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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 42

by Vera Quinn

  “Did the car check out?” Brody asks me, but he doesn’t look me in the face.

  “Brody, where did Rebel go?” I ask, but his eyes never come up to me.

  “He’s going to try to find the main road and then he’s going to the clubhouse to get his brothers out here to go over this place.” Brody says but then he looks me in the eyes and I see the truth. They still don’t trust me. No matter how much I have tried to help them both, they don’t trust me. I thought if I was ever out in the real world and away from the community I grew up in that I could have a normal life, but it seems no matter where I go I am not accepted for just being me. I know my thoughts are irrational. Brody and Rebel don’t know me. This is a life or death situation, not normal circumstances, but still I have been honest with them both. I guess I have been lost in my thoughts for a while because Brody continues. “You and I are going to take the car if possible, and if not the other motorcycle, and go into town from a different direction. Rebel is taking the main road and we are going to find back roads to take. We just want to make it back to our people, that way we can get some help and come back. Splitting up makes sense so even if they can track us they have two targets to follow in opposite directions. It gives us a better chance.” Brody is rattling on. I know what the underlying problem is, no matter what Brody says.

  “Whatever. I need to start the car to check it out. I thought I would warn you two. There were no explosives or trackers. They can track it through GPS if the car has it. It’s an early two thousand model, so it may be too old unless it’s been modified. We need to be ready to move when the car is started.” I tell Brody.

  “I want a look at that motor first.” Brody’s eyes go back to the ground. No trust there at all. I hand the keys to Brody and go and stand inside the barn and wait for Brody to look over the car. When Brody is finally satisfied with the car being safe, we are on the road. I have decided to just stay quiet. There’s nothing I can do to make Brody trust me, so I refuse to try anymore. I know my plan and I won’t be deterred. I need as far away from Brody as I can get. My physical attraction to him is making me want more and I know that isn’t possible. I am also losing focus. I know I can’t go back to our community or my pop would just send me back to the Hell Keeperz MC and that would mean my death, surely. Pop always says ‘A man is only as good as his word. In the scheme of life, it is the defining trait that tells what kind of man you are.’ I wonder, what is the defining line that defines a woman. I don’t even want to know the answer to that. I know I just need to be close enough to keep an eye on Faith. I will get Faith away from Pop, Ma, and the life we both disliked growing up. I know we were loved when we were young, but things changed as we got older. Faith and I will start over somewhere far from there.

  Chapter Six


  We have been traveling in a very uneasy silence. I know I should have explained that Rebel was trying to take the heat off the two of us by leaving alone. I also should have told Charity that until we get back home and have her checked out that we can’t trust most of what she says. I am sure she doesn’t have full confidence in Rebel or me either. I want to believe her, but as Rebel kindly pointed out, I don’t have the best record in trusting the right women. I have an internal battle with myself of wanting to wrap Charity up in bubble wrap and keeping her safe, but then the other side of me wants to push her as far away from me before I can’t walk away from her ever again. I am afraid to start small talk, because it will lead to questions from Charity, and they will be questions I either can’t or won’t answer, so I decide to ask her questions I want answers to. “Do you have a man or a boyfriend?” Charity looks at me and turns red in the face. She looks at her hands in her lap and starts fidgeting.

  “I already told you earlier that I’ve only had sex with one man and that is also the extent of my experience with the opposite sex.” Charity looks out her window.

  “It’s alright Charity. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Most men would like your inexperience.” I give her a grin. Not that she can see it looking out her window.

  “Most men or you?” She finally looks at me. “What do you like Brody?” Charity is now looking at me and I see the sadness in her eyes, but I’m taken aback by the question. This subject isn’t a safe subject. I think about it for a second. I asked Charity questions first, so I need to answer her honestly.

  “I’ve never thought about it. I guess I’m attracted to the whole woman, not just her sexual experience or lack thereof. I like to get to know the woman and see what she is all about. I’m too old to be that shallow. Hot sex and a random one night together, you can find, but if you don’t have a relationship built with trust and other things in common, then it will burn out. I’m no angel, and I’ve been with my share of women, but I’ve only loved three.” I don’t know why I am baring my soul to Charity.

  “Brody, you are one of a kind. I never doubted for a second that you’ve been with many women. You’re sexy as hell and I’m sure that many women have shared your bed, but I think, I would like to be one of them.” I pull over to the side of the road and look at Charity closely. My restraint is being tested. I know I shouldn’t pursue Charity, but her honesty is refreshing, and lord knows I can’t keep my mind from going there with her. I need to ask her one question and I don’t want to hurt her feelings but the thought of hurting another woman is not one that appeals to me. I just need to man-up and say it.

  “Charity, if I told you I wasn’t attracted to you, then I would be straight-up lying. There’s a very strong connection or sexual attraction between us. I don’t know how to explain it, as old as I am it seems like I could figure relationships out, but I’m inept on this subject.” Charity reaches for my hand on the steering wheel and I let her take it in her hand but when she brings it to her lips and kisses it, I go from semi-aroused to having a stiff dick that is fighting with my zipper to get out. I have been fighting this all day. This woman doesn’t know what she does to me. “Charity, I will not take advantage of you. You have been held captive, abused, and to say you have been under stress, is an understatement.” I take my hand back but then I move closer and kiss Charity’s cheek. “Give yourself a few days. I’ll be around. First step is getting us back to the Demented Revengers clubhouse. I do have one more question.” I look at Charity closely and she is looking at me. “Do you have anything to do with the Hell Keeperz MC at all or know anything that you haven’t shared with us, anything?” I see the hurt in Charity’s eyes. Her body slumps and I know she just shut down.

  “No Brody, I don’t. Could we, please, just get back to town, so I can leave? I have things to take care of and I don’t want to be around people that don’t believe what I say. I have no reason to lie.” I see the first tear slide down her cheek. “I’m sorry I had the bad fortune to be traded to the Hell Keeperz MC. I’m sorry I had the audacity to help you and Rebel escape.” Charity’s voice is getting louder as she talks but it looks like she is trying to get herself under control. When she speaks next, I can barely hear her voice. “Can we please just get back to town, now? Forget everything I just said.” Charity turns and looks out the car window, so she doesn’t need to look at me.

  “You won’t be able to leave until we clear your story and prove who you are. You’ll be a guest of the Demented Revengers MC for a few days.” I see the minute that Charity goes from calm to being one pissed-off woman.

  “So, I helped us get away from that house, so I can be held by another motorcycle club. I can’t believe this crap. What do you think my end game is? Think this out Brody. I don’t want to go to that clubhouse. I don’t want any contact with any motorcycle club. I won’t visit or call. It’ll be like we never met. What would I get from that situation? Just drop me off on some street corner when we get into town and I will be good. I’m not public enemy number one. I will be hunted by the Hell Keeperz MC, so I’ll stay off the grid if I want my freedom, or even to be able to breathe another day.” I am letting Charity get it out of her system.
She is almost hysterical.

  “That’s just not the way things work. You need to be kept safe. This is just as much for your welfare as it is us needing answers.” I tell Charity hoping she knows this is coming from a good place.

  “I have places to be and things that need to be taken care of. I don’t have time for a bunch of bikers to decide what’s best for me. I can take care of myself.” Charity says with an attitude. My patience is wearing thin.

  “How is that working for you? I think you were already being held by bikers and the kind that didn’t care what happened to you or even if you lived. Just to remind you,” I look at Charity closely, so I know she is paying attention. “I am not a biker.”

  “You act like a biker, all bossy and shit. Pretty sure of yourself too. Can we get back on the road now? I need to get this over with.” Charity says snottily. She is acting like a spoiled child and pouting.

  “Whatever you say, Charity, just know it’s going to happen just like I said. I just need to try and text Rebel.” I dig in my pocket and take the battery pack out of my back pocket and put it back in the phone and I text Rebel to make sure everything is clear for us to come into the Demented Revengers clubhouse. Everything is quiet while I wait for a response. A text comes through, but it’s from Cap. It gives me hardly any information at all. He tells me to lay low until tomorrow morning. How am I supposed to lie low while I’m still driving around in a car belonging to the Hell Keeperz MC? Something feels off here. I need to sort this out and I need time to think. I’m used to thinking on my feet, so I come up with a plan. I take the battery out of the phone and I know we need to ditch the car. It will give us away faster than anything. We will be too easy to locate. I look around and take in the surroundings again and I know exactly where we are. “Charity, I hope you’re ready for a little hike. We’re ditching this car and hitting the woods, so we aren’t sitting ducks.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Let’s do it.” Charity has a forced smile on her face. This is going to be a hell of a day.

  Chapter Seven


  I am trying to wash off the grime from that filthy farmhouse. I know I don’t have a lot of time, but damn this hot water feels great. Cap should be here anytime to get an update. Things aren’t adding up. Spinner didn’t have much time to talk to me. I was hell bent on getting back to Gracie. I met my brothers about a half hour into my ride home. I tried to call Brody, but the phone he has was off and it went to voicemail every time. I’ll relax more after I talk to Cap and get Brody home. I owe him that. Our ride back to the clubhouse was uneventful, or so it seemed. I never put my eyes on anything out of the normal, but it was like I felt someone’s eyes on us. Paranoid after what happened to us, but I never ignore my gut. In my kind of lifestyle, that will get you dead, real fast. This war with the Hell Keeperz MC has us all on edge. The situation where Brody and I were drugged and kidnapped in a place that has always been a safe place for the Demented Revengers MC tells me that someone has snuck their way into our inner circle of friends and supporters. That won’t be tolerated. This war is going to get bloody and it’s time to bring our loved ones in, so they can be protected. Keeping our families safe is priority number one. If anything happened to Gracie, Shelby, Tony, or Ma, I would paint this town in Hell Keeperz blood. The members of their club, friendlies and supporters. Unlike the Hell Keeperz MC, the Demented Revengers MC, do not touch family members unless they are involved and even then, we try to find alternative ways to deal with the issues. When pushed, we can be drastic.

  Gracie was overwhelmed with worry over me. She jumped in my arms and climbed my body just to get closer to me. I felt the same way, but I know it’s time to take care of business right now. I held Gracie as she had to take a minute to regroup. Don’t get me wrong Gracie has become the perfect ol’ lady and she is a strong woman. She shows it from the things she has survived. I dried Gracie’s tears and she went right into taking care of her man. She had a plate of food in front of me and she brought our children into the kitchen, so I could hold them and kiss them goodnight. Shelby is the most beautiful little thing. She is her mom’s mini-me. That girl may not have my blood running through her veins, but she has wrapped herself around my heart. Tony is our fifteen-month-old son and he is a spitting image of me. The way Shelby has her mom’s light features; Tony has my dark features. Curly black hair and deep brown eyes. He carries my Hispanic family traits. No one could ever doubt he is my boy. The only thing that hung over our little reunion was the fact that Brody hasn’t made it back.

  I turn the water off in the shower and step out. I would love to be buried cock deep in Gracie right now but when Dawg Man’s ol’ lady arrived she took over watching Shelby and Tony, so a couple of my brothers could go with Gracie to get the things she will need for a lockdown. Ma will be coming back with Gracie. We are having a voluntary lockdown for now, but I will not leave Gracie, Ma and the kids out there not knowing where I may be on the road to and not knowing when that will happen. We live in small-town Texas and a few years ago I wouldn’t have worried but since the Hell Keeperz MC came into the picture, I take nothing for granted or I try not to. I grab a towel and dry off and then get dressed. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my cut and put it on and then get my .45 out of my lockbox. Since there are small children in and out of the clubhouse, we all take precautions with our weapons now. I make sure the box is locked and place it back on the top shelf of my closet. I turn and walk out of our room and up the hall. I see Cap sitting at the bar drinking coffee with Sin and Tip. I make my way over to the bar and motion for the prospect behind the bar to bring me a cup of coffee.

  “You’ll need a whole pot of coffee. We need to move this talk into your office.” The prospect brings my coffee. I blow it for a minute and then take my first sip. Just the way I like it hot and strong. I look at Cap over my cup.

  “Prospect bring some coffee into my office and see if there is anyone in the kitchen to get me some breakfast.” I look at Cap. “You want something, Cap? It was late when I got back to the club last night and I need more than coffee this morning.”

  “Just more coffee and to get down to business.” Cap is direct and to the point. “This needs to be a private conversation.” I lift my eyebrow at Cap. I don’t make a habit of keeping things from my brothers. It’s not how we operate, but I also don’t argue with the mother chapter’s president.

  “Let’s do this then.” I get up and walk towards my office with Cap right behind me. I have questions I want answered too. Why the hell didn’t Cap have brothers out looking for Brody and me? I take the keys from my pockets and unlock my office door. I open the door and walk over to my desk and sit in my chair and Cap sits across from me. I look at Cap and I can see he is under a lot of stress right now. The worry lines around his eyes are deep.

  “What happened? Sin and Spinner said you had a text to meet me at the diner in Quitman. I never sent a text. I would have met you here, not in some damn diner.” Cap is sitting on the edge of his chair. I just realize that Cap is here alone. Con or Shine are usually Cap’s shadows.

  “Brody and I both received text and they said the exact same thing, to meet you at the diner. Neldan, has some explaining to do because the only thing we had was water and there is no way anyone got the two of us out of there without everyone in the place seeing it. Neldan either went to the other side or he’s playing all of us.” Cap is shaking his head.

  “Well you are right about one thing. Neldan had gone to the other side. I am sure that bastard is burning in hell about now. The diner was burned to the ground and Neldan was found in his bed at home with his throat cut. Someone had to have cloned my phone. That means we have one or more people that are close to us that have betrayed us. The farthest my phone is ever away from me is at night when I’m sleeping and still it’s in the same room.” Cap says while rubbing his forehead with his hand. This is not Cap. Something else had to have happened.

  “What else is going on Cap? It’s written al
l over your body language. Don’t leave me hanging.” Cap looks up at me.

  “Since when can you read my body language? You’re the one that usually goes off half-cocked without knowing what the hell you’re getting into.” Cap smirks at me with a lopsided grin. “The morning after you and Brody disappeared we found all of Lil’s sheep dead and one of the horses in the barn. It looks like poisoning, but the vet isn’t sure yet. If that wasn’t enough, Katie had an appointment with her woman doctor. Shine was busy, so we had a prospect take her and on the return trip they were run off the road. Five men on Harley’s but not flying colors. The prospect kept his head about him and put the SUV in four-wheel drive and pulled it out of the ditch, but they were chased back to the compound.”

  “Is Katie alright?” I ask Cap. That brings a real smile to Cap’s face.

  “Katie is fine but Shine and the prospect were on the edge of losing it.” Cap is shaking his head and he looks deep in thought. “Katie is a pistol. When she heard the shots hit the SUV she took the prospect’s gun and started shooting back at the men shooting at them. The prospect called Shine and he was hearing it as it played out. With Katie being pregnant, Shine was losing it and before they could get to their bikes, the prospect made it back to the gates of the compound. Con, Lizard, and Zig Zag went after the riders, but they had too much of a head start and they lost them.”


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