Book Read Free


Page 16

by Julane Hiebert

  “You’re sure it’ll work? What if she gets infection?”

  “Well, I used it on foot rot on my milk cow—and it got better. Even tried it on a bald spot and doggone if it didn’t grow hair.” He winked at Ty. “I’d say it’ll take care of these blisters right fine.”

  Ty grinned. “I’m almost sorry I asked.”

  John shuffled to the cupboard and retrieved a bottle of brown liquid. “Here, Robin. You take a swig of this. It’ll help take the sting right out of them hands. Help ya sleep, too.”

  “Is it liquor?” Robin frowned.

  “Don’t keep liquor around here. This here is laudanum. Good for pain.”

  “I’d like to clean up first, if you don’t mind. I don’t want to crawl into bed like this.” Robin stood. “Being clean will help me sleep.”

  John slapped his forehead. “Jumpin’ bullfrogs, girly. Never gave that a thought. You can’t be gettin’ them hands wet. How you gonna wash yourself? Why, I don’t reckon you can even get out of them duds without help. And there ain’t nobody in this house what can help ya, neither.”

  Robin slumped back into the chair. “I can’t stay like this.”

  Ty stepped forward. “I could ride into Cedar Bluff and get Emma.

  John shook his head. “Makes more sense to put Robin in the buggy and take her to town. Can’t expect Emma to close the mercantile but reckon she’d have room for an extra body for a few days.”

  Robin fidgeted in her chair. “I can’t leave Jacob.”

  “Never gave that a thought.” John scratched his head. “Reckon Emma wouldn’t mind if we was to take him along.”

  Ty sat across from Robin. “Don’t wake him. I’ll take Jacob to the Hawk with me until you’re able to care for him. He prayed tonight I would teach him how to ride a horse.” He grinned.

  Robin’s forehead wrinkled. “But would he be safe, Ty? I thought you had questions about Sam Mason.”

  Ty shrugged. “Sam won’t hurt the boy. And if there is a connection then maybe it would be a good thing to find out what it is. We can’t claim Jacob for a son until we know he doesn’t belong to anyone else.”

  John cleared his throat. “Didn’t know ya was plannin’ on claimin’ him for a son. Can’t hardly be a son to the two of you if one of ya is plannin’ to marry up with someone else, now can he?”

  Ty’s face flushed. “I spoke out of turn, John. I’m sorry.” He stood. “I’ll take good care of him, Robin.”

  “Does Jacob have clean clothes to take along?”

  John puffed his chest. He was downright proud to tell this little lady he’d done everything he was supposed to do. And with luck, the boy wouldn’t tell her about the white shirt that changed color when he washed it with the britches.

  “Done took care of it, missy. Exceptin’ for your . . .” He leaned toward her. “Well . . . some of yourpersonalthings. Didn’t seem right to let the boy see me handlin’ them so stuck ‘em back to wait for you,” he whispered.

  “And you expect me to take dirty clothes to Emma’s?” Robin’s voice shook.

  “Now, don’t you go a tearin’ up again. I’ll tell Emma to give you anything you be needin’ and I’ll take care of it later. Don’t ya fret no more about such things. Ty can figure out what the boy needs hisself.”

  “I’ll hitch up the buggy for you, John. And, Robin, don’t worry. I’ll stay the night here, and we can go over to my place in the morning. You let those hands of yours heal.”

  John followed Ty onto the porch. “Did the two of ya ever talk, like I said?”

  “We talked.”

  “And . . . ?”

  “We talked, John. That’s all I can say.”

  “Humph. Well, the way she was a lookin’ at you, when you was a flappin’ about claimin’ Jacob for a son, there was a whole lot you didn’t say.”


  John’s words echoed through Ty’s mind as he climbed the steps to check on Jacob. He and Robin never talked about making Jacob their son. What caused him to make that kind of statement? What must she think?

  And what about Anna? Her response to Jacob didn’t leave much hope she’d be open to the possibility of becoming a brideanda mother. But then, he could never take Jacob away from Robin anyway.

  He peeked into the boy’s room. Jacob lay on his tummy, with his rump in the air, sound asleep. Ty smiled. The boy resembled one of John’s jumpin’ bullfrogs in that position. Did the tyke ever wake up in the middle of the night? If he did, would he call for Robin? Maybe he should sleep close by.

  The door to the room across from Jacob’s stood open, he had only to take one step inside to know it was Robin’s. He backed out. It just didn’t seem right for him to be in there. There was a closed door at the end of the hallway. It would put him farther away from the boy, but he doubted he’d sleep anyway. He’d hear him if he called. He had to push against the door to get it open, and his heart sank. Enough moonlight shone through the bare windows for him to tell John used this room for storage. Though he could make out a bedframe, there was no way of knowing if it held a mattress. If so, it was piled high. There’d be no placed to stack the stuff if he did try to uncover it. There wasn’t even room on the floor to stretch out. He closed the door and leaned against the wall. Proper or not, what choice did he have? But it was only a bed. She wouldn’t be in it—she wasn’t even in the house or on the ranch. And Jacob would no doubt check there first if he needed someone. He took a deep breath then crossed the threshold into her room.

  He lit the small lantern on the bedside table and sat down to pull off his boots. It had been a long day and it would feel good to stretch out. And he’d work hard to put out of his mind who might be lying beside him. The flame flickered as the breeze rustled through the open window and sent shadows dancing on the wall. A small rocker in the corner by the window held a blue and yellow quilt, and a picture on the table revealed images of three young girls—probably the Wenghold sisters. He reached for the picture. Could he recognize Robin? A gust of wind billowed the lace curtains when he lifted the framed photograph from the table and an envelope fluttered to the floor.

  Ty studied the picture and smiled. Robin stood on the left, a rag doll draped over one arm and a large bow balanced on the top of her head. But the dimple at the corner of her mouth made positive identification easy. He leaned to replace the frame and retrieve the envelope.

  Was it against the law to read the address? Or the return? If so, he was in big trouble.Mr. William Arthur Benson, III.His heart lurched. Robin had received mail from a man? The postmark read Chicago. An old beau? Thefriend friend? Perhaps the notice printed on the back of Jacob’s picture was posted long before Robin ever set foot on the Feather. Was this William Benson someone who’d answered the ad? Someone interested in Robin as a wife? Why should this bother him so? He had a fiancée.

  He paced the room, reading and rereading the return address. The guy must be mighty important to have his own printed stationery. His name was even printed larger and darker than the rest. He slapped the paper against his hand. Oh, but he wanted to see what this fella had on his mind.

  He shoved the envelope back under the picture and blew out the lamp, then slipped across the hall to check on Jacob. He couldn’t go back into Robin’s room with that letter screaming to be opened. He had never been so tempted to deliberately go against his upbringing.

  Jacob lay sprawled on his back, one arm slung across his face and one leg tangled in the sheet. What if this Benson guy took Robin and the boy back to Chicago? Could he let them go? Without a fight? He bent to straighten the covers, and the boy’s face split into a grin.

  “I fooled you, didn’t I? Did you think I was sleepin’?” Jacob sat up and crossed his legs. “I play lots of tricks on Robin. Is she gonna tell me good night?”

  “Yes, you did fool me, buddy. And no, Robin isn’t coming up tonight. She hurt her hands cleaning the barn, and John took her in to Mrs. Ledbetter’s. I’m going to stay here with you until morning then take
you to my place tomorrow. Would you like that?”

  Jacob’s forehead puckered. “Is she gone forever, like my other mama?”

  “No, no, little man. She’ll be back when her hands are healed. Mrs. Ledbetter will take real good care of her.” Ty smoothed the covers. “Now, you lie down here, and this time shut those eyes for real.”

  “My eyes aren’t sleepy. Why do little kids have to go to bed before big peoples?”

  A growl from beneath the open window sent a shudder down Ty’s spine. In a flash, Jacob jumped from the bed and pulled back the curtains. “Tripper! Here, Tripper! I knew you’d find me.” He ran from the room and Ty followed, taking the steps to the kitchen two-at-a-time.

  “Jacob. Stop.” He caught the boy as he reached the kitchen door. “Get back in here, son. You don’t know who or what is out there.”

  “I know who it is. It’s ole’ Tripper.” Jacob fought against Ty’s arms. “Let me go.”

  “No, you’re not going out there alone. Calm down and I’ll go with you, but not without a lantern.” The bark persisted until they stepped onto the porch. Ty held the light in front of him with one hand and grasped the boy’s wrist in the other. The small flame revealed a medium-sized dog only a few feet from where they stood.

  Boy and dog faced one another without a sound. Jacob trembled and Ty pulled the boy closer. Obviously there was something familiar, yet child and beast seemed hesitant to breach the distance that separated them.

  A whistle from the shadows beyond the porch broke the eerie silence. The dog turned and trotted toward the sound, then gave one last look over its shoulder, whined, and disappeared into the night.

  Ty peered into the darkness and tightened his hold on Jacob. Who was out there? He didn’t dare leave the boy alone to investigate, nor could he take him on what might be a dangerous chase. How stupid. He hadn’t even grabbed a gun before running onto the porch. So much for promising to take care of the little man.

  Jacob wrenched away from Ty and shuffled back into the kitchen and up the stairs.

  Ty followed and watched as the boy crawled into bed and turned his face to the wall. Ty sat on the edge of the bed. “Was that your dog, Jacob?”

  He sniffed.

  “Can you tell me who might have been out there with him?”

  Jacob trembled and drew his knees to his chest, as though he wanted to make himself as small as possible.

  Ty rubbed his eyes. Obviously the boy didn’t want to talk about it. He lay down beside the child and put his arm around him.

  Jacob turned and curled against his chest. “Don’t leave me,” the boy mumbled. He clutched Ty’s shirt.

  “I’m staying right here, buddy.”

  “Promise? Will you be here in the morning?”

  “I’ll be right here beside you, Jacob.” He drew the boy closer. “You go to sleep.”

  He’d promised he would be there in the morning, but what about all the mornings to come? If he kept his promise to Anna, would it mean giving up this little guy cradled in his arms?

  He held still and listened to the night sounds outside the window. Who’d been out there with the dog? Was it the boy’s pa? Wouldn’t a pa reveal himself? Jacob was only a little boy, yet he seemed to hide a man-sized secret. Was he in danger?

  Once, during the long night, Jacob awakened and called out for Robin. Ty whispered, reminding him where Robin was, and Jacob snuggled closer—but not before proclaiming, “I want Robin.”

  Morning light filtered through the lace curtains, and Ty still lay awake. He’d fought a battle in his heart, and lost.

  He wanted Robin, too.


  The pink rose-covered wallpaper in Emma’s tiny spare room reminded Robin of their parlor in Chicago. She must remember to tell her sisters. Wouldn’t Mama have been surprised to know the wall covering she’d so carefully chosen for their fancy city parlor, also graced the walls of Emma’s simple Kansas bedroom.

  “Robin? May I come in? I’d knock, but it’s a little hard to do with only a curtain covering the doorway.”

  Robin pulled back the curtain and smiled at her friend. “Do come in, Emma. I was admiring your choice of wallpaper. Roses are my favorite flower. They were my papa’s favorite, too.”

  “Then I made the right choice.” Emma smiled and handed her a blue glass bottle. “Here, I want you to have this. With that Mr. Benson coming for a visit, I thought you might like something sweet to dab behind your ears. Besides, the Feather does have a way of sticking to a person.”

  Robin cradled the cobalt blue bottle in her hands. “Oh, Emma. How thoughtful.” She removed the cork and sniffed the contents. “Ahh, rosewater. My mama always used rosewater. I don’t suppose I’ll ever forget how comforting that fragrance was to me. No matter if I laughed or cried—when Mama hugged me she smelled like roses, and it made me feel safe. Thank you, Emma.”

  “Pshaw. Go on with you, girl. Having you here these past days has been nothing but a pure pleasure. You’re welcome anytime. You sure I can’t come help you get ready for that Chicago fella?” She winked.

  “I’ve been thinking about his visit. Guess there’s no better time for William Benson the Third to see me like I am—the Feather and all. I only wish I knew how he will accept Jacob.”

  Emma’s eyebrows arched. “He doesn’t know?”

  “Wren and Lark don’t even know. I’m ashamed of myself for not corresponding with them sooner. But so much has happened I don’t know where to begin.”

  Emma perched on Robin’s bed. “You’re not going to clean Ty’s house, are you?”

  Robin shrugged. “Ty said he wouldn’t allow it, but I don’t want to cause trouble with Anna Blair. I’ve given it a lot of thought. I don’t think she meant to be unkind. She’s used to having things her way. What would it hurt if I helped her? It would only be this one time. It’s not like I would be a permanent fixture over there.”

  “Tell me this. Do you still have feelings for Ty Morgan? If you do, then you best stay as far away from there as you can. You go over and work in that house, and he comes in and the two of you talk there won’t be anything but trouble and a whole lot of hurt. You mark my word.”

  The bell above the door jangled, and Emma stood with a groan. “Duty calls, I suppose.” She kissed Robin’s cheek. “You know, it’s going to be mighty quiet around here without you.

  Robin laughed. “I’ve been noisy?”

  Emma smoothed her apron. “Not noisy, just present. Someone who would at least grunt when I was finished speaking my piece. George never talked much, but my goodness he was a dandy grunter.”

  “Robin? Emma?”

  Emma smiled. “That would be your Uncle John.”

  “Ain’t nobody in this here place what’s waitin’ for me?”

  Robin put her arms around Emma. “Now, there’s a grunterand a talker.”

  “And don’t I know it.” Emma wet her fingertips and smoothed her eyebrows.

  “Wait.” Robin dabbed a bit of rose water behind the woman’s ears. “Cedar Bluff does have a way of sticking to a person.” She giggled.

  Emma blushed like a schoolgirl. “Now, don’t you go getting ideas.”


  Ty lifted Jacob onto the saddle in front of him and clicked his tongue to let his horse know they were ready to move. Robin was home, and it was time to take Jacob back to the Feather. “Are Robin’s hands still hurted? Do you think she’ll remember me? Why do Tag’s ears wiggle back and forth when I talk? I wish Tripper would come back. Do you think he got dead somewhere? I wish you would stay at our ranch all the time.”

  Ty sighed, grateful Jacob didn’t seem to require answers to his questions. Right now he had too many of his own to try to keep straight. How he wished he could stretch the miles between the Hawk and the Feather to give him time to settle his heart. There was no question as to what to do about Anna. He’d made a promise, a vow. He would marry her. But oh, how he dreaded saying good-bye to what might have been.

nbsp; “I see ‘em! I see ‘em!” Jacob shouted and waved his arms.

  “I see them, too, little man.” Ty nodded at John when they reached the house. “Evening, neighbor. You ready to have this little lightning bolt back in your house?” He handed Jacob down to John.

  “Give you trouble, did he?” John ruffled the boy’s hair. “Guess you can imagine how quiet it’s been with him and Robin both gone. Plumb forgot what it was like before they came. Don’t mind tellin’ ya, I’ll like it a whole lot better now that they’re back.”

  “And I’ll be the one checking to see why there’s no noise coming from Jacob’s room.” Ty shook hands with John. “How is she?”

  “Robin?” John raised one eyebrow.

  Ty removed his hat. “You know good and well who I mean.”

  John shrugged. “Why you askin’ me how she be? Her hands seem healed enough, if that’s what you was a meanin’ by ‘how is she.’ If you was a wonderin’ anything else, I reckon you best be pointin’ them questions at the lady yourself. It may be you need to finish up some talkin’ you might’ve left undone when you was still in the barn.”

  “I’ve said all I’m free to say, John. I’ll leave it at that.”

  “Yeah. Well, I’m only gonna say this one time so ya better be payin’ some mind. Another week or so, and ya might be wishin’ ya would’ve cut whatever ropes is a holdin’ ya back. Never can tell who might beat ya to it.”

  Ty scratched his chin. Sometimes this old neighbor could be downright cantankerous. “Want to tell me exactly what it is you’re trying to say?”

  “Told ya I was only gonna say it one time, and I done did it.” He turned his back on Ty. “Jacob, boy? Let’s you and me go put this horse in the barn.”

  “Are we gonna put your horse in the barn, too, Ty?” Jacob took Tag’s reins. “Can Ty stay here tonight? He’ll get real lonesome at his house without me.”


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