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Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2)

Page 13

by B. N. Kasner

  "You get the presents ready, and I'll do the food. Grace and I always have green pancakes on Christmas morning. You're not a Dodson if you miss out on the tradition." He gave her a smile like he was up to something. Usually, she would've wanted to know, but in the spirit of giving, Lani wanted to be surprised by whatever her big guy had thought up for her.

  Most of the gifts under the tree were from Santa even though the handwriting was Gene's. It made her smile to see that he'd gone along with her, since she'd written Mrs. Clause on some of hers.

  "Here you go woman, along with your chocolate milk." Lani scarfed down her breakfast while Gene ate at his regular pace, so they got done at the same time. Just as she was getting up to head for the piles of gifts, he stopped her. "I got you two big things. One now and one later."

  Gene covered her eyes with his hands, as he led them through the house. She was hit with a cold breeze when he opened a door.

  "Okay, open your eyes." Lani almost couldn't believe her eyes. Sitting in their garage was a brand new blue minivan with a bright red bow on it. Right next to it was Gene's truck, her little car was nowhere to be seen. Gene pushed the keys into her hand. She had the same wolf keychain, but now there was a little bear on it as well.

  Lani hit the unlock button as she walked around her new vehicle. It was nice, and she may or may not have been looking at the same one online for the last week. Something caught her attention in the back seat. After opening the back door, Lani felt like her heart was in her throat. There was a car seat, all set up and ready to go.

  “I know I went overboard, but my bear and I needed to know you and our young was safe.-” She cut him off by pressing her lips to his.

  "This is unbelievable. Thank you, but I didn't get you anything this beautiful or expensive."

  “You're giving me something I've wanted my whole life.” He whispered, using both hands to cup her belly. “A family.” Gene took a deep breath. “I can never thank you enough for making all my dreams come true. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Lani gave a teary laugh. “Maybe we should do both big gifts now?” He nodded his head, using the back of his hand to wipe a tear from his cheek. Gene led them back upstairs and to the closed door to the nursery. “The gift's in there?” Her mate must've still been emotional because he just nodded again.

  Opening the door slowly, Lani gasped when she saw the entirety of the room.

  “Oh, Gene.” Her hand came up to cover her mouth. “It's beautiful. When did you do all this?” She turned in a circle taking in the completely renovated and furnished room.

  "Remember when I was sleepin' in here?" Now it was Lani's turn to be emotional and nod. "That's when. Figured I should fix it up." The room was painted a pale yellow color. In the corner, there were buckets of paint in other colors along with wall decals. Some of them were butterflies and flowers. Others were race cars and firetrucks. Then there was another set that matched her bedding set to a T, with a bunch of forest critters and trees.

  "Hold on. I want you to open a present." She rushed downstairs and back up again, carrying the large wrapped present with both arms. "Here." Lani set the gift down where Gene was lounging on the floor. He ripped the wrapping paper like a little kid and the smile on his face when he saw how well her gift matched with his? Beautiful.

  He wrapped her up in a giant bear hug, spinning her around the room laughing. Talk about the best Christmas ever.

  She pulled her new minivan up behind Grace's beat up old Ford truck. Gene was sprawled out comfortably in the passenger's seat.

  “Did I mention how thankful I am to have you?” Lani leaned over to give her mate a kiss on the cheek.

  "Yes, but I like hearing it so keep going." He stretched his arms up and crossed them behind his head. "How great am I?" Gene asked with a cocky smirk. She just gave him another quick kiss with a shake of her head. Sometimes he deserved to get his ego stroked. He was that good of a mate.

  “Come on, before your sister comes barging out here.” As if she'd heard her name, Grace's mane of red hair popped out the front door of the small ranch home.

  "Well, what's taking so long? Get in here before ya'll freeze."

  “Told ya so.” Lani stuck her tongue out at Gene before hopping out of the van and grabbing the gifts for Grace and Jackson. It was the first time that she was meeting Gene's dad, and she wasn't afraid to admit she was nervous.

  What if he didn't like her? Then what would she do? Gene had told her not to take anything he'd say too seriously. Around the holidays Jackson was always drunk and was apparently known for not being very hospitable. Lani just hoped she'd be able to win him over, not for herself, but for Gene and their unborn child.

  Gene took her hand, and she felt him giving her comfort through the bond. Walking up to the door, Lani was confused when she heard Grace laughing with someone.

  “We're here.” Her mate called from beside her, helping her keep her balance while she slipped off her shoes.

  "And we're in the kitchen." A voice almost identical to her mates called back. It wasn't slurred or harsh sounding. She spared a quick look at Gene to see that he was just as confused as she was. Maybe the Christmas spirit was working on everyone this season.


  Jackson sound's sober. Gene didn't say the words out loud. He didn't want to jinx himself. Leading Lani around his childhood home was surreal. For a while there, in the beginning, he wasn't sure she'd every see past her own insecurities. Turning the corner, Gene almost didn't believe his eyes.

  Jackson Dodson stood at the stove making green pancakes. His father was sober for the first time in years. It's a damn Christmas miracle. When Jackson turned around, he heard Lani gasp. She was looking wildly between the two of them. They could've passed for brothers instead of father and son.

  The resemblance had always been a little uncanny, but it was something his mother had loved. Hell, Gene had idolized his dad until he'd gone on his downward spiral.

  "So you must be my boy's mate?" Jackson asked with a smile on his face. He whistled, before winking at Gene. "She sure is lovely son."

  "Th-thank you." His woman stammered out while blushing. He snarled at no one in particular, it didn't matter that it was his dad she was blushing at. Her pretty pink cheeks were for him and only him. "Big guy, enough of that." She laid a hand on his chest which stopped the growling but not the possessive thoughts running through his mind.

  "I think you're mate was just taken off guard by how alike we are. Don't go getting' your fur in a ruffle." He'd made enough pancakes for all of them, and between Lani's pregnancy and Gene's appetite, it was a welcome sight. Gene hadn't sat at a table for Christmas with Jackson and Grace since the year after his mom passed.

  “So how's my grand-baby doin'?” It was still so surreal to Gene that he was speechless.

  “Good. We have another appointment in two weeks to find out the gender.”

  “I'm hoping for a niece. What about you?” Grace asked with a nod of her head towards Lani. Gene was curious to hear her answer. They hadn't talked about which they'd rather have, only that they wanted the child to be healthy.

  “A girl, with curly red hair and gray eyes.” She squeezed his hand, gifting him with a soft and sweet smile.

  “I don't think I can handle having a baby girl as beautiful as you.” He brushed his thumb along her cheek. “I'd go to jail for scarin' off every boy she ever meets.”

  "That's how I felt when Grace was born." His dad's eyes got misty. "But your mom, I'll never forget what she told me." He stopped to let out a soft chuckle. "She said, and I quote, 'Take a damn chill pill, Jackson, between you and Gene, nothin' will ever happen to her.'"

  “Hell, that's the damn truth.” Grace gave their dad a kiss on the cheek before collecting everyone's plates. “Wanna dry, Lani?” She asked over her shoulder.

  “Yeah.” With a small kiss, his mate joined Grace at the sink.

  "Uh." Gene cleared his throat awkwardly. He wasn't used to actually
having conversations with his father, but there was something he needed to say. "I'm proud, you've finally gotten yourself together." He looked up from the old scared table to see a small smile on Jackson's face.

  "Between you gettin' mated and havin' a baby, and your sister more than ready to fly the coup any day now. I figured your mother would want me to pull my head outta my ass and start livin'." Jackson coughed to cover up his tears, but Gene knew his father too well. "It's taken me longer than she would've wanted, but if I'd missed any more? I'm pretty sure she'd have skinned me after I'm dead."

  "Oh, she would've, I'm sure of it." Grace walked over with cups of hot chocolate. "Now let's open some gifts. Lani say's you have to go to her parent's too?" Gene barely kept his smile inside. He had a very special question to ask Lani's dad. If everything went to plan, this Christmas was going to be one to remember.

  After seeing the tree at Lani's parent's house Gene understood where she got all her Christmas cheer from. While her dad was more laid back like him, Emma, Lani's mom was having a Christmas movie marathon. That was along with the radio playing Christmas music in the kitchen and Lani opening gifts in the living room. He wasn't sure what their home had looked like before, but the cabin they had built was warm and cozy.

  It fit them and their lifestyle. Gene was coming to find out they were all about family. He fit in with them, which was a load off his shoulders. While both Lani and Gene got along with everyone, it was different with people who were one day going to be your family. One day soon, hopefully. Now seemed like the perfect opportunity to steal Liam, Lani's father, away.

  “Liam, can I talk to you for a second, in private?” Gene nodded to where Lani was talking with her mom, paying no attention to them.

  “Sure, let's go outside. As mush as I love this little place, they'll hear us in a heartbeat.” They slipped out the front door as quietly as they could. Of course with Lani and her family being Goddess blessed shifters there was still a chance she'd heard them leave. He'd just have to make his speech quick.

  “I want to ask your daughter to marry me.” When he was nervous, Gene had a tendency to forget to filter his thoughts. “We're mated and expecting a baby together. I want her as my wife. To have my last name, the same last name that our young will carry. But most importantly, I love her with all my heart and soul. I wouldn't last a day without that woman in there.” He pointed back towards the house currently holding his mate and child.

  “Are you asking for my blessing?” Goddess, since when did Liam get so stoic? Gene couldn't tell if the guy was about to make all his dreams come true or tell him to fuck off. Even if it was the second option, he'd be back again in a month to ask again. He wasn't giving up on Lani. She'd be his wife. It was only a matter of when.

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation.

  “I'm surprised it took you this long.” Liam finally cracked a smile. “Hold on, I'll be right back.” For the second time that day, Gene was speechless. What is it with fathers and their surprises today? When Liam returned, he pulled a small black box out of his pocket. “I've had this ready to go since we moved into this place.

  “When William banished my father, Lani was crushed. She was always close to him. My mother, Goddess rest her soul, passed before Lani was born. Her name was Eleanor, but William had already declared his unborn daughter's name to be Ella.” Liam rolled his eyes. The idea that someone could claim a name was so idiotic it was actually believable where Ella's dad was concerned.

  “Anyway, since Ella could be a nickname for Eleanor we decided on Lani instead. Worked out because Lani is a unique name and she's a unique girl.” He paused to open the box. “This ring belongs to my family. It's been passed down for generations. I want you and Lani to have it.” It was a beautiful solitary violet diamond set in rose gold.

  “It was spelled by a witch to match the color of our wolf's eyes. So anybody who came across a mate of a Maybell would know.”

  “Are you sure?” Gene gently took the ring out and examined it. It was perfect for Lani, even better than the one he'd picked out.

  “Positive. Just keep making my little girl smile the way she has been, and we'll never have a problem.” It looked like this Christmas was going to turn out better than he'd planned.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lani had never seen a town square so decorated. It hadn't looked like that the night before when she and Gene had gone out for more milk. A huge Christmas tree was by the gazebo in the center of town. There were big red bows, tinsel, lights, mistletoe. It was a Christmas wonderland. Gene had told her that every year, they turned on all the lights at six o'clock.

  The whole town, even people who didn't come out for dinner, showed up to see the display. Her mate was carrying all the gifts they had for their friends. The town dinner was in the same hall where Ella and Mason had had their baby shower, just two days earlier. Just like the outside, the inside of the hall was decked out in Christmas decorations.

  Two rows of long tables lined the room, with another table holding all the food along the wall. The gifts were under a large tree at the other end of the hall. Kids were running and laughing, adults congregating in their groups of friends. It was so different from the last ten years of holidays. Inside her family home, it was perfect and peaceful, but outside?

  In the Lost Moonlight pack, William had turned Christmas into a time to worship the ground he walked on. It was nice to see people getting to enjoy the holiday for the right reasons. Gene weaved them through the crowd. There were a lot of new faces in the crowd, and Isaiah had cornered one gorgeous woman on the other side of the room.

  Nathan, Annie, Greg, Vivienne, Scott and Grams were already seated. While Alex, Corey, Carter, Grace, Mason and Ella stood around the table.

  “There they are.” Vivienne and Grams bombarded her with hugs. “I'm sorry we've missed so much lately. My daughter's having trouble with some members of her coven.” Vivienne huffed. “I wish she would just come home. They were never supposed to stay out there for so long.”

  “They'll be back.”

  “They?” She'd only ever heard about a daughter.

  “Twins. Son and a daughter. Both of them went to train with a coven of witches when they turned twenty-one. It was supposed to be for a year, and that was seven years ago.”

  “Another set of twins?” Lani was astonished.

  “Yep, talk about fate.” Grams said as Scott walked over. They were an adorable older couple and along with Vivienne and Greg, looked over the group.

  “Betty, Vivi.” Her mom was waving while dragging her dad along with her.

  "It was wonderful seeing you ladies again, but I'm afraid my mom's going to want to talk your ears off." She gave each woman a hug and waited to say hello to her parents as well. Making her escape was easy since her mom didn't disappoint on the talking front.

  “How was your Christmas?” Lani asked as she took a seat next to Annie.

  “Wonderful, I was able to get Nathan this new software for his computer.” She pulled out a necklace from underneath her shirt.

  "Oh, Annie. It's gorgeous." It was a pendant necklace with two detailed bears on it. Lani had never seen Nathan or Annie shifted but assumed the animals were meant to be exact replicas.

  “What about you?”

  "Gene got me a minivan." Annie choked on her drink.

  “You don't even sound mad?” She put a hand on Lani's forehead, making her laugh. “Who are you and where's my friend?” Annie even looked around for dramatic effect.

  “Stop that.” Lani laughed. “I needed a new car, and when I opened the door, a car seat was put together in the back seat.”

  “Everyone's always known Gene was just a gentle giant, but damn girl. You got yourself one of the good ones.”

  “So did you, and Ella. Now all we need is to get Grace mated.” She looked around at her friends and mate. Lani had felt so alone before coming to Redwater and now she had everything she could ever want or need.

  “What're y
a thinkin' 'bout mate?” Gene sat a plate piled high with food down in front of her.

  "How lucky I am." She smiled at him. "You're my whole world. You know that right?" Gene's smile went from cocky to soft.

  "I know, and even if I didn't, I could feel it." He put her hand over his heart. Annie's right. I got one of the good ones. “I love you.” Gene whispered in her ear.

  “I know.” She giggled, giving him a quick kiss.

  "We're gonna head outside now." Ella gave a big smile at the crowd. Lani almost jumped out of her seat. She could hardly wait to see the gazebo and town center all lit up. Once outside, Gene led her to the front near where the kids were. That was okay, though, she did act like a little kid on Christmas.

  “Everyone ready?” Mason yelled. Carter raised a thumb up in the air, then after a moment, the darkened square sparkled with light.

  “Oh, look at that one.” She pointed at a light up, moving reindeer. “Ah, lookie there.” A family of blow-up snowmen. “This is so cool!” She squealed, hugging Gene while jumping up and down. He chuckled at her, and Lani felt a kiss on the top of her head.

  "Enjoyin' yourself?" He whispered in her ear, turning her, so her back was up against his chest.

  “Yes. You guys do this every year?” She looked up at Gene to see that same smile from that morning. The one that said he was planning something.

  "Mhm." He hummed, nodding his head. "Come on. We're allowed to walk around." The gazebo was even more beautiful up close. Whoever had put this together had used color changing lights on the tree. Lani sighed, those were her favorite. Actually, the tree looked a hell of a lot like the one they had at home. Gene let go of her hand while she was staring at the tree.



  "Is it just me or does this tree look like ours?" She looked over her shoulder, but he wasn't standing behind her. It wasn't until she turned around that she saw him on one knee. In front of everybody.


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