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Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2)

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by B. N. Kasner

  “Please tell me it isn't the one you got falling out of that tree?” Lani piped up, her face turning white.

  “That's the one.” Isaiah had a cocky smile on his face. If that hadn't already set Gene on edge than Lani stiffening up and her scent changing would've.

  "Won't you have to whip your junk out for her to see it?" Gene wasn't sure what happened next. Whether it was Lani holding him back, Corey punching Isaiah in the face, or Grams choking on her drink from laughter. Whichever it was, Corey had a hell of a right hook. Isaiah's nose was bleeding, but everyone was a little entertained. Or a lot, in Gene's case.

  “What the hell, bro? I was clearly joking.”

  "Don't joke about that stuff. Grace isn't some slut."

  "Well, hot damn. The pup knows how to treat a woman." Gene clapped the kid on his back. "You did good kid." Corey waited until Mason confirmed Gene's statement to puff up.

  “I agree with Dodson.” Scott scooted over until his hand brushed up against Grams. “That mangy wolf needed to be taught a lesson.” Grams hadn't smiled that big since her husband and mate had passed away.

  “This has been fascinating, and now I really don't know how you turned out so normal.” Grams shook her head.

  “I ran away in my formative years.” Ella supplied with a laugh.

  “Because possibly turning feral was better than turning out like her brothers.” Annie finally interjected from beside Nathan. The two of them had been so quiet he'd thought they'd went home already.

  “Hello? Doesn't anybody care that I'm bleeding all over the floor over here?”

  “No.” Everyone replied in unison.

  “Nobody can take a joke these days. I swear...” His mumbling trailed off as he went into the kitchen.

  “As fun as this has been, it's time for us to get home. Corey has homework, and Ella needs a nap.”Alpha Mason was in full force. After the three of them left, the others filed out until only Grace, Lani and Gene were still there.

  “What's going on with the wolf Grace?” Gene's big brother mode kicked in.

  “Just some harmless flirting.” At his patented “give me a break” look, she adjusted the situation. “Okay maybe a little harmful, but I didn't know it was leading there.”

  “Obviously, but watch yourself. Alright?”

  "Yes, dad." Grace gave him a kiss on the cheek, hugged Lani, then darted off. She shifted as she neared the woods. She'd always liked being a bear more than a human, and many times Gene would have to bribe her to change back.

  “You know, in a couple of months you're going to be a dad.”

  “Yeah, and I can't wait.” He sighed, dragging Lani into a passionate kiss.

  “Me either. Let's go home.” Gene kissed her forehead, overjoyed that she'd said home. Everything was coming together nicely. It was time to start the newly planned phase two of Operation Baby Mama. Mating.

  Chapter Ten

  "Woman, we're gonna be late." Lani heard him in their closet, even though Gene was waiting for her downstairs.

  “You've said that three times in the last minute. I'm coming.” She shouted without taking her eyes away from the two tops in her hands. Lani was stalling, no doubt about it.

  “You always look perfect.” Yelping, she whirled around to find him leaning casually against the closet door frame. “The green one makes your eyes pop.” He nodded to the shirt in her right hand. Lani clutched the fabric. As if it would be able to calm her fears.

  “Sweetheart, that shirt never did anything to you.” He gently pried the shirt from her hands, lifting them to kiss her knuckles. “Wanna tell me what has your fur standin' on edge?”

  “Not particularly.” She sighed, knowing Gene wasn't going to let it go. “I'm nervous. What if something is wrong with the baby?”

  "You can't worry about the what ifs in life. Whatever happens, we have each other. Now quit stressin', it's not safe for the baby." He kissed her forehead, handing the shirt back to her. "I'll meet you in the truck." Lani slipped the top over her head, taking a deep breath. Just relax. Gene was right, she couldn't keep worrying about the what ifs.

  Gene took her hand in his when she climbed into the truck. The one time they'd tried to take her car, he hadn't been able to fit in the front seat. She'd made the doctor's appointment a week ago after getting the name from Ella. Her stomach was doing somersaults. Now that Lani had let go of her caution about being with Gene, she didn't want anything to jeopardize their life together.

  Even though the baby was only the size of a lime, both Lani and Gene were already in love. They'd spent hours trying to pick out a name but ultimately decided to wait until they knew the gender. Gene had bought pregnancy books, learning more about her body than Lani. Their life wouldn't be complete without the baby.

  Where she was anxious, Gene was excited. Almost bouncing out of his seat the closer to town they got. He actually leaped from the truck when they finally pulled into the empty parking lot. Her nervousness vanished at seeing him so happy. Gene could make her smile no matter what mood she was in. She folded herself into his chest, blocking the wind from hitting her face.

  "You sit down, and I'll get us checked in." He took her coat and slung it over his arm before heading for the small check in window. They were the only couple in the waiting room, so thankfully it wouldn't take them all night to see the doctor. In fact, it was only fifteen minutes after they'd filled out all the paperwork that they were taken into the darkened examination room.

  “Go ahead, lay back and lift your shirt please.” The nurse squirted some cold gel onto her bare stomach, making her squeal.

  “Cold?” Gene chuckled, pulling his chair closer to the exam table.

  "Sorry about that. Usually, we leave it in a warmer, but the outlet quit working this morning." She had an apologetic smile on her face before she turned her attention to the machine in front of her. Taking the attached wand, she swirled the gel around Lani's tiny bulge. A genuine smile lit up the nurse's face. "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

  "Yes." Both of them said at the same time. Lani clutched Gene's hand in hers. The excitement racing between the two of them was incredible. Whatever the phantom bond was, it was growing. His own feelings were combining with hers, and that was something Lani had never heard of happening before. A thumping sound filled the room, as the nurse tilted the screen to face their way.

  It was unbelievable. All the love she'd had for their tiny young before quadrupled at that moment. Hearing the heartbeat made everything more real to her. I'm having a baby. The look of awe and love on Gene's face was her undoing. A happy, teary laugh caught in her throat.

  “That's our young.” Gene whispered, wiping a tear from her cheek. “We made him.”

  "Or her." It was Gene's turn to let out a hearty chuckle. The baby was moving around, wiggling his or her arms. Those three little words were on the tip of her tongue. This felt like the right moment to tell him. Just as she opened her mouth, a knock sounded at the door.

  "Hello, I'm Dr. Warren." Of course, the doctor Ella recommended was a woman. Shifter males were nothing if not predictable. She shook their hands before leaning over to look at the machine. "The heartbeat looks good at 165 beats per minute. Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins?"

  “Yeah, but I still have morning sickness all day.”

  "Okay, we'll give you a prescription to help. If your still getting sick this often in a week, come back." Gene looked like he was taking notes. She had no doubt that he'd drag her back there in less than a week if the medicine didn't help. "The baby looks good and healthy. We're going to have you come back in a month. You'll be able to learn the baby's gender then." She shook their hands again on the way out.

  The nurse gave them four little sheets filled with ultrasound pictures. Gene couldn't stop looking at them while Lani checked out and made her next appointment. Lani circled her arm around Gene's trim waist. She couldn't help snuggling closer to him. Who wouldn't snuggle closer to a ripped giant like him?
r />   Pulling a strip of pictures from his hand, she marveled at the tiny life growing inside of her. Once again, she wondered which one of them the baby would look like more. Would he or she have Gene's hunter green eyes and her blonde hair? Or maybe, her eyes and Gene's hair. The possibilities were limitless.

  “Our young.” She said adoringly rubbing her thumb over the picture.

  “Our young.” Gene repeated proudly, cupping her stomach. “Goddess, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.” He kissed her softly before opening the truck door for her. She'd found a mate who was sweet and a gentleman. Lani was pretty sure she was the lucky one. A white paper stuck under the wiper's caught her attention when Gene closed his door.

  “What's that on the windshield?” Lani asked feeling her stomach in her throat. They must've been so excited that they'd missed the object stuck under the wipers. The hair on the nape of her neck was standing up. Something's wrong.

  "Don't know. Stay in the truck and lock the door when I get out." She did as Gene said and locked the doors as soon as he got out. Lani didn't like him being out there alone but knew he could take care of himself. He's the damn enforcer for Goddess's sake.

  The knowledge didn't help that sinking feeling she was getting. Or the sense of being watched. She whipped around in her seat to look out the back window, but no one was there. Gene was looking around like a wild animal and Lani felt his panic and anger. Whatever was on that paper had her big, sturdy and unshakable mate worried.

  Gene's snarl was so loud it vibrated the truck. He was still outside. Her hand itched to unlock the door, to go comfort her mate while his emotions were running wild. When his gaze swung to her, his golden gaze pinned Lani to the seat. It was repeating the same thing he'd said earlier. Stay in the truck. She curled her hands into fists to stop herself.

  He scanned the area again, before pulling out his phone.

  “Mason. Grab everyone and get to my house.” He paused, and Lani assumed Mason was talking on the other end. “Lani's in danger.” I'm in danger? What would make him say that?


  Gene's body felt like it was on fire. He'd just gotten Lani comfortable with living with him and moving forward. This was going to ruin all the progress they'd made. Sweeping the woods next to the parking lot again, he waited for someone to show themselves. Whoever did this was a fucking coward. Taking pictures, leaving notes, and stalking his mate.

  The picture stuffed under his windshield wipers was of Lani sitting in their sunroom. She was talking on the phone, laughing at whatever the other person was saying. Goddess, she was adorable. He hoped she was talking to him. Nobody should get those smiles except him. His instincts were riding him even harder than usual. What had him actually worked up was the note written on the back of the picture.

  Isn't my mate a delectable creature.

  It's only a matter of time before I get to taste her.

  No one would be tasting his mate, because Lani was just that. His. She'd never be this coward's anything. He'd have her on twenty-four hour lock down, and someone would be patrolling around his house from now on.

  He hadn't given Mason any in depth details, just the basics. His mate was in grave danger and he needed his alpha's help to keep her safe. It didn't hurt that Lani was Ella's best friend and Mason would do anything to make Ella happy. He wasn't above using his mate's friendship with his alpha female against his best friend. Not that he had needed to. Mason had agreed to meet him at his house, and he was bringing the cavalry with him.

  Just what Gene wanted, a gaggle of people taking over his home. What was he going to tell Lani? He sensed her panic, but there was nothing he could say to calm her. If anything, the moment he told her what was going on, she'd pull away again. Whatever he was going to say he'd have to think it up on the go. Gene wasn't keeping his mate out in the open any longer than absolutely necessary.

  “Unlock the door.” He growled, only making her panic flare higher. Shit. He was fucking this up seven ways to Sunday. It only took him a second to get inside the truck and have the doors locked again. Her eyes immediately went to the crumpled photo in his hand.

  “You said I'm in danger. What's going on?” He fucking hated to hear her sound scared. Gene'd protect her at all costs. Even with his life if it came down to it.

  “I'll keep you safe no matter what-”

  “I know that.” Lani sounded so sure, like she put all her trust in him. Gene and his bear puffed up with pride. Their mate knew she'd be safe and protected with him. “Tell me before my mind runs wild with horrible ideas.” He grabbed her hand, pressing the photo into her hand. Putting the truck into drive, he almost slid pulling out of the parking lot.

  Lani's breath hitched, and he knew she was looking at herself. Someone had violated the privacy of their home. He'd find whoever did this to them, and he'd make the fucking scumbag pay.

  "That was this morning." Now it was his breath that caught. He'd only been gone for an hour to meet up with Isaiah. Whoever this was, he was closer than Gene thought. "This is when you called and asked if I was ready. Remember when I laughed?" He didn't need reminding, every laugh that Lani gifted him was etched deep into his heart.

  “Of course, you said and I quote. 'I won't even be on time for my own funeral.' Which made me growl and snarl and fuck you like a savage beast when I finally got my hands on you.”

  "Yeah. That was fun." She had a small smile on her face, with a lusty glaze to her eyes.

  “Woman. Did you bait me into fucking you?” He wouldn't put it past her. She was truly a seductress, and Lani knew just what buttons to push on him. Her sly smile told him everything he needed to know. Fucking hell, I love her. More than anything in the world.

  That smile faded though as the reality of their situation came back to her. The line of cars, trucks, and SUVs tore her attention away from the threat in her hands.

  “What the hell is all this?” She practically leapt from the truck when he stopped. She's going to give me a heart attack one of these days.

  “Lani.” He didn't mean to sound so harsh. Except some psychopath was out there watching her, and she just took off without any protection. Gene could tell his tone rubbed her the wrong way, but she made her way back to his side. Without any hesitation or care for who could be watching, Gene wrapped his hand around her neck to forcefully hold the nape of her neck. “While all this shit is going on, don't you dare do that again.” He punctuated his demand with a rough kiss. Not yielding until she melted into his arms.

  “Anyone care to tell me what the hell's going on?” His sister sure knew how to make an entrance.

  “Get in the house Grace.” Gene lifted his head to give Carter a death stare. Grace had already beat him to it.

  "Excuse me?" She asked calmly. A little too evenly for Gene's liking.

  “I said. Get. In. The. Fucking. House.” When she didn't move, he snarled. “Now.” Her eyes flashed the gold of her bear before she turned and stalked to his front door. It slammed shut behind her.

  “Wanna tell me what's goin' on?”

  “Did you want her out here? You said Lani's in danger. That means all the females are in danger.” The way Carter's body tensed, made Gene's hackles raise. Something was going on with those two, and eventually Gene would get to the bottom of it.

  “She's my responsibility. Not yours.” He didn't have to be a dick to Carter, but Gene couldn't help it. Carter used the females. Taking what he wanted from them before dumping them. If you could even call it that. There was no way in hell Gene would let that happen to Grace. Carter didn't say anything back to him, just nodded and headed towards the door himself.

  Gene herded the small crowd into his large family room, thankful he'd designed the place to fit a huge family. They were basically that anyway. His friends, mentors, and hell even his in-laws were there. The only person missing was his dad. But Jackson Dodson rarely showed up when he was needed. Only when he wanted something for himself.

  "Alright." Gene clapped
his hands together. His guests quieted down, taking a seat wherever they could. "When Lani and I were leaving the doctor's we found a photo on the windshield." Lani handed the picture to Ella. Ella's face paled before she darted a look to her oldest brother. "Pass the damn thing around. I want everyone to know what were dealing with."

  “Alex.” Ella looked hesitant, and all attention turned to her. “Tell her.”

  “Tell me what?” At least Gene wasn't the only person in the dark.

  “Jeremy's dad said he'd keep him in line, but I didn't believe it for a second.”

  “Jeremy?” He paused, taking in the faces of the Wilson's. They knew who Jeremy was, and it pissed Gene off. Was this the asshole watching his mate? Trying to claim her as his own? “Someone tell me who the fuck Jeremy is?” He snarled turning his golden gaze on his mate.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lani's frazzled mind was having a hard time catching up. Jeremy? She hadn't had any bad feelings lately. Although she'd been wrapped in a blissful cocoon of love and happiness. The dark part of her conscious was whispering in her ear. This is what happens when you get what you want. Her wolf snarled in her mind.

  This shit wasn't supposed to happen, and it wasn't going to stop her life. Not now that she had a mate and young on the way. Gene would protect them at all costs. No way was anyone going to get to her. She felt more than saw Gene's eyes on her. Sure enough his golden gaze pinned her feet to the floor.

  "Remember that guy I was promised too?" A furious growl filled the room. It was dominate enough that both Mason and Alex bristled at the challenge. The females were pushed behind their counterparts, so it was another interesting twist to see Grace's mane of red hair tucked safely behind Carter. Lani barely hid her smile. Like Gene would ever hurt a female. Let alone his sister or mate.

  “Calm down. Your setting everyone on edge.” Grams white hair peaked out around Scott's shoulders.


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