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The Patchwork Girl of Oz

Page 32

by L. Frank Baum

  Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

  First thing--bang! And an earthquake drops Dorothy and Zeb, her boycompanion, through the earth's crust plumb into the Glass City. Herethey soon meet the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, who also has fallen into thisremarkable town. In company with Jim, the Cab Horse, Eureka, theDiscontented Kitten, and the Nine Tiny Piglets, Dorothy and her friendsare condemned to die, but escape into a tunnel through which they passinto the Valley of Voices. In their efforts to reach either the surfaceof the earth or the Land of Oz, where they would be helped by thepowerful Princess Ozma, they meet many dangers and have numerousstartling encounters with strange beings. Finally they are rescued byOzma and are safe in the Emerald City. Here there is a great reunion,attended by the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion, theHungry Tiger and many other of our old friends of Oz.

  Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz is embellished with sixteen full-pageinserts after paintings by John R. Neill. These pictures are reproducedin full color by the most improved methods and are highly artistic andbeautiful. In addition, there are many black-and-white illustrations,chapter headings, tail-pieces and decorations. The cover has an inlayprinted in four colors and gold.

  The Road to Oz

  This is a novelty in bookmaking for children. As the scene shifts fromone part to another of Mr. Baum's unique fairyland the tints of thepaper used for printing change from color to color in accordance withthe hue of the Country described. This color scheme, in connection withMr. Neill's delightful and characteristic illustrations--over onehundred--make a truly wonderful book.

  Among the new characters introduced are Button-Bright, the Shaggy Man,King Dox and Johnny Doit.

  The Road to Oz is a marvelous road, along which Dorothy and hercompanions find many curious and strange inhabitants. They finally reachOz and visit the Castle of Nick Chopper, the Tin Woodman, now becomeEmperor of the Winkies, by whom they are escorted to the farm of JackPumpkinhead and to the Emerald City.

  Here Princess Ozma gives a banquet, at which the guests are beyond doubtthe most amazing collection ever assembled under one roof, includingSanta Claus, the Queen of Merryland, Para Bruin, the rubber bear; theKing of the Quadlings, the Candy Man, the Queen of Ev, Jellia Jamb,General Jinjur, the Soldier with the Green Whiskers; Polychrome, theRainbow's Daughter, the Incubator Baby and John Dough.

  Transcriber's Note:

  The alternative spelling for Tik-tok as "Tiktok" used in the advertisements at the end of the book; and the spelling of "UNK" in the first chapter heading illustration have been retained as they appear in the original publication.

  Changes have been made as follows:

  Page 68 Hyphen added to "bed-quilt" in "bed-quilt and intended to be".

  Page 145 "advise" to "advice" in "Shaggy Man's advice"

  Page 245 "solemly" to "solemnly" in "said the Scarecrow solemnly"

  Page 260 Closing quotation mark added to "let's go back."

  Page 279 Fullstop to comma in "Can't you talk from this side,"

  Page 294 "Hoppers" to "Horners" in "and again the Horners laughed"

  Page 309 Closing quotation mark added to "... I could swim, or not,"


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