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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

Page 18

by KT Fisher

  “Remember all those years ago? A bossy little Elise demanding to be pushed on the swing.” Bomber reminisces and I laugh in response.

  “You were the only one to answer me.” I remember. I was besotted with him as a child, he was my brother’s friend and I had my first secret crush. Only as I got older, it never faded and it became clear to everyone else how I felt about him.

  Bomber stops the swing and leans in close from behind. “You wanna know a secret?”

  “What?” I look around to face him, our mouths so close.

  “I told all the lads they weren’t allowed to push you, that was my job and I demanded them to stay away. Or else I’d punch them in the nose.”

  A loud laugh erupts from me and I jump from the swing, running around to him and jumping into his arms. “And it worked.”

  Bomber nods, holding me tightly and delivering an all mighty, spine tingling kiss.

  “Come on.” He announces, ending the kiss and leading me back to the car. “I have a surprise.”

  “Another one?”

  He opens my door, nodding before gesturing for me to sit. Bomber closes the door and as I watch him walk in front of the car I wonder whatever he could surprise me with next. He could end the night right now and I would have had the best night.

  “What is it?” I eagerly ask as he gets in.

  “A surprise.” He answers.

  I pout, leaning back in my seat and watching out the window as he drives us to my next surprise.

  “You don’t have to spoil me you know.” I look over to him.

  “I know, but I want this as much as you do.” He winks over to me, and for reasons I don’t know I become a little emotional. I turn back to the window, closely watching where we are going.

  Fifteen minutes after passing my parents’ house, Bomber stops the car. I look out my side window, but all I see are trees. “Where are we?”

  Bomber points in front of us and jumps out the car. I’m left staring out in front, wondering why we’re sat outside a house and then it hits me. A house.

  No way! He wouldn’t, would he?

  Bomber opens my door, holding me hand as I step out and freeze on the spot. “Bomb?”

  He ignores me, not letting go of my hand and walking me to the front gates. They’re locked, but he reaches into his pocket and jingles a set of keys.

  “What are we doing here?” But he doesn’t need to answer because I have a feeling I already know.

  Bomber unlocks the gate and we walk up the drive towards the newly built house. Pretty flowers stand in flower pots either side the door and they become my focus point as we near.

  “This is our house.” Bomber announces, unlocking the door and letting go off my hand. “Go on in.”

  “Bomber.” I gasp. “You bought us a house?”

  He smiles. “Go inside and have a look round.”

  Speechless, I do as he asks and enter. Dark, wooden floor boards greet me in the entryway, my heels echo as I walk further inside. The walls are white and bare, the stairs are to my left and a hallway stretches in front of us.

  Bomber takes my hand after closing the door behind us and shows me around. The living room follows from the hallway to the right, it’s a big room and I’m guessing will bring in so much light thanks to the large bay windows looking out the front garden. I turn and see a beautiful fire place, not the new fake ones but a lovely real log burning fire place. Bomber stands watching me, opening a set of double doors, painted white as the rest of the walls. Panelled glass decorates them and I see a room leading from this one. We step in and enter another large room.

  “A dining room or living room number two.” Bomber walks over to another winder and I join him, looking out to a huge back garden.

  “Wow.” I look around in amazement.

  Another door to our left, matching the double doors with the glass panels is open. This one opens to a very modern kitchen. It’s big enough to have all kitchen needs and a large table to fit all my family. The kitchen then leads back to the hallway, and then returns you to the living room. I already love that about this house, but I want to look around the garden. Stepping back inside the kitchen, and opening another set of double doors, only these are sliding ones, my feet touch a bricked decking area. A brand new Jacuzzi, still sealed with the wrapping sits to my right and a large set of outdoor table and chairs is on my left. Its dark out, but I can still see how big and green the garden looks.

  I turn around to see Bomber standing in the kitchen door way, watching me. “There’s four bedrooms upstairs, and two bathrooms. One upstairs and another through there.” He points to a door I didn’t notice before down the hallway. That’s sure going to come in handy when people are over.

  “Bomber, this house is amazing.” I close the distance between us and reach up for a kiss. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “You’re my Old Lady darling, we need to live together and I don’t want you sleeping at the clubhouse anymore.”

  I nod, agreeing with him completely because it’s starting to feel a little cramped in the clubhouse. Although it’s bigger than this house, Bomber and I don’t get any privacy there.

  “You bikers and buying us girls surprise houses.” I shake my head. “If word gets out, every woman will want to have one of you.”

  Bomber laughs. “We only do it for the special ones.”

  “I can’t believe you did this.” I repeat, looking around in amazement.

  “It’s not over.” Bomber teases.

  “Seriously?” I giggle, following him up the stairs.

  He opens the second door and see it’s a bedroom, I’m swept away as I see a bed already put up. It’s a pretty four poster bed, I’ve always wanted one!

  “I had some help.” He laughs and I already know he means my mother. Bless her.

  From the posts dangle twinkling fairy lights in pink and white. It’s adorable and romantic.

  “You did all this?” I ask him. “It’s so much for one date.”

  Bomber lifts me in his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck. “I will do anything for you baby, and I wanted to make this one of the best nights of your life.”

  “Mission accomplished.” I lean in for a kiss.

  Bomber walks towards the bed and lays me down, I look up and see so many sparkling lights. Bomber is in the middles of them, looking dangerously sinful amongst the angelic lighting. He removes his jacket and shirt, helping me rid myself of my heels and dress. I sit up, unfastening his jeans and sliding them down this muscly thighs, the bulge hiding under his jeans, now free for me to lay my eyes on. My mouth waters, wanting to lick and suck his hard cock. I rub against his boxers, eager to set him free. I lean up onto my knees, looking at his beautiful body.

  “After everything you have done for me, I want to repay you.” I help myself and pull down his underwear, eyeing his thick cock as he proudly springs free. He’s so big and he can think again if he thinks I will ever fit it all in my mouth, but I’ll do my best for my man.

  “You don’t need to do anything.” Bomber’s voice is deep and full of desire.

  “No, but I want to.” I look up to him and into his eyes as he stands before me. I lick the head of his cock first, Bomber takes a quick breath in and watches me as I take hold of his balls and wrap my mouth around his cock at the same time. Licking and sucking. Bomber’s groans spur me on and I surprise myself as I go further down his hardness than I thought possible. Bomber isn’t even able to keep eye contact as he keeps closing his eyes, thrusting into my mouth. Letting go of Bomber’s throbbing balls, I reach down into my thongs and slip a finger in between my folds finding myself so wet. My finger seems to have a mind of its own as it slides forwards and backwards, I moan around Bomber’s cock. His hand comes to rest in my hair, holding me as he thrusts into my mouth. God I fucking love sucking his dick. I’m so close to coming, so I stop playing with my pussy.

  “Give me your hand.” Bomber orders, and I reach out of my thongs and hold up my
hand. The very fingers that were just playing with my clit, are now in his mouth as he sucks them clean. Fuck me!

  I’m so turned on that I’m beginning to see stars. I want all of him.

  “God darling.” He growls as I release his swollen dick from my mouth. I feel so empty, but Bomber soon sees to that.

  He lays me back down, pulling my thongs down my legs and unclipping my bra. They’re both thrown onto the floor, and forgotten about as Bomber crawls up me. My thighs are separated and I’m completely on show for his eyes. If it wasn’t for the absolute love in his eyes, I would feel a little exposed but Bomber has a way of making me feel beautiful. Any shyness that I might have held has vanished when his tongue licks against my pussy, playing with my clit as he circles. Around and around his tongue goes and my moans become louder. I grip onto his hair, thrusting against his talented tongue. Just as I’m about to explode, he stops giving me a couple of seconds to calm down before he slams himself inside of me. But it’s no good, I come around his long hardness and my orgasm intensifies as he pounds into me. My eyes roll back, I don’t know how much more of this pleasure I can take, but Bomber slams one last time into me, erupting inside of me and I feel it all.

  Chapter Twenty


  I stretch out my tired legs as I awake the next morning. Bomber groans sleepily besides me, flopping his heavy arm on top of me. We’re both naked and knotted in the brand new sheets. Last night was truly incredible and I’m not just talking about the sex but everything. The meal, the swing and the house. God the house! I meant what I said to him though, what is it with the Kings men buying their women houses. I understand why he did though, we can’t be together at my parents and the clubhouse isn’t private enough but I never expected him to buy us a place! The house is beautiful and probably better than any house I would have chosen.

  “Morning darling.” Bomber lifts his head from his pillow, he looks adorable first thing in the morning. His hair is a little messy from his sleep and his eyes are squinted. So cute and all mine.

  “Good morning.” I roll over to face him.

  Bomber leans closer, kissing me on my forehead as he gives my breast a gentle squeeze. “Do you want breakfast?”

  At the mention of food, my stomach grumbles and we both laugh. “Guess that’s your answer.”

  “I’ll take you out for breakfast.” His thumb now caresses my nipple.

  “I can make us breakfast.” I offer, a throbbing begins between my thighs.

  “There’s no food in babe.” He smirks. “I only had time to fix the bed.”

  And what a great job he did.

  “Ok, let me have a shower first then, you got me all dirty last night.” I poke at his chest.

  “Sure, but first let’s have some more fun.” Bomber rolls on top of me, his already solid and ready cock nudging at me. I wrap my legs around him and hold on tight.


  Once I’m all fresh from my shower, I take a walk around my now house, because that’s what it is at the minute and I plan to fill it with gorgeous furniture and beautiful memories. Then it will be our home.

  “Planning already?” Bomber pokes his head around the living room door.

  “You caught me.” I hold my hands up in surrender.

  “You need to move your things in.” He approaches and wraps his arms around me.

  “And what about yours?” I ask.

  “Darling, my things will only fit in a little box.” He laughs. “I’m counting on you to make this house our home.”

  Too full of emotion, I nod in return and he kisses my forehead. “Come on, I’m hungry.”

  Holding my hand, we exit the house and make our way to the car. “Where are we going?”

  “To your parents.” He simply answers.

  “What? Why?” I screech as we start the short journey to my parents’ home.

  “Because I’m hungry and we haven’t got any food in. Your mother is the closest thing to us and I know she cooks a mean breakfast.”

  Preparing myself for the onslaught of questions I curse Bomber under my breath. I’m not ready for my mother, she will bother me with so many questions and most likely giggle at everything Bomber says. I would have preferred to pop to the shops and buy ingredients to make my own breakfast than this.

  Bomber literally jumps from the car and leaves me to it as he runs up the path to the front door. At least he waits for me to catch up with him before he knocks on though. Bomber gestures to the door and with a huge sigh I go to open the door, but find it locked. Frowning, Bomber then knocks and we wait.

  “Can’t we go anywhere else?” I complain.

  “We’re here now.” Bomber wraps an arm around my shoulder, shaking me playfully. “Cheer up.”

  When my mother opens the door her face erupts into a wide grin, her arms open wide as she welcomes us. “Hi guys!”

  Bomber enters first, offering her a quick cuddle and my mother obviously returns. Her arms wrap around his neck as she leans up on her tiptoes, her smiling face looking around at me and I shake my head at her. She has no shame.

  “Lissy.” She turns to me, holding her arms out to me now, and I begrudgingly step into them and let her squeeze me. “What are you both doing here?”

  “Bomber wanted breakfast.” I grumble, making it perfectly clear from the tone of my voice that I wanted nothing to do with this.

  “I’m about to make your father a full English.” My mother gestures to the kitchen. “Go on in.”

  Bomber clasp his hands together in glee and eagerly enters the kitchen. I hear my father talking to him as my mum stops me.

  “Did you have a good night?” She asks, a little too excitedly.

  “I did.” Is all I say, stepping around her and joining my dad and Bomber around the kitchen table. I notice the food on the side, prepared and ready but one thing stands out. That’s far too much for just my parents and it leaves me wondering.

  When my mother places cups of tea in front of us all she sends me a wink before returning to plate up our breakfast. This is why I didn’t want to be here.

  There wasn’t even a worry that my mum wouldn’t have enough food, she always has plenty. You have to really, being an Old Lady you have to be prepared for members dropping by once in a while and with a brother like mine who doesn’t stop eating, there was no question about it. Speaking of Scrappy, there’s no need asking where he is this morning. It’s a Sunday, so I already know he’s sleeping off whatever he did last night in his room at the clubhouse and I don’t put much thought into it.

  My mother passes out the plates and they’re full of sausages, bacon, beans, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, hash browns and even puts a plate of toast in the middle of the table to help ourselves to.

  “It’s a good job I put in enough food.” My mother giggles to herself and I watch her as she happily sits and begins to eat.

  I cast a questioning look over to Bomber as see he’s already started eating too. Something seems odd here and when I look over to my dad, he’s watching me and rolls his eyes. Did Bomber and my mother plan this?

  Realising that I’ve most likely been played, I decide to forget it and eat my breakfast like a good girl. I don’t bother with the mushrooms though, they look and smell a bit off putting today.

  “Is the house beautiful then?” My mother asks and my dad releases a groan.

  “Honestly.” He shakes his head.

  “You knew?” I ask her, looking between my mother and Bomber.

  “Prez and your mum helped find the house.” Bomber explains, not looking at all sheepish. Oh no, he’s perfectly fine with his big breakfast over there.

  “And you couldn’t tell me this before?” I ask out loud.

  “Oh don’t get yourself in a twist Lissy.” My mother interrupts. “The man wanted help to find you your perfect home and that house will do you nicely. It has plenty of room for my grandchildren to run around in.”

  My dad nearly chokes on his breakfast. I take in a calmi
ng breath. My mother is right, it’s all done now and there’s no use beginning an argument about it. The house is perfect but I just wish she didn’t know about it before I did. No wonder she was so excited for my date last night.

  “I always knew this day would come.” She boasts. “I knew you two would be together.”

  “She’s already planning to decorate.” Bomber informs her.

  I decide to follow my dad’s example and continue to eat.

  “Good idea!” My mother looks over to me. “The quicker it’s done, the sooner it will be ready to move into.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, we can move in now.” Bomber shrugs. “There’s a bed, that’s all we need.”

  At the mention of the bed my dad straightens and I fight against the blush creeping on my cheeks. If Bomber thinks he can keep secretly planning with my mother, he can think again. I’m not going through this through our entire relationship. As soon as we’re alone I’m laying that into him straight away.


  “If you plan with my mother like that again, you’re on a sex ban.” I threaten Bomber when we’re in bed that night.

  We decided not to go back to the new house and slept over at the clubhouse. I needed to get ready for work the following morning and most of my things that I kept spare were already in the room Bomber keeps there. But we did go looking for wallpaper and paint for the house and stored them in the living room ready for decorating. I already have plans for every room.

  “Relax.” Bomber laughs, rolling onto his side to face me. His hand grips onto my thigh and then travels around to my arse, squeezing tightly. “It was all for you.”

  “There’s not going to be a next time.” I order.

  Not managing to keep a straight face, Bomber nods and gives me a slight tap on my bum cheek. “I promise.”

  “Good.” I snuggle up to him and his body heat calms me.

  We’ve already have our fun for the night and Bomber went beyond expectations and made me come twice! I honestly don’t know how he did it, but it has tired me out completely.


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