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Resisting the Bad Boy - A Standalone Bad Boy Romance

Page 15

by Gabi Moore


  “There’s a good girl.”

  Nelly scrambled off to fetch her little backpack and I handed Leah a cooler bag of juice and snacks. Leah still had her outrageous red dreadlocks these days, only they were a little shorter now, and she had foregone glitter and hot pants.

  “Who’d have thought, hey, Nyx? You. A mum. I still can’t get over it sometimes, you know?”

  “You and me both,” I said.

  We walked into the living room just as Adam emerged from the bedroom, hair still ruffled from a hastily thrown on shirt. It was no use, really. There wasn’t very much he could do to hide that body of his, truly.

  “Hey, Adam.”

  “Ah, Leah! Greetings. Did you get the magic word right?” he said, smiling.

  Leah laughed and then frowned and pointed to something in the dining room.

  “Hey, is that new?” she said.

  I followed her gaze. The picture. She was pointing to a giant white canvas, splattered and smeared with red, hanging behind the dining room table.

  “That? No that’s not new at all. Just …something Adam and I made,” I said. I flashed him a naughty smile and he sent one right back at me.

  “Jesus. It’s pretty intense for a living room, isn’t it?” Leah said. We all laughed. For those who didn’t know, it might have looked a little …serial killer-ish, it’s true.

  “All right poppet, you all ready to go? I’ve got something for you that you’re going to love…” Leah said to Nelly when she came bounding back in to join us. She gave me saucy wink, took Nelly’s hand and in a moment they were outside again, chattering away, and Adam and I stood on the front door steps, watching them both disappear into the night. As Nelly’s prattling faded off into the distance, and the night closed dark and quiet around them, I reached out for his hand and gently took it in mine.

  “I’ve got something for you that you’re going to love,” he whispered under his breath. I shot him a look and he beamed at me.

  “Oh yeah?” I said.

  “Uh huh. Wanna see it?” he said and gave me a cheeky grin.

  I led him inside and locked the door, then pinned him against it.

  “Fuck, I’ve wanted you all day,” I purred into his ears.

  “You have?”

  “I’ve missed this,” I said and reached for his crotch, wishing he’d take every single last stitch of his stupid clothing off and never put it back on again. His laugh was quiet and low, and his hips tucked a little to press towards me.

  “Tell me how much. Tell me how much you’ve missed it,” he said.

  “Oh God, I was sitting all through that stupid interview thinking of you, thinking how badly I wanted it.”

  “You want it?”

  “Only all of it,” I said and peered up at him, hunger in my eyes. He reached his fingertips down and pulled me closer to him for a kiss. He pulled away again, looked deep into my eyes.

  “Suck it,” he said.

  Something juicy kicked inside the pit of my stomach. I dropped to my knees in an instant, tearing away at his jeans, yanking them down to reveal his manly form. His thick hard cock sprung out at me and I took it between my lips without skipping a beat. I slid the ring of my mouth down his shaft and then all the way back up again, slowly, deliberately. At the tip I kissed closed and stared back up at him.

  “A little intense for a living room, isn’t it?” I teased.

  “Wanna take this party to the bedroom?” he said, smiling down at me.

  I got to my feet and we scrambled to the bedroom, clumsily shedding clothing as we went. He gripped my wrist and spun me around, and I went skidding, landing square on the bed in a fit of giggles.

  “It really is a fucking horrid painting,” he said, laughing.

  “I found it in the basement the other day, I thought it was time to bring it out again.”

  I sunk into his delicious lips again.

  Even now, years later, Adam could still make me giggle and hiccup like I was drunk, could make my head spin, could make my fingertips tingle and my eyes shine with naughty ideas. He still made me giddy, woozy, easily dissolved into a puddle of lust with just a little flick of his wrist, a little magic and a little smile on those delicious lips of his…

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded, and spread myself on the bed before him. He stood towering over me, his strong hands in fists at his sides, his body tight and hard and a little dangerous looking.

  “Oh I will, but you’re not done sucking me yet,” he said, and took a step towards me.

  I rolled onto my back and gave him a goofy smile. He took his time scanning his black eyes over every part of my naked, vulnerable body. He knew that when I got horny like this, I would do anything for his cock. Anything. And so he looked me over and decided just exactly how far he could push his luck today.

  My desperate hands went to the aching folds between my legs and I started rubbing furiously. It was small relief – what I really wanted was him. I wanted to throw my head back and let him take me roughly, to have his fat dick locked into me, right to the very hilt, and to fuck him so hard that he exploded deep inside and his voice went weak and broke and I heard that gorgeous, shuddering sound came bubbling out of his throat.

  But instead he angled my head off the bed, guiding me gently so that it lay dangling off the mattress. My legs flopped open as I watched him upside down, his cock like a monolith over me. He had always been a …veiny man. And from this angle, I admired how hot he looked from underneath, his cock tight and rippled as he took it in his hands and gently, gingerly glanced it over my cheek. Instinctively I opened my lips, closed my eyes.

  “Good,” he whispered.

  The swollen tip was slid over the contours of my lips, slowly, tracing a delicious path round my slightly opened mouth. The ache at my clit became a white-hot fire, the flames licking further and further up from my hips, engulfing me in a quiet inferno as he looked down at me, his own face perfectly composed. He knew how much I wanted him.

  “Now put your head back.”

  I obeyed and scooted myself to the edge of the mattress, letting my head flop a little off the edge. The blood rushed to my head.

  “More,” he ordered, so I scooted down some more.

  “Now open your mouth for me.”

  I moaned and opened my mouth, feeling the tightness in my throat as I let go and exposed my neck to him. One firm hand at the base of his cock, and another resting gently on my brow, he lowered himself onto my hot tongue and pressed himself down, down and into my throat. Adam was a big guy. I already knew this. But in this position, he felt so thick it was almost overwhelming. I took a deep breath and focused on the sensation of my lips against him, of the warm musk of his skin.

  To my delight, I felt little ripples throbbing through his veins; little pulses rush through his cock as he guided himself further into my mouth. It was intense. I couldn’t move. He inched in slowly, very slowly, and the moment became strange, almost meditative. Head back, upside-down, everything felt more sensitive somehow. I swallowed. This alone caused his cock to bounce in my throat, and he whimpered a little under his breath.

  “Fuck, that feels amazing,” he said.

  I was too focused on accommodating every last morsel of his glorious dick that I could scarcely respond. Everything in the room disappeared and all that existed was his hot, throbbing pole wedged deep in me, a delicate position, one where the slightest movement would be unbearable, would make him come.

  “Play with yourself,” he said.

  My hand went between my legs again and I easily found that electrical spot again, that delicious thrill buzzing in my clit and sending waves of bliss all through my body.

  “Make yourself come for me,” he said, and as he did, he tilted his hips a little towards me. I lapped my tongue around his length and heard him growl in response. I teased my pussy till I felt close to coming, closer and closer to the edge. The closer I got, the more I fancied his dick reaching deep into me, so dee
p it shot right through my entire body, penetrating all of me and somehow responsible for the gorgeous ecstasy brewing from below, curling my toes, shooting up through my legs and radiating out from my hips.

  He moaned, bent at the knees, pleasuring himself in my mouth, stroking aside the damp hair from my temples.

  “Are you going to come for me?” he muttered.

  Oh God, did I want to come for him. I pressed hard against my clit, squeezing out a throb of pleasure there that instantly exploded and sent big, delicious shudders all up my body, all along my spine. When I moaned, the sound wasn’t from my throat, but from somewhere much, much deeper. From way down inside me, I cried out with his dick still in my mouth, my throat involuntarily clenching and tightening around him.

  “Oh fuck,” he cried.

  His stomach muscles hardened and pulsed as he exploded onto my tongue, his cum emptying out into my mouth. I loved the noises he made when he came. Half whimper, half growl. That ragged, desperate little cry right at the moment of surrender. I was almost sad when he gently pulled out of my mouth and stood there for a moment, dazed.

  “You’re fucking amazing,” he said, and idly traced the sticky white tip of his dick on my lower lip.

  I kissed him. “No you’re amazing,” I said and giggled.

  “No, you. You’re the amazing one,” he I insisted and pounced onto the bed beside me. I beamed.

  “Shut up, you are.”

  He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me right up close to him, gave me a smoldering look and then diving in for a passionate kiss. I wanted him again. The memory of orgasm was fading fast and in its place came that same wild ache again. I wouldn’t be satisfied until he fucked me. Hard.

  “Now, tell me again, what was it you wanted?” he said slyly, between kisses.

  “I wanted you to…” I traced my fingertips down his sweat-slick chest and down towards his navel and even lower down to the patch of fuzz growing underneath it, “…to fuck me,” I said playfully.

  I got up onto my hands and knees and waggled my hips for him. He didn’t need any further encouragement. He split open the folds of my drenched body and slid into me easily. We both paused for a moment, savoring how delicious it felt, how perfect to be cradled in one another’s bodies like this, how neat and tight the fit, how warm, how wet.

  His hands wrapped tightly round my waist; he drew himself up and gazed down at me. I threw my hips back against him, daring him to do his worst. Though I was a fancy up and coming director these days, and though I spent all day telling stage hands what to do and when …in the bedroom, it was all Adam.

  He still knew all my secrets. All the strange little trapdoors and quicksands of my heart, knew my nightmares, my dreams, how I liked to be touched. Still Adam who looked me in the eyes and told me to spread my legs. Adam who told me to calm down, to just shut up and kiss him. Adam who knew what I needed. And Adam, the only one who could give it to me…

  When we were finished, we sprawled out together on the bed, exhausted and sweaty and messy-haired. And grinning. He leaned over for a kiss and got up.

  “Don’t you go anywhere,” he said and disappeared off to the bathroom. I smiled and blew him a kiss and then collapsed down on the bed again, cooling off, the buzz in my head slowly quieting down.

  I sat up cross-legged on the bed and listened to the silence in the house, quiet now that little Nelly was gone for a while. I got up and went to the window, and gazed out. Though it was dark, the moon illuminated a few scraps of slow clouds moving across the sky.

  I felt like I watched them forever. And then, all of a sudden, I saw them both. I saw all three of us sitting around the kitchen table making Christmas crafts. Cutting links of paper and gluing them together to make garlands for the tree. My father’s smiling face as he showed me how to line them up carefully, and even though my fingers were too stubby and I was impatient, I tried anyway, again and again, till we had a long chain that I proudly hung over the tree. I was probably only a few years older than Nelly was now.

  I felt cold. I quickly wiped the moisture from my eyes. I heard Adam clattering in the bathroom and whistling under his breath, but something about the moonlight took me away for a moment, far away from our little house and everything in it. Eventually a cloud went over the moon and dulled the light. I was snapped from my reverie. I closed the curtain again and stepped back inside the room.

  And then I saw it.

  A stain.

  At first I thought I was seeing things, but no, there it was. Clear as day, a white splatter sitting right in the center of the bed, looking defiantly back at me. If I were writing a play, a play about a young girl who finds herself and learns to love her talents, I certainly wouldn’t have used this as a recurrent motif.

  Cum stains on a sheet certainly wasn’t a symbol with a hell of a lot of romance in it. I was still staring when Adam came out of the bathroom.

  “Oops! Looks like we made a mess,” he said as he followed my eyes and caught sight of the wet patch. “Looks kind of interesting, doesn’t it?” he said, pulling the blanket straight and looking at it.

  “Like a Jackson Pollock painting,” I said absentmindedly.

  His slightly disgusted face turned happy and he smiled.

  “Oh yeah, you’re right. That’s what I like about you Nyx. You always know how to see the beauty in everything, even the dirty things,” he said and leaned in for a kiss.

  I smiled.

  “Get dressed,” he said. “If you’re quick we can still catch that pancake truck before it closes for the night.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice.

  - THE END -

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  Manipulator Of Elements

  - Earth

  Chapter 1

  The Fromatius Mall stood at the edge of the parking lot and dominated the countryside around it.

  No one seemed to know where the mall had come from; it just showed up one day in the field and sat there empty until the stores began to open. After six months, the mall’s owners held a “Grand Opening” celebration and employed the local marching band and trade guilds to help in the celebration.

  Since the trades anticipated a profitable relationship with the mall, they were glad to help out. The schools were thrilled to have a place where the high-schoolers could work during the evenings and weekends. It would be a much better place for them to hang out in than the local Drive-In or bowling alley.

  A few people down at the township hall talked among themselves about how quickly the mall had appeared and were stunned it showed up so fast. Although the building plans were submitted and the proper forms filled out, it seemed strange everything went as smoothly as it did when the mall was constructed.

  Some of the local firms were hired to do the finishing work and pour the concrete for the sidewalks around the structure, but no one could recall ever seeing the construction firms who were hired to build the mall in town before. And before any of the trade guilds could complain about a lack of their involvement, it was there. As soon as it was constructed, the other trades were contracted and given lucrative contracts to maintain it.

  Granted, some of the stores in place seemed a little odd for a suburban shopping mall, but there were enough major retailers in it to defer any bad thoughts from the local suburban moms. Besides, it was spring and people were getting ready for the summer. The big auto plant in the nearby town of Scipio was planning to shut down for two weeks of inventory. This would allow them the chance to make certain they had everything they needed for next year’s models and allow the employees to take vacations. Some employees had additional time in based on years of service and could take as much as two more weeks of vacation. Therefore, if your father or mother were one of the lucky ones to have started working there right after the Korean War, y
ou could spend an entire month at some pleasure dome in Florida.

  Lilly Arrad wasn’t one of the lucky ones. Her father ran an insurance company in Fromatius out of their house. Her mother stayed home and took care of her and her older sister when they were coming of age, but now she was looking into a job at the mall. Lilly didn’t want a job at the mall when it opened. She didn’t care for most of the kids she was stuck around all day at her high school and found a job with a catering company. However, most of the jobs her company pulled were at the mall for the various out of town dignitaries who came in to see how their store branches looked and what the sales represented. So, she might as well work at the mall. Perhaps next week’s job would take her somewhere else.

  She sat on the hood of her Pinto and looked at the mall again. These things sprang up everywhere. Was the entire country turning into one big shopping mall? The 70’s surely brought with it a lot of novelties. Right now, she could look forward to attending college in the fall at Cincinnati. She had her future mapped out: international studies, find a diplomat, get married and spend the rest of her life throwing parties for foreign dignitaries.

  She looked down and sighed.

  Her shoes were still in the mall. She’d forgotten them and walked barefoot all the way to the car. She really needed to get beyond that, it was so childish. Now she would have to walk back in that place and get them.

  Maybe she wouldn’t. She could drive home barefoot and find her spare sandals in the bedroom closet. She had the dance class tonight her sister taught.

  Her sister, Rachel, had learned belly dancing in college and used it to supplement her spending money. Although Rachel married last month and left the house, it still felt as if she was around. With her older sister moved out, Lilly started to feel lonely. She still had a few good friends from the neighborhood, but everyone was headed to different places for college in the fall.


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