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Page 6

by Kim Black

  Cursing when the cell continued to vibrate, I rose to my feet and made quick strides across the room, collecting the phone, and answering without bothering to look at the screen. I knew it was another hungry reporter begging to hear my side of the story, just like the last hundred that had called, since that morning after the fight.

  “I told you to fuck off. Don’t call this number again,” I barked angrily, into the receiving end of the phone. I knew it would do me no good to yell and curse since the reporters were merely doing their job, but I needed a release and yelling at them seemed to help.

  “Well, do you care to explain to me why my son, the um,” my father began, before clearing his throat, “former Vice President of my company is all over the news acting like a common scoundrel! Assaulting your younger brother over that woman, outside of a very prestigious establishment, I might add.”

  I released an exasperated breath and sat on the couch. One hand cradled my head while the other held firmly to the phone. My father was the last person I needed to deal with, but I knew there was no escaping this conversation. Frankly, I was surprised that he hadn’t called before. Waiting was not my father’s strong suit.

  “What would you have me say, Father?” I groaned with a clenched jaw. “She is fucking my brother! Your fucking son took my girl away, and you would have me do what? Shake his fucking hand and bow out gracefully? Is that what you do when someone close to you decides to backstab you?”

  My father didn’t respond immediately. The silence caused me to lean back a bit into the couch, causing the leather to squeak with my movements. It was rare that my father would be rendered speechless. I couldn’t help the small feeling of victory at having been the one to finally place the man on mute, even if it were temporary. And I was sure it would be.

  “Very well, then. When are you coming by the office?” my father countered. I all but leaped onto my feet, confused.

  “What are you saying?” I demanded. I could hear him take a gulp of liquid before he responded. I didn’t need to be in front of the man to know he was drinking whiskey, even though it was only a little after ten in the morning. “You seem insistent on destroying your life. I am far from pleased with what you have done to your marriage. But, if this woman means so much to you that you go against family, myself, and your brother, that is, then maybe, I was a bit hasty to judge your predicament,” he offered, in a calm and even tone. There was no sign of malice in his voice.

  I found myself the speechless one, as I slumped back down onto the couch, trying to understand what my father had just said. Was this his way of saying he accepted my relationship with Emily? I wondered.

  Or, and this was more plausible given the kind of man my father was, that he only said these things because he knew I had lost Emily to Shane, and it was his way of manipulating the situation. The latter of the two rang true in my mind, as I weighed out my options. I could tell the old man to go fuck himself, once and for all, assuring that my position at Belmont International would be nonexistent or I could humor the man long enough to forge a plan. “I’ll be there tomorrow morning.”

  Chapter Eight

  He stands in the middle of an emptied park. His back is turned to me, but I know that it’s him. My stomach churns as I slowly approach him, not knowing what his reaction will be once I am standing face to face with him.

  He’s wearing an impeccably tailored dark gray suit that, I know without seeing his face, matches his eyes. His hands are in his pockets and he seems to be staring off into nothing.

  Slowly I take steps toward him, all the while deafened by the loud thumping of my heart. Nervously, I stand behind him, unsure if I should alert him to my presence just yet.

  “I’m glad that you found me,” he says, without turning to face me. I gape at the back of his head, unsure what he means.

  Turning, he faces me and immediately my heart aches. The rims of his eyes are moistened with unshed tears, pain etched on his face as he stares into my eyes. I feel the unspoken words he exchanges with me, the questions he so desperately needs answers to.

  “Why?” he says once, still holding my gaze.

  My throat dries and I am mute, unable to offer him an explanation. Instead, I break my eyes away from him, saddened that I have brought us to this place. I have broken his heart in anger, wanting so desperately to remove Charlette from our lives that I lost sight of what is important.

  “I thought I was doing the right thing,” I finally say. “I wanted to get Charlette out of our lives, once and for all, so that we could finally be together,” I choke up, my own tears threatening to fall down.

  He closes the space between us and reaches for my face, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I smile, enjoying the jolt his touch sends throughout my body. It had been too long since I had last felt his touch.

  “Silly woman. Don’t you know that all I want is you, mon amour, my love. What must I do to prove to you that Charlette will never have a place in my heart?” he asks, as he pulls me in close, allowing his musky sweet scent to tease my nose.

  I say nothing. I only stand in his embrace, enjoying the feel of him against me. I need this man like I need air to breath.

  “I swear to God, Em, if you moan one more time, I am going to strangle you!” Suzie’s voice roared out, jolting me from my sweet dream.

  I opened my eyes, searching the room for Julien but only saw Suzie next to me, giving me a deathly glare. Frowning, I tossed the blanket off of me and ambled to the bathroom.

  The dream felt so real that Julien’s scent still lingered in my nostrils. It was the closest I had been to him in such a long time. Splashing some water on my face, I stared into the mirror.

  What the hell are you doing?

  I couldn’t let Charlette take away my man, not when I knew deep down that we belonged together. No, I needed to get him back.

  I appreciated Shane’s help in all this, but his plan was obviously shot to hell, now. I needed to do this on my own; my way. One way or another, Charlette was getting the fuck out of our lives. I would be with Julien again.

  Jules and I hadn’t spoken since the night I had given myself to him. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to feel the next day when he was gone, but I know one thing to be true; I didn’t feel as disappointed this time around.

  Instead, I felt a bit relieved that he wasn’t around, reminding me that I had betrayed myself and offered my body for his own comfort, knowing he would never love me.

  The next day, I kept busy with meeting with potential clients, doing anything and everything I could to keep my mind occupied, but the nights... The nights were filled with tears.

  I had fallen for a man I would never have, not truly anyway. Yes, he would take my body, offer his sex as some kind of consolation prize, but his heart would never be mine. That just wouldn’t be enough.

  Sighing, I looked down at the divorce papers Jules had served me, just a short while ago, and shook my head. Had I signed the papers before, I would have saved myself the heartache I have been experiencing now.

  When I had first received the papers, I wanted nothing more than destroy Emily, hence the attack at the restaurant. It was careless and cold of me to try to hurt the woman for doing something that no other woman could. Her only crime was that she had gained the love of a man who, beforehand, seemed resistant to love.

  Closing my eyes tight, I thought about what my father would have said had he been around to witness my behavior since coming back to California. I didn’t need to see him again to know he would have been highly disappointed in me. I wasn’t the woman he had raised me to be: honorable and self-reliant.

  I needed to make things right. It was painfully clear, but a small piece of me struggled with the thought of letting go. A part of me wanted to cling onto the hope that Jules would one day fall in love with me, just as I had fallen for him.

  Setting the divorce papers down, I grabbed my cell phone. I scrolled down to Julien’s name and paused. I wasn’t ready to let go, but I
knew I had to.

  God, I hope he gives me a reason to stay.

  Hitting the call button, the phone rang several times before Julien’s voice came.

  “Charlette,” he said in an even tone, not giving me any indication as to what mood he was in.

  “Jules,” I began, taking a moment to collect my thoughts, wanting to choose my words carefully. “I think we need to talk about a few things.”

  There was a moment of silence and I wondered if he would even agree to meet with me. To him, I was nothing more than a contract he was forced into entering.

  “I agree we do need to talk. I’m planning on stopping by the office around noon, would you rather wait until after I meet with my father, or would you mind coming over now?” Still, his voice was calm.

  Knots formed in my stomach as if I was making a mistake, but I agreed, letting him know that I would be over shortly. Whatever apprehensions I had about meeting with him, had to be put aside. I knew deep down I was doing the right thing.

  Taking the divorce papers in my hands, I allowed myself one last time to cry. Here goes nothing...

  As I hung up the phone with Charlette, I released an angery breath. Clutching to the papers in front of me, it was clear that Shane had been right about his suspicions. Someone had been providing The Crown Ivy with confidential information.

  When I first stumbled into the living room this morning, I hadn’t planned on going over the files my bastard brother had left behind. But, when my eyes fell on them, I grew a bit curious.

  As much as I hated my brother, I could never deny that the man was a natural when it came to business. Although, he would never actually apply himself toward it.

  My secret project was mentioned a total of three times during the negotiations between the attorneys. Each time, the attorneys representing us, informed them that there was no such project, but the opposing team persisted.

  I cursed myself for not being more hands on with the negotiations. Normally I was front and center, but between the expansion downtown and Emily, I allowed the meetings to proceed without me.

  Shane’s question rang through my head all morning. There had to be a reason for him to suspect Charlette. Though, for the life of me, I couldn’t think of a single reason why. Charlette hadn’t been involved in the hotel business; she possessed one of the most successful vineyards in all of France. Recently, she started building more relationships with restaurants in the states and was actually in the process of opening a vineyard in the Napa Valley.

  So what then... What was I missing?

  I stared at the files in front of me, willing them to give me insight, a clue even. Something sent Shane in Charlette’s direction, but I couldn’t see what it was.

  The sound of the front door alerted me to Charlette’s presence. Instinctively, I tucked the file underneath the couch cushions and moved to greet her.

  “I hope that the traffic wasn’t too bad getting here,” I murmured, attempting to make small talk as I kissed her cheek. She stiffened under my lips and quickly moved to walk into the living room.

  She was obviously very nervous judging by her twisting of her fingers, but I didn’t say a word about it. Instead I took a seat beside her, wanting this conversation to not seem like an investigation, though, for me, it was.

  “I know that you must be upset with me, and you have every right to be. What you did for me the other night, couldn’t have been easy for you.” I placed my hand on her knee, giving it a gentle squeeze and her breath hitched.

  She moved from my grasp, and I couldn’t help the puzzled look on my face.

  “Jules, this isn’t easy for me. I’m not sure what it is you’re expecting of me, here. I’ve done everything I could to please you, but we both know that your heart still rests with...her,” she began.

  Moving a little further away, she continued, “The last few days, I have tried to make sense of our situation. Tried to justify this new arrangement, holding on to hope that one day things might be different, but we both know that will never happen.”

  Looking away from her, I knew now what she had come to say. She was finally giving up on the idea that we would ever be together. I couldn’t explain it, but at that moment, I envied her strength, knowing that I could never have given up on Emily, so easily. “So, what now?”

  I lifted my head to find that tears were now streaming down her face and I couldn’t help but stand on my feet. I closed the gap between us and pulled her into a hug.

  Charlette was many things. She was annoying at times, persistent when she shouldn’t be and ruthless when crossed, but she was still human. Her only true crime in this relationship, is that she had fallen for me.

  “I have a few new contracts to secure in town, and then, I will be heading back to France. I haven’t spoken to Mother since all this began and I know she will soon worry about me,” she whispered into my chest.

  Not able to help myself, I probed, “New contracts, huh? Which companies did you bribe into business?” I half jested.

  Pulling away, she took her seat back at the couch. “A few new restaurants downtown and a hotel.” I whipped my head in her direction.

  “This hotel wouldn’t happen to be The Crown Ivy would it?” I barked, glaring at her with what was undeniably a look of pure, unfiltered anger.

  Her head snapped up and when she was met with my deadly stare, she rose back to her feet. “Why would it make a difference if it were The Crown Ivy?” she asked, with a seemingly puzzled look.

  I walked straight up to her, mere inches away from her face, “Start talking, Charlette!”

  Chapter Nine

  It felt like forever since I had been to Julien’s home. The drive up to his house did nothing to calm my growing nerves.

  As I approached the decorative iron-gated entryway with cast iron columns on each side, I smiled to myself remembering when I had aimlessly driven here after my accident. At the time, I couldn’t remember why the place looked so familiar, but now, standing in front of it... It felt like home.

  Punching in the codes that Julien had given me shortly after that night, I watched as the gate opened. Instead of getting back into my car, I decided to walk along the long path, needing the extra time to formulate my thoughts before seeing Julien again.

  Trees lined the path on both sides, and I breathed in the fresh smell of nature around me. Soon, I was met with a rounded driveway and stopped at the water fountain at the center to take a deep breath.

  I wasn’t sure what Julien would say when he opened the door. Shit, you don’t even know what the hell you’re gonna say!

  Figuring that I should just get it over with, I marched to the double wooden doors and raised my hand to knock, but something held me back.


  Curious, I willed my thundering heart to silence and tried to make out what Julien was saying.

  “What the fuck did you do, Charlette? Huh? Tell me!” Julien yelled angrily.

  “Jules, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let me go!” I heard Charlette scream. I just about lost it.

  Pushing the door open, I practically ran into the couple as they stood close to the door, Charlette’s arms gripped tightly by Julien.

  “What the hell is going on?” Never had I seen Julien this upset. His eyes were wild, a deep vein on his forehead pulsed as he shook Charlette. Stunned, I stood frozen in place, unable to help her out of his grip. I had never felt fear toward Julien before now, but the look on his face made me terrified.

  “What the fuck, Julien? Let her fucking go!” I shrieked, from the doorway.

  Tears ran down Charlette’s face, smudging her mascara and giving her a raccoon-like appearance.

  “Tell me the truth, Charlette, or I swear I will destroy you!” Julien continued, ignoring me completely.

  Still Charlette yelped that she hadn’t any clue what he was referring to. I could see that Julien was only getting more upset.

  “Don’t fucking play dumb with me, Charlette. Yo
u’ve been conspiring with The Ivy. Giving them inside information!” he went on.

  My breath leaped into my throat as realization hit me. Julien had believed that Charlette was the mole, after all.

  Running toward him, I yanked at his arm, insisting him to let go, but he only gripped her harder, “Julien, stop, stop. She didn’t do anything. She’s innocent! It was me!” I confessed.

  “And me!” I heard Shane’s voice from behind me.

  I turned to look at him, sending him a thankful smile. That man always had perfect timing. Turning back to face Julien, I found him staring at me confused, “You shared confidential information with The Ivy?”

  The look on his face was a mixture between disbelief and hurt. His eyes searched my face for an answer, rimmed with unshed tears. He needed to know the truth, to understand why I had pulled away from him, but as I opened my mouth to tell him, nothing came out.

  “No. She didn’t, big bro. Tell me you’re not that fucking slow,” Shane muttered, rolling his eyes.

  Julien looked from me to Shane, his jaw clenching when it truly registered that Shane was indeed here... with me or so, he thought. “Don’t you fucking speak to me,” he roared angrily, while shooting a warning glare at Shane; causing Shane to put his hand up and back away closer to the door. He had already experienced the rage of Julien once this week and was in no mood to take him on again.

  I watched as Julien glared at Shane. Finding my voice, I spoke. “Julien... Please look at me. I can explain everything,” I offered softly, not wanting to rile him up. After everything we had been through, everything I had put him through, he had the right to be angry with me. “Please,” I begged, as I tugged on his arm. When he finally released Charlette, she ran to the opposite side of the room, far away from him. I winced when I saw the reddened skin where he had held her tightly. I couldn’t help but feel responsible for what happened to her.

  Taking his arm, I led him to the couch, pleading for him to sit near me. It was now or never.


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