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Sex and the Social Network

Page 10

by Victoria Lexington

  “Hey, ladies. I’m Nick and this is my buddy Kevin.”

  “Hi, I’m Liz,” I said as I shook Nick’s hand.

  “Oh, I already know who you are,” Nick smiled.

  I was so stunned by his answer that I couldn’t drum up a clever comeback. I just smiled and said, “Well then, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Do you want to dance?” Nick’s eyes locked with mine.

  The deejay was playing some Nirvana, and the dance floor was crowded with a bunch of drunken fools.

  “This song is too fast for me and plus, I, um, I have a boyfriend,” I stammered.

  “It’s just a dance, Liz. I’m not asking you to marry me. One dance.”

  This guy was getting to me. I wanted to dance with him, but I was way too attracted to him to think that it would be anything remotely innocent.

  “Maybe later.” I wanted him to go away before I changed my mind.

  “Okay, I’ll look for you later on. Don’t leave without saying goodbye.”

  Julia turned to me. “Geez, he sure is bossy, huh? Cute, but bossy.”

  “Was he?” I didn’t think so. What Julia called bossy, I called self-assured. I liked it. I liked his persistence and that he’d found out who I was before talking to me.

  The party flew by in a whirlwind of chatting, drinking, and dancing. I was about to go home to my sorority house when Nick asked if I would wait for him. The basement had emptied, and we were the last ones standing. “Hey, you promised me a dance before you left for the night.”

  “Did I?” I smiled at him.

  “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” Nick hurried over to the deejay booth. He put on an album and when he came back, he took my hand. “Dance with me.”

  Boyfriend or no boyfriend, I was intrigued by this beautiful man. He was laser-like in his focus; he wanted to dance with me and nothing else would do.

  He put on “Wonderful Tonight” and gently pulled me in close to him. “How did you know who I was, Nick?”

  “I make it a point to know the names of all the hot sorority girls.”

  I was flattered and I giggled. “Come on, really?”

  “No, really. I saw you talking to my brother, Mike, a few weeks ago at a party. As soon as you walked away, I asked him about you.”

  “Really? And what did he say?”

  “He told me that you’re in Sig Kap Beta, that you’re an advertising major, and that you’re very cool. I started to follow you out that night and was going to ask you if I could walk you home, but I saw your boyfriend waiting for you in front of the house.”

  “So if you know that I have a boyfriend, why didn’t that stop you from hitting on me tonight?”

  Nick pulled me in a little closer. I looked up at him and got lost in his baby blues. The desire I saw in his eyes made butterflies dance in my stomach.

  “Because ever since I laid eyes on you, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.”

  I looked up at him and stared at his lips, wondering if they would find their way to mine. Couldn’t he tell I was dying for him to kiss me? And then like the perfect mind reader, Nick leaned down and kissed me for the first time. My knees went weak and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered stronger, but my heart sang. Nicholas Riggins had kissed me. It had been one of the best moments of my life.


  Flashback: Ten years old

  A month after my aunt and uncle came to visit us in Philadelphia, my parents had to take my brother to New Jersey for the weekend for a big football tournament. They made arrangements for me to stay with Aunt Charlene and Uncle Gene at their home in Atlantic City.

  My dad drove to the beach, where my uncle was waiting. My mind was racing. Would he want to play doctor again? Did I want to play again? Part of me liked having our secret, and I loved having so much attention from someone; it made me feel special.

  When we got to their apartment building, it looked so different from my suburban home in Philadelphia. The building was tall and dirty and barren. There were almost no trees or bushes and barely any evidence of kids around.

  We rode up five floors in the building’s creaky elevator, and when he opened the door to the tiny apartment, it smelled of spaghetti sauce and garlic.

  “Your Aunt Charlene is at her bridge game, so it’ll just be you and me until she gets home.”

  I was happy to be alone with him. Maybe he’d give me candy or let me play a video game.

  He showed me the guest room. “Here, let’s put your stuff in here.” The bedroom was tiny, no bigger than eight feet by ten. The twin-sized bed had a floral bedspread, and there was a Raggedy Anne Doll resting on the pillow.

  “I love Raggedy Anne,” I told him happily.

  “Oh, good. Your Aunt Charlene was so excited you were going to be spending some time here, she went out and bought you all kinds of stuff.”

  “She did?” I asked excitedly. “Anything else?”

  “Yes, sweetie. She bought you dessert and some clothes to go with your new doll.”

  I squealed; I was so excited.

  “I’m going to give you the doll tonight as a reward for being so good.”

  “You are? What do I have to do to be good?”

  “You’ll see, sweetie. Okay, let’s get your pajamas on, and then we can watch TV.”

  I thought he would leave the room. I knew how to put on my own pajamas. But he stood there watching me rummage through my suitcase. I pulled out my flowery nightgown and quickly put it on.

  “Oh, that is perfect for our game.” He took me by the hand and led me into the TV room. He turned on the tube and put on some cartoons. “Come here, Gabby.” Uncle Gene sat on the old green couch and beckoned me to sit on his lap. He nuzzled his nose into my long, brown hair. “You smell so sweet, Gabby.” And he kissed me on the cheek.

  I sat on his lap; I liked the attention he showed me. He bounced me up and down slowly; I laughed.

  I felt his hand slip under my nightgown and make its way up my thigh. His fingers landed on my panties like they had back at my house. Uncle Gene moved his fingers in little circles on me. I enjoyed bouncing on his thighs; the ride was fun.

  I felt the hardness in his pants, just like before. I could not figure out why Uncle Gene had a stick in his pants or how it got there every time we played together. He started rubbing his fingers on top of my panties a little faster.

  “Back up a little, sweetie. Lift up your bottom and come closer to me.”

  I did as he said, and then he positioned me so that I was sitting on his hardness.

  “Oh, Gabby. You are such a good little girl. Doesn’t that feel wonderful?”

  I wanted to make him happy, so I nodded. He started bobbing up and down a little faster.

  “Stand up for just a second, sweetie.” He asked me so nicely, so I did.

  I heard him fumbling around and then saw his pants drop to the ground. He sat back down on the couch and pulled me back on top of him. Slowly he slid his hardness into my panties so I was sitting on top of the stick.

  “Okay, Gabby, now go back to bouncing. Nice and slow, sweetie.” He kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around me so I could barely move.

  I bounced and he moaned. “Oh, Gabby… Gabby, you feel so good. Doesn’t that feel nice, sweetie?”

  “Uh huh.” It did feel good, but somehow, I knew it was wrong. I was so confused. If Uncle Gene liked it and told me it was our secret, then it must be okay, right?

  After our horsey ride, Uncle Gene told me it was dessert time. He brought out cookies and brownies and a big glass of milk.

  “Is this all for me? My mommy and daddy never let me have so many goodies!”

  “Yes, of course. I want to make you happy. But you have to drink all your milk, okay?”

  “Okay!” I was excited to eat all the treats. I gobbled down three cookies and guzzled my glass of milk. It tasted a little funny, but I figured they just bought the nonfat kind or something weird like that. Afterwards, I remember feeling
really, really sleepy. I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

  “Uncle Gene, I’m so tired. Can I go to bed now?” I could barely get up and walk to my bedroom.

  “You are probably just tired from the trip. Here love, I will carry you.”


  After Ty and I hung up, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got into bed with my phone. I stared at his picture and replayed our conversation in my mind. The things I’d said shocked me, and his words sent chills throughout my body. What had I done? I rationalized with myself that nothing had happened yet. I could still stop things from going further.

  That’s the thing with lies. When we tell enough of them, we actually start to believe they are true. That night I tossed and turned and barely got any sleep. I considered waking Aaron, but why would I beg for scraps when I could have Grade A prime beef?

  The next day I decided I was ready to see Tyrone. I needed it. I was longing for him and I couldn’t fight it anymore. Liz’s birthday party was the next weekend, so I planned to make an appearance. I’d get some pictures with my friends—which I’d post to my Facebook wall— and then head back to be with Tyrone. It was the perfect alibi.

  I took a deep breath, put on my acting face, and went to find Aaron in his home office. He looked up from his computer when he heard me knock on the door.

  “Hey Aaron, do you care if I go away next weekend? Liz is having a big birthday party and a bunch of us are making it a girls weekend.”

  “That should be fine. What about Arielle?”

  “I already asked my sister if she could stay there and she said sure.”

  “Good, because I’m busier than ever and need to work next weekend.”

  “I figured. I’ll drop Arielle off on my way so you won’t have to worry.”

  “Perfect. I’m glad you’ll get to see some of your old friends.” He pulled out the Neiman Marcus card. I walked closer to him and took the card from his hand. He smiled at me. “Go buy yourself some new outfits. I’m sure you’d like to wear a new dress.”

  “Thanks, Aaron!” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and went to find Arielle.

  It made me a bit sad that Aaron only knew how to show me love with his wallet. At that moment, I couldn’t think of the aftermath or the guilt from what I was about to do. Nothing mattered except seeing Tyrone and the things he was going to do to me.

  I decided not to tell Tyrone until Monday. I was afraid I might chicken out. He was away at a conference anyway, and I had a million things to do before I left for the weekend. It’d be a surprise for him that we’d be spending the weekend together. I hoped it was a good one.

  By Monday morning, I was dying to talk to him. I called him from my car right after I dropped off Arielle at preschool. When he picked up after the second ring, my heart was racing.

  “Hey, Ty. How are you?”

  “Hi, gorgeous. I’m good. How are you?”

  “I did it. I told my husband I’d be going to Liz’s birthday party and planned to spend the weekend away. I will have to make an appearance at the party on Saturday night, but I figured you wouldn’t mind if I snuck away for a couple hours.”

  Tyrone laughed. “Well, guess where I’m going on Saturday night?”

  “Seriously? Wow, I guess I didn’t realize you and Liz were such good friends.”

  “Yeah, Liz and I are pretty tight. Anyway, I am stoked you are coming. What time can you be here?”

  “If I don’t hit much traffic, I should be there by five o’clock. Should I meet you at your apartment?”

  “Yes, darling. Friday cannot get here soon enough. I’m going to ravage you. Every inch of that sexy body is going to be mine. Don’t plan on sleeping much, okay?”

  Just the thought of that got me wet. “I won’t, Ty. I have to run to teach a class. I’ll talk to you soon. Can’t wait to see you!”

  “Me either, Julia. Have a great day.”

  I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Oh my God, I was actually going through with it. I bit my lower lip, thrust my hips a little, and then blasted the music as I raced off to my studio.

  The next few days were torture. I couldn’t go fifteen minutes without thinking about Tyrone. I dreamed about him night and day; I’m surprised no one said anything to me about being so distracted. I worked out like a lunatic so I could look as good as possible for Ty. I got my hair cut and a mani-pedi in a perfectly appropriate shade called Fireworks.

  Two days before my trip, I went to Neiman Marcus to buy some new clothes. I had to find the perfect combination of sexy and sophisticated for Liz’s party. I bought a short, black skirt and a low-cut, green, cashmere sweater for Friday night. For Liz’s party I found a gorgeous, red Dolce & Gabbana dress. Manolo Blahnik heels completed each outfit. While I was there, I figured, hey, carpe diem, and also bought myself a hot LBD and a new Louis Vuitton purse. When Aaron was feeling generous, I had to take advantage.


  That night when the phone rang, I was so excited. Imagining what this sex pistol would say to me had my pussy pulsating in anticipation.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” Todd’s voice was low and sexy.

  “Hey, Todd. How are you?”

  “I’m fabulous, sugar. Are you ready for me?”

  “Oh, yeah.” And I was.

  “Do you have your panties off?”

  I squirmed under my covers, kicked off my panties, and waited for what came next.

  “Yup, I do now.”

  “Perfect. Close your eyes, Gabby. Just listen to my voice. Don’t say a word. I want you to be as relaxed as possible. Try to imagine I am there with you. Got it?”

  “Yes, Todd, whatever you say.” I meant that. I was ready to surrender to him.

  “Gabby, I’m there now with you. My warm lips are kissing your neck, nibbling on your ear. I make my way down to your perfect tits. My mouth engulfs your breasts, softly sucking on your nipples. My wet tongue goes round and round until your nipples are stiff and your pussy is aching to feel the same.”

  I touched my breasts while Todd was talking, and I felt every word he whispered coursing through me.

  “My mouth is hungry for more. I make my way down every inch of your hot body. Then I massage your outer thighs while I suck on your navel, my fingers kneading your hips and ass. My piece gets stiff as I near your pink paradise. I am throbbing and my pulse is quickening. You spread your legs to show me your pussy. I can't wait to dip my tongue in it. But I stop to look at it first. Your perfect lips glisten with your juices. I gently place one finger on your clit and move it around in tiny circles. You start to moan a little, and I reward you with a finger in your pussy. You drive your hips up, and I know you are dying to feel me eat you out.”

  His words made me squirm and moan with pleasure.

  “I kiss your inner thighs and continue to finger you as I slowly inch my mouth closer and closer to your wetness. I blow a little on the outside and then roll my tongue around your pussy lips. They are perfect and swollen and dying to feel the head of my cock rub around them. But you have to wait.”

  My hips were tilted and I was fingering myself, imagining Todd doing all the things he described. I was soaking wet and incredibly turned on; my clit pulsated, close to the brink as he filled my mind and body with pleasure.

  “I move my tongue to your clit,” he continued. “With the slightest pressure I kiss your perfect button. You moan a little, and I start sucking on it, making out with your clit while my fingers massage the walls of your perfect pussy. I love licking you and tasting your wetness. I take those juices and finger your ass as I lick your lips and run the tip of my tongue around your clit. Your insides are throbbing with excitement, and my tongue is about to send you over the edge. Your hands grip the back of my head, pulling me inside you. I can tell by your moaning you are close, so I suck a little stronger until the buildup hits its peak and you unleash everywhere. Your body shudders one more time before it relaxes on the bed, and you tell me how effing awesome I am. All night you�
��re going to be moaning my name in your sleep.”

  At some point, my body was perfectly in sync with Todd’s words. My moans must have told him when I was close to letting go because he took me over the edge at the precise time my body was ready to explode in ecstasy.

  After my orgasm, I couldn’t speak. I finally managed to catch my breath. “Oh my God, Todd, you are right. You are an amazing sex God.”

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed it. No more games. Come meet me. I need to see you. I want you to agree to see me and be with me for real. Now be a good little slut and tell me what I want to hear. I know you want to, Gabby.”

  “You’re right, Todd. I do. Yeah, I’ll come meet you.”

  “That’s my good girl. I’m going to reward you by fucking you all night long. I’ll be downtown on Saturday night. Meet me at Illusions at nine, got it? And Gabby? Wear something hot.”

  “I will. Good night.”

  “Good night, sugar. Have sweet dreams about all the things I’m going to do to you.”

  When I hung up the phone I lay still for a moment in disbelief about what had just happened. I loved the way Todd could talk me into a frenzied mess. I loved his voice, especially when he got all bossy and demanding. His words were almost hypnotic, coaxing me into submission, and I was powerless to say no. I didn’t want to say no anymore.

  I shifted in my bed. I was dripping wet thinking about finally being with a man who truly understood how I wanted to be treated… how I wanted to be taken.


  ENRIQUE: Hey, doll. I miss you bad.

  MARIA: Hi, darling. I miss you too.

  ENRIQUE: Wish I were between your legs right now devouring you. I want to tease and play with your clit, finger your pussy, and stroke your G-Spot.

  MARIA: Mmm . . . you’re making me so wet. Sometimes during the day I have an image of dropping to my knees and gently pulling down your boxer briefs, my full lips kissing, sucking, and teasing your huge cock. I want to fit it all in so your balls are pressed against my chin. I want to suck you until you explode in my mouth.


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