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Her Only Defense

Page 6

by Kami Larke

  “Thanks,” Rob called at her retreating back. He was rewarded with a wave over her head as she rounded the corner headed toward the nurses’ station. Shaking his head, he headed back in to the ER bay where Abby was getting ready to leave.

  “Hey, hey, what are you doing?” he asked, rushing across the small space and wrestling her purse and crutches from her. “You have to wait for your discharge papers and your scripts. And I got the doctor to come back in and address the questions you had about exercising.”

  “We both know I won’t be able to keep exercising with this thing on my leg,” Abby said, rolling her eyes at Rob as she gestured at her knee brace.

  “Why don’t we let the doctor answer that one? I tell you what. If he says you can’t exercise at all, I’ll buy dinner and let you off the hook. If he agrees with me, you have to buy me dinner and go along with the modified routine I come up with for you.”

  “I don’t think he is going to let me exercise,” Abby insisted stubbornly.

  “Ask him about exercising,” Rob urged.

  “She has questions about exercising?” asked the as he stepped around the curtain.

  “Yes—,” Rob said.

  “No, I—,” Abby started. Rob gave her a mock glare.

  “All right, fine, I do have questions about it. My trainer here says I can still exercise with this thing on my leg,” Abby gestured to her brace.

  The doctor tapped his pen on the clipboard he held for a moment. “Well, I don’t see you running marathons any time soon, and obviously any kind of leg exercise is out.” Abby gave Rob a triumphant look before the doctor continued. “However, I don’t see why you can’t do abdominal and arm exercises.”

  Abby’s face fell as Rob gave a hoot of laughter.

  “I’ll go easy on you. Just a salad for dinner for me,” Rob said cheerily.

  “I don’t have any salad fixings.” Abby groused.

  “That’s all right. I’ll take you grocery shopping on the way home. It’s not like you are going to be able to drive with your right leg in a brace like that.”

  Abby looked over at the doctor who was busily reading her chart. She would have thought he hadn’t heard the exchange at all except he seemed to be biting the sides of his mouth in an effort to not laugh.

  “Fine, give me the prescriptions,” she said impatiently, holding her hand out. The doctor handed them over to her and then showed her where to sign to complete the discharge papers. At his signal, Rob returned the crutches to Abby. Gathering her things, they thanked the man and made their way out of the hospital.

  “We can swing by the pharmacy and drop off your prescriptions and then do some grocery shopping. By the time we get done, your medications should be ready and I can take you home.”

  Abby thought his tone sounded somewhat subdued. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

  “None of this is really your fault, you know,” she quietly assured him. She shifted slightly. The pain killer they had given her at the hospital was starting to wear off and her knee was throbbing.

  As Rob pulled into the tiny lot for the local grocery store Abby used, she glanced around.

  “You really don’t need to do this,” she insisted as she unsnapped her seatbelt.

  “I’m responsible, I’m helping.” He climbed out of the car and came around to her side and opened the back door. Reaching in, he pulled her crutches out before shutting the door and opening hers. Wordlessly, he assisted her out of the car.

  “You’ll probably do better if we get you one of those wheelchairs,” he suggested as she wobbled uncertainly on the crutches.

  “You’re probably right,” she conceded. For the next thirty minutes, Rob amused himself by pushing Abby around the store, supervising her purchases.

  Loading the groceries into the car, Rob watched as Abby leaned against the side, trying to hide her pain.

  “Hopefully the pharmacy is done with your meds. Why don’t you get in the car and call them while I put the buggy up?”

  Abby smiled wanly at him and handed him her crutches as she slipped into the front seat. As he returned to the car, she told him her prescription was ready. It only took a few minutes to get them, and then they were on their way to her apartment. To Abby’s surprise, her car was already in its stall when they arrived.

  “How?” she asked, pointing at it.

  “I called Jade while you were getting the MRI done. She said she had a spare key so it was no real issue to get it picked up and brought here from the gym.” Rob grabbed the bags of groceries and motioned for her to precede him through the door into the lobby.

  “I’ll be by tomorrow at about three to pick you up for your session.”

  Abby grumbled a little as they rode the elevator up and she unlocked the door. “I really feel like you and the doctor were ganging up on me,” she told him.

  Rob laughed shortly as he dropped the bags on the floor of the kitchen and started putting things away. Peanut came running in, curious as to what was going on.

  “Oh, poor baby, I bet you have to go out, don’t you?” Abby gushed at the dog.

  “I’ll take her out before I go,” Rob told her. “I’ll let the concierge know you need help with her until you get that off your leg. Fortunately, it’s not a bad sprain. You should be back on your feet in no time flat. Hard impact exercising is going to be out for a while though. No running, no kickboxing.”

  “But you think I can still exercise?”

  “Of course.” Rob grinned at her. He picked up the leash from the hall table and called Peanut. Abby watched crossly as the traitorous dog willingly leapt onto the stool at the door to have the leash hooked to her collar.

  Rob didn’t plan to be gone long and was grateful when the dog seemed to know he was in a hurry and did her business in no time flat with no urging from him. He wasn’t sure if he should scoop her poo, but after looking at the doggie doo bags on the handle of the retractable leash, he figured he had better. He had spied a trash can in front of the building that seemed placed there for just that purpose and deposited the smelly package with as much dignity as he could muster.

  Remembering his promise, he stopped at the concierge desk and let them know Peanut was going to need a walker for the next few days. He was a little surprised to find there was no fee for it, but let it go. Peanut tugged him back to the elevator bank and into the apartment.

  “Honey, we’re home,” he said jokingly as they entered the foyer. Unsnapping the leash, he dropped it on the table and came further into the apartment, his eyes seeking Abby. He was a little concerned when he found her laying on the couch, pale and still. Crossing to her, he checked her pulse and decided she had simply given out from the stress of the day. It was rather late anyway. Gently, he arranged her so she was laying a little more comfortably and covered her with a blanket. Telling the dog to watch her and guard the house, he used her key to lock her in the apartment, reasoning he would need it the next day to get back in to pick her up for her session. He knew that despite her losing the bet, she was going to try to weasel out of it.

  Chapter 11 ~ abby

  Peanut was licking her face, trying to wake her the next morning. As she pushed the dog away, she heard the locks turn on the front door. Sitting up, she looked around, slightly disoriented. She vaguely remembered making it home late the night before. She obviously hadn’t made it much further than the living room before crashing.

  “Morning, sunshine,” Rob greeted her from the foyer as he turned to close the door behind himself. “I brought breakfast. Did you sleep well?” He set the bags he had brought in on the counter in the kitchen.

  “Hey, good morning,” Abby pushed her hair out of her face and struggled to sit up on the couch. “How, um, how did you get in?” she gestured helplessly to the front door.

  “I borrowed your keys last night. I know I should have asked first, but I figured you wouldn’t mind and besides, I wanted to make sure you didn’t try to weasel out of exercising.”

  “Oh,” she said quietly.

  “Anyway,” he came to stand behind the couch, looking down at her. “Do you need help getting to the bathroom?”

  Abby flushed slightly. “No, I think I can manage that on my own. I’m just a little sore today.”

  “Okay, well I’m going to take Peanut out if you think you can handle things.”

  “Yeah, I’m good, I’m fine,” Abby hurried to assure him, snatching up the crutches from where they had landed on the floor next to the couch the night before. Rob gave her a long look before he nodded and whistled for Peanut to come to the door.

  As soon as the door shut behind them, Abby swung her legs off the couch and stood. She was rather pleased to note the pain was less that morning, but she still appreciated the stability the crutches lent her. She hurried through her morning routine, wanting to be done with the embarrassing bathroom ablutions before Rob returned.

  She breathed an internal sigh of relief to arrive back in the living room before Rob entered with Peanut. Deciding to explore what he had brought for breakfast, she hobbled to the kitchen and started digging through the bags. She was a little disappointed to see there were no doughnuts, but rather two takeout boxes from Ruth Ann’s from downtown. Scrambled eggs, link sausages, a homemade biscuit, and grits filled both boxes.

  She pulled open a drawer and set out silverware for the two of them. She felt a little silly using real utensils with a Styrofoam container, but she wasn’t feeling up to dirtying dishes. The lock rattled as she sat at the dining room table.

  “I didn’t know which was whose, so I just picked one since they were the same,” she told Rob as he stepped into the room.

  “That’s kinda what I had in mind,” he grinned as he took a seat. Abby had managed to get the orange juice to the table without incident by using just one crutch for support.

  “So, what are your plans for the day?” he asked as he made a sandwich using the biscuit and eggs.

  Abby watched, fascinated, as he took a bite without the biscuit crumbling. Shaking her head, she replied. “Well, since I can’t do that marathon I had planned,” she deadpanned. Rob laughed.

  “Seriously, I was going to spend the day working. I have revisions I need to get done and swag to design and order.”

  “You’ve used that term before, what is swag?”

  “Giveaway stuff. Bookmarks, pens, candies with specialized labels, stuff like that,” Abby explained. “Swag is short for sealed with a gift, although there are other interpretations of the acronym.”

  He nodded as he took another bite of his breakfast. “So, as you suggested, I told the doorman you needed a dog walker for the next few days.”

  Abby smiled at him. “Thank you so much for taking care of that. Charles already called up to schedule her walks.”

  “What would you like for lunch? I don’t imagine you will feel much like cooking.”

  Abby nodded. “Whatever you feel like picking up. I have some stuff here, if you want to cook”

  “All right. I’ll pick something up and see you at lunch then. If you need anything, you have my number. I don’t mind, I really don’t.”

  “Are you going to cater dinner too?” Abby teased him.

  “I can, if you like.” He gave her a slightly startled look.

  “I’d appreciate that,” Abby said with a sly smile. She wasn’t sure why but she knew she wanted this man, and if being hurt was going to make him be around even more than he was normally, she was going to take advantage of it.

  Rob finished his breakfast and stood, holding his hand out for her container as well. Abby finished one last bite and dropped the fork into the container.

  “Are you going to be comfortable working in your office today? What I mean, is you need to keep that leg elevated. Can you maybe work from the couch? It would be easier to prop your leg up that way.”

  Abby thought for a moment. “I think you’re right. I do have one of those tables that the feet slide under the couch. I could use the footstool with it and keep my leg propped up.”

  “Done deal,” Rob said. Working together, they had her computer set up in no time on the small table. Snacks and bottles of water were tossed onto the couch, and Abby settled in for the long haul.

  Rob stood between the kitchen and the living room, surveying the living room for a moment, then gave a nod. “I guess you are all set then.”

  “Hey, take my keys. You’ll need them to get back in.”

  “Right-o.” Rounding the back of the couch, he leaned down and kissed her gently. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

  Abby’s heart pounded at the possessive gleam in his eyes. Oh yay, he is ready for IT too, she thought. Maybe he won’t make it back to the gym after lunch.

  Chapter 12 ~ abby

  The morning flew by, and Abby couldn’t be happier about it. She had managed to take a shower without falling and slipped into what she hoped Rob would think was sexy lingerie. Crissy kept her busy workwise, shooting her proofs to decide on for the layout and graphics for the swag for her two newest books. Her trip was booked and confirmed for the Mystery Writers Convention in Las Vegas, and she couldn’t be more excited about it.

  Her phone pinged at eleven thirty.

  Rob: hey sexy, whatcha want for lunch

  Me: you lol

  Rob: don’t tease me woman

  Me: youre the tease lol

  Rob: I’ll b there in 10

  Abby felt a tight thrill go through her. Finally! She had all but hit the man over the head that she wanted to take the relationship to the next level as people said, but he hadn’t taken the hint. Going slow was fine, but they had been dating for over four weeks now, and he still hadn’t done more than give her kisses that left her breathless and wanting more.

  Abby couldn’t concentrate for the next thirty minutes. The dog walker came, took the anxious pup out and was back well before Rob arrived for lunch. Abby debated locking the dog in the office, but decided to wait until Rob arrived. She didn’t want to appear to be expecting anything.

  A few minutes after twelve, Abby heard the sound she didn’t know she was waiting for. The key turning, the tumblers moving in the lock. She let out a shaky breath and wiped her palms on her thighs. Turning her head, she gave Rob a blinding smile.

  “Took you long enough,” she teased. Rob gave her a tight smile in return. Kicking the door shut, he crossed the room to her, firmly setting the computer table to the side.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked, bracing his arms to either side of her on the back of the couch.

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything,” she said, her arms coming up to circle his neck and pull him down to her.

  Rob groaned as his knees hit the cushions of the couch, his hands sliding down to Abby’s shoulders, then her back. Abby gasped slightly as his hands inched their way under her shirt. She shifted slightly, making it easier for him to grasp the hem and pull it over her head.

  “Beautiful,” Rob whispered as he pulled back to look at her. A shiver went through her, and she reached for him again, twisting as she pulled him down so they were laying on the couch, his hips wedged between her thighs.

  Rob trailed kisses down her jaw to her neck, nibbling and kissing as he inched his way down. A tightness grew deep inside her as he paused to suck at the juncture between her neck and her shoulder. She had never considered that an erogenous zone, but being marked by him pushed her so close to the edge it was almost unbearable.

  Her fingers tangled in his hair, pressing him closer to her as he continued to lick and suck at her neck. She gasped and shuddered as his lips trailed slowly down between her breasts.

  She wriggled her hips against him as he paused, laving first one nipple then the other with his tongue. She couldn’t believe how erotic it was to have him suckle her through her lacy bra. He gave her a gentle bite before continuing further down. His fingers hooked under the waistband of her shorts before he tugged them down, easing them off one hip then gently rotating
her gently to the side to slide them down her legs. Trailing kisses down her stomach, he licked his way around her lace panties before kissing her gently.

  “Oh my God, Rob, please,” she begged. Warm puffs of breath tickled her as he laughed softly.

  “If we are going to do this, we are going to do it right,” he told her as he stood and picked her up. He carried her to the bedroom and laid her gently down on the bed. Kicking off his shoes, he stripped quickly before joining her.

  “Oh,” she said, as her eyes took in his erect length. Rob grinned a cocky grin.

  “Oh?” he asked.

  “Is that, um, is that for me?” she squeaked out.

  “Every last inch,” he promised, taking one of her hands and guiding her to his throbbing cock. Abby licked her lips nervously as her fingers curled around him. His hand left hers and came up to cup her cheek as he kissed her, rolling slightly so he was above her, his leg sliding between hers.

  Abby pulled away slightly. Looking him straight in the eye, she whispered, “I think I might be a little over dressed.”

  Rob laughed. “I’ll take care of that,” he promised before kissing her again. He kissed her again as he slid his hand behind her back, deftly unsnapping her bra. With a couple gently tugs, it was sailing across the room. Abby’s hand seemed to find its way back to his hard length of its own accord.

  “I love these. They captivated me the first time I ever saw you.” His hands cupped her breasts, gently kneading them.

  “In a sports bra?” Abby asked, a little confused.

  “No, before then. But the sports bra was great too.” Dipping his head, he began to give the hardened nipples the attention they were begging for even as Abby began to stroke him again. Growling softly, he shifted, pulling away from her hand as he slipped lower on the bed. Abby gasped as she felt his tongue on her, the gentle suction through her panties. A slight movement had them shoved to the side as he settled down to pleasure her.

  Abby’s world exploded as he sucked and nipped at her clit, drawing it into his mouth as he slipped a finger inside her. Gasping, she came partially off the bed as her orgasm came over her unexpectedly.


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