Kristina. I'm going to taste you now."

  Her eyebrows rise, and she whimpers.

  "Hush, baby." I press a kiss to her mound, and her whole body shivers. "Give me your hands." I kneel up, and as she hesitantly extends both arms toward me as though she isn't quite sure where my mind is. I take advantage of the distraction of movement to part her knees, pushing them gently back toward her. "Hold your legs there," I instruct softly, releasing her briefly enough to catch her hands and place them exactly where mine were. I want to give her ownership in her next orgasm, control of her fate. I smile coyly, her gaze tracking me as I lower myself to the promised land. Oh, her cleft is just as I remember. Soft, pink, puckered, and unfailin
gly glistening. She wants this, without a shred of doubt. My tongue descends.

  Sweet mother of fuck… her bud trembles upon my first lick. Oh, this is going to be fast, I can feel it. Must do everything possible to extend this… to pull her back from the edge. Her chest heaves once again, and I break the delicious contact with her part, only to blow sensually over the trembling nub. Her legs spasm under her hands.

  Oh, fuck it… she needs to come. To take the edge off, to make the next one… and the one after that… last longer. I'll make this last all night, baby. My mouth descends again, my lips surrounding her clit, and I suckle gently.

  Krissy explodes with a riled scream, a battle cry of literary proportions. So responsive, Mrs. King. I release her nub, but only for a moment as she descends back to earth… and then I lower my tongue tentatively to stroke her slit. Her whole body spasms as though I've just electrocuted her.

  "Hold on, baby," I breathe, pressing my palms to her thighs to pin her hips to the bed. My tongue dances over the swelling flesh, tapping her sensitive nub ever so gently. She calls out incoherently, fingers digging into her legs where she holds them. I test her further, sliding a finger along the path run by my tongue and then plunging it into her. I'm rewarded with another shriek from my lady. She's quivering on the edge of orgasm, and rather than ask her to hold off, I press on… sliding my finger in and out, massaging her swollen tissues, my mouth doing the work of angels. She stiffens only a few seconds later, and I draw out her pleasure, running a teasing ring around her clit with my tongue.

  "Chris-tian…" she mumbles.

  I chuckle. "Can't you speak, baby?" I tease, rising onto my knees again and peeling her fingers from her legs. She's left pink marks where she gripped her skin. Thank goodness for her short fingernails.

  "Uh-uh," she rolls her head from side to side, eyes closed again. I massage her palms, carefully manipulating her fingers with my expert hands. Her cheeks are flushed, a blush of pink rising to her chest and belly as well. God, she's beautiful when we make love.

  "That… was…" she whispers. Why, yes, it was.

  Thank you, dear Lord, for making her mine.

  I lean up over her, pressing gentle kisses to her mouth. When her lips resume their dance with mine, I know she's returned enough to continue. Her hands wrap tentatively about my neck, pulling me closer. My loins catch fire. She wants me. I need to hear it.

  "Tell me you want me, Kristina," I breathe to her lips. "Tell me."

  Her hot breaths puff at my mouth. "I want you. I need you, Edward. Please."

  Yes, my love. And you shall have me. All of me.

  I press a final kiss to her lips and kneel up, shuffling out of my boxers. When I catch her gaze again, her eyes are saucers.

  Shit… right, I remember this part. "It's okay, baby. We're a perfect fit." Then it dawns on me.

  She isn't on birth control. She hasn't been since she conceived Phoebe. I didn't think… oh, shit. She mentioned babies not long ago, but she can't want this now, for fuck's sake. She can't possibly be ready for me to make her a mother again. Christ, I'm screwing up. Again.

  She looks worried. My moment of dazed realization must have taken longer than a few seconds. Perhaps she thinks now I'm having doubts. I swallow hard. There are a few condoms in the drawer, if I recall correctly. They've been there a while, just as a backup, but they shouldn't be expired. I relax my expression. "Shall I fetch a condom?"

  She frowns, sobered. "Why?"

  I shrug. "I didn't ask you before, and I should have. I'd love more children with you… but I want you to be ready. It's your call, baby."

  Her voice largely returns to her, and sounds remarkably clearheaded for the current state of affairs. "I want you," she tells me. "Let it happen… please."

  My head whirls at her request. I lean over her again, my lips pressing to hers, feverishly. "I love you, Krissy," I say between kisses. "I'd give it all to make a baby with you." Her tongue comes to meet mine, swirling together. She fists my hair in her fingers. "Are you sure?" I whisper.

  She nods, her nose brushing mine.

  As you wish, my lady. I slide back against the sheets, lowering my hips so that I hover at her entrance. The swollen tip brushes her wetness, and just like coming home, I push into her.

  My favorite place in the world.

  Krissy gasps at the rush of fullness, eyes wild with unnamed emotion, mouth a perfect. 'o'. Her hands come to my sides, fingers brushing the sensitive skin over my ribs, leaving gooseflesh in their wake. I know what she's doing… she's done it before. Before. Unconscious memory is an extraordinary thing; and I thank heaven and earth that she has its guidance. She's adjusting to me, the tactile exploration distracting her just enough from the overwhelming presence inside her, to keep her from coming instantly. Her palms finally settle at my back, and she pulls me closer.

  And that's my cue.

  ~ KRISSY ~

  "Tell me you want me, Kristina," I breathe to her lips. "Tell me."

  His breath is intoxicating, it makes my head swim. He's so beautiful, asking me, begging me. I don't make him wait. "I want you. I need you, Edward. Please."

  His lips ignite against mine, and then he removes himself from me, sitting up between my legs and dragging his thumbs into the hem of his boxers, pulling them down… and releasing himself.

  Sweet Jesus.

  His manhood points to me, like a compass to his true north. My throat goes dry. It's huge. Oh, God… how?

  "It's okay, baby." The corners of his mouth twitch knowingly. "We're a perfect fit." His gaze is hungry, drawing down to the place he'd just moments before placed his mouth. There aren't words for that. I had no idea it could be like that. No idea that my body was capable. And he knew exactly how to touch me… and where. I had… no idea.

  The anticipation-driven daze snaps, and his face comes into focus… he's gone white.

  Oh no… what did I do? Is he having second thoughts? Is there something wrong with me?

  My expression must compute on some level, because his expression relaxes. "Shall I fetch a condom?" he asks calmly.

  My brows knit. So that's it. I drag myself out of the moment in order to think rationally, but it's unnecessary… I don't see a problem. We're married, we have a child already, he's expressed an interest in having more, it doesn't always happen on the first try, I have no idea where I am in my cycle… it just doesn't matter to me. All I want is to be close to him. Nothing matters but us. "Why?" I ask.

  He shrugs. "I didn't ask you before, and I should have. I'd love more children with you… but I want you to be ready. It's your call, baby." His soft gray eyes are sincere, and behind them, I can see a hint of wanting the unknown, just as I do.

  "I want you," I say. "Let it happen… please."

  His barely-there smile returns, and he leans over me again, his lips capturing and dancing heatedly with mine. "I love you, Krissy," he whispers. "I'd give it all to make a baby with you."

  Oh. Fucking. My.

  My tongue dives into his mouth, pulling, with his, stroking and swirling, my hands fisting his hair. I taste a hint of myself on him. It's strange, and hot… and so, so sweet.

  "Are you sure?" he whispers.

  I nod, bumping his nose with mine.

  He lifts slightly and I feel the sheets pull as he straightens his legs… and then he's there, pressing, sliding. His eyes lock with mine, and without preamble, he fills me.

  Oh… God…

  I've found the kingdom of heaven. It's inside me, at the place where our bodies join, where we become one person. No beginning, and no end. My muscles clench deliciously around him, pulsing and trembling, uncontrolled. My hands find his skin, wanting to be even closer, discovering that the sensation keeps me on the precipice, if only just. He waits patiently, watching my face.

  My hands find their goal at his back. I'm ready for more. I think.

  "Wrap your legs around me, baby," he instructs softly.

  I lift my legs, my hips tilting up, and th
e point of contact shifts. Oh, he slides deeper. I throw my head back as my ankles lock around his waist.

  I sigh audibly. "Edward…"

  "I love you, Kristina," he breathes.

  And he begins to move. Sliding slowly, deliberately… out, and in. His hips drive forward with power and gentleness. His arms come around me, holding me to him, resting his weight on his elbows as not to crush me, but even if he did, I'd revel in that too. He's just so. Fucking. Beautiful.

  And he's mine.

  And I, his.

  I see a shift on the horizon, a blinding noise… a pause during a rainstorm, where the droplets hang in midair. A shiny, opalescent bubble, colors swirling, an inverted reflection of someone I know, just out of reach. A grainy movie. A smile. The flutter of sleeping eyelashes. Warmth of sand at my feet. A whiff of jasmine and soap, the swish of silver satin, the rush of air between lips…


  Hmm… Edward…



  "Oh, God… baby, please!"

  Edward? He's worried…

  "Don't do this… baby, please don't do this to me…"

  I haven't heard him this worried since Ryan was born. It's okay, Edward, I'm here…

  "Wake up, baby, please wake up…"



  I'm born into darkness, except for the silvery moonlight. Edward's silhouette is above me. I swallow. "What's wrong?" I say groggily.

  "Oh thank God." His body slumps at my side… his naked body… arms clutching me. The nudity of Edward King does things to me. I curl toward him, his arms tightening around me. Why is he so upset?

  "Edward? Was it a nightmare?"

  He shifts a bit to look at me. "What?"

  "What's wrong?" I ask.

  "Baby… you blacked out again."

  "Blacked out…"


  Again? Again… again…

  Oh God.

  I remember.


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