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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 26

by Vera Quinn

  “He’s right. The Hell Keeperz have no morals.” Shine agrees.

  “Who’s their President? We haven’t had any trouble here from them.” I ask Cap.

  “Butcher is the President, Sear is the VP, and Twister is the SAA and they are all ruthless. The whole club’s that way. They are heavy into drugs, using and selling. That’s what makes them so unpredictable. As far as I know, there are only about twenty in the club. They don’t have a clubhouse. They live more like nomads. One of the kids they had selling their drugs at the school was questioned by the local PD and he said he had been in the mobile lab. They took a travel trailer and converted it. The kid said they converted more than one, in case one is busted. They park them on property in the country and bring in generators to have electric to cook the stuff. No one has even been able to find one of the damn trailers. The day after the kid gave his statement his entire family was found dead.” Cap really hates this club.

  “I talked to one of the paramedics called out and he said the house was covered in blood. They weren’t just killed, they were tortured. The word got out and no one will say a word now. Everyone is terrified.” Shine adds.

  “Jade is bringing this shit to our club and to Gracie. I am going to kill that bitch.” I will kill Jade with my bare hands myself.

  “This is not just your problem anymore, Rebel. If the Hell Keeperz MC is involved, every chapter of the Demented Revengers MC will be involved. We will bring those sons of a bitches to their knees and put an end to their whole club. We will stop them from killing kids.” Cap has determination in his voice.

  Cap is a good man but he has a side to him that comes out when kids are at risk. Not a lot of people know that his younger sister died with a needle in her arm. I wasn’t around then but the stories live on. He took down the drug dealers responsible when he wasn’t much older than a teenager himself. The years have not mellowed his hate for anyone who deals drugs to kids. When he became the president of the mother chapter, everyone knew it wouldn’t be long until the drugs would be gone. The fire that is in his eyes right now shows me he has not backed down from that one bit. “Do you still have your guest detained in the shed?”

  “Yeah, we’ve kept him fed and watered waiting to see how this turns out. We didn’t want him running to Jade or to the cops until this is all taken care of.” The asshole is probably ripe by now with no shower.

  “Con, get one of the brothers down here in a cage and pick him up. We are going to have a conversation with him back home. If this Jade woman hired him, then he may know something about the Hell Keeperz. When you questioned him, you didn’t know what to ask. I want to take my time with him and then we will make sure he doesn’t talk to anyone.” Cap gives the orders.

  Con is on his phone texting someone to get here and pick the man up. “Rebel, do not underestimate Jade. If she did really align herself with this club, she is dangerous. Keep your woman and her daughter close.”

  “Gracie is not going anywhere. We’ll have eyes on her twenty-fourseven.” I came too close to losing what is important to me, it won’t happen again.

  “Does she know that? You’ve got a colossal mess here. Your woman is married to a friend of yours. You and your friend found her when she was on the run from the father of her child. Now she has some crazy woman stealing her child. Are you sure the woman is worth all this headache?” Shine asks me. He has a big grin on his face. I would like to knock that smirk off his face. I clench my fist but then I know, so I relax. If the shoe was on the other foot, I would ask the same thing. This is Shine trying to look out for me and the Demented Revengers.

  “Yeah, brother, she is. She’s my ol’ lady, she just hasn’t agreed yet, and to tell the truth, she doesn’t need to. She just is.” I say it without hesitation.

  “He’s as whipped as you are, Shine.” Con laughs.

  “It’ll happen to you one day, Con, and when it does, it will knock you on your ass.” Shine slaps Con on the back. I feel my phone vibrate and take it out and look at it. Finally, something going our way.

  “They picked the Giles woman up at the house in Dallas. She’s on her way to the Wood County Sheriff’s Office. Kaden is going to keep us updated.” Kaden didn’t let me down. He’s keeping me informed.

  “As soon as the cage gets here we will be out of here. Keep us updated. As soon as we have something from this clown, we’ll be in touch. I’m going to call in some favors to try and find this Jade woman. We need to find out what her ties to the Hell Keeperz are all about.” Cap sounds resigned to the task at hand

  “Sounds like a plan. Maybe we will finally get some breaks.” I hope so.

  Chapter Twelve


  I watch Shelby play with her new toys and it is hard to believe it has been over a month since she was taken from me. So many things have happened in that month. Rebel barely lets Shelby or me out of his sight. The only alone time I have anymore is when I am in my room here at the clubhouse. I can’t blame Rebel; I am the same way about Shelby. I can’t stand the thought of her away from me. It gets stifling at times but I understand it is for our safety. It still grates on my nerves. I try not to be a brat about it but it is getting old and needs to come to an end, soon.

  Rebel has done everything to make us feel comfortable in the clubhouse. We have our own room. He wanted us to share his but I am still married to Brody and I don’t want to set that example for my daughter. Our room is right next door to his. I know the day will come when I will need to explain my life to Shelby. She’s young now and she’s happy but the day will be here before you know it when she will start questioning me. Shelby will want to know why her dad and I were never married. She’ll want to know why her dad isn’t in her life. How do I explain to a child their father didn’t want her because she wasn’t a boy? Shelby will want to know why she doesn’t have grandparents like all the rest of the children. I can’t exactly say your grandfather never cared and your grandmother tried to kidnap you.

  What do I say when she asks why Brody didn’t love us enough to stay or why Jilly isn’t around anymore? My head hurts with the many questions she will ask. I watch her and my heart hurts for her. Rebel tries to help but I just haven’t been able to let him get close to Shelby. What if she gets even more attached to him and he decides to leave? He says he is going nowhere and we belong to him but Brody said almost the same thing and I see where that went.

  I filed for divorce from Brody. He signed the papers. I haven’t seen him since the day Shelby came home and I told him to stay away. I overheard Ms. Audie and Rebel talking about Brody and Jilly. I know I shouldn’t be eavesdropping but it is the only way I find out anything. Everyone is under strict orders from Rebel that I am not to be upset. To them that means I hear no news of the outside world that isn’t on the nightly news. Ms. Audie is the only person outside the club I see. I heard Ms. Audie tell Rebel that Jilly moved in with Brody. I guess they couldn’t wait until after the divorce. We have thirty more days.

  I know some type of threat is still out there for us because Ms. Audie has moved into the clubhouse with us. She’s like a mother hen to all of us. She still has her home and the prospects keep an eye on it. She misses Gladys and Charlie, so do Shelby and I, but Rebel thought it best if they keep their distance. He doesn’t want them brought into a dangerous situation. Kaden agrees so we haven’t seen them. I tried calling but I only got their machine and they never returned my call. I guess they thought it better if we had a clean break. I feel like I lost another big chunk of my life.

  I hope none of this has a lasting effect on Shelby. We’ve had so many changes in our lives. Everyone is always leaving us or we’re leaving them. I watch her play and she seems like she doesn’t have a care in the world. I’m brought out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. Shelby hears it too and she is on her feet running for the door. I get off the bed and make my way to the door and open it and there stands Jilly with Ms. Audie beside her. I’m not sure I am ready for this but I guess it�
�s time. “Hello, Gracie. How are you?” Jilly asks like everything is fine.

  “I’m doing alright. How are you? You look better.” Jilly looks good. I would never guess she has a heart problem.

  “I thought it was time we cleared the air a little so we can all get back to our lives. I miss you.” Jilly smiles and I give her a weak smile.

  “Rebel is still gone to Tyler but he said everything is up to you. If you don’t want to see Jilly that’s up to you.” Ms. Audie looks uncomfortable. I hate to put her in the middle. “Brody is in the common room waiting.” I look at Jilly and then down to Shelby. I thought Shelby would be happy to see Jilly but she is holding onto my leg and looking up at me. I bend down and pick her up. “I can take Shelby to my room with me until you’re finished talking. I don’t have to start dinner for at least an hour.” I look at Shelby and kiss her forehead and hand her to Ms. Audie. Shelby goes with a smile on her face. Ms. Audie and Rebel are two of her favorite people.

  “Please, don’t let her go into the common room. I don’t want to confuse her.” I only want what is best for Shelby. Sometimes I wish she came with an instruction book to make sure I am not messing things up completely.

  “We’ll go to my room and watch some cartoons. Come get us when you’re done.” Ms. Audie left to go to her room with Shelby on her hip. I looked at Jilly and stepped back so she could come further into my room.

  “Why don’t you want Brody to see Shelby? He loves that girl. After everything he did for you, how can you just cut him out of Shelby’s life? Is he so easy to replace with Rebel?” Jilly sounds hurt. “Do you want to cut us all out of her life? We all love Shelby and want what’s best for her. Don’t you think that’s a little immature?” Now Jilly sounds downright catty.

  “I am trying to keep Shelby from being confused. You know, people in her life one day and gone the next. I am doing the best I can. I am not trying to do anything to anyone except for what is best for Shelby. Everyone else concerned are adults and they will just have to deal with it.” I know I sound mad but I am just hurt.

  “Brody would never intentionally hurt Shelby.” Jilly goes on.

  “Jilly, I have never thought Brody or any of you would intentionally hurt Shelby but she’s a little girl. She feels how upset I am. She knows our lives have changed. I am trying to keep things that might upset her at a minimum. That is all I am saying. My daughter, my choice.” I am trying to keep my own feelings in check.

  “So, it comes down to Shelby reacting to how you are upset. Maybe you should be more worried about what it’s going to do to Shelby when you move her away from Rebel. Aren’t you worried about that?” I look at Jilly closely. She’s changed. She is only worried about us being too close to Rebel. “You can’t keep Rebel tied to you by Shelby.”

  “Jilly, what happened to you? I thought we were friends. You sent me here to get away from Kendall.” I can’t believe she believes what she just said.

  “I never thought Brody and Rebel would both fall for you. You were always so quiet and timid. I never thought Rebel would go after you. Sure, Brody has that hero thing going on but I thought you would keep him at arm’s length.” Jilly stops and looks me over. “That sounded awful. Rebel and Brody have always been mine. I know I had Kevin but I always had Rebel and Brody, too. I don’t anymore.”

  “Jilly, I don’t know what you want from me. I am not pursuing anyone but I am not apologizing for anything either. Maybe you should take a good look at yourself and why you think you need the attention of two men.” This is not going to get me anywhere. Jilly starts to say something and I raise my hand to stop her. “I’m not doing this with you. You didn’t come here to clear the air. You came here to find out what’s happening between me and Rebel. I have nothing else to say. Ask Rebel.”

  “He won’t talk to me or take my calls. I knew he was gone today and I thought I might get answers from you.” Jilly is not even ashamed of her underhanded way of doing things. Our friendship means nothing to her. “How is the baby doing? What are your plans?” Jilly is ignoring my wish not to talk.

  “Baby is doing great. I’m staying here until the danger is over. I won’t risk my children.” Jilly should know this.

  “Are you and Rebel having sex?” Whoa. Way past my limit.

  “Jilly, you need to leave. This fishing expedition is done. None of this is your business.” I am mad and want Jilly gone.

  “It’s my business. You’re still married to Brody. I’m in love with Rebel and I want him back and you are in my way.” I have never seen Jilly act this way.

  “Gracie, we are good friends, or we were. I want you to understand this has nothing to do with you. You are so dear to my heart but my heart is the problem. It’s trying to play out on me and I want to be sure and grab what happiness I can.” The thought of Jilly being sick softens my position but it doesn’t erase the hurt.

  “Jilly, I’m not meaning to be hurtful. Even though I am still married to Brody, he’s the one who dumped me like a hot potato and now you are living with him. When I married Brody, I meant until death do we part. I took Brody at his word.” The thought still makes my heart hurt.

  “Life happens. Isn’t it better to know now than five years down the road? Where would you be then? You’d have Shelby, Rebel’s child, and probably another one by Brody. This just saves everyone a lot of heartache.” I am done trying to be nice. Jilly has changed and not for the better, if you ask me.

  “That’s enough. I don’t know what is going on with you, Jilly, but I don’t have to listen to this. You have Brody and you can have Rebel. I have no ties to him but this child. We are going to co-parent. We have discussed everything, so leave.” Jilly doesn’t move.

  “I’m not through. I don’t know who told you I have Brody but I don’t.” I know I heard she was living at Brody’s.

  “I thought you moved into Brody’s house.” Jilly smiles.

  “You’re here with Rebel and still keeping tabs on Brody. Stop. I am staying part-time with Brody and part-time back at my house and that is none of your concern. Brody and I are cohabitating not sleeping together. There is a big difference and Brody will not step over that line even for me. Brody has not broken his wedding vows with me. What happens after the divorce, who knows? He is a man with morals and a devotion to his family.” At least that is one thing I can still respect about Brody. “I wanted to talk to you about the baby.”

  “What about the baby?” I don’t like the way she says it.

  “You said before that you would be a surrogate for me if I decided I wanted a child, what about letting Rebel and myself raise this child? Think how much of an easier time you would have with Shelby. He or she would still be with his or her father and you could leave and start over. I’ll give you money to start over. Just leave us in peace.” I am shocked. I watch Jilly, expecting her to start laughing as if it is a joke, but nothing. She’s serious.

  “HELL NO!” I am way past pissed. “I will not give my child to anyone! If you want Rebel, talk to him, but my child is not for sale!” I am yelling. The door to my room flies open.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Rebel is here and he is mad and yelling.

  “Why haven’t you answered my phone calls and texts? I have been trying to get in touch with you for weeks.” Jilly goes sweet and looks at Rebel. I see Brody and Spinner behind Rebel. I have tears of anger running down my face. Rebel moves over to me and ignores Jilly.

  “Why were you yelling, Gracie? What’s wrong?” Rebel looks at me with concern.

  “Jilly wants to pay me for our child. She wants you and her to raise him or her and me to leave with Shelby.” I can’t believe Jilly asked such a thing. Rebel turns on Jilly.

  “Brody, get Jilly out of my clubhouse and make sure she stays gone. Spinner, spread the word, Jilly and Brody are not allowed back in this clubhouse under any circumstances.” Rebel has hate in his eyes. “Gracie is going nowhere.”

  “Jilly, is that the reason you came here? I though
t you were worried about Gracie and Shelby. Gracie, I am sorry. I didn’t know this was why she wanted to come see you.” I see in Brody’s eyes he is sorry. I can’t take this anymore.

  “STOP! Just stop. Rebel, it’s okay. I just lost it for a minute. I need to address this with Jilly and I need to say something to Brody.” I just need my final say. I know it is a bit childish, but closure is closure. Rebel takes a step closer to me and puts his hand on my back, running his hand up and down. He’s trying to give me comfort and it settles me so I can think calmly again.

  “Are you sure, babe? I can clear the room and they won’t be back.” Rebel is only trying to help. He’s giving me a choice. I look at him and give him a small smile.

  “I’m sure.” I then look at Jilly. “Jilly, I offered to be a surrogate for you. Not give you a child that I already love. Not give you a child I conceived with someone that I care about and thought I was starting a relationship with. I want this child. I already love him or her. Setting that issue aside, I am not keeping Rebel away from you, that is on him. That is between the two of you. I will stay here under Rebel’s protection for the protection of both my children. I am still a married woman for the next month and nothing physical is going on between Rebel and myself. Not that it is any of your business and I am getting tired of having to repeat myself.” Jilly starts to say something and Rebel growls. I look at him and he has a fierce look on his face and Jilly stops. I turn towards Brody. Rebel relaxes a little but keeps his hand on my back. “Brody, thank you for everything you did for Shelby and me. Thank you also for being honest with me about your feelings for Jilly. I loved you.” I hesitate and swallow. It seems there is a lump in my throat but I push on. “We acted foolishly and too fast but I appreciate that you didn’t let it drag out when you realized your feelings for Jilly.” That is about all I can cover right now. This is just a bad situation and it is not going to be perfect. “That’s all.”


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