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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 12

by Vera Quinn

  “That’s not all.” I look at Salty and wait for him to spill it. How much worse can it get?

  “Brody went after her Monday afternoon and Audie let Angie know that he’s going after her to bring her back for himself.” I see red. No one is getting Gracie but me.

  The week since I have been gone I have realized that I love Gracie. I love Gracie and Shelby, and Brody is not getting in my way of having a family with them, and then a thought comes to my mind there is a slim possibility that Gracie is already pregnant with my child. I will put Brody to ground if I have to. He will not get in my way.

  All my brothers know the history that Brody and I have. “Get Tip on running down something on the Giles’ and then set me up a meet with the old man. I’m getting some sleep and then I will take my family back.”

  I am so pissed that I can’t be with anyone. I go to my room and get in a hot shower. I feel old right now. When I get out of the shower, I grab a beer out of my small refrigerator and down it, and then I climb into my bed. It still smells of Gracie. I just let myself fade into a fitful sleep.

  I feel like I just fell asleep when I hear pounding on my door. Persistent pounding. I get out of bed and grab a pair of jeans. I am going to kill whoever is knocking on my door at, I look at my phone, ten a.m. I slept later than I thought. The pounding keeps up, and I jerk the damn door open with all intentions of yanking someone’s damn arm off, but there stands my very pissed off ma. Damn. “Let me finished getting dressed, and I will meet you in the kitchen. Will you make me some coffee?” Ma raises her eyebrow at me.

  “I have one question to ask before I make you coffee and Antonio Javier Sanchez you better tell me the truth.” I look at her, and I know not to bullshit her because she pulled out my middle name. I nod my head. “Did you send that Jade woman into your bed with Gracie? Because if you did, I have nothing to say to you.” Ma should know better, but I guess I have done a lot of stupid things in the past.

  “I did not, and when I get my hands on Jade, she is going to regret ever crossing me. I warned her.” Ma’s face relaxes a little but she is still pissed and besides that she has her worried face on. I don’t like that.

  “I’ll be out in just a few minutes so we can talk. I need that coffee strong. It’s been a long week.” She comes closer to me and gets on her tip-toes and kisses my cheek and then turns and leaves. I close the door and take care of my morning routine and get my shirt and boots on. I’m anxious to hear exactly what happened from Ma. Then I need to touch base with Tip and see if they have brought Jade in.

  I leave my room making sure I lock it up tight. I need to make sure I get these locks changed. I make my way into the kitchen, and most of my brothers are in here eating. Ma brings me a cup of coffee and then goes back to helping with breakfast. I get the first cup in me before I even speak to anyone. I fill my cup up again, and all eyes are on me. No one dares to speak until I break the silence.

  “Ma come and tell me what Gracie told you. The girls can get breakfast.” I look at Sugar and Whinny, so they know to take care of it. I see they are going to have an attitude about Jade and this is where it stops. Club girls are a dime a dozen, and I don’t put up with shit from them. “Sugar, do you or Whinny have a problem? Because if you do, you can leave now and you will be banned permanently.” Sugar says nothing but Whinny is fast to speak up.

  “No, Rebel. I’m just worried about Jade. She is hurting, but she had no right to do anything about it.” That tells me they knew. I’ll take care of this right after I talk to Ma. Sugar never says anything. She just keeps on cooking and keeps her eyes away from me. She knows I know, but she’s too dumb to know I won’t let that shit slide.

  Ma comes over with her own cup of coffee and sits next to me. Spinner moves next to her and Cue Ball next to him. We are all where we can hear, and she doesn’t have to talk loud enough the girls can hear.

  “Okay Ma, tell me.” She hesitates then starts slowly.

  “When I got up last Sunday morning Mrs. Giles was pounding on my door. It was early, and I thought Gracie had decided to come home early so I opened the door and there stood that woman and two big men. The men wore suits, but they were too bulky to be businessmen. They were the woman’s bodyguards. She was looking for Gracie. She said she knew that both Gladys and I helped Gracie out with the baby. She’d already been to Gladys’ house. She knew about you and Brody and where Gracie worked. She was rude, and if Charlie hadn’t called Kaden, I don’t think they would have left.

  “She left a letter with me for Gracie. Kaden didn’t leave until they left. I called Gracie, and she came home, but she was upset and I could tell. She took Shelby home, but I watched her house just to make sure Mrs. Giles and her men didn’t come back. I knew something was wrong with Gracie. She was upset, and I just had a feeling she was going to run.”

  Ma takes another drink of her coffee. I have finished my second cup and wish I had more, but I am not going to stop Ma now. “I dug out all my money I had stuck away for hard times. I had stuck back a few thousand dollars from over the years when you went out on runs and left me money. When I went over to her house, I heard her in her garage, so I went in the side door.

  “She was just putting Shelby in the car. I knew she was upset about more than that Giles woman. I could tell she’d been crying. Gracie isn’t a crier so I asked and she didn’t tell me exactly what that Jade woman did to her, but I know Gracie was embarrassed about it and all red-faced. Jade was in bed with her when she woke up. I know Gracie was heartbroken and said she couldn’t share you. She was under the impression that she would have to share you to keep you, Rebel. Gracie looked like she was broken.

  “After everything she has been through and one night at this clubhouse broke her.” Ma is shaking her head. She is right, but I won’t let her go. “Brody came home Monday afternoon, and he left Tuesday morning to go looking for her. He knows about her staying the night here with you, and he doesn’t care. He wants her for himself, and he intends to get her and bring her back and stand beside her and fight that Giles woman.” Not happening.

  “What he doesn’t know is my kid may already be inside her, and I have claimed her. She is my ol’ lady, and he is not getting in the way of that.” Ma doesn’t look shocked.

  “All I can say son is treat her right, and you better get to her before it’s too late. That girl is not going to stop running until she has to. I only hope you or Brody find her before that woman. That woman is no good, and ice water runs through her veins.” Oh, I’ll take care of her alright.

  “Ma you need to get home and stay there just in case Gracie calls. If she is going to touch base with anyone it will be with you, Gladys, or Jilly. If she calls tell her it’s all a bad misunderstanding and find out where she is so I can go and pick her up. Do you need a ride home? I can get a prospect to give you a ride in my truck.” Ma is already shaking her head.

  “I borrowed Gladys’s car. She wants Gracie home as much as I do. I’ll stay by the phone son but you keep me updated, and I’ll call you if I hear anything.” Ma comes over to me and kisses my cheek. “Do you want me to finish helping with breakfast?”

  “No need it’s done.” Whinny brings us plates and silverware. I pick my cup up to show Sugar I need more coffee. Sugar comes and fills my cup. I nod my head at her.

  “Take care, son. I love you.” Ma leaves and Whinny and Sugar go back to the stove and fix their own plates and then go to the other room. All the brothers move in as close as possible and start to eat.

  I look at Cue Ball. “Has Tip found anything out yet?”

  “Not yet, Rebel. We did find Jade, and she’s in the storage shed in the back.” I think about it for a few minutes.

  “I’m too mad right now to deal with her. Whinny and Sugar knew what she was going to do. These club girls are too much trouble. I am the damn President of the fucking club, and no one fucks with what’s mine. We have damn rules for a reason. They’re out. Did they see or know you brought Jade in?” I wait for
Cue Ball to answer.

  “Nah man, no one was up when we brought her here.” That’s good.

  “Keep Jade in the shed. Make sure she has food and water every day and nothing else. I want her to think about this shit for a while. Spinner you’re in charge of finding new girls after this is taken care of. You and Lingo.” I take my dishes to the sink and then I make my way out to the bar.

  I see the girls over in the corner and go straight to their table. “How many of you knew what Jade was doing?” I am pissed, and my anger is getting the best of me. Whinny looks at Sugar, but Starla and Teal look surprised. Whinny knows she is caught, so she catches an attitude.

  “Sugar and I are the only ones that knew. Rebel, Jade put her time in just like the rest of us. If someone is going to be an old lady, it should be one of us. That other girl hasn’t had to fuck anyone.” Club girls never get it.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you had to fuck someone or that you can’t say no?” Whinny looks shocked. Why should she be shocked we aren’t rapists?

  “That’s why we’re here, but it would be nice to be appreciated.” Sugar puts in. “Jade was willing to share with both of you. You know one of those ménage things.” These girls will never get it, and I have no patience even to try to explain it.

  “Whinny and Sugar you’re both out. Banned. Your loyalty was not supposed to be to Jade. It was to the Demented Revengers MC and me, as the President. Jade is also banned. Get your shit and get out and I never want to see either one of you again. I’m also reaching out to all of our other clubs and any we are friendly with.”

  I turn to walk away, but I have one more thing to say. “You bitches had it better here than you did anywhere. We took care of you. You had a roof over your heads, food in your belly, liquor anytime you wanted it; we paid for your medical and clothes, and you had all the cock you could handle, and we never raised a hand to you. All we asked for was your loyalty, and you fucked that up. So get out in the real world where everyone can look down their damn noses at you and treat you like the scum they rake off the bottom of their shoes. You’ll be working the streets this time next week.”

  I leave them with that. “I’m going to my office. When Tip gets something, get it to me. I have calls to make. Cue Ball, make sure these bitches don’t steal us blind. Hawk, make sure a prospect changes the locks on my door and make sure I get every damn key.” I unlock my office, and I think about it. “Hawk, change every damn lock in this clubhouse. I don’t want to take any chances.” I push my door open and go inside to start making calls to find my woman.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’m watching the motel that has the little SUV bought in Colorado. The woman who bought it matches Gracie’s description. Gracie knows nothing about covering her tracks except not using her plastic and checks. She dumped her phone, too. Everything else has led me straight to her door. If the Giles are looking for her, they will find her. I’m just hoping it takes them longer than it did me. I’ve been watching for the last two hours to make sure they are nowhere around. It’s dark, and I am going to make my move.

  I make my way up the stairs and knock on the door. I can hear her inside the room. Shelby is crying. I try the doorknob, but it is locked. My only other option is knocking on the door again. She actually looks out the window. It takes her a few minutes but she finally answers the door. She looks like she hasn’t slept in a few days. Shelby is crying on her hip. “Gracie, what’s wrong with Shelby?” Gracie looks about ready to cry.

  “She’s cranky from riding in the car so much. She wants space to play, and she’s teething. One of her jaw teeth is coming in, and it is making her crankier. I bought teething gel, but she misses her bed.” Gracie is on the verge of breaking down. I take Shelby from her, and the baby lays her head on my shoulder. Gracie stands back, so I can enter.

  “Pack all your stuff up. We’re going to a safe house.” Gracie looks at me like I am crazy. “I have friends two towns over. It’ll take us about an hour to get there but no one will find us there, and you can get a good night’s sleep. We can talk tomorrow. I called them a couple of hours ago, and they’re stocking the house with food. It has a garage so no one will see our vehicles. You need rest.”

  “Okay.” She is trying not to cry. It takes her about fifteen minutes, and we are out of there. I buckle Shelby in, and she looks like she is ready to sleep.

  “Follow right behind me. When we get there, I’ll get out and get the keys and garage door opener. I’ll open the garage so you can pull in and I’ll follow. The garage connects to the house so we can enter through it. Stay close behind me.”

  She nods her head. I get in my truck, and she follows. I’ve been to the safe house a couple of times when I’ve been in this part of Utah, but it has been a while. The nights here are cold, so I want to get there soon.

  A friend of mine owns the house. We network safe houses across the states. It’s easier that way for bounty hunters. Motels aren’t real safe in our profession or secure. Chad went over to make sure we had some supplies for a couple of days. That should be long enough for me to convince Gracie to come back home with me. Mr. Lemons still has not received any paperwork from the Giles family, so I think maybe that woman was trying to rattle Gracie. She did a damn good job at that.

  Fifty minutes later I see the road to turn down to get to the house. I pull my truck up to the mailbox and get the keys and garage door opener out of it. I turn into the drive, but I wave Gracie around me. When we get closer, I push the garage door opener, and it opens. Gracie drives in, and I wait until her car is still before I pull in beside her and hit the button so the door will close.

  The lights come on inside the garage, and I get out quickly, grabbing my bag. I go over and set my bag down and start getting Shelby out. “Just set whatever bags you’ll need for tonight out by mine, and I’ll come back and get them.”

  Gracie nods her head yes, but she isn’t talking. I don’t like it. She’s too withdrawn. Shelby wakes up when I try to get her out. I get her out and carry her into the house and straight to the sofa. It only takes Gracie a few minutes to come in. I walk up to Gracie and hug her. She finally hugs me back. “I’ll get our bags and then start some dinner. If you want, I can build a fire. Up to you. The furnace has it warm in here, but I will build one if you want one.”

  She doesn’t say anything. Not even a smile. I go out and get our bags and bring them back into the house. I take them back into the biggest bedroom. I am not leaving Gracie alone tonight. I walk into the kitchen and look in the refrigerator. I see some fresh ground beef, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, eggs, bacon and some deli meats. There’s bottled water and some milk. I look in the cabinet, and I see boxes of cereal, bread, crackers and chips. I open the other cabinet, and I see some canned soups. I decide some sandwiches and soup it is. Quick and easy.

  I make three grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and open two cans of tomato soup. I slice the sandwiches up and put the soup into bowls. Then I add some chips and crackers. I grab two bottles of water and go into the living room. I put the food on the coffee table and look at the girls. Gracie looks exhausted, and she has Shelby on her shoulder patting her on her back. “Does Shelby want milk to drink? The only other thing is water.”

  “No milk. She’s been running a little fever cutting teeth, and it might make her sick to her stomach. She hasn’t had much of an appetite. I have some juice in her bag.” That’s the most Gracie has said.

  “I’ll get it.” I go back to the bedroom and get the juice out of the bag and take it back to Gracie. “Eat up. There’s plenty, and no one is sleeping until all this is gone.” Gracie reaches on the back of the sofa and gets a small blanket, and she lays it on the floor. She sets Shelby down there and gives her a quarter of a sandwich. Then she puts some crackers in one bowl of soup and starts to feed Shelby. Shelby seems hungry because she is eating it up. I get my bowl of soup and eat it. “Gracie you need to eat, too.”

  “I will. I just
want to make sure Shelby eats. This is the most she has eaten all day. I was worried about her.” Shelby smiles up at her mom and then she smiles at me. That is what I have been waiting for. I grab half a sandwich and eat it. Shelby gets up, and Gracie smiles for the first time since I first walked into the motel room. Shelby walks over to me and tries to give me a bite of her sandwich. I take a small bite and then she throws herself into my arms and hugs me. Damn have I missed this. I hug her back and kiss the top of her head. I see Gracie is trying to take a few bites. I finish the second half of my sandwich, and then I catch Shelby’s as she throws it. “You want a fire? There’s wood right outside the back door.”

  “It’s plenty warm in here. I just hope Shelby can get some rest tonight. The last few nights she has been restless, and she’s had a low-grade fever, so I haven’t gotten much sleep. I was worried about her and worried Lorraine would catch up to us. I can’t lose Shelby.” Gracie sounds desperate.

  “You were crazy for taking off like that. We are stronger together. I will help you. My parents, Jilly, Kaden, Mr. Lemons and Audie will help you. You’ve done nothing wrong. Why would you run?” I knew the answer before I asked. “I’ve been keeping in contact with Mr. Lemons, and he hasn’t received any paperwork. He keeps checking with the clerk to make sure nothing has been filed. It hasn’t been.”

  “It hasn’t? I thought for sure it would be filed by now. Then why would she leave me that letter and why would she be coming around now?” Gracie looks a little relieved but confused.

  “I don’t know the lady, but I had some PI associates look into their private life, and it seems Donald is having some financial issues in his business and is on the verge of having to file bankruptcy. His sons have run his company into the ground, and it seems Donald is having an affair. A very public affair with a woman that is very rich but is also married. So the Giles family may be a little busy right now as the IRS is very close to seizing their assets.” I don’t want to give her false hope, but I want to relieve some of the worries.


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