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Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2)

Page 18

by B. N. Kasner

  Three Months Later

  Lani was curled up on her husband's lap half asleep when Mason finally barged out of the swinging doors. Scaring Lani half to death and almost making her fall off of Gene.

  "A boy and a girl." He yelled, pumping a fist into the air. The whole shifter population of Redwater was stuffed like sardines in the maternity waiting area. "Everything went good, and we're asking only close friends and family to stay." There were a few boos, but Mason silenced them with a hand in the air and a stern glare. "Everyone else is allowed to stop by tomorrow. Ella and the twins will be here for the next two days.

  "Corey. Come meet your newest family members." If anybody hadn't known how close Mason, Ella, and Corey had become, they knew now. Over the last few months, it seemed like their group of friends had become inseparable. Of course, they were still on the look out for Noah, but everything that had happened with Jeremy brought them closer together.

  "Wolf or bear?" Isaiah was a little too amped up on hospital coffee. He'd been trying to get them to take bets all night.

  "Bear. Those little babies are Callahan's." Grams had been dosing off on Scott's shoulder, but now, she looked wide awake.

  “They're also Wilsons, so I'm going with wolf.” Alex crossed his arms over his chest, looking so sure of himself.

  “Both.” Her mate rumbled from beside her.

  “I agree with the big guy.”

  “Of course you do, he's your mate. That's not fair.” Definitely way too much coffee. Isaiah was about to bust through the swinging hospital doors himself when Mason finally came back out to get the rest of them. Lani pushed her way to the front of the small pack they had. Okay, Gene had made sure she got to see the babies first. Elbowing both of Ella's brothers out of the way.

  Mason just rolled his eyes at them. Obviously, nothing was going to get him down. He looked like a proud peacock with his feathers all puffed up. He knocked on the door gently before opening it. Ella was laid up in bed with a small pink blanket in her arms. She had dark circles under her eyes, looking worn out but with a wide smile on her face. Corey stood beside her holding a blue blanket.

  "Lemme see." Lani squealed a little, but thankfully, kept her voice down. The tiny baby in her best friend's arms had black wisps of hair, Ella's nose, and Mason's mouth. "She's so beautiful." Lani ran her finger softly over the baby girl's cheek.

  “Okay, you're hogging her.” Isaiah wanted to see his niece and nephew. It was all he could talk about for the past month. “Oh, Goddess. She's too beautiful. Mason, we're going to have our hands full keeping pups and cubs away from her.” Gene had made his way over to Mason, who had taken over holding their baby boy. Corey still seemed fascinated by the twins.

  "He looks like you, but with Ella's hair." The baby boy was a little bigger than the girl. He reached up and took hold of Mason's finger. Gene chuckled softly before looking up at Lani. She could see and feel all of his emotions. Soon, this would be them, holding their son. "So." Gene coughed, his cheeks turning a little red. "Bear or wolf?"

  "Damn it, that was supposed to be my line, but my niece is just too cute." Isaiah pouted for all of a second before his niece cooed and captured his attention.

  “Bears.” Corey said with a huge amount of certainty.

  “How can you tell?” Grace still hadn't gotten close enough to see past the twins blankets.

  “I let Miss Vivienne try a spell on my nose. They scent like Mason more than Ella, so I'm thinking bear.”

  "I told all of ya'll. These two are Callahan's." Grams laughed triumphantly, squeezing in past Lani and Isaiah to get her turn with her great-granddaughter. Alex, Gene, Scott, and Nathan seemed happy just to hang back and let the women fawn over the twins. But, they weren't fooling Lani. Nathan had a yearning look on his face and kept in constant contact with Annie.

  Scott was as proud as Grams was and already doted on both babies. Alex had a smile on his face so full it looked like his cheeks were going to hurt the next day. She felt that Gene was happy and content to wait for their time.

  "What're their names?" Grace and Carter had hung back the most and finally made their way to get a look at the twins. Although, Lani was sure Ella's room hadn't been meant to hold this many shifters at one time.

  “Micheal and Dolly. After Mason's mom and dad.” Grams gave a little sniffle before hugging and kissing every member of her family. Ending with Scott, who was surprised by her public affection. “I didn't use Vanessa because I wanted you to have it.” Ella was looking right at Alex, who had lost his smile. “You remember her the most out of all of us.” Alex swallowed hard before nodding.

  "Okay, take turns holding them." Mason didn't look like he wanted to let go of his son but passed him to Gene without anything bad happening. Lani felt herself getting teary-eyed, picturing Gene holding their child. She focused on little Dolly when her turn to hold one of the twins came.

  "Where's Grace? She wouldn't want to miss this." Lani passed Dolly over to her mate. It was the first time he'd gotten a good look at her and just like everyone else in the room; he fell in love with her. "Look at you. How did you get so pretty?"

  Coming around the corner leading to the elevators, Lani saw Carter standing there looking as pale as a ghost.

  “Where's Grace?”She parroted her mate's words.

  “Said she wasn't feeling good and would come back tomorrow. She doesn't want to get the little cubs sick.” Carter had never lied to Lani, but that gut feeling she had told her he was this time. Whatever was going on between the two of them was none of her business. Even if she did worry Grace was in way over her head.

  “Can you let them know I'm heading out too?” Oh yeah, something's definitely up.

  “Yeah, and Carter?”


  “If you hurt her, Gene won't be the only one you have to worry about.” She didn't wait around for a response.

  “Did you find her?” Her mate came right over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

  “Carter said she wasn't feeling good and didn't want to get the cubs sick. She'll be back tomorrow.” Lani snuggled into her husband. As much as she wanted to make sure Grace didn't get her heart broken into a million little pieces, Ella had once given her great advice. Everyone had their own path, and no matter how hard Lani or Gene tried, nothing was going to stop the collision course Grace and Carter were heading towards.

  Redwater Shifter Series

  Bearly There

  On the run from a cruel alpha, Ella Wilson is hiding out in the Oregon forest. If she can just avoid other shifters she should be fine. Things hadn't worked out well for her last time. They'd almost dragged her back to Kansas. Like Dorothy said, there's no place like home. Only Ella wasn't going back without a fight. Being a hopeless romantic has kept her going. Sure she needs some work after living in the woods, but underneath all that dirt and grime is a real diamond.

  Mason Callahan is the alpha of Dark Oaks, a bear sleuth that has been in his family for generations. He's a laid back alpha believing the best way to command respect is through giving respect. With most of his family gone, he relies on his closest friends to help run the sleuth. However, a council of elders has been pushing him to find a mate. Under his tough exterior, Mason is a true romantic, but his whole life is dedicated to being alpha. There's no room for a mate. He fears one council member's reasons are more for his own good than the sleuths.

  Fate, however, has them crossing paths. The only thing neither of them can outrun is destiny, and she just came knocking.

  Coming Soon

  Keep a look out for Carter & Grace's Story!

  Sneak Peek

  Subject to change


  Carter Montgomery watched quietly as his closest friend held his son. His other childhood friends were gathered around looking at Mason's twins. Carter had never felt so alone. Everyone in his life was moving on to the next chapter, and yet, Carter was still stuck in the past. He'd always be stuck in the past, and there was no way a
round it.

  Not even the persistent efforts of the gorgeous red head beside him would change that. Carter had built up a concrete wall around his heart so high, and for so long, nothing could get through it. Sometimes, like right then, he wished his life was different. That his true mate, Rebecca, hadn't died when they were eighteen.

  That he hadn't wasted his time and claimed her when he had the chance. That they had a family so full of love every shifter was jealous of them. The list went on and on. Fuck, his own friends still didn't know about her. Mason, his best friend for fucking years, was slipping away faster and faster. Now with Gene married and expecting a baby? Hell, Carter had no chance of getting that friendship back. Shit, that bear is more like a brother.

  He couldn't be there anymore. The memories were killing him on the inside, making him want to actually feel something for the first time in eight years. Quietly, so he wouldn't disturb all the happiness in the tiny hospital room, Carter slipped out the door and made his way to the elevators.

  “Where are you goin'?” Stopping, he looked towards the ceiling. He'd know that voice anywhere, even if he didn't want to.

  “Go back, Grace.” Carter wasn't going to look at her. Every time he did, his heart hurt. His stupid dumbass of a bear had decided it wanted Grace for a mate. Like the animal had totally forgotten their sweet and soft Becky.

  “Don't leave. Mason will be upset.” Goddess help me. Carter turned around, taking her in without looking away from her eyes. She was short and curvy, with straight fiery red hair and deep green eyes. Basically, the total opposite of Becky. Rebecca had been tall and lean, with brown hair and hazel eyes. A lot like Annie. A submissive, sweet as honey, bear. Grace was a fighter, stubborn and dominate. The sooner she accepted that they weren't choice mates, the better.

  “He won't care. Gene's there.” Carter hated when he let personal shit slide, and Grace seemed to be able to pull information out of him like a sieve.

  “Yes, he will. You've been friends forever.” Her eyebrows were scrunched up and Carter ignored the urge to smooth out her forehead. His stubborn animal was using his instincts to try and sway Carter, but it wasn't going to work. Not while he could still clearly see Becky in his mind, hear her laugh when he was home alone. Carter could tell the minute she'd cooked up some hair brain idea. “Whatever it is. The answer is no.”

  Only Grace didn't explain anything to him. Just grabbed his hand and tried to pull him away from the elevators. He'd been getting close to Grace a lot lately, which had cemented the idea of Grace being his mate to bear. Carter needed to stay away from her, not keep touching her soft skin.

  “Let go.”

  “No. You're staying here, even if I have to drag you in there myself.” She grunted. Grace was strong but not as strong as him. If he'd been a nicer guy, Carter probably would've budged at least a little bit, but instead he laughed. “Don't you chuckle at me.”

  "I'm leaving Grace." He pulled, but instead of letting go, Grace only pulled harder. Now they had a tug-a-war over his damn arm. "Grace." It was a warning growl. A warning that only spurred her on. On the next tug, Carter used his much longer reach to grab for her with his other arm. Grace ducked, and somehow now it was her who was trying to get free.

  "Don't like it, do ya, Gracie." The nickname slipped out his mouth, making him lose his focus. She almost got loose, except Carter clapped his hand down on her wrist.

  “Why'd you call me that?”

  "Slipped out." He might as well tell the truth once in a while. Obviously, she didn't like that answer because she tugged harder. She had her back to him, and when he used his hand to turn her around, Grace whirled on him and bit him on the forearm. She'd bitten him before when they were sparring and nothing like this ever happened. No.

  Carter tried to yank his arm free, although he knew it was too late. Grace's eyes were the golden color of her bear, and he could feel it.

  "No. No. No." He saw the dread wash over her face, but there was nothing she could do about it. Her bear had taken over. Carter felt the bond wrapping around him, trying to get past that wall he'd built around his heart. Grace finally released his arm and covered her mouth, tears running down her cheeks. He felt how scared and shocked she was. She bolted for the elevator, and of course, the doors closed as soon as he got to them. "Shit." He slammed his open palm against the door.

  His mating bite had already healed over, leaving the scar behind. I think I'm going to be sick. Carter pushed his rolled up sleeves down to his wrists. Motherfucker, he'd have to wear long sleeves until they could figure out what the hell they were going to do.

  “Where's Grace?” Lani's voice almost made him jump. He had to make her go away before he broke down in the middle of the hallway. Not to mention, he could still feel everything Grace was. Carter was sure she didn't know how to block him or she would've already.

  “Said she wasn't feeling good and would come back tomorrow. She doesn't want to get the little cubs sick.” Just buy it and walk away. “Can you let them know I'm heading out too?” He could tell by the look on her face that she knew he was a lying sack of shit.

  “Yeah, and Carter?”

  “Hmm?” He hummed, ready to run for the stairs at that point. Anything to get out of there.

  “If you hurt her, Gene won't be the only one you have to worry about.” Lani turned and walked away without looking back. I already have. Hitting the button until the elevator doors opened didn't help the anxiety growing in the pit of his stomach. Or maybe it was Grace's anxiety. Carter had a mate, whether he wanted one or not. With his head in his hands, he sank down to the floor. I'm sorry Becky.

  Acknowledgments And Contact

  I would like to thank the readers, who I never thought I would have, for reading and sticking around for the second book. Much more is in store for the shifters of Redwater and I can't wait to share all of their happily ever afters with you!

  Next, my mom, who is not only my biggest cheerleader, but my editor and promoter. However, she is my mama so she may be a bit biased where I'm concerned. “Only a little.” That's what she always says.

  Thank you to my husband for the late night fast food runs when I've been too busy writing to leave my laptop for dinner.

  And to the rest of my family, thank you for always supporting me in everything I do. I'm glad I can make ya'll proud.


  Now, if you'd like to stay up to date on everything Redwater and some behind the screen bonuses, make sure to follow my blog. I also have a twitter, but I'm not the best at keeping up with it. (The blog's the best way to go in my opinion. Or email. I do check that daily.)




  If you enjoyed this book, please leave a review. They let me know if you enjoyed the story or what you didn't like. Every little thing helps, and I do take them into consideration when writing the next book.

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