Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3) Page 20

by KT Fisher

  “Yeah, Prez only gave me a few runs this week so I had some extra time.”

  Silence follows, because we both know why he’s had extra time.

  “It looks great.” I comment as I walk around, it’s amazing what a splash of colour can do.

  “Look, I don’t wanna argue but, what the hell is happening here?” Bomber asks and I lean against the kitchen counter.

  “Neither do I, but I want answers.” I demand and his head drops.

  “I can’t give you that information darling.” He sighs. “I don’t want you involved.”

  “I already am!” I snap. “And because you won’t tell me, it’s coming between us.”

  “It doesn’t have to.” He urges, coming towards me and placing his hands on both of my arms.

  I look into his eyes, they mirror my sadness and it almost breaks me. “But it already has.” I whisper, anything louder feels damaging somehow. “Just tell me Jamie, please.”

  He wants to tell me, it’s plain to see all over his face. “I can’t Elise.”

  I step away from him, taking another glance around the house before looking back at him. “Well then I guess your decorating your own bachelor pad.”

  “Elise!” He shouts but I don’t want to hear it. I turn my back and walk out the house and Bomber continues to shout after me as I get in my car. But as I belt up Bomber runs over to me and I lock the car. “We need to end this shit.”

  “There’s only one way that’s going to happen.” I remind him, but he shakes his head. “Then that’s your choice.”

  “Elise.” He moans.

  “I’m going home.” I shout over the car and back away, trying not to look at him as I do.

  When I get home I ignore my mother but she won’t stop fussing, until my dad intervenes thank god.

  “Leave the girl alone June!” He barks at her.

  “But she shouldn’t be here, she should be in her new house.” She complains.

  “Fine, I’ll go!” I stand from my seat, but a look of panic spreads on her.

  “No! You can stay for as long as you want.” She reassures me, quickly coming up to me and gesturing for me to sit back down. “You’re always welcome home, you know that.”

  Wow, Bomber’s only just bought the house and she wants me out already.

  “Are you and Bomber ok?” She asks quietly.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I add, deciding not to sit back down and run away to work. I have to be there to lock up anyway, so I turn up a little earlier than the twins were expecting and let them go home. They didn’t complain and were more than happy but as soon as they were gone, I decided to shut the shop. I’m not in the mood to greet customers and I want to hide away in my bed. I could have asked someone else to lock up, but then I would have had to explain why I didn’t do it and I really don’t want to, not after facing Bomber today.

  When I return home I hide in my bedroom and binge on TV shows to pass the time. I want to get Bomber off my mind but when there’s a romantic interest in pretty much every show, it’s hard to achieve that.

  As I’m contemplating what to watch, Drew calls and I have my fingers crossed as to why my cousin in calling me.

  “Hello?” I answer.

  “Are you free tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah why?” I ask.

  “There’s a fight, I don’t know the time yet but she said they don’t release that until nearer the time, but we will just get ready and wait.”

  “Ok.” I begin to shake a little, this is actually happening.

  “So, we definitely doing this?”

  “Yes, I can go alone if you don’t want to?” I ask her, even though I wouldn’t dare.

  “Are you an idiot? You are not going to the Black Ring all by yourself! Besides, I have been tempted by the whole thing, can you imagine seeing hot guys beating the crap out of each other? That’s got to be hot.”

  “Not really?” I frown down at my feet as I lay on my bed. “Anyway, you have Sketch now.”

  “A girl can look.” She laughs. “So, it will be just us and Maci. So come to mine straight after work, bring a change of clothes. I’m thinking casual hotness. This aint a place to be pretty.”

  She continues to advise me on what clothes I should wear and if all else fails, I can borrow hers. Once she’s done, Drew says her goodbyes and hangs up and I’m left with my dreadful thoughts. The plan is in motion, but I really fucking hope that this is all just a big mistake and Drew is wrong.


  “Shouldn’t we tell someone?” Maci panics in the back seat of Drew’s car.

  “If anyone else knew what we were walking in to, they would stop us.” Drew reminds her as she drives away from her apartment. The three of us spent two hours in Drew’s place before we got that all important text to tell us the fighting will begin in one hour. Seeing as the venue is just over an hour’s drive, we need to get going right now.

  “And we can’t have that.” I add.

  It’s worked out quite well actually. Drew has told Sketch that she’s having a night in with Maci and me. Maci doesn’t need to tell anyone where she is and neither do I. Bomber will likely think I’m avoiding him again, my parents will probably think I’m with Bomber or one of the girls. So I’m good to go.

  My phone buzzes in my hand and I look down to see it’s Lauren. She and Tasha know of our plan of course, they were there when Drew suspected Bomber’s whereabouts to his disappearing acts. Tasha and Lauren can’t make it, so that leaves the three of us and I’m grateful to Drew and Maci. I need to do this. Her text message begs us to be safe and I quickly send her a reply not to worry.

  Maci and I have managed to pass Drew’s standards in appropriate clothing. Maci wears a black mini skirt and basic top but matched with her heeled boots and her red hair curling onto her shoulders, she looks perfect. Drew is in a tight black mini dress and high top, black Converse and with her jet black hair tied in a messy bun and large hooped earrings decorating her ears, is killing the desired to look. I decided to go with my tight jeans, black boots and lace belly top. It’s just a tiny bit bigger than a bra, and shows a lot of skin, but it hides everything it needs to. My hair is hanging loosely down my back but honestly I don’t care how I look for tonight. This isn’t a social night out with my girlfriends. I’m here to find out if my boyfriend is sneaking out and fighting in the Black Ring, the most dangerously lethal underground fighting world full of criminals who thrive on deathly situations. I know that the club isn’t entirely innocent and there is certainly some members who enjoy the darker side of the MC more than others, but we’re a family who fight for one another, not for sport.

  As we drive Maci and I are mostly quiet and it’s only Drew who keeps trying to keep the atmosphere light but I feel sick with nerves and the closer we get to our destination, the worse I feel. I try and take a deep and calming breath but there’s no point.

  “Do you think he will be here?” I ask them.

  Drew is the one who answers me. “That’s why we’re going tonight Lissy, to find out the truth because you deserve to know where he’s sneaking off to.”

  “Thank you both for coming with me.”

  “We wouldn’t be anywhere else.” Maci reaches forward in her seat and places her hand on my shoulder.

  “We’re here.” Drew announces and my nerves double in an instant.

  “Really?” Asks Maci, looking out through the window between Drew and I.

  It looks to be an old abandoned warehouse, the large doors are wide open and if it wasn’t for all the people wandering around it would look too spooky to get closer to.

  “There’s so many people here.” I observe as Drew parks up.

  “It’s where the money is made.” Drew looks to me, her eyes surveying me. “Are you ready?”

  “No.” I honestly reply. “But I have to do this.”

  We step out the car, and walk together in a line of three towards the welcoming open doors. A large banner droops above it readi
ng, The Black Fighting Ring and a shiver runs through my mind. We earn some approving whistles as we enter and head straight for the bar. My eyes keep glancing to the dominating boxing ring right in the middle of the place. It’s propped up too, so that everyone in this damn place can have a perfect view. I stare at it, trying to vision Bomber in there as Drew orders us some drinks. Loud music is pumping and everyone is getting into the mood, suddenly a loud bell rings through the speakers and a man interrupts the music.

  “Five minutes people!” And everyone cheers.

  “Hey Drew! You made it.” I turn to see a woman standing beside my cousin. She’s a curvy lady, her bright red hair matching her lipstick and she eyes us all.

  “Hi Suzy.” Drew greets her. “This is my cousin Elise and our friend Maci.”

  Suzy immediately smiles towards us. “Hey girls, excited for the fighting to begin?”

  My mouth opens to answer, but I can’t think of what to say.

  “You bet.” Maci thinks to take over. “It’s all we’ve been talking about on the drive here.”

  Suzy laughs. “Then you’re in for a treat! Some of the best fighters are in tonight, including the newbie.”

  Her words strike me. “Newbie?” I ask.

  Suzy’s eyes widen. “Oh yeah! This guy’s gorgeous but fights like a mad man! His name around here is The Devil’s Demon.”

  I freeze in place and thank god for Drew and Maci because they take over as I have a mini break down.

  “Do you come here often?” Maci asks her.

  “Oh yeah! I try and come as much as possible and I’ve even had the pleasure of sleeping with a few of the fighters.” She leans in close and wiggles her eyebrows.

  Another set of bells ring out through the speakers and Suzy almost jumps in place.

  “Better get going!” She claps. “I have my own private seat, catch ya later!” She waves as she runs away.

  “The Devil’s Demon?” I grind out, my fists clenching from anger.

  “It might not be him.” Drew suggests but shake my head.

  “It’s too much of a coincidence for it not to be Bomber. Demon was the president of the Devils, this is his middle finger to Demon as he burns in hell.” I take my beer from the bar and take a much needed drink. “He’s here and he is going to explain all of this shit to me.”

  I don’t even like the taste of beer, but I finish it off and order another as a man takes his place in the middle of the ring. He’s greeted with a loud cheer and he holds his hands up in greeting to everyone.

  “Welcome to The Black Fighting Ring!” He shouts through a microphone and everyone applauds him, he’s treated as if he’s royalty. “Are we all ready for tonight?”

  They all scream and I lean back against the bar, watching in dreaded anticipation.

  “Anyone who doesn’t matter, doesn’t know his name.” Drew explains to Maci and me. “For security reasons of course, but most people call him Mic around here.”

  “Short for microphone?” Maci jokes.

  “Exactly.” Drew laughs along.

  “Drew, you know a lot about this place.” I eye her carefully.

  “I used to come here, when you went missing.” She admits and my heart falls for her.

  “Drew.” I sigh.

  “It’s nothing.” She stops me. “You were kidnapped and I lost my best friend, so what did I do? I came here and hid from my family, pretty much acting just like Suzy.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” I wrap an arm around her and squeeze her close.

  “I was acting like a child, you were going through hell.” She scowls.

  “But I’m here now, and for the record I don’t know what I would have done if our roles were reversed.” I assure her and earn a small smile.

  By the time two fights have finished, I’m shocked to say that I’ve become used to seeing the sight of blood and it’s not as horrifying as I once thought. Adrenaline is spreading like wildfire in this place and as they fight, your body becomes in tune with everyone shouting and encouraging their favourite fighter. As the winner of the last fight lands his last punch to his opponents face, goose bumps raise all over me as cheers erupt all around me. I’m starting to realise why they all enjoy to come here and watch, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want my man up there however it seems the time has come. The man that is known in this world as Mic, walks back in the ring and announces Rick the ‘Destroyer’ the winner.

  “Ok folks.” He continues. “Next up is our newcomer, The Devils Demon!”

  My dread returns and I feel Maci and Drew waiting beside me, offering me their support.

  “He came into the Black Ring by a storm and beat four fighters down! Now he’s here tonight to face an amazing fighter, Hazard. Are we ready?”

  The crowd cheers and music blasts through the warehouse as Mic leaves the ring. I feel sick with worry as I wait to see if it’s Bomber who walks into the fighting ring. I think there’s a very good chance that it will be.

  Hazard is introduced and he walks into the ring like he owns the place and he has every right to be. The man is huge! I know that Bomber can protect himself and he’s a good fighter, but this man is built like a giant. So much so, he looks like a complete fool.

  “Annnnnnnnd now!” Shouts Mic. “Here’s the new and unbeaten, Devil’s Demon!”

  The place goes wild, and it’s pretty amazing actually. All these people cheering for you. It must be an amazing feeling, however I soon forget about everyone around me when all my fears come true when I see Bomber walk into the ring. He’s shirtless, but wears black baggy trousers. I’ve noticed that all the men fighting tonight dress pretty similar and are all bare foot. I watch Bomber walk into the middle of the ring, ignoring the crowd. Unlike all the others, Bomber keeps his eyes on his opponent instead of milking the attention but the onlookers do not seem to mind because Bomber is getting more cheers and applauding than any other who has fought tonight and even though I’m angry at what Bomber is doing, I feel a little pride. Not at all what I thought I would be experiencing tonight.

  “I can’t believe he’s actually here.” Maci comments as the three of us watch him.

  Bomber’s eyes are fixed on the man nicknamed, Hazard. He’s in the zone and probably wouldn’t even notice us standing here, but I’m not even worried about that. Bomber isn’t interested in the crowds surrounding him, as far as he’s aware, he would be happy fighting this man alone in a car park but at least here he’s getting money for it. Shit! Did Bomber get the money for the house by fighting here? Is that why he’s still doing it? I can’t let him do that, and I go to run towards him but the bells starting the fight ring loud and Drew stops me in my tracks.

  “Don’t Elise.” She warns, just as Bomber bounds forward and sends a painful punch to Hazard’s face.

  The crowd screams and he wobbles on his feet already. Bomber is a built man, but compared to Hazard he looks small. Surely he hasn’t gotten that big through hard working exercise. Hazard charges towards him and I turn away, I can’t watch any longer. The cheering makes me nervous and I’m scared to look but Drew laughs so I assume its good news for Bomber.

  “Yes!” Maci screams as the crowd gets even louder.

  I’m curious, so I peer through my fingers and see that Hazard isn’t looking too good. Bomber slowly stalks him, and the cheering turns into a chant.

  “Devil Demon!” They sing. “Devil Demon!” Over and over.

  I don’t know if he appreciates it or not, but their chants become Bomber’s soundtrack as he gives Hazard his finishing blow and he falls to the floor in a bloody mess. I couldn’t watch him at the start, but now I can’t take my eyes of him. Bomber raises his arms, celebrating his win and he looks up and what are the chances that his eyes meet mine straight away?

  His eyes lock with mine and his arms drop and my heart speeds. His face turns furious and even Drew and Maci grip onto me from either side. They feel his rage too.

  “Shit.” Drew curses and we begin to back

  “Let’s go, shall we?” Maci suggests and I have to agree.

  We have to get the fuck out of here.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  We all run outside, rushing to the car and wanting to get the hell out of here. I wanted to find out what Bomber was doing and now that I have, he’s spotted me and he’s not happy about it. As we near the car I have to stop. A strong sense of sickness takes over and I have to breathe in a calming breath of air. I can’t be sick here, at an illegal fight night of all places.

  “Are you ok?” Maci asks, placing a comforting hand on my back.

  I straighten up and look around to check Bomber isn’t here. “Yeah, now get in. We need to go.”

  “Well, where are you three lovely ladies running off to?” A strange man approaches, his four friends grinning behind him. “Why don’t you stay and have some fun?”

  “No thanks.” Snaps Drew, scowling at the men as they look at us a little too closely.

  One of the four from behind him steps forward, grinning at Drew. “I love a feisty one.”

  Drew laughs in his face. “You will never get your hands on me.”

  “Let’s go.” I order, I was sick of these men before they even showed up.

  “But we haven’t had fun yet.” One of the men steps closer to me.

  “And we really wanna have some fun.” Another approaches Maci.

  “Step away from me.” Maci growls, pushing him away from her.

  I step closer to Maci, facing the men together and Drew joins us. “Stay the fuck away!”

  They just laugh and come even closer, one even tries to touch my hair and I push him away.

  “Get your fucking hands off her!” Booms Bomber from behind them and they all obediently make way for him. Their faces full of fear when they see his face.

  “Devil Demon?” Asks one of them, shocked to see the very man who just won his fight standing before him.

  “Fuck off before I kill you.” Bomber threatens and they all scurry off like the rats they are and I’m thankful for him, until he turns to face the three of us and I wish I was running with the rodents.


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