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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

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by KT Fisher

  I knock on Drew’s door as I reach the top, slightly out of breath. “Come in Lissy!” Drew shouts from inside.

  As I enter, the smell of chocolate waters my mouth. “I smell chocolate!” I shout into her apartment, closing the door behind me.

  Drew pops her head around the corner, a huge smile on her face. “I made you a hot chocolate. I’m taking a guess that the reason you’re here is Bomber?”

  “You guess correctly.” I follow her into the living area and sit on her large and comfy sofa. Coming into her sitting room, you wouldn’t guess that it’s a dark and gloomy day outside because it’s so lovely and bright in here. It shouts of a girly home with the colours and furniture. I adore this place and Drew should be proud of her newfound home and I must admit that I’m jealous of her own space. I still live at home with my parents and if I wasn’t saving so hard to get the perfect building for my boutique shop, I would have moved out by now.

  I look down at the coffee table, and smile at the sight I see. A huge, round purple mug filled with hot chocolate and there’s even whipped cream and marshmallows scattered on top. I look back up to see Drew smiling at me. “I know you like chocolate when you’re upset.”

  Seriously, Drew is the best cousin and greatest friend a girl could have. “I made the right decision coming here.”

  “Damn right you did, and you should have come sooner! Now tell me what’s wrong.” She asks, crossing her legs and looking all business like.

  “It’s just Bomber, I’m tired of seeing him everywhere I go. I was just with my dad talking about my mum’s birthday and he was there, waiting for me when I got out and even followed me to my car. He begged to talk to me but I just can’t Drew.” I bury my face in my hands, the stress of it all coming to the surface.

  I feel the sofa dip beside me. “I know you two had a thing when you were younger and it was messed up that he was with The Devils, but he wasn’t there by choice you must know that.” She says as she rubs my back. “Now he’s back, it’s bound to be hard on you.”

  “Of course I do.” I plead, looking into her big sympathetic grey coloured eyes that she inherited from her mother. “But it doesn’t make it any easier, I hate that he saw me like that Drew.”

  I don’t even realise tears are strolling down my cheeks until Drew kindly wipes them away. “He helped us get out of that shit storm Elise. Without him, I’m afraid to think of what would have happened.”

  “I get that, but it doesn’t make it any easier.” I wipe at my face and lean back into the sofa. “Then there’s Scrappy.” I point out. The door slams shut before Natasha joins us and as soon as she sees my tear streaked cheeks her eyes widen and she rushes towards us.

  “What’s up?” She pleads, crouching down in front of me. Her blonde hair fixed in a high bun.

  “Scrappy.” I sigh heavily and as soon as I speak his name, Natasha’s mouth scrunches together and her eyebrows lower into a near frown.

  “What’s he done now?” She demands to know.

  “He doesn’t like Bomber being back here, even more so when he hears that we’ve been talking or just being in the same room!“ I groan in frustrated. “He has spies everywhere, making sure I’m nowhere near Bomber.”

  Natasha shares a quick look with Drew, who is still sat beside me. “Lissy, do you want to be able to talk with Bomber?”

  I look up to the ceiling while I think. “I don’t know, I do and I don’t but either way it would be reported back to my brother or Scrappy will find us himself.”

  “Fuck him.” She shrugs. “Honestly Elise, you do what you want to do. Don’t allow anyone to upset you like this.”

  “We don’t want to see you miserable.” Drew adds with a slight smirk. “You do what the hell you want to do.”

  I can’t help but laugh, just a little. “Like you with your tattoos?”

  “Exactly.” She laughs, her eyes sparkling as she does and adds a bounce to the sofa we’re sat on. “But answer me honestly when I ask, do you want to give Bomber a chance?”

  “As in what?” I ask, suspicious of her motive.

  Drew tilts her head as she raises her eyebrows. “You know exactly what I’m asking. Do you still feel the same for Jamie?”

  “Jamie?” Asks Natasha and both Drew and I look at her as it sinks in. The realisation showing in her eyes. “Oh! Jamie is Bomber.” She laughs at herself, but then studies me. “Do you still feel the same about him?”

  “I don’t know.” I honestly tell them. “When he left he was teenage Jamie and I honestly thought we would be together, but now he’s back he seems like a totally different person.”

  “He’s a man.” Nods Drew and I notice the misty look in her eyes. I don’t like the thought of her admiring Bomber, he’s my Jamie. In that instant I know I still care for Bomber.

  “But Scrappy doesn’t like him.” I voice out loud.

  “Does your brother have the last say on everything you do?” Asks Natasha, knowing exactly what my answer will be.

  “No.” I admit, looking down at my hands. “But Bomber also hurt me, and saw me at my worst.”

  Both of their eyes sadden, but Natasha’s eyes shadow mine with our shared haunted memories.

  “Honey, don’t let that stop you, because if you do, then those bastards win.” Tasha grinds out. “We all have our own scars,” she quickly glances away. “but don’t let them control you.”

  “But he saw me.” I insist. “Bomber looked at me in that dirty hell hole.”

  “And he saved you.” Drew points out. “But don’t let men decide what you’re going through right now. Maybe taking some time out could be best. You do what makes you happy Lissy.”

  “Right now, it’s my boutique.” I honestly answer and they both give me a happy smile.

  “That’s good.” Agrees Natasha, passing me my hot chocolate and pinching a melted marshmallow from the top. “Focus on what you want, it doesn’t have to be a man.”

  “You two look so happy with your salon, especially now you both have your own houses. I want that, I really do.” Images of my dream shop with cute interior flashes in my head and a craving bigger than the need for Bomber settles in my stomach.

  Both girls have a dreamy look on their faces, their eyes shine and their mouths are set in huge grins. I can tell that they love having their business and I want that.

  “It’s amazing.” Drew adds.

  After what happened with The Devils, I fell behind on my business degree and failed, but my dad took pity on me and promised to help me with getting my boutique up and running. After a few months running an online shop with great results, it seems like the right time. “I just can’t wait.” I grin back, my excitement contagious.

  “Neither can I.” Natasha grins as she stands. “I have to go back down now, but I’ll see you soon ok?”

  We exchange our goodbyes and when I turn to look back at Drew, she gulping down her mug of hot chocolate. “As long as you’re happy, we’re happy.”

  “I will be.” I assure her.

  We gossip about what could be from my future boutique and pretty soon all thought of Bomber and Scrappy are gone from my mind. Maybe this is exactly what I needed.

  Chapter Three


  A knock on the door sounds, my mother is out in the garden and seeing that I’m the only on left in the house, I guess I’ll be the one to answer it. I close my laptop as I don’t want my mum to see what we have planned for her surprise birthday. Speaking of which, perhaps this is a delivery for the party. However, I’m not expecting to see Bomber standing at the door and I almost slam it shut in his face, unfortunately Bomber already holds his hand on the door to stop me. He knows me well.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask in a hurry, fighting with his hold on the door to close it so my mother won’t see him if she happened to walk by.

  “I want to talk to you.” Bomber replies. His many colourful tattoos calling out to me, I can’t help that. I’m a tattoo loving girl, not on mys
elf though, just on others and especially on men. “And don’t bother running this time.”

  “My father and Scrappy should be back soon.” I warn him. His dark hair bringing out the hazel in his eyes. He also looks like he hasn’t shaved in a while, his dark shadow thickly decorating his jaw line. “And I didn’t run away last time.”

  “This can’t wait Elise.” Deep lines form on his forehead from his frowning. “We were so close before I moved to America, and now that I’m back you don’t want anything to do with me.”

  He’s right, of course he is. “We’ve changed.”

  “But I’m not stupid enough to believe that shit.” He snaps and reaches for my arm. I look down at where he touches me, trying to block out the butterflies in my stomach. “When I saw you in the Devil’s compound I wanted to kill every fucker there. Believe me.”

  At the mention of him seeing me there, in that horrid place brings tears to my eyes and there’s no point to hold them back. A tear or two fall and Bombers eyes follow them as they race down my cheek. “I hate that you saw me there.”

  Memories of everything that happened, and all that I saw flash back through my mind. Most of it involves blood and humiliation, things I never want to see again. The fact that Bomber was there was awful, I couldn’t stand him seeing me like that.

  Bomber pulls me gently towards him, his touch feeling so familiar yet foreign at the same time. “Is this why you won’t talk to me?”

  I take a deep breath, looking at his tattooed covered hand on my pale arm. “A little.” I hate to admit to him.

  “Then tell me, I can’t have you ignoring me now that I’m back. My life is going to be shit babe if you’re not in it.” He laughs a little and it makes me smile. “Do you know how much I’ve missed that smile?”

  My smile suddenly drops, if he likes the look of it so much then he shouldn’t be gifted to see it. I look up at him, his handsome face catching my breath.

  “Don’t ignore me.” He urges, looking like a desperate man.

  “Everything’s changed.” I answer.

  “Not everything.” He steps closer. “I can talk to your brother and sort this all out. I won’t let him come between us.”

  “Bomber, there is no us.” I insist, no matter how much I would like that. My younger self is cheering inside, but the other side of me that was heartbroken is glaring at him right now.

  “I’m going to prove myself to you.” Bomber stands tall and it makes him look menacing. Tall, dark and dangerous.

  “Scrappy’s not so sure you’re a Kings member anymore, after all those years with them.” I inform him and I honestly don’t know why. Maybe the girls were right and I do want to get to know him again.

  “And what do you think?” His jaw clenches as he wait so for my answer.

  “You do look different.” I eye his tattoos, facial hair and leather vest.

  He seems to like my answer, smiling slightly and nodding. “So I need to prove myself to your brother I’m worthy of you.”

  “Wait, what?” I snap my arm from his hold. “Worthy of me? Bomber, this isn’t a contest to win over my family.”

  Bomber stands closer, both his hands resting on my shoulders. “You belong with me, you always have and you know that as well as I do. I’ve wanted you to be my Old Lady since I was a kid.” Flashbacks from our childhood flood my head and it makes me feel warm inside. “I’m going to make that happen.”

  “Jamie.” I argue, but I shock myself from blurting out his birth given name. My eyes widen and so do his, but his smile widens.

  “I’ve missed you calling me that.” He grins wide, damn that smile does weird shit to my insides.

  “It was a mistake.” I panic, embarrassed at myself.

  “Nah babe, you can call me by my name. If you’re going to be my Old Lady you have a right to.” He caresses my cheek and I can’t lie to myself that his touch feels so good. God I’ve missed him so much.

  He kisses me on top of my head as I speak. “You can’t just decide I’m going to be your Old Lady for me, I have to choose this too.”

  His lips leave my skin and he tilts my head up with his hand, his thumb pressing on the front of my chin. “I’ll prove myself not only to your brother, but to you too.”

  He kisses me so softly on my mouth, and my eyes stay shut. That is until I hear the rumbling of bikes and they snap open. Bomber looks down the road, then back to me. “I’ll catch you later babe.”

  Nodding, I watch as he runs down to the end of the drive and disappearing past the gate. But I hear his bike leave just before my dad and Scrappy arrive. My head feels as though it’s in a fog as I quickly shut the door, and make my way to my bedroom. I can’t believe that just happened and I let Bomber kiss me. I should have backed away and told him to go, not stand there and let him sweet talk me.

  I sit on my bed, switching on my TV and looking for something to watch and distract me from Bomber.

  “June!” I hear Dad shout as him and Scrappy enter the house, but I know the feet running upstairs belong to Scrappy. He mostly stays at the clubhouse and is often only here because he can’t tear himself from mums cooking. Sometimes she cooks for all the men at the clubhouse with Auntie Laura, but not tonight.

  “Elise?” Scrappy asks, but there’s no need to answer him because he’s already walking through my door.

  I play with my phone, acting as if I’m not interested at all but my heart is beating a million beats a minute. “Gee Scrap, don’t knock at all.”

  “What was he doing here?” He asks, ignoring my sarcastic comment and confirming my thoughts that he saw Bomber leaving the house.

  “Who?” I ask, trying to stay calm as I look through my Twitter newsfeed.

  “Don’t bullshit me.” He snaps. “I know Bomber was here.”

  “He wanted to talk,” I look up at him. “I am allowed to talk to people aren’t I?”

  Scrappy frowns. “Not Bomber. I don’t like him and he can get fucked if he thinks he’s getting close with you again.”

  I get up and budge past him, already fed up of this caveman bullshit. Trying to hide away was a mistake. “You sound ridiculous.”

  Scrappy follows me out my room and stops me at the top of the stairs. “I don’t want you with him.”

  “You can’t control me.” I growl, becoming angry with how stupid he’s acting. “I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do but this is my life. You can’t control my life.”

  I walk away from him, running down the stairs and outside to where our parents are sitting. Scrappy follows and thankfully drops the subject, but his frequent scowls in my direction all afternoon are a clue to how he feels about Bomber and I. Not that we’re together or anything, but if Bomber wants to prove himself to me, I won’t stop him. He’s back in my life and I might as well accept it, Scrappy should too. I’m actually excited to see what Bomber has up his sleeves, not that I’m going to tell him.


  Church is coming to an end, I’ve felt Scrappy’s eyes on me the whole time and I doubt he’d even know what the fuck Prez had said.

  “Ok,” Prez rounds it up. “One last thing, the clubs nomads’ need some help with a run tomorrow, just one more will do. Scrappy has already volunteered.” The Prez smiles over at him, and I could take an easy guess that Scrappy did no such thing. Prez just threw him in it and he has to really, being the Presidents nephew. I take this as my opportunity.

  “I’ll go.” I offer and the Prez raises his eyes brows at me.

  “Sure, why not.” He sighs, glancing over at Scrappy who is frowning directly at me. “Good luck with that one.” He shakes his head and I risk a small smile, but Scrappy isn’t amused.

  Everyone pours out the Church meeting as soon as Prez calls an end to it but I’m in no rush, I wait for everyone to go past and take my time. “Why did you do that?” I hear from behind me and I turn to see the VP, Grim, standing behind me, watching.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Volunteer with
Scrappy, you know as well as everyone in this fucking club he hates your guts right now.”

  I remain seated as I answer, leaning back into the leather chair. “I need to prove that I’m still a member of this club.”

  Grim frowns, looking slightly pissed. “No you don’t.”

  “Maybe not to you, but to some others I do. Especially Scrappy.”

  Grim’s eyebrows shoot up, a slight smirk in place. “Is this anything to do with Elise?”

  I laugh, holding my hands up in surrender. “Guilty.”

  Grim grunts, a comical look on his face. “Yeah I know all about that.”

  I’m happy he’s found himself an Old Lady, and I’m even happier to know it’s Lauren. Seeing those three girls in the Devils compound was awful and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it but for their sakes, I will try. Lauren’s a tough chick, but she’s also vulnerable and Grim is the right man for the job. Anyone can see they’re crazy for one another.

  “Just be careful.” He warns me. “And I’m not saying this as your VP, but as a brother, that he’s protective of Elise. We all are, but Scrappy takes it to a whole other level.”

  “Don’t worry about me VP.” I stand, patting him on the shoulder before leaving for the bar. I badly need a drink. “You want a drink?” I ask behind me as he follows.

  “Read my mind brother.”

  We walk together, it’s not exactly a long walk but it’s not in the next room either. As I exit the long hall, someone tugs on my arm and shoves me up against the wall. “What the fuck are you playing at?”

  Scrappy is in my face, holding me up against the wall but he knows as well as I do that I could escape his hold. “Get your hands off me!” I growl in his face.


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