The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 20

by Vera Quinn

  “Why would they deposit it on two different days instead of just doing it all at once? Could it just be a coincidence?” Sin asks.

  “That could be two reasons. Any deposit over five thousand the IRS could flag or maybe it was a pay as you go thing. Jade could have set everything up and got paid so much and then the day of got the rest. Could be Jade had to pay our boy over there so much up front. Who knows how dumbasses think?” I am connecting the actions out in my head and saying them as they play out. “I want Jade. Find her. It’s time to bring this to the table. Jade we could make disappear but if the Giles woman disappears, it will land on Gracie.”

  ‘What about our friend here?” Spinner asks.

  “Hose him down. Keep him gagged and chained. Keep him hydrated. We may need him later. Make sure there’s someone on him and keep me updated on his condition. Jade was around here for a few years. Who knows what she knows? Her greed has taken her too far this time.”

  Then a thought hits me. “Sin, you and I are rolling out of here. I’ll stop at the clubhouse and shower and then I need to talk to Kaden. Spinner, get Cue Ball and a prospect to my ma’s house. If those bitches have figured out their little plan didn’t work, they may be after Shelby. I want eyes on that little girl and Gracie twenty-four seven. I won’t let anything happen to either of them.” I am out the shed door and headed back to the clubhouse and trying to clear my head a little so I can focus.

  I knew Jade was a whack job but I never thought she would have the stupidity to go up against the club. I don’t talk to anyone on the way in for my shower or the way out. Sin is waiting by his bike when I make it back outside. I can tell by the look on his face he has something to say. “Just say whatever it is, Sin.”

  “You do know where this is headed, Rebel? Are you prepared for it? The Demented Revengers MC may have done a lot of things but we have never hurt a woman. Is that a line you’re ready to cross,Brother?” Sin mounts his bike and waits for my answer. I don’t even have to think about it.

  “Brother, Gracie and Shelby are under my protection. Gracie’s carrying my kid and Shelby is her daughter. That makes them both Demented Revengers. We protect our own. I don’t like the idea but they are bringing this on themselves. I will do whatever I need to. Including putting them both to ground.” Sin looks in deep thought. “Would you expect anything different?”

  “Brother, I have a feeling this goes deeper than we know. We need more answers. I know you trust Kaden because you have history, but he is the law. We are walking a fine line here. Have you ever thought that maybe you and the lawman may be on opposites sides of this situation?”

  I don’t know where Sin is going with this and I start to ask him exactly that and he holds his hand up to stop me from asking. “Just hear me out.” He’s watching me for my reaction and then he continues weighing each word before he says them. “Jilly has told you of her interest in you. Gracie is married to Brody. Jilly and Brody are both Kaden’s family. If I’m reading you right,” Sin looks at me again, “you’re not into the whole relationship thing with Jilly. You still want Gracie. So, Jilly is going to be hurting because of you and it would be easier for Brody if you were gone. Kaden could make that happen if we share our visitor back there. I am not trying to get in your business, Brother, but this could touch the club. We could get blowback.” Sin is not one to share his thoughts so I know this had to be weighing on his mind.

  “I hear what you’re saying, Brother, and I’m taking it to the table before I share anything with Kaden. Right now, I want to talk with Kaden to see if he has anything to share with us. Let’s ride.”

  The ride will help me empty some of the things rattling around in my head. I think about the last few months. Gracie and Shelby came barreling into my life and I thought Gracie was another of Jilly’s projects. Jilly has been taking on other people’s problems since she was in second grade and a new girl moved to town and no one liked her. The girl had bright red hair with freckles. Thinking back on it, she was shy and wore the biggest glasses I had ever seen on a kid. They looked like she borrowed them from someone’s grandma. That didn’t go over too well in a small town where everyone has known everyone their whole lives.

  She must have had a run of bad luck because the teacher put her in the empty desk right in front of the class bully. It took the bully until recess to start harassing the kid and by the end of the day the girl already had gum in her long hair and her glasses were broken. She came back the next day with her glasses taped together and her hair cut. By recess the girl was in tears but she wouldn’t tell on the bully. Jilly had been watching and waiting for the girl to tell but by recess Jilly had enough. If Brody or I had been in the class, we would have dealt with it for Jilly, but that year Brody and I were in a different homeroom so we were down the hall from all this.

  When the recess bell rang Brody and I made it to Jilly’s classroom door just in time to see Jilly punch Billy Lyles in his nose. I don’t know if the punch hurt Billy’s nose or Jilly’s hand more but Brody and I were both shocked. Jilly ended up with her first trip to the principal’s office but certainly not her last. After that Jilly was always for the underdog.

  I never thought I would love again. I’m not that type of man or I thought I wasn’t. Gracie touched me without trying. I was used to women wanting me for position in the club. Jade, she never loved me. She wanted to be the president’s ol’ lady. She thought it would give her a position in the club. Jade is a piece of ass everyone has had.

  Does it make me a bastard for saying that? Probably. Do I care? No. I have fucked many women and that makes me as big of a man-whore as Jade is a piece of ass for the club. I call it as I see it. The difference is, I don’t need to lie about any of it. I am straight with every woman I have ever fucked since I have been in the club. I’m a man and I love to fuck. That doesn’t mean the person I am fucking means anything to me. I am not going to try to use them for anything but getting off.

  The hang-arounds and the club girls come in and they want a member of the Demented Revengers MC to make them an ol’ lady. They just don’t get it. Why spend the rest of our life with someone all the brothers have had? That’s why Gracie took me by surprise. She said she didn’t want a man and she was telling the truth. Gracie is all goodness and I want that. I want her. I let her in even though I fought it and just because she is married does not make these feelings go away.

  I will wait. I’m not a patient man but for Gracie, I will wait. I must find a way to get her back. There is no other option. I don’t want to hurt Jilly. She is a good woman and she owns a part of my heart but I am not in love with her anymore and that was clear to me when I had her close to me.

  I know it is only right to take it to the table on what we share with Kaden. This could affect the entire club. I also know we must protect Gracie, Shelby, and Jilly. We need the information that Kaden’s connections can get us. Brody’s too. He has all sorts of contacts. We will get this taken care of with all of us working together, to an extent. Kaden must follow the letter of the law. Brody has lines he won’t cross. That good old boy conscious won’t let him. The Demented Revengers MC has neither of those problems and if it is something I am worried that will take the club down, I will do it myself.

  This ride has been exactly what I have needed to clear my head. I am finally clear on what needs to be done. We are almost at the hospital and making sure Jilly is going to recover completely from her injuries is the next thing on my list. Sin was right to worry about Kaden. After I talk to Jilly for just a few minutes, then I will swing by and talk to Ma and make sure Gracie has eyes on her. Then the club will vote on how to proceed.

  When we turn into the hospital parking area, I see Kaden’s truck is still here. At least I can talk with him tonight to get that update. Sin and I park our bikes and I see the man I have hated for years, Kevin Franks, Jilly’s soon to be ex-husband. He’s standing there talking to Kaden. The conversation looks heated just by their body language. I get off my bike an
d make my way across the parking area with Sin close behind me. I know Kaden and Kevin are arguing. Their voices are raised but I can’t make out the words. I am inside my own thoughts and trying to figure out how I am not going to take this asshole’s head off when I hear the words that Kaden is saying. I shake my head and try to clear everything out but I feel like the world has just shattered. “What did you just say Kaden? Tell me I didn’t hear right.” I see the fear and devastation in Kaden’s eyes.

  “Rebel, it’s true. Jilly has heart disease.” No! Kaden must be mistaken.

  “How did she die? She was fine when I left except for her injuries. They said she would recover.” Kaden grabs my arm. I didn’t even know I had gotten that close to him. I feel like part of my heart just shattered.

  “No, Rebel. Jilly’s still alive. It just means her heart isn’t working to full capacity.” Kevin says as if he is quoting something out of a medical book.

  “He’s right, Rebel. Right now, Jilly’s doing fine, but she opened up to Gracie and told her that she has heart disease. That’s what the doctor was hinting at when we talked to him. Jilly’s known since before she came back. I was telling Kevin he should’ve been paying attention to Jilly’s health instead of sticking it to his new girlfriend. Heart disease runs in our family and he should’ve been making sure that Jilly took care of herself.”

  I look from Kaden to Kevin. I back away from them both. I just need a little space from Kevin so I don’t go crazy on him. He’s always been an arrogant prick who acted like he was better than everyone because he finished college and wore a suit to work every day. He’s nothing but a dumbass to me. He had Jilly in his hands and he let her go.

  “Can you explain exactly what all this means in regular person language? Is this something Jilly takes medicine for or does she need surgery? What can we do to help her?” Kaden smiles at me. Then he glares at Kevin.

  “I’m not sure of everything that has to be done. I know the basics. Jilly is okay for now. She’ll have medicine to take, healthier choices in foods and regular check-ups at the doctor. She’s at a disadvantage because of her asthma and blood pressure problems but we will all help her.” Kaden looks at me carefully. “I know she wants to talk with you but she’s sleeping right now.” I nod my head at him.

  “I am always here for Jilly. Anything she needs you just let me know. Anything.” I let Kaden know I will be here to help. I feel Sin close behind me. He hasn’t said anything but he is taking everything in. He’s keeping a close eye on Kevin.

  “Kaden, I’m not trying to be an unfeeling person here. I didn’t know Jilly had such a serious diagnosis. This is all manageable. Jilly will just have to refocus her life goals and be on a healthier path. Jilly can do it. Jilly can do anything she sets her mind to. When you called me, and told me a motorcycle hit her I thought it was a traffic accident. I came to get this paperwork taken care of. We’re in the middle of a divorce. This is a simple division of property. I was also going to remind her to change her insurances. This is an amicable divorce.”

  Kevin is talking about Jilly with no emotion at all. Jilly is giving Kevin a divorce without protest because she feels like she couldn’t give him the family he wanted, even though he went into the marriage knowing Jilly could not have children. How in the hell did a woman like Jilly end up with such an emotionless, uncaring man? Jilly cares and takes care of everyone but she had this man to live with. This damn world makes no sense at all. This had to be the world’s big fuck you to Jilly.

  “Kevin, I will give Jilly the papers once she’s home. Right now, her focus needs to be on herself and if that means your child must be born to unwed parents, then so be it. You should have thought about that before you got the woman pregnant while you’re still married. If you don’t like that, then let your attorney get in touch with Jilly’s attorney.” I can see Kaden likes putting Kevin in his place. I’d rather just hit him. “I can guarantee you that Jilly will not be getting phone calls from her attorney any faster than she’ll be seeing you.” Kevin is standing there with his hand on his hip and his mouth open.

  “What Kaden is trying to say in a nice way is get your ass back in your damn car and go home. You see Kevin, Kaden tries to be diplomatic, me, not so much. If you harass Jilly before she has had time to recover, then I am going to do exactly what I have been wanting to do since the first time I saw your hands on Jilly. Beat. Your. Ass!” I never let my eyes leave Kevin’s. Sin goes over to Kevin’s car and opens the driver’s side door.

  “Bye!” Sin says in a low intimidating voice.

  “Just so you’re not mistaken, Kevy boy. That wasn’t a threat but a promise.” I tell Kevin, daring him to say a word. Kevin never says anything. He just gets in the car and leaves.

  “He’s a pompous ass, isn’t he?” Sin laughs.

  “At one time, I thought he was the best thing for Jilly. We apparently only saw what he wanted us to. I can’t believe Jilly spent so many years with the asshole.” Kaden says more to himself than anyone.

  “Compared to me, he was exactly what everyone wanted for Jilly. Your family just wanted her away from me. You thought I would drag her down in the gutter with me. At least I loved her.” I tell Kaden, letting him hear the anger and the regret in my voice.

  “You loved her or you love her? Do you still have feelings for my sister, Rebel? I don’t think your relationship is in the past for her.” Kaden says but I can see it almost killed him to admit it.

  “That’s between Jilly and me and it’s not open for discussion with anyone else.” I look Kaden in the eye without hesitation. “When can I see her?”

  “Tomorrow. She wanted to talk to you but she needs her rest.” I know Kaden wants to ask me questions but he doesn’t.

  “You have any updates on the hit and run? You have eyes on the rider yet?” I watch to see if Kaden is going to lie to me.

  “Nothing yet. You find anything?” Kaden looks at me but I shake my head no so he goes on. “Brody has his guys working on it, too. I have had the department talking to every informant we have. We don’t have one witness that could tell us one thing about the rider. Shit like this doesn’t happen in our small town. Everyone was just shocked. We don’t have the resources the big city has. I told the city council we needed to consider getting some street cameras installed and all I got is stonewalled.” Kaden is showing his patience is running out.

  “Can you come by the clubhouse tonight around ten? I have some leads and I want to discuss all of them with you.” I wait for Kaden’s response. He is trying to get inside my head but it won’t work.

  “Normally, Rebel, I would tell you to stay out of police business but this time I think you might get more information your way. I want this rider and I want to know why anyone would want to run Jilly down or if it was Gracie they were after. I know you have some of your club brothers watching Gracie. Do you have something you need to share with me?” I give nothing away.

  “Just be at the clubhouse tonight. You might want to talk to Brody before we meet so we can have all the information to process. The farther I stay away from Brody, the better.” I decide to give him one bit of information so maybe he can use his resources to check it out. “See if you can find out why the Giles woman would withdraw a large amount of cash. It may be nothing but I don’t believe incoincidences. Gracie is having problems with the Giles woman and Jilly is hit but who’s to say it was her that was meant to be hit. Could be nothing, but then again, we need to cover all our bases.”

  “I’ll get my guys on it. Rebel, don’t hold out on me. I am prepared to do what I have to, to make sure Jilly, Gracie, and Shelby are safe.” Kaden tells me but I am not sure we are on the same page yet.

  “Are you sure about that Kaden? Or are you ready to do exactly what the law will let you? There’s a big difference there. I will do whatever needs to be done. Can you say the same?” I am challenging Kaden and he knows it.

  “I will do whatever it takes to keep Jilly safe.” I believe Kaden. He has tha
t look in his eyes that he has been pushed to his limit this time. Kaden is ready to take that step across the line between outlaw and legal. About damn time. Any man worth his salt will always cross that line for his loved ones.

  Chapter Four


  I lay here snuggled next to Shelby and I am just watching her sleep. It has been an overwhelming day, to say the least. With Jilly getting run down and then later when she confided in me about her heart condition, it’s breaking my heart. The thought of losing Jilly is unbearable. Jilly feels like a sister to me. She is the first person since my parents that showed me unconditional love. If I could take this pain away from her, I would.

  In the back of my mind I have a feeling this is all because of me. I try to block it out but it won’t go away. It’s like the hairs on the back of my neck are at attention because someone is coming for me. It’s how I used to feel before Kendall would go off on me. Jilly has no one that would want to hurt her. Everyone loves Jilly. It could just be an accident but I have this feeling it was me they were after. Wouldn’t there have been brake skids on the road if the rider tried to stop or slow down suddenly? If it was an accident wouldn’t they at least have tried to slow down? Stopped and tried to help? It all just keeps running in my head, over and over. I know I am not the only one with these thoughts. Kaden kept telling me to be aware of my surroundings until he catches the rider.

  Rebel’s club brothers are watching our house. I’m probably not supposed to be aware of that but they are hard to miss. The only one who is not watching over Shelby and myself is Brody. I thought he would be by my side but he had leads to run down with his team. Maybe he has someone watching the house that I am not aware of but at the hospital it seemed like he disconnected from me. I am probably being overly sensitive with the pregnancy hormones but I feel sad and scared for my baby girl. I guess that is the only way to describe it.


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