Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3)

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Fate (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 3) Page 21

by KT Fisher

  “Jamie.” I step forward but soon stop when I don’t know whether I should go to him or not.

  “What are you doing here?” He asks, looking at me with disbelief.

  “We’ll leave you alone for a minute.” Drew suggests and guides Maci into the car where they wait.

  I look to Bomber and back away. “I can’t do this right now.”

  As I turn around, Bomber reaches out and stops me. “I’m sorry darling.”

  Tears gather in my eyes, so much that Bomber becomes a blur and with one blink they drop down my cheeks. Bomber steps closer, using his thumb to wipe away the wet marks and the fresh tears gathering. “Is this because of me?”

  Bomber frowns and one of his hands reaches up to my face, tangling his fingers in my hair. “Yes and no.”

  A sob escapes me. “At least you’re being honest.”

  “I need to let my anger out, and here’s the only way I thought I could.” He explains. “I want to be able to comfort you and hold you while you heal but I can’t do that if I have all this anger built up inside of me.”

  “You don’t have to fight here.” I insist. “The club has its own boxing club, why don’t you do this there?”

  Bomber shakes his head. “This is the only place I can let my anger be free. I can’t fight my brothers like I do these fools. I can let all my anger out on the fighters here.”

  I close my eyes, ashamed to look him in the eyes. I drove him to this.

  “Don’t you dare blame yourself.” Bomber roars so loud that I jump.

  “How can I not?” I cry.

  Bomber holds me tightly and I cry into his chest. I let him comfort me because after all, that’s what he wants. That’s what Bomber has been fighting for and although I hate him having to come here, I admire him for it.

  “You don’t need to worry darling, I’m the best fighter they ever had.” He says so smugly and through my crying, I begin to laugh.

  “Just because I’m laughing doesn’t mean I forgive you.” I remind him.

  “You’re forgetting one thing darling.” Bomber holds me back and sadly smirks. “I don’t forgive you for coming here. This is a dangerous place and I can’t believe you three came here!”

  I step away from him and head to the car. “I did that because you kept everything from me.”

  I get into the car and slam the door shut, but Bomber isn’t fazed. “I’ll meet you at the clubhouse.”

  Drew begins to drive and sighs. “He’s going to tell everyone.”

  “You two are going to be in trouble.” Maci groans. “I think I’ll hide away for a while.”

  I look at them both and shake my head. “We’re grown women, they can’t tell us off like children.”


  “Are you fucking stupid?” Shouts uncle Franky.

  He has the three of us sat in his office. Thanks to Bomber, my dad, Scrappy, Baby and Sketch are all here to tell us off. On the way back, I sent Tasha and Lauren a warning text to let them know Grim and Devlin will find out soon enough and that they should lie and let them all believe they knew nothing. It’s no use all of us getting us into trouble.

  Just five minutes after I warned them, all three of us got some rather pissed of texts from our families. They all demanded that we come back to the clubhouse and here we are.

  “This is my fault, leave Maci and Drew out of this.” I answer Franky.

  He looks at me and when I see the anger shining in his eyes I have to look away. I don’t like that look at all.

  “You really think I would believe my daughter would have nothing to do with this?” He almost laughs. “This has Drew’s name all over it.”

  “I’m honoured.” Drew sarcastically adds.

  “Don’t joke!” Franky roars. “We might look like we have calmed since we took care of the Devils and Demon, but don’t fool yourselves girls, we have many enemies and some of them attend the fighting ring you fucking attended tonight!”

  “And I thought you might have been the sensible one and talk them out of this.” Baby points to Maci.

  “Leave her out of this.” Sighs Drew. “And to be honest, she did advise us to tell you all but we voted no.”

  Scrappy shakes his head. “What if the people who wish to bring us down recognised you?”

  “They’re people who wish to bring us down?” I ask, and the men shuffle as they look to one another. Drew and I exchange a worried glance.

  “Nobody knew who we were.” Drew argues.

  “They were all too busy watching the Devils Demon.” I add, looking up at Bomber.

  “Do not blame Bomber.” My father stands in. “I knew that he was fighting, and so did most of the men in this room.” I look around in shock. They knew and none of them said anything to me?

  I glare up at my dad and he shakes his head, laughing. “Don’t look at your dad like that, I was protecting you and you should have come to me instead of running into that place and putting yourself in danger again.” He kneels down in front of me, places one gentle hand on my cheek and I see a rare tear in his eye. “I don’t want to go through what I did before, I don’t want your mother experiencing that pain again.”

  The room falls silent and I hold back my emotions the best I can. “I’m sorry.” I whisper. “But I’m still angry that you all lied to me.”

  The men grumble, but I will hold onto this grudge for as long as I please! I know they’re the men of the club, and they have their secrets but this was about Bomber and me. They should have told me he turned to fighting, I wanted to be there for him and I was worried where he was sneaking off to. A heads up would have been nice.

  All of a sudden, the door bangs open and I’m shocked to see Grinder storming in and he seems to only have eyes for Maci. I quickly look over to Baby as he scowls at his club brother but Grinder doesn’t even notice. He races to Maci and helps her up by the hand. Grinder holds Maci in his arms, a worried man caring for the girl he loves. Maci calms in the arms of Grinder and by the time I look back to where Baby is standing, he’s already gone.

  Soon after, the three of us are finally free from the men’s scowling. We promise that we have learnt our lessons and to never set in foot in that place again, however I can’t agree to the last one and I made it clear to them all. I told them that as long as Bomber wants to fight, I will be there with him. There’s no way I could be sat at home whilst Bomber is in a fighting ring somewhere. So my dad begrudgingly had to say yes as long as I agreed that he and other club members came with me and we stayed hidden in the back. It’s better than staying at home and worrying all night, so we settled.

  “Are you ready to come home?” Bomber asks, but then corrects himself. “Oh no sorry, the last time you were there you called it my bachelor pad.”

  “Ok.” I hold my hands up, letting go of my giggling. “I’m sorry about that, but I was mad at you and it turned out, I had every right to be.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to help me decorate now?” He cheekily asks, holding out his arms and dragging me close. Our chests touch and I look up to him. My handsome, tattooed biker.

  “I’d love to.” And I reach up and kiss him, right there in the middle of the clubhouse. I hear my dad grumble as he stalks away and my brother complaining but I don’t care. I wrap my arms around his neck and Bomber spins me around as he playfully bites down on my neck.

  “God I’m happy to have you back.” He groans closely into my ear. “I’ve missed you so fucking much.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” I admit, feeling guilty for shutting him out for so long.

  “Let’s go home then and enjoy that new bed together again.” He wiggles his eyebrows and as he takes hold of my hand, leading me to his bike I can’t help but laugh.

  As he rides us home, I hold on tight to his body and I’m reminded how he looked as he fought. The images of him covered in blood and sweat were strangely erotic to me and I tried to fight the thoughts away from my mind as I was being scolded like a kid by my family,
but now that I am clinging onto Bomber, the images come back. I start to squirm as my thighs are open against him and my hands begin to wander. I don’t even bother to care about the people in their cars, sharing the road with us as I feel my way around Bomber torso and explore lower. I hate the fact that I can’t feel Bomber’s bulge through his jeans as he straddles his bike, but as my hands feel his warm skin he begins to grow and his cock presses against the denim and I finally get my win.

  “Elise.” Bomber groans but I don’t know whether he wants me to carry on or stop.

  Luckily for the both of us, we have arrived at our house and Bomber is quick to park his bike and carry me inside but we don’t make it to the bed and decide that the living room floor is the next best thing.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  Within the next forty-eight hours, a lot has been done in the new house. Bomber had told me that he was waiting on me to make the next decisions concerning the furniture. So we went together and I chose the sofa’s for both living rooms, as well as the coffee table and all other extras you need in a living room. Bomber had the role of choosing the TV, which he took really seriously. The kitchen already had everything a kitchen needs, but I wanted to add our own mark to it and had to buy any accessories that you can buy for a kitchen and I’m so happy at how well everything is coming together.

  As far as we’re concerned, it’s ready to move in and that’s what we did and last night. We brought our separate things in our own boxes and bags and began to unpack. I think my dad found it hard though, to see his daughter moving out and he did tell me that he’s going to keep my bedroom the way it is. He wants me to have a place at home forever, and I thought it was pretty sweet. That was until he said it will come in handy if I have a daughter and she has someone to escape to when we’re ripping each other’s hair out. Way to go dad.

  The house is beginning to become a home and although I didn’t help Bomber paint the place, I’m proud that we went and bought everything else as a couple. The way it always should have been.

  As you can imagine, we have been making up for lost time from the week we didn’t speak and last night we worked up one hell of a sweat so a shower is in need this morning. I begin to wash my hair, letting the hot water soothe me, but a nausea stirs deep in my stomach. The water hits my head and the longer it goes, the harder it feels. My vision begins to blur and my feet slip slightly on soaked shower floor. Fuck, was that a bad takeaway last night?

  Thank god I’m not working this morning, but Bomber is in charge of a security run with the club, so I have the house to myself. I unpack some of the kitchen utensils we picked up yesterday and make sure to take some paracetamol for the headache that has arrived with the sickness. I don’t have much time to relax because it’s time for me to get ready and join the twins at work. They are getting so reliable at work and are helping me out so much. I don’t know what I would do without them and I do feel guilty when they sometimes open up, or close the shop but they always assure me they love to help. They even asked for more shifts. How can I argue with that?

  I don’t bother taking much time getting ready. I look like crap, but I can’t bring myself to spend my usual time applying make-up and doing my hair. A high ponytail, basic make up and I’m good to go. Today I would rather wear my onesie and lounge around, but instead I pull on my jeans and a rolling stones shirt and my knee high boots. It’s the best I can do today and I take one last look at my sorry self before I lock up the house and make my way to work.

  As soon as I open the door, I hear the girls serving the customers and their good attitude vibe makes me feel a little better.

  “Hey boss.” Greets Poppy as she tidies the rails.

  “Morning Pops.” I reply, trying my best smile.

  Lulu says goodbye to the customer who spends a good amount, and then turns to me. “Hey Elise, you feeling ok?”

  “You mean do I feel like crap, because I look that way?” I laugh.

  Her face fills with panic. “No! I didn’t mean that.”

  “It’s fine.” I assure her, patting her shoulder on my way to the back room. “But you’re right, today is one of those days.”

  “You want us to stay?” Poppy asks.

  “No, I’ll be fine, you’ve been here all morning.” I make them both a cup of tea and begin serving customers and sorting stock.

  I feel the girls watching me as their shift come to an end, but I try my best to make it look like I’m fine and I that I don’t need their help. That backfires on me though and my energy drops. I have to sneak to the toilet to take a breather but suddenly I’m overcome with nausea again and I double over. Everything pours out into the toilet and as I’m wiping my mouth, there’s a knock on the door.

  “Elise?” Lulu asks. “You ok in there?”

  “Fine.” I call and when I walk out, she’s still there watching me. “I’m ok.” I assure her but she doesn’t believe me.

  “Elise, I think you need to go home.” She advises.

  “I can’t.” I insist, catching how awful I look in the mirror.

  “Poppy has to go to college, but I’m free for the rest of the day. Why don’t I stay with you?” She offers and I feel the urge to hug her.

  “Thank you.” I sigh, grabbing a fresh bottle of water from the fridge.

  Lulu watches me for a second and then joins her sister out front. I’m grateful to get out of her watchful eyes for a minute so I can gather myself.

  About thirty minutes after Poppy finished, Maci arrives. She waits patiently waits while I see to a customer. “Hey.” She gives me a cuddle when I’m free.

  “Hey.” I smile right back.

  “She’s ill.” Lulu advises as she passes and Maci takes a step back.

  “What’s wrong?” She asks.

  “It’s just a bug, but I am feeling slightly better.” And I’m not lying, I am a little better than I was this morning.

  “Are you sure it’s not just Bomber keeping you up now that you’re shacked up in your own home?” She asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Well, I’m not denying that.” I laugh, hiding my blush.

  Something catches Maci’s eye, it’s the brand new rings I had in this weekend. They’re a mixture of a simple pretty rings but have a gothic edge to it with the engraved patterns on the silver and they’re selling really well.

  “You like?” I ask her, sliding the stand closer to her to get a better look.

  “Oh my god Elise, I love these.” She browses through them with wide eyes and holds one up. “I’m buying this beauty.”

  “Good choice.” Lulu approves as she joins us at the counter.

  After I felt bad for Lulu staying behind with me, I am really grateful she’s here. I’m working so much slower this afternoon than I usually do and it’s becoming a pain in my ass. Maci disappears into the back and returns with some teas for all of us and thankfully brings some biscuits, which we sneak from under the counter because it’s not exactly professional but on a day like this, I need every help I can get.

  The door opens and I look up to see Bomber strolling in. I wasn’t expecting to see him until later.

  “Hey.” I greet as he wraps an arm around me and kisses me on top of my head.

  “Feeling any better?” Are the first words out of his mouth.

  “I do.” I smile up at him as I step out from his hold.

  “Good, because I need you to come to the clubhouse.” Bomber orders, frowning down at his watch.

  “I can’t.” I point out just as another customer steps inside.

  “I can take over.” Lulu suggests.

  “No, I’m not leaving you on your own.” I argue, and I thought pops into my head. When Bomber saw me, he straight away asked if I felt any better, which implies someone had already told him I wasn’t doing great today. “Bomber? How did you know I wasn’t feeling well?”

  “Poppy text me.” Bomber shrugs and then steps into the back room and returns with my bag and coat. “We
need to get going.”

  “But I can’t leave Lulu.” I argue.

  “Then shut the shop.” Bomber suggests. “You close in three hours anyway, just close early.”

  “I don’t know.” Sighing, I rub my forehead. Going home to chill for the rest of the day does sound good though and hopefully I will feel better in the morning. “What’s so important that I have to come with you to the clubhouse anyway?”

  “Maci will stay with Lulu and take her home if you need to keep the shop open” He demands. “So you choose, close up or have them stay but either way you’re coming with me.”

  “But I drove here.”

  “I will take your car home.” Maci grins and it’s wide and full of mischief.

  I eye her suspiciously. “What’s going on here?”

  “Personally, I think you should close.” Maci suggests and Lulu laughs along wither her. I feel as though everyone knows something I don’t.

  “Ok.” I slowly answer, watching everyone closely. “Let’s lock up.”

  “Great!” Bomber claps and it makes me jump. “Maci, you and Lulu take care of everything and you take Elise’s car. We will meet you at the clubhouse.”

  “Wait.” I try and stop everyone but the girls do as Bomber says and Bomber is helping me into my jacket. “What is happening?”

  Bomber plants a kiss on my lips to silence me and shouts bye to the girls.

  “See you soon.” Maci winks at me as Bomber is literally dragging me out to his car.

  I look around. “Where’s Maci’s car?”

  “At the clubhouse.” Bomber answers, opening the door for me.

  “Well, how did she get here?” I’m so confused.

  “Lissy.” Bomber laughs. “Get in the car, please.”

  I search his face for answers but I come up empty and decide to give up and go along with whatever is happening. Bomber shuts the door behind me and as he walks around to his side, I see the girls tidying up and getting everything ready for locking up.


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