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Page 24

by Marie Skye

  Her eyes widened. “But…”

  I shook my head again. “In my bed, and when I wake up in the morning, you’ll still be there too.”

  She hesitated as if she was thinking it over. “Okay.”


  Getting arrested for beating the shit out of Smith was the best thing that ever happened. Word got out and spread like wildfire, which prompted three other girls to come forward with allegations against the dick slut as well. Turns out Daddy Hilton was working behind the scenes and trying to bribe these girls to keep their mouths shut. Made for an interesting case in court.

  But this story isn’t about them, now is it?

  As for me and Danielle. Well, that didn’t work out after all. Turns out her and Sinnamon really hit it off, and joined Betty on that weird as fuck animal head wearing fetish, and they travel around the world hosting parties.

  Yeah, I wouldn’t believe that either. After graduation, we held a huge graduation/birthday party at SIX for Danielle, since they were on the same day. She loved it. As a surprise, I was able to get her brother Delton here for a few days. He wasn’t exactly happy about our relationship at first. It took a bit of convincing, but not too much. I didn’t have to do much. It was Betty that did it.

  She walked straight up to him.

  “You listen here, Major. Darius is a piece of shit. I would never want a man like that to date a daughter of mine. Just look at him. A man like that over six feet tall, covered in tattoos, absolutely disgusting. And he dances too! What the fuckery shit is that? Crockery shit I tell you! And you know what else?” She jabbed him in the chest. I looked at Danielle who looked scared as shit. What a way to make me look good, Betty. Great way to follow the plan. I took a long drink of my beer, as both Betty and Delton looked my way. “That man over there decides to have a job to better the world. Can you believe that? Better the world!” She lets out a loud crackle. “He educates children! Every day too, and you know how they’re assholes!” She shook her head like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. “Oh, and this is the worst,” she hit Delton on the back. “He was also arrested,” she loudly whispered. “For beating the shit out of his own student.” Betty keeled over laughing, and I muttered a curse under my breath.

  Delton’s eyes shot to mine, but Betty quickly diverted him back to her. “But it gets better.” She suddenly stopped laughing and gentled her voice. “He fucked that kid up because he didn’t take kindly when Danielle said no. Now as I’m sure you know, when a woman says no, she means no. We could use more men like that, don’t you think? I don’t know about you, but I’d be honored to have my child be with someone like Darius.”

  Delton looked to Danielle and immediately walked to her and wrapped her in his arms. “I’m okay,” she whispered to him over and over again.

  Danielle decided she wanted to study Geology and was extremely happy she was getting a chance to do something she was passionate about. She knew she could go to any university she wanted. She was accepted to quite a few, and I made it very clear that her decision shouldn’t be based on me. She narrowed it down to two schools. One would leave her here, and the other would take her clear across the country.

  I made it clear that our relationship shouldn’t hinder her decision, and that I would support her, no matter what. She shut me up the best way she knew how, and that she would make her own decision when she was ready. She loved it here. The guys at SIX became a second family to her. The family she never had. She cherished the closeness. That was something she always wanted in life, and that was something I couldn’t argue with her with.

  As the decision time came closer and closer, I could see the worriedness creeping up on her. She was conflicted. But, I also couldn’t help but wonder where that would leave us.

  Since Danielle was now a high school graduate, she had the decision most high school graduates had. Where to go to college? We talked about if she were to leave. How things would work, and if they would work. Would we try long distance? Would I move? The truth was Danielle had no idea, I would uproot my entire life for her. When it came down to decide, she was troubled. She was oh so troubled. She couldn’t sleep or eat. Even having her talk to Delton didn’t help. I finally awoke one night to her crying, and I pulled her to me. “You decided, didn’t you?” She looked at me, eyes red.

  “Their curriculum is much better, and…”

  I pulled her against me. “That’s great Danielle; I’m so happy for you, you’re going to do amazing.”

  She pulled away. “But…”

  I smiled. “It’s okay,” I wiped her tears. “We’re okay.”

  A month later, Danielle moved to an apartment the size of a shoebox in New York. She loved it, but I was on edge regarding her safety. Two weeks later, I was able to finally make time to do a proper visit and picked Danielle up outside her last class. She talked nonstop as she pointed out all the places she’s been and the places she still hasn’t been.

  When we got to her apartment, her face fell. She’d been robbed. Everything stolen. Literally everything. There was maybe a hanger or two in the closet. “Let’s leave, in case they come back.”

  She looked at me in shock. “And get what? They took everything. As in everything! I don’t believe this.” Her eyes welled up with tears, and I wrapped my arms around her, as we went back to my car.

  “We’ll call the police back at my hotel, okay?”

  She nodded, as she just stared out the window.

  We drove for a bit. She didn’t notice we didn’t go to a hotel; she barely noticed we pulled into a residential area until we were out of the car. “Where are we?”

  I ignored her, as I unlocked the door, and ushered her in. She walked in and, started looking around, and then paused before pointing at something. “Is that…is that my yellow pillow?” I was still standing behind her and smiled. She pointed to something else, and she gasped. “Is that,” she walked closer to it. “Is that…it is!” she turned to me. “That’s my graduation picture! What’s going on? This is all of my stuff…and your stuff.”

  I nodded, walking closer. I steadied myself as I took a deep breath. “Yeah, turns out I prefer living a lot closer to you, so I had all of my things brought here…then moved all of your things too…when you were at school, and kind of sort of bought us an apartment. If you’re okay with that?” Although I was confident, I suddenly felt a bit nervous. What if she didn’t want this? What if I jumped the gun and made an irrational decision and she wasn’t even on the same page that I was? Or what if she really did feel the same way that I did, and that what we have felt right, felt real, even if it did start unconventionally.

  She turned and faced me, eyes already glassy. “But you just started a new position…”

  I cut her off. “It doesn’t matter.”

  She looked around the room. “What about SIX?”

  I shook my head again. “SIX will always be there.” This was a decision I made for the both of us. I hoped she saw that too. I walked closer to her, and repeated the question. “If you’re okay with that?”

  She covered her mouth and snorted. I fucking loved that snort, and I fucking loved her.

  She gazed around the room once more, before finally turning to me. “Yeah, I’m okay with that.”

  Six Months Later

  “Are we seriously sneaking into my old high school? Formerly known as your old job?” Danielle looked around, as I unlocked the door. We were back in Nevada to welcome my new nieces. That’s right - I’m officially an uncle of twins, courtesy of one of my brothers from SIX.

  But that’s another story….

  “Well, it’s not really sneaking in, if I have the key, now is it?”

  She frowned. “How do you still have the key?”

  “I told them I still had stuff in the supply closet, and they said I could come whenever I wanted to get it.”

  “And midnight was the best time to do that?”

  I winked at her, as we walked into my former classroom. Sh
e stopped and looked around. “Wow, it looks exactly the same.”

  I nodded, agreeing with her, before hitting the desk and she jumped. “There’s been something I wanted to do, the moment I saw you were a student in my class.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  I strummed my fingers on the wooden desk watching her. She stood silently watching every calculated move I was making. “I want to punish you.”

  She nervously swallowed, and fuck that did all kinds of shit to me.

  “Wh…why do I need punishing?”

  I smirked, as I crossed in front of the desk. “Who says anyone needs a reason to be punished, Danielle?” I inwardly smiled as a blush slowly spread across her body. “You have no idea how many times I’ve fantasized about fucking you on this very desk, do you? Strip.”

  She looked at the door, and hesitated, before slowly lifting her dress over her head, and toeing off her Chucks. I groaned at seeing she had no panties on. “Fuck, Danielle.” The gleam in her eyes held so much. She was so fucking wicked and dirty. And mine.

  “Get your ass over here now!”

  She defiantly sauntered slowly over to me, purposely provoking me. “All fours,” I told her. She hopped on, getting in place.

  I gently massaged over her body. “Did you go all day today with no panties?”


  I chuckled. She could at least lie first. “And why is that?”

  “Because it drives you crazy.”

  I lightly skimmed over her pussy, and she arched her back. I leaned down and nipped her ear, at the same time I plunged two fingers in her entrance, and she gasped at the sudden intrusion. I wasn’t gentle nor kind with my ruthless finger fucking. “And what happens when you drive me crazy?” I whispered in her ear. She was panting hard, trying to go over that edge, she so desperately craved. I twisted my fingers, stretching her by adding a third.

  “Dare comes out to play!” she breathed out.

  I smiled, as I continued torturing that sweet spot deep inside of her. “That’s right. Dare comes out to play. Do you Dare Danielle?”

  Her pussy quivered around my fingers, as she looked over her shoulder at me. “I always Dare,” she moaned, her hair falling around her, as she tried to keep herself up through her release.

  Fucking beautiful. I strummed her clit with my other hand, and used the fingers I just had inside her, to coat my dick with her wetness. I kissed the nape of her neck.

  “And forever Dare, you’ll have.”

  About Marie

  Marie Skye is your average career driven woman by day, and a hidden lover of all things dirty by night. Or, as she likes to say, professional by day; author whore by night. If it's dark, and full of inappropriate material. She's attracted to it. She prefers making her character’s work for their happy ever after, if they get one, and she has no problem making sure they endure every obstacle to try to get there. She's known as not having a filter, and if she's asked for an opinion, be prepared to get a response that's most likely a mixture of sarcasm and bluntness. Marie is the type of person that can be friends with anyone, but if you have cake, you're pretty much her best friend.

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  Also By Marie Skye


  Unjustly Destroyed

  Infinitely Mine

  She Was Mine

  Suddenly Us

  Fourteen Shades of F*cked Up: An Anthology

  Copyright 2017 © Shelley Springfield

  All Rights Reserved


  To everyone who has kicked ass and taken names, to fight for what they want, and follow their dreams.


  Dallas ‘Big D’ Winston is a protector, a dreamer, a fighter, and a lover. He is known for his devotion, to the people in his life, and his job. Those are the qualities that make him such an amazing man, plus he’s hung like a horse and great in the sack. He is always there, when people need him the most, but has a hard time accepting the same from others. Dallas may get on stage and take his clothes off for money, but it’s the dancing that he truly loves. It’s what he’s good at, and it fills his pockets well. Dancing is all he’s ever wanted to do, and he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. He’s all about the money, the women, and the attention, but what happens when tragedy strikes, and his dreams are put on hold? Will he be able to devote himself to something else, even if dancing isn’t in his future?


  I am already sweating like crazy and I haven’t even stepped out onto the stage yet. Who needs to rub oil on their body when they are drenched in sweat like this? As long as the women like it though, that’s all that matters to the boss. Personally, I hate the oil. It’s the one part of the job that I don’t like, all the rest is like living a dream.

  As soon as I realized that I actually could dance, and make good money doing it, I jumped on that shit. It’s little work, and it’s doing something that I enjoy. I haven’t regretted it at all either, the money is a perk, but so are the ladies. Women literally throw themselves at me, and what man wouldn’t love that?

  What the women want is definitely the most important thing though. If they aren’t happy, that means less money for us. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep the ladies happy. The happier they are, the more money I have in my pocket.

  I used to not care about that shit, but now that my mother can’t work anymore, she needs help with her bills. She’s done everything she could to take care of me when I was growing up, now it’s my turn to take care of her.

  It’s hard seeing a woman who used to bust her ass, raising three kids on her own, at whatever jobs came her way, now depending on someone else. She doesn’t like it either, but she’ll get over it. With my brother and sister living on the opposite side of the country from us, it’s up to me to do what has to be done. It’s not like my twin brother would be any help anyways, he’s dumber than duck shit. He’s book smart, but clearly, I’ve consumed all the common sense in the womb, because he doesn’t have much. My sister on the other hand, would be quite a bit of help, but she has a family of her own to take care of.

  “Yo, D. You going to get your ass ready for your set sometime tonight or what?” Jag asks, as he finishes getting ready for his set.

  I don’t know why it matters to him when or if I get ready. It probably really doesn’t, he just likes to fuck with me and give me a hard time.

  “I might, if I feel like it. Then again, I might go out there like this. The ladies won’t care, all they care about is me taking it off anyways.” Hell, there’s still two more sets before mine, so I have plenty of time. It’s not like it takes me long to fucking get ready.

  Walking over to the couch, I take a seat, and kick off my boots. What I’d like to do is sit here and relax for a while. I have been running around town all day, paying my mother’s bills and my own. Not to mention, doing her grocery shopping and running all of her other errands that needed done for the we

  As tired as it makes me, I don’t mind doing it, she doesn’t have anyone else to take care of her. Dare sits down on the other end of the couch, with a towel in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. He wipes the sweat from his face, and then takes a drink of his water. When he stops the bottle is half empty.

  “How’s your mom doing? She still giving you a hard time?” Dare is my best friend. Hell, all of the guys here are. They are the only ones who I tell my business to. They know all about my mom’s stroke, and how she has been struggling since then. Even though they give me a hard time, they try to help however they can.

  “She wouldn’t be my mother if she wasn’t giving me a hard time. Stroke or not, that’s not going to change. She is doing better though, not to the point of being able to drive, or go back to work, but she should be able to be without the nurse soon.”

  As soon as my mom got released from the hospital, I hired a nurse to sit with her. She couldn’t be by herself, and although I’d do anything for my mother, there’s a point where some shit shouldn’t be done by her son. She hates having the nurse there, but it’s the only solution I could come up with.

  I stand up when Jag walks back into the room, knowing that after Sin’s set, it’s my turn. I start getting ready, as I pull my shirt over my head, Dare says, “I’ve seen that nurse a couple of times, please tell me that she’s as good in bed as she looks like she would be.”


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