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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

Page 15

by KT Fisher

  “Shit.” Bomber stops, removing himself from me and gathering me in his arms. “I knew we shouldn’t.”

  “No.” I cry, looking up into his beautiful hazel eyes. “I’m happy.”

  “But you’re crying.” He points out the obvious.

  “This is the best I’ve felt in a long time, please don’t stop.” I kiss him and push Bomber onto his back, straddling him. “I want this Jamie. You’re replacing my bad memories with great ones.”

  I see his jaw tense and I lean down and kiss him, it’s a lingering and needy kiss.

  “You’re fixing me.” I cry as I speak, and the tears irritate me so I wipe them away. “I love you.”

  “Love you too baby.” He replies, and I think I see the shine of emotion in his eyes but his cock nudges under me and I laugh in shock.

  I remember something Drew had said to me before and I smirk down at Bombe.

  “What are you thinking?” He laughs.

  Without answering, I adjust myself over his large cock and gently lower myself. We groan together as I slide down to the hilt and I let myself feel him inside of me before I begin to move. Bomber’s hands hold onto my waist, helping me as I move faster and faster. Our breathing and moaning becoming one until we reach the end and I fall on top of him. Bomber strokes my back as we catch our breath. Sex really does take it out of you and I’m looking forward to becoming a lot more accustomed to Bomber’s body.

  He rolls me over, stroking my hair and looking into my eyes. “You’re fucking amazing, you know that right?”

  I laugh from his compliment and feeling really tired, my eyes begin to feel heavier.

  “Go to sleep.” He kisses my forehead.


  As Elise’s eyes fall shut, I watch her and admire her strength. She lived with her troubles for so long, all on her own and I’m grateful she finally told me. Tonight though, she fought them and won. When she started to cry, I thought I had fucked up and taken it too far too quickly, but now I know it was her relief and closure of a terrible time in her life. She can finally put all of that shit behind her, and I’m glad for her, but now it’s my turn. I can’t get over what happened to my girl because the bastard who did it to her is gone, I won’t be able to take my revenge and hurt the fucker as much as he hurt Elise. That’s something I have to live with now, but that’s my burden to carry. I have a way of working through it, and Elise doesn’t need to know how.

  I sneak out the bed, cleaning myself before returning to her side and hold her once more. I won’t be moving for the rest of night.

  I hate having to lie to her, but truthfully if I hadn’t gone searching for trouble I don’t think I would be able to hold Elise in my arms. I had to calm myself and get all the anger out. I need to help my girl through this and I send a silent thanks to the bastards whose blood I had just washed from my hands.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Today is the final day of Tasha and Devlin moving into their first home together and thank god because it has taken all weekend. I didn’t realise Tasha had so many belongings! She came to the club with nothing but you wouldn’t think that. Bomber and I are picking up Tasha’s last bags from the apartment she shared with Drew above the salon and delivering them to her new house. On our way out I spot Sketch in the kitchen, arse naked as he makes two coffees.

  “Jesus.” I quickly look away, spinning to face Bomber as he smiles.

  “Sketch, you mind covering up in front of my woman?”

  I hear Sketch’s laughter. “I would, but my clothes are on the floor of Drew’s bedroom.”

  The only problem with that is I have to walk past Sketch to get out of the apartment. I could close my eyes I suppose?

  “Sorry.” Giggles Drew as she runs from her bedroom, she’s only wearing her dressing gown and has a bundle of clothes in her hands. She continues to laugh as I stand with my back to them, even Bomber still wears his smirk. “You can look now Elise, honestly after being with Bomber I would have thought you were used to seeing a naked man.”

  “I’m used to seeing Bomber naked.” I point out and Bomber winks at me.

  “You can turn around now.” Drew announces and I slowly spin back around to the happy picture of Drew in the arms of Sketch. Her smile is wide and he is thankfully dressed, only jeans and his leather vest but it’s better than him being naked. Drew was really telling us the truth when she said there isn’t a part of Sketch that isn’t tattooed.

  “I’m sorry Elise.” Sketch smiles over at me.

  “I forgot what time it was.” Drew laughs.

  “Well, you were distracted.” I gesture to Sketch.

  “Come on.” Laughs Bomber, taking the bag from me and carrying it along with the others.

  “I’ll see you at the BBQ.” I say as I wave goodbye and I hear Drew’s laughter.

  “Only if we aren’t finished here.” Drew’s laughter makes me smile all the way to the car.

  “God that was awkward.” I sigh as I take my seat in the car.

  “I could get naked for you right now.” Bomber winks. “Take the image of Sketch from your mind.”

  The atmosphere in the car goes from one extreme to the other, and I’m a hell of a lot more flustered than I was after seeing Sketch. “I’ll hold you to that later.”

  Bomber starts the car. “As long as you strip down to your birthday suit.”

  Throughout the car journey from the apartment to Tasha and Devlin’s new house, I keep glancing over at Bomber, a need so strong begins to take over and I crave to be alone with him.

  When Drew does finally arrive at the house with Sketch, she doesn’t seem to be in her happy, horny state she was this morning. Now she looks as if she’s a sulking toddler who didn’t get what she wanted and her main focus is on her older brother Devlin. I catch her sending him evil looks and scowls.

  “She isn’t happy with Dev is she?” Maci quietly observes next to me.

  I quickly glance at her and then back to Drew, shaking my head. “No, apparently not.”

  Sketch whispers something into her ear, and not looking happy with whatever he just said, she storms over to Maci and I. “Hey.” She greets.

  “Well don’t knock me over with you enthusiasm there Drew.” I roll my eyes.

  “Sorry.” She sighs. “Sketch sent me away because I was getting on his nerves.”

  “Why?” Asks Maci, but we both know what she’s going to say.

  She puts her weight on her right, poking her hip out and flicking her hair for effect. “According to Sketch, I keep bitching about my brother.”

  At this point, Devlin happens to walk by with Grim. Drew also spots this and begins to talk a little louder, so Devlin can hear her clearly.

  “But it’s fine, even if he did steal my girl from me.” Devlin pauses to give her a disapproving look and carries on his way.

  “I don’t know why Sketch thought you were bitching.” I raise my eyebrows, hoping she hears my sarcasm. She doesn’t look in the light hearted mood she was earlier.

  Drew looks me over and I see her anger deflate. “I’m sorry, I just hate that he took Tasha away from me so quickly. I had this whole thing planned, we were going to live together for a while, have girly nights, watch movies and hang out but now Dev has swooped in and bought her this amazing house, she left me.”

  “Have you said this to Tasha?” Maci questions softly.

  “No.” Drew admits, shuffling her feet. “I’m not angry with her, she loves my brother and I’m happy for them. I’m just down that it’s over.”

  “I disagree.” I argue. “You still have the perfect place to hang out, and it’s not just Tasha you can have movie nights or girl nights with.” I say, gesturing to myself and Maci,

  “Count me in.” Maci laughs.

  “Thanks guys.” Drew smiles and looks back to Sketch. “I’d better go say sorry, I guess I got on his nerves a bit.”

  “Yeah, just a bit.” I joke as she leaves and Drew gives me the middle fing
er as her answer.

  I watch as Drew sucks up to Sketch, and I also spy her mother, Laura watching with great interest. Sketch is a good guy and Laura should be happy for them. My eyes return to Drew and I’m happy to find her back snug in the arms of her man. I also notice Drew reach down and pinch his arse.

  Devlin walks by, shaking his head at his sister as he continues to the house. I decide to follow and find him in the kitchen, digging into the fridge for some more beers I suppose. He hears me enter and turns to give me a smile. “Hey Elise, thanks for helping out.”

  “I’m sorry for what she said. She doesn’t mean it.”

  Devlin just laughs and strokes his beard as he stands. “I know she doesn’t but I don’t want her hurting Tasha’s feelings.”

  “I’ve spoken to her, she’s fine.” I assure him. “A little jealous maybe, but she’ll be fine.”

  “Tasha’s said she’ll still go round.” He shrugs.

  “But I don’t think she’s told Drew that, she had all these ideas about living with a friend but she didn’t know it would end so soon after they moved in together.”

  Devlin shakes his head with a smirk, looking out to Drew from the kitchen window. “You know, she acts like a tough biker chick but she’s soft on the inside.”

  I laugh. “But that’s our secret.”

  Devlin gathers some beers and tosses me some. “You think she’ll be ok as soon as Tasha talks with her?”

  I look out the window, Tasha has now approached Drew and Sketch and they all look happy enough. “I’m pretty sure.”

  “Good because if Drew’s not happy, I’ll have my mum and dad on my ass.” He cringes.

  We walk out together, and place the fresh beers on the table.

  “You and Bomber ok?” He asks.

  “Yeah.” I smile, however I try to ignore the image of that blood on Bomber’s knuckles. Since the day we made love for the first time, and I saw the blood on his hands I haven’t stopped worrying about him. It wasn’t the last time either, but that’s between Bomber and I. “Don’t tell me you’re pulling the protective cousin card now.”

  Devlin laughs. “No, just checking you’re happy.”

  “I am.” My smile widens and I take a beer with me and find Bomber.

  On my way, I see Maci and Baby sitting together at one of the tables Tasha purchased for the new house. Lauren is happily sitting by herself at another so I go to join her.

  “Hey.” She smiles as I sit.

  “Comfy?” I ask, looking down at her baby bump.

  Lauren rubs her round belly. “I can’t remember the last time I was completely comfy.” She laughs.

  “It will all be worth it when the baby is here.” My eyes divert across to the table Maci sits. “How long have they been talking?”

  Lauren looks over to where Baby and Maci are. “Ten minutes or so, but I’ve heard Maci laugh a lot.”

  “Oh boy.” When Maci laughs with a guy, it’s mostly because it’s how she reacts to flirtatious behaviour when she likes the person who is doing the flirting.

  Lauren raises her eyebrows as Maci’s laughter floats over. “Seems Baby is working his magic.”

  I frown down at the beer I carry, I didn’t even want to drink it. I had meant to find Bomber and give the drink to him, but Maci caught my attention. She’s my friend and I know how Baby is, he’s the youngest of the brothers but he’s by far the worst playboy of them all. He puts Grim and Devlin’s reputations as womanisers to shame and when he’s with Scrappy he’s even worse! Scrappy and Baby are bad enough when they’re apart but when the cousins are partying together, there’s nothing like them.

  “You don’t look happy.” Lauren observes.

  “I love Baby,” I speak quietly to her. “But I don’t think he’s good for Maci.”

  Lauren slowly nods. “I can understand why, but women change men. Look at ours for example.”

  “Perhaps.” I wonder, and look over to their table again.

  Baby has now moved closer to Maci, his hand rests on the back of the seat she sits in and his hypnotic grey eyes have her caught. They do look pretty cute together, Maci and her red flowing hair contrasts with Baby and all his dark features.

  Drew walks by their table, flashing Maci a teasing smirk as she heads in our direction and takes a seat beside Lauren. Maci saw it, and it seems to clear her lust filled fog. Baby is still laying it on thick though.

  “Maci and Baby a thing now?” Drew asks.

  “No,” I shake my head. “But they sure do like each other.”

  Drew nods her agreement.

  “Hasn’t he been seeing a girl from outside the club?” Asks Lauren. “That’s was Grim said anyway.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about.” I admit.

  Drew frowns over at her brother. “If that’s the case, I don’t want him messing Maci around.”

  As we quietly watch, Baby receives a phone call and as soon as he answers his whole body language changes and not in the way Bomber does when he gets an important call from the club. This is different and something tells me it has everything to do with a woman. Maci glances over to us as she sips from her beer and waits for Baby to finish his call.

  I smile at her as she looks to me, Maci looks back to Baby and scowls at him before she decides she’s had enough and joins us at our table.

  “Hey guys.” She takes the beer that was supposed to be Bomber’s and sits back as she drinks from the can. I decide to let her off and Bomber can get his own, it’s probably too warm now anyway.

  “Everything ok?” Drew asks, and I look over to Baby to find him still on the phone. He has a cocky smile in place and he keeps biting down on his bottom lip. I have no doubt he’s talking to a girl and I hate him for it.

  “I don’t like being the third wheel.” She mumbles, taking another gulp from the beer.

  “I think a girl’s night is in order.” Drew announces, looking to Maci. “What do you say Maci? Just us two, the only singles left?”

  “Hey!” I argue. “Just because I’m with Bomber doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy a night out.”

  Drew rolls her eyes. “Fine.”

  Baby laughs and I see Maci tense, “Sure, I’m up for that.”

  “Let’s go and get some food.” I suggest, hoping it’s a good distraction for Maci. She takes my offer and Drew comes along with us

  “Grab me a burger!” Lauren shouts from her place.

  Drew and I exchange a glance over Maci’s shoulder, I had a feeling she liked Baby more than she was letting on. Franky and my father have taken control of the BBQ and the three of us pick our food, Bomber joins us and as his arm is draped over me as he talks with them. Maci keeps glancing over at Baby, and I’m sickened to see him still on the phone.

  “He’s a stupid male.” I whisper in her ear and she sadly smiles.


  Maci turns her back on Baby, just as Scrappy and some other members sit beside him. Drew leaves to take a burger to Lauren, we’ve only been away from her for five minutes and she’s begun to text us all to hurry with her food. Not wanting to leave a heavily pregnant Lauren hungry, Drew runs away to her.

  “I think I’m going to leave soon.” Maci announces as she bites down on her hotdog.

  “Really?” I ask, I don’t want her to go but I understand why she doesn’t want to stick around.

  Maci nods, turning her head slightly and I visibly see her tense. When I look to see Baby walking towards us, I see why.

  “Hey.” He grins at Maci, and then to me and Bomber.

  “Finished on the phone already?” Maci asks without looking at him.

  Baby flashes me a look, before turning his attention on Maci. “Yeah, I gotta run. Just wanted to say bye before I left.”

  “Cool, see ya later.” Maci turns and walks away. I watch the shock on Baby’s face as he watches Maci, I see the admiration there and I wonder why he doesn’t tell her how he feels.

  “She ok?” Baby asks me.

“Why wouldn’t she be?” I tilt my head while observing my cousin, taking a bite from my delicious burger.

  Baby shrugs and my brother and his pals join us, grabbing handfuls of food and they laugh when they see Baby here.

  “Why you still here?” Scrappy laughs. “Thought you had some pussy waiting on you.”

  Baby’s eyes flicker to mine and back to my brother. “Yeah, I’m going.” He laughs lightly.

  They holler at him as he leaves, Bomber even laughs and out of anger I leave them to it and join the girls back at the table. I don’t bother telling Maci what I just heard, she probably suspects anyway and I don’t want to hurt her.

  As much as I love my cousin, he’s young and a player. He’s a good looking guy, and the vest he wears and the bike he rides attracts more attention from women and Baby is enjoying it but Maci is my friend and I don’t want her hurt. It’s probably best for her to move on from Baby and find someone else, whether it’s someone else in the club or out I don’t care. I just want her happy.

  Later on in the afternoon, the garden has taken on a romantic feel as I’m sat with Bomber on a bench. I must say, Tasha has done well to make sure there’s enough food and seating for all the club members and family. If you’re connected to the club, you need to make sure that your garden is kitted out for a large party, especially if you’re wanting to plan a get together every now and then.

  I’m snuggled against Bomber’s side, watching everyone drinking and having fun. Solar lights are dotted around the fencing and dug into the ground. Now that it’s dark and the stars are out, the lights are creating an atmosphere so dreamy and full of romance I fight myself to sit on Bomber’s knee. I cast a look at him, he’s talking with the guys and he’s smiling, sipping on his beer. He looks so handsome and I want to crawl on top of him and hold him so tight when we’re alone in bed.

  “So, this girl that Baby has gone to see?” I ask Bomber once he has finished talking with Razor.


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