Shark Bait (The Grab Your Pole Series)
Page 22
“No way, are you guys still kissing?” She asked in astonishment after reading what I wrote and seeing my kiss.
“Yep, even at school now. I forgot to ask your opinion on that when it first happened yesterday. What do you make of it?” … Huh. Not knowing what to wear could definitely be the cause of my anxiety. I wonder if Tristan would let me rummage through his closet for something suitable, seeing as how I seem to end up in his clothes more often than not anyway. Who knows, it might be a nice change to just start out in them for once.
Kate was shaking her head in disbelief. “Camie, I gotta tell ya…I have no clue what to make of that. You’re in totally uncharted waters here. I’ll see you later, okay?”
With that, she left me by my geometry class and swiftly headed towards her own first period class as the warning bell rang. I swear, eventually Kate and I will have to figure out how to get to school early enough so that we’re not rushing to make it to class on time.
I didn’t hear back from Tristan until I was walking down the hall to fifth period. The little stinker was actually typing it out as he passed me too. This is what he said:
Tristan: 2 late. u should’ve asked days ago. :-*
He’s a total brat, isn’t he? Because of that I decided to break my rule of not replying right away, so after I got settled on the ground I typed:
Me: hint? :-*
I watched him read it and was kind of surprised to see that he was replying right next to me—well, across from me. The four of us are in a circle on our stomachs preparing to play hangman. It is Friday after all and unlike “Bland Tuesday” and “Topsy-Turvey Wednesday”; Friday is most commonly known for its frivolity.
Tristan: k. pay attn 2 game :-*
Huh. It’s his turn to pick the word or phrase for us to guess, so I suppose whatever it is will be my hint. After three rounds of guessing this is what the phrase looked like:
nitt_ ritt irt an_
I was studying it, trying to figure out what letter to guess next when Kate guessed ‘y’. Filling in two more blanks, it read like this:
nitty _ritty irt an_
Having a hunch—if I’m right, he’s cheating…you’re not supposed to use proper nouns—I guessed ‘d’ and lo and behold it turned into this:
nitty ritty dirt and
I knew it, the big cheater. So, I decided to call him on it. I didn’t actually call, though, that would just be silly. I sent him a text…
Me: cheater :-*
I can tell by the looks on both Kate’s and Jeff’s faces that neither of them know what it is yet, but I’m not sure if it’s because they aren’t thinking he’d break the rules—which isn’t likely as they know him better than I do—or if they just aren’t familiar with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Still in my hand from sending the text, my phone vibrated with a new message from Tristan.
Tristan: sue me. have a guess? :-*
The only well known song I can think of by them that he might be referring to is called “Fishing In The Dark”—which I happen to think is a really great song—so I replied:
Me: fishing? :-* (I know. Not what you’d expect for a first date activity, but who knows? Maybe I’m totally wrong.)
I solved the puzzle on my turn and from then on, there really weren’t too many pauses in between texts so I’ll just transcribe the conversation for you:
Tristan: ya hopefully :-*
Me: y hopefully? :-*
Tristan: depends :-*
Me: on? :-*
Tristan: if dad sees mountain lion trax 2day :-*
Me: O. good reason. what should i wear? :-*
You’ll understand why we spent the rest of class trying to one up each other with some pretty ruthless teasing when you see how he replied…
Tristan: clothes…or not. up 2 u but i vote not :-* (Yeah, not only did he go there, but he did it with a straight face too.)
I narrowed my eyes at his blank expression and replied.
Me: might b 2 chilly 4 nudity… should i bring a change of clothes? :-*
Tristan: not unless u want 2 sleep over. :-*
When I read that, I couldn’t keep myself from looking at him in question again. The answer I got more than validated my need to figure out when he’s joking; the reprobate actually had the nerve to raise his eyebrows as if he was challenging me to accept his—if I’m totally honest—highly intimidating, yet mighty tempting invitation.
Hoping I wasn’t blushing and that I was right in thinking he’s playing with me, I spent a moment trying to come up with a clever reply. All I could manage was:
Me: tempting, but not on date #1. lil help 4 the wardrobe challenged here. :-*
Tristan: idk something u can get dirty in :-*
Whew! I guessed right, he’s joking. But, as I was mentally going through clothing items I’d consider getting dirty in, a scene from the movie New in Town with Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick Jr. popped into my head. And after Tristan’s last couple of comments, I couldn’t resist. With a straight face of my own I replied:
Me: r u saying i should wear a thong fishing? :-*
I knew I hit the mark because when he read it, he started cracking up. We’d been playing the game the whole time and even though Kate and Jeff hadn’t said anything about the text war they knew was going on around them, they both looked up in question when he started laughing. He ignored them completely but responded with:
Tristan: not what i meant. but yes! by all means plz do. i promise i’ll return it & your bra. :-p :-*
I think having finally gotten a reaction like that from him must’ve given me an adrenaline rush—or I just completely lost my mind—because this was when it could be said that I went a tad bit overboard…
Me: keep it. it’s 2 small anyway. color preference? :-* (That first part is actually true, I’ve outgrown all my bras…I really should go shopping.)
He chuckled to himself when he read that and came right back with:
Tristan: not 2 picky but partial 2 black. u sure u dont wanna stay the nite? :-*
Me: ya. i’d hate 2 have another rumor start after getting my righteous rep back. :-*
Tristan: i wont tell a soul. :-*
Me: not gonna risk it. people would still talk :-*
Tristan: dont b a jeff. :-*
Me: r u calling me a chicken again? :-*
Tristan: if the beak fits… :-*
Me: ok fine :-*
Tristan: good. what do u want 4 breakfast? :-*
I’d intended to make that my acceptance of being called a chicken, but I guess I should’ve been clearer. He either misunderstood or he’s just being a brat again. Regardless, I have to decide if I should keep the farce going or put a complete stop to it. Seeing as how I’ve already gone off the deep end, though, I may as well continue. There are only a couple of minutes left in class anyway and I’m sure school time texting will stop when the bell rings, so it can’t hurt, right?
Me: if u fry up some wilbur and get jeff 2 lay some eggs, i’ll b a happy camper. :-*
The bell rang to dismiss us for lunch but instead of responding to my text, Tristan looked over at Jeff while they were walking out the door and asked, “Hey, can you do me a favor this afternoon?”
As I thought, the texts did stop after that, but I was still in a quandary over how to dress for tonight and now there’s the added underwear issue to consider as well. It’s totally my own damned fault and I accept that, but I feel I need help in answering the question from my guidance counselors. So, after dance while we were walking to the parking lot, I showed Kate and Melissa the correspondence and waited for their response to the whole thing.
“I can’t believe he had the nerve to tease you like this,” Melissa giggled, re-reading the texts. When she got to the part about Jeff laying eggs again, she started laughing hysterically.
“Oh my God, Camie, that’s the funniest damned thing I’ve ever read! You know he’s gonna figure out a way to check,” Kate told me, trying to control her laughter as well.
/> Melissa handed my phone back and at the same time, she gave me her two cents. “Oh, he totally will.”
I forgot that Melissa might be speaking from experience… I’m not jealous at all, but I am wondering if I should ask her to give me a “dating Tristan history lesson.” They didn’t make it past two dates if I remember what Kate said correctly, and I’d really like to know why.
“That’s what I was thinking too. So what should I do? Do you guys think I should go through with that part?” I’m thinking it’d be like having the last word if I do, but again, I’m not all that savvy about this stuff…and I don’t even own a thong.
“YES!” Kate and Melissa said in emphatic unison.
“Alrighty then, you guys get to take me shopping,” I informed my two mentors and got an identical pair of diabolical grins from them in return.
While we were shopping, my purse started singing “This Kiss.” Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I went with that one. I ended up choosing it for several reasons, but the clincher was the mention of Cinderella, Snow White, and a white knight. I pulled my phone out and was relieved to see it was a text and not a live call. I mean come on, what would I say if he were to ask where I am? Stocking up on bras and panties just in case? Yeah, not likely. Anyway, here’s what the text said:
Tristan: fishing’s out. i’ll pick u up @ the same time still. :-*
Aw, that sucks…I was sort of looking forward to that. It sounded fun—minus the mountain lions of course. Ugh, and I still don’t know what to wear! I need to get some kind of idea here so I replied:
Me: any chance you’ll tell me what we r doing or what i should wear now? :-* (I’m not holding my breath for a real answer though…)
Tristan: we’ve been over this but if u insist on clothes i recommend something comfy. :-*
Me: k. comfy i can do. c u l8r. :-*
Huh, go figure. He actually gave me a pretty decent—okay, maybe not decent, so let’s say straightforward answer. I was about to toss my phone back in my purse when the incorrigible flirt responded with:
Tristan: nothin 2 comfy tho plz. also dont forget…i’d b happy w/black. :-p :-* (I think I might’ve created a monster, but at least he said please, right?)
Holding up and looking at the various options Kate and Melissa have given me to consider; I’m pretty damned sure neither of those requests will be difficult to comply with…
Kate dropped me off at home before heading to the football game with Melissa, and I started putting away all my purchases that ended up taking a nice sized chunk out of my car fund. I’m not expected to foot the bill on the basics, so my mom will at least reimburse me for the bras and panties, which is nice, as they’re responsible for the larger portion of that chunk. Then as I was hanging it up, I giggled to myself over my Halloween costume.
After some debate, Kate, Melissa and I decided that it’d be hysterical if we convinced Pete—whom I’ve started mentally referring to as “Lonely Pete”—to dress as a sheik and then we would be his harem. Pete was easy to convince, but we’re all being really hush-hush about it; it’ll be even funnier if no one knows until we all show up together at Mike’s costume party next Saturday. The costumes are super cute, but pretty revealing. They’re actually real belly dancing costumes and we’re now debating on whether we should go so far as to even choreograph a dance to go with the theme. I’m really excited about the whole thing; it should be a hoot!
Anyway, my shopping excursion was without a doubt a success and much to my surprise, I found when I went to change for my date I wouldn’t be able to comply with the not too comfy part of Tristan’s demands after all, although I did honor the black part. While shopping, I’d treated myself to a new Aeropostale fleecy knit outfit in black and green, so with my black flip-flops, my hair pulled back in a basic ponytail, and the last gift from my great grandma being simple, but real, diamond studs in my ears, I thought I was looking quite the epitome of comfy.
After I was dressed, I wandered down to the kitchen for a quick snack. Again, I don’t know if I should be eating or not, but I’m not about to go hungry later; I’m thinking an ounce of prevention at this point. It was about a half-hour before Tristan was supposed to pick me up when I walked into the family room and stopped abruptly, seeing my dad and sister sitting around the coffee table. I turned and stalked back upstairs, going straight into my parents’ room to appeal to my mom.
“Mom, you have to do something! Dad’s gone insane! He’s gonna completely embarrass me, I just know it!! I won’t even be able to blame Tristan for never asking me out again because it’ll be Dad’s fault! Please Mommy, help me?” I whined, bouncing on my hands and knees on their bed next to my mom.
She laughed softly at my hysteria. “Calm down, Camie. Are you really asking me to rob your father of his basic right to grill your first date?”
“YES!! I could handle it if he was just gonna play the tough dad, but Mom! He’s pulled out all his guns and he’s sitting down there “teaching” Jillian how to clean them and stuff!” I explained in utter distress.
Seriously! This is not okay on so many levels! AND Jillian already knows how to not only clean them, but also dismantle and load them too!
My mom finally grasped the gravity of my predicament. “Oh no, is he really?”
“Yes! Please stop him!” I begged.
“Hand me the phone, honey,” my mom said with a determined look on her face, thank God.
I listened as she ordered Chinese food and then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before I hid from site when she hollered for my dad to come up. From inside their closet, I could hear most of what they said and man; I owe my mom big time! I think Jill might get some of her deviousness from my mom too because here’s what was said:
My Dad: “What’s up, babe? Are you okay?”
My Mom: “Honey, I’m fine. Actually, I was getting hungry so I just ordered Chinese for our dinner and was hoping you wouldn’t mind running over to pick it up.”
My Dad: “Oh, of course. Did you order some orange chicken for me?”
My Mom: “Kevin, how long have we been married? Of course I ordered your favorite.”
My Dad: “You want anything else while I’m out? A movie or some ice cream?”
My Mom: “Oh, that sounds fun but don’t go to any trouble. If you’re gonna do that though, you should leave now so the food doesn’t sit there.”
My Dad: “Ooh, that’s right…okay, leaving right now. We don’t want soggy Chinese.”
Jeez, how much does my dad love my mom? He didn’t balk even once at having to drop what he was doing to go pick up dinner that my mom ordered on a whim. I mean he even offered to rent a movie and get her some ice cream for goodness sake! When I grow up, I hope Tristan and I are in love like my parents are with each other. And hey, I’m just utilizing the power of positive thinking here, know what I mean?
The Wall Of Infamy
With my dad out of the way I decided I could relax a little, so I was watching TV in bed with my mom when Tristan showed up a few minutes early. I swear I practically broke my neck flying down the stairs to get to the door first, but Jill had beaten me to it and had let him in. Crap! I was really hoping to make a clean get away…
Without even saying hi, I grabbed his arm and turned him around. I was pushing him back to the door when, sitting at the gun-laden coffee table again, Jillian spoke up. “Have fun you two, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Yep, you bet, bye!” I called; managing to finally shove Tristan outside and then I slammed the door shut.
I was trying to pull him down the porch steps with me, but he seemed stuck. I looked at him and saw he had an incredulous look on his—oh my God, he really is gorgeous—face.
“Come on, come on…we gotta get outta here,” I said and tugged on his hand again.
Finally moving, he asked, “Camie, was your sister actually cleaning and assembling guns?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” I urged him forward at a fas
ter pace towards his car, which was another relief. I was afraid he’d be driving the bus and that someone in my family would question the wisdom of letting me go with him in that. And probably for good reason too.
“That’s not normal…” he said, disquieted, opening the passenger door for me.
“I keep trying to tell everyone and no one believes me!” I agreed, throwing my hands up in the air as if to say “At last! Someone sees my point!” Then I threw my purse in the car, emphasizing my frustration.
“What? No overnight bag?” Tristan, clearly recovered from his previous shock, asked with a very definite teasing twinkle in his eyes.
“Shut up. Seriously, can we get a move on? My dad could be back any minute.”