The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 18

by Vera Quinn

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover by: Tracie Rabas

  Edited & Formatted by: Maggie Kern


  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is intended for adults 18+. This book contains adult situations and language, violence, drug use, and sexual activity. Mature readers only. IF ANY OF THIS IS OFFENSIVE TO YOU, THIS MAY NOT BE THE BOOK FOR YOU.


  Thank you…

  To my husband, Charles. He is the glue that holds me together.

  I need to say a special thank you to my two PAs, Nicole and Vicky, these two ladies keep me straight. They help me keep all my dates straight and just make being an author easier. The jobs these two ladies do are countless. I cannot tell them both thank you enough.

  Vera’s Teasers you ladies rock. You keep me motivated and give me support every day.

  Tracy and Joanne, you give me feedback that I need. You have my trust and you both mean the world to me.

  All my readers, thank you. You’ve taken a chance on me and I only hope my books continue to entertain you.

  To all the bloggers and groups that put my books out there, thank you. I appreciate every one of you.

  To everyone that puts my covers, teasers, blurbs, and links out there, thank you. I appreciate all the pimping.

  Maggie Kern thank you for your editing and Tracie Douglas, thank you for the awesome covers you come up with.

  To all the new friends I have made on Facebook, you are amazing. I love interacting with every one of you.

  Character List

  List of characters:

  Gracie and Shelby Robert

  Jilly Franks- the woman that helped Gracie

  Brody Samms- Gracie’s husband

  Kendall Giles-Gracie’s ex and Shelby’s dad

  Lorraine Giles -Giles woman- Kendall Giles’s mom and Shelby’s grandma

  Donald Giles- Kendall’s dad

  Kendall’s three brothers- Lincoln, Scott, & Reginald

  Tyler & Shane- Brody’s business partners

  Kaden & Laura Samms- Jilly’s Brother & sister in-law

  Gladys & Charlie Samms- Brody’s adopted mom & dad

  Kevin Franks- Jilly’s ex

  Audie Sanchez- Rebel’s Mom

  Jade- A club girl that wanted Rebel to make her his ol’ lady. She wants payback for being sent away.

  Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter

  Rebel Sanchez-President


  Dawg Man- Road Captain (Sylvie is his ol’ lady)

  Sin- SAA

  Tip- tech man

  Salty- Treasurer (Angie is his ol’ lady)

  Cue Ball- Secretary



  Ax -member


  Scrambler- member

  Bolts- member

  Tim- prospect


  Demented Revengers MC: Tyler Chapter (Mother Chapter)





  I fought my way to become the youngest president of the Demented Revengers MC.

  I have my brothers respect and the love of our family.

  I was never good enough for my first love, Jilly.

  She ran away from me and took part of me and my heart with her but she's back now and she wants me.

  Gracie is the woman I crave. She's carrying my child but she's promised her heart to another man.

  A man I once called friend. Lesson in life, there are no friends, only brothers.

  Now the Demented Revengers MC is racing against the clock to bring back an innocent child.

  We are ruthless.

  We are unforgiving.




  Have you ever met a person and you instantly knew they were going to change your life? That’s what happened the day I met Gracie Roberts.

  Gracie and her daughter Shelby came barreling into my life needing protection. Gracie is just what I didn’t need. I knew Gracie was a good girl the first time I laid eyes on her and a dirty biker like me had no right to that kind of goodness. I’m a selfish asshole because I wanted it anyway.

  I’m not the only one to set my eye on Gracie. I know she is going to be mine. I won’t take no for an answer. Even if that means walking away from my former best friend and my first love. Without Gracie, I would just be Surviving One Day at a Time. It is time to grab this life by the balls and enjoy the ride.

  Chapter One


  I have been pacing the emergency waiting room floor for what seems like forever. I look at the clock on the wall and it has only been a little over two hours. Two hours of worrying and seeing nothing in my mind but the blank look on Jilly’s face as they put her in the back of the ambulance.

  Why would anyone want to hurt Jilly? She is the best person I have ever known. I look at Gracie sitting beside Brody and I know I do not have the same feelings for Jilly as I did when we were growing up together.

  Jilly was my first love, but Gracie is the woman I am in love with now. I’m hoping Jilly is alright and I will hunt down and kill the man that hurt her, but I want Gracie in my life. In the last few days I have said things that I can’t take back, but I will not stop until Gracie is mine.

  She’s carrying my child. I had her in my grasp and like all good things in my life, I let her slip away. Now she’s married to my lifelong friend Brody. That asshole is always waiting for me to screw up and he steps in and saves the day. He did it with Jilly when we were growing up and he has done it again with Gracie.

  I know I need to rectify what I have been doing wrong. It is the only way I can have a chance of getting what is rightfully mine. I want Gracie and I want her daughter, Shelby. They are mine.

  I claimed both as mine and Brody had no right coming between us. He may not live by the same rules as the Demented Revengers MC but he understands the rules. He knew once I claimed Gracie she was hands off. Brody and I were once best friends and Jilly came between us. Brody walked away from Jilly and she walked away from me. In the end, neither of us had her and our friendship was damaged.

  Selena tore what was left of our friendship apart. Selena aborted his child. I just gave her a place to stay while she recuperated. That killed any chances of Brody and I ever being friends again. Selena needed a place to go. I gave it to her and then told her to leave. Brody doesn’t see it that way but if it had been any woman calling him for help he would have done the same.

  I look at all the people waiting to hear some good news about Jilly. I finally go and take a seat beside Kaden. I need to quit wallowing in my own worry and try to help Jilly’s brother. It’s what Jilly would expect of me.

  “You know Jilly is going to be alright. She’s the glue that holds us all together. There’s no way that she will let some asshole on a motorcycle keep her down.” I try for humor but even I am not sure of what I am saying. Kaden looks at me and grins.

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” Kaden rubs his hand down his face and shakes his head. “My baby sister has a knack for getting herself into trouble.” Kaden’s face is filled with worry. “There’s been something off with her the last few times I’ve talked to her. I thought it had to do with her and Kevin and then I thought it might have to do with her worry over Gracie. Hell, I even thought I might be over thinking things because I’ve been worrying over Laura’s health issue but sitting here thinking through our last few conversations, I know something else is happening with her. I’m sure of it now and I may never get to ask her about it. I’m a sorry excuse for a big brother. I’m always su
pposed to be the one taking care of her and she’s the one that always handles everything.” Everyone around us is listening to our conversation. We’re all here because we love Jilly.

  “Kaden, Jilly is going to kick your ass when she gets out of here if you keep thinking like that. That woman thinks her big brother walks on water.” At least I got a smile out of him. “She hasn’t mentioned anything to me but then again, I didn’t even know she was getting a divorce or coming home.”

  “You know Jilly. She didn’t want to worry anyone. I didn’t know anything about her coming home until the last minute and I still didn’t think it would be this soon.” Kaden tells me.

  “I thought something was off about Jilly, too. I asked her about it and she said we would talk about it next time we talked. We never got the chance. We were too busy talking about my problems. I have been a bad friend to Jilly and I owe her so much. She has to be okay.” Gracie says so softly I can barely hear her. I look at her and she has tears running down her face. Brody hugs her to him and I want to walk over there and rip his arm off and beat his ass with it.

  “Gracie, you don’t fret yourself. That is just our Jilly. She never wants anyone put out with her problems. She’s going to be fine. I just wish someone would give us some kind of an update.” Gladys tries to soothe Gracie.

  “Kaden, have you gotten any information on the rider? Surely someone had to see something.” Charlie asks Kaden the exact question I had been thinking.

  “No. I’m going to step outside and call in and see if there is any new information. Brody, would you and Rebel walk with me? I’d like a word with the two of you. Uncle Charlie, would you let me know if they update us? I need to give Kevin a call, too.” Kaden stands up and I do the same. Brody kisses the side of Gracie’s head.

  “I’ll come and get you if anyone comes out. Do what you have to, we’ll be right here.” Charlie tells Kaden. Brody gets up and walks towards the sliding doors. Kaden is right behind him, but I stop in front of Gracie. I feel Brody’s eyes on me but I don’t care. I take Gracie’s hand and pull her up. She comes willingly. I hug her closely and whisper in her ear.

  “I’m sorry, Gracie, for everything I said. I didn’t mean a word of the hateful shit I was saying. I’m happy you’re carrying my child and I am going nowhere. We will do this together.” Gracie hugs me back but never says a word. I hear a growl behind me and I know Brody is there but I still don’t care. I kiss her on top of the head and step back. I don’t know if anyone heard what I said to her and could give a shit if they did. Gracie looks in my eyes and nods her head. That is the only thing I need from her.

  “I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t put your hands on my wife.” I smile at Gracie and wink. I bet Brody would appreciate it but I’ll be damned if I’ll let him keep me away from Gracie. I turn and look at Brody.

  “Well, Brody, I would have appreciated if you wouldn’t have married the woman carrying my child, but we all see how that turned out. We’ll have this talk, but now is not the time or place.” I turn and walk out of the sliding doors. I know I need to pick my battles to win Gracie.

  Patience is not something I have ever been good at but I know I need to change if I want to have any shot at this. If I was a softer man, I could walk away from this situation and see how it plays out but I will not be that man again. I always thought I wasn’t good enough for Jilly but it left me broken. I know Brody would be good to Gracie but he isn’t the man she needs.

  It isn’t long before Kaden and Brody catch up with me. I turn and wait to see what Kaden needs to talk about. I see the hate filling Brody’s eyes. Well, right back at you, asshole.

  “You two need to put Jilly before yourselves. Everyone in that waiting room needs each other right now. So, until we know what is going on with Jilly, just agree to disagree. Rebel, you need to understand that Brody and Gracie are married. Deal with it. Brody, no matter how you want to change it Gracie is pregnant with Rebel’s child. Deal with it or I will throw you both in a jail cell until this is over.”

  Kaden is right. Even if I don’t want to admit it. “Rebel, see if any of your contacts have heard anything. I won’t rest until the person responsible for this is dealt with.” Kaden is texting the whole time he is talking to us. “Laura is at Ms. Audie’s dropping the boys off.” Ma had volunteered to stay at home and watch Shelby and to wait for Laura to drop the twins off. I take my phone out and send Spinner and Sin a text to see if they have dug anything up on what might have happened. It only takes a minute for me to get a response.

  They have found the rider. They have him in the shed behind the compound. He’s ours to deal with.

  “Your guys have any luck?” I ask Kaden. He looks at me at the same time Brody does.

  “Nothing. The only witnesses were a couple of kids in the neighborhood. The whole description of the bike is it was ’real cool’ and the rider was dressed in black. We aren’t going to get very far on that and to tell you the truth, I want to question this guy away from witnesses. I want answers and I don’t care how I get them.” I wait to hear what Brody says about it before I say anything.

  “Tyler is coming to help. He’s already working with all our contacts but in small-town U.S.A. there’s no street cameras to show anything. Who runs a woman down and just leaves the scene of the crime?” Brody is right, things like this do not happen in the town of Winnsboro. I trust Kaden to keep his mouth shut but right now I do not trust Brody. I will handle this situation myself as soon as I know Jilly is going to be alright. I will accept nothing less. Jilly will pull through this. I am pulled out of my thoughts of how to handle this situation when Charlie walks through the door.

  “The nurse called the waiting room and said the doctor will be out to talk to us in just a few minutes. She didn’t say much else except Jilly is awake. Get in here.” Charlie is waiting for us to move. Brody is the first one to the door but we are close behind. I look at my phone and it has been two-and-a half hours of pure misery. As soon as we walk back into the emergency waiting room, I see the doctor coming into the room. I don’t like the look on his face.

  “Are all of you family of Jilly Franks?” Kaden walks up to the doctor and shakes his hand.

  “Dr. Latham, Jilly is my sister. I am Sheriff Samms. You treated one of my sons a few weeks back when he had an accident on his bike.” The doctor is nodding his head and grinning.

  “Yes, I remember you, Sheriff Samms.” The doctor says. “How is Matthew?”

  “Doing fine. So, how is my sister doing?” Kaden doesn’t want small talk. We are all too worried.

  “Is everyone here family or do we need to talk in one of the other rooms?” The doctor looks a bit nervous.

  “No, we are all Jilly’s loved ones so go ahead and tell us. Simple terms so we understand what you are talking about.” Kaden tells the man firmly.

  “Mrs. Franks is awake and she has been talking. We had to get some blood work taken care of and we sent her for a CAT scan. I would have preferred an MRI done but we are not equipped for that here. She has bruised ribs and a concussion. Her liver is also bruised. Mrs. Franks was unconscious for about thirty minutes, which is a concern. She also has some swelling on the back of her head that we are watching. I will be keeping her for at least twenty-four to forty-eight hours for observation to make sure her liver does not have any more complications and the swelling starts to recede.” Dr. Latham barely gets it out before Ms. Gladys is asking questions.

  “Is that all there is wrong with her? I mean, that’s bad enough but what I really mean, is she going to be okay?” Charlie reaches over and pats his wife on the shoulder. Ms. Gladys is letting the stress that she has been holding in out.

  “That’s all the injuries from her accident today and any other questions pertaining to her situation will need to be addressed with Mrs. Franks. She just consented for me to update you on her immediate conditions.” Kaden, Brody, and I all look at each other. What is Jilly hiding from us? I don’t think Ms. Gladys even noticed wh
at the doctor said but even Charlie and Gracie picked up on what the doctor let slip.

  “One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes to let you go back and visit with Mrs. Franks. Only two at a time and only for a few minutes. Any more questions?” Dr. Latham asks. Kaden reaches over and shakes his hand again.

  “No more questions. Do you mind if I walk with you for a minute?” Kaden asks and they walk back through the door. Brody, Charlie, and I all look at each other. Gracie is sitting by Ms. Gladys trying to keep her calm. Brody, Charlie, and I walk away from the women and look out the window. The sliding doors open and Laura walks in and she goes over to Gracie and Ms. Gladys.

  “Do you know what the doctor is trying to not tell us about, Brody?” Charlie looks at his son but Brody is shaking his head no.

  “Jilly hasn’t said anything about being sick to me. I’m sure if she had said something to Gracie that Gracie would have told me. Kaden didn’t look like he knew anything either.” Brody tells us while looking at Gracie. Gracie has her eyes on us and I can see she is just as curious as we are.

  “If there is something wrong with Jilly, it is serious or she would have told one of us. She tells Kaden everything and I know he was just as blown away as we were. I can guarantee you he is asking that doctor some questions right now.” The door opens and Kaden walks back in. He goes over and kisses Laura on top of her head.

  “The nurse told me that we could go back. Aunt Gladys, why don’t you and Laura go first? When you’re done someone else can go. Don’t stay long or they’ll run us out of here. Just try to keep her calm.” Ms. Gladys and Laura go back. Gracie and Kaden walk over closer to us.

  “Did the doctor tell you anything?” Charlie asks with concern on his face and in his voice.


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