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Picking Up the Pieces

Page 14

by Maryann Jordan

  “Lance,” she said, barely above a whisper.

  Leaning over, he said, “Right here.”

  “Please stay. Stay with me all night,” she begged in a sleepy voice. “Here with me. I don’t want to be alone.”

  “I promise,” Lance replied, knowing nothing could make him leave her side.

  Taking her tray back to the kitchen, he fixed a sandwich for himself, eating it quickly. After making sure the doors were locked, he moved through his room and into the bathroom. Hurrying through a shower, he was back out within a few minutes, drying off. Pulling on his boxers, he walked back into the bedroom, staring down at the banged-up beauty. Knowing someone ran her off the road, on purpose, made his blood boil, but he tamped down those emotions as she moved and moaned in pain.

  Slipping under the covers, he curled his large body into hers, hoping to keep her steady through the night. As his eyes closed he could not help but think, She’s in my room, in my bed, but not how I would have liked it to happen.

  Waking the next morning, Lance opened his eyes just in time to see Jade blinking awake also. He observed the confusion on her face as she tried to move before realizing his body was helping to keep her still.

  “Hey,” he greeted. “Don’t move too fast. Give your body a chance to wake up and take stock of how you are.”

  She rolled onto her back, keeping her wrist supported as she stretched her legs, wincing at the pain in her neck and chest. Breathing gingerly, she nodded as she said, “My wrist and ankle ache, but it’s the seatbelt bruise that makes it hard to breathe sometimes.”

  He rolled out of the bed and padded around to her injured side, pulling the comforter down. Placing his hands under her neck and back, he assisted her to a seated position before brushing her hair back from her face. “Okay?”

  “Yeah,” she smiled up at him. Taking a slow, deep breath, she lifted her arms to him and allowed him to pull her to a standing position. Blushing, she said, “First stop, bathroom.”

  He nodded and steadied her with his hand at her back until she disappeared behind the door. Sliding on his jeans, he left off his shirt and moved into the kitchen, pulling out his frying pan to begin breakfast.

  A moment later, Jade hobbled into the kitchen, the scent of bacon and eggs calling to her. The sight of Lance’s naked, muscular chest had her mouth watering for a taste of him more than for the food.

  He looked over his shoulder and grinned. “I cooked the bacon in the microwave and just scrambled some eggs. Is that okay?”

  “More than okay,” she said, eyeing the plate he placed on the table. She attempted to maneuver into the seat, but he stepped behind her, his long arm snatching the plate.

  “Let’s get you settled where you won’t topple over.” Lance moved toward the living room and, once she was comfortable on the sofa, placed the plate on her lap and coffee on the end table within reach. “It’s good you’re right handed,” he commented, pleased to see her digging into her breakfast with gusto.

  “I’m starving this morning,” she said, looking up. “Are you eating?”

  Chuckling, he nodded and moved back to the kitchen to get his plate and coffee, before returning to join her on the sofa. After breakfast, he took the plates and rinsed them before leaving them in the sink. “Do you need a pain pill, sweetheart?”

  “No,” she replied in haste, scrunching her nose. “I hate the way they make me feel. But I’ll take some Aleve in a little bit.”

  As he settled into the deep cushions of the sofa, he twisted his body so that he was close and facing her. “Jade, we need to talk.”

  Sighing, she nodded. “Maybe I do need a pain pill,” she joked, her voice tinged with sadness. “I know what you’re going to ask, but Lance, I have no idea why someone ran me off the road. Maybe it was just a teenager being stupid with a dare or something. Maybe I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  He thought about her stumbling onto the body on the beach, but could not connect the two at all. Maybe she’s right and it’s just dumb, bad luck. “You did not recognize him or the truck?”

  “No, although I didn’t get a good look and he wore sunglasses.” Closing her eyes, Jade sighed heavily, causing pain in her chest. “Damn, I’ve got to stop breathing.”

  “Oh, no. Don’t stop breathing,” he responded, leaning over, placing a soft kiss on her lips. Standing, he stared down at her. “I need to go into the station, but I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

  She peered up at him. “I don’t know what to do. If you take me to my house, I’ll be stuck up all those steps. Jillian, Katelyn, and Belle are all working. Before I came to breakfast, I called my principal and told her that I would need the next two days off. That should give me time to heal so I can get back to work.”

  Pulling out his phone, Lance dialed Mitch. “Hey, we need a favor. Can I bring Jade to your house to visit with Tori today? Everyone else is working and her third floor apartment is a nightmare ‘cause she can’t get up and down the stairs. My house is not close to anything—”

  Pausing as he listened, he grinned. “Good. I’ll bring her in a little bit.” Disconnecting, he said, “Mitch said we didn’t need to convince him you needed to be somewhere safe. He said Tori would be angry if you went anywhere else.”

  Laughing gently, while holding her hand against her chest, she nodded. “Maybe I can shower at Tori’s house…she can help if needed.”

  His eyes darkened as he sucked in a quick breath. “I’d be glad to help you shower…but I guess Tori is a safer choice.”


  Pulling her to a stand, he wrapped his arms around her back and held her close. “Jade, I love taking care of you but, gotta admit, in the shower, it would be hard not to stare at your beautiful body. And right now, you need to heal.”

  Leaning her head back, she smiled. “Okay. Heal first…and then?”

  Bending to kiss her lips, Lance began slowly before he angled his head to take her mouth fully. Moving his lips over her soft flesh, he slid his tongue in…slowly at first in a gentle exploration. Her moan inflamed his senses and he began to take the kiss deeper. One hand glided up her back, cupping her head and her silky tresses flowed through his fingers like silk.

  Jade, lost in the kiss, forgot about her injuries, and her fears, thinking only of the feel of his mouth on hers. Strong and soft. Steel and satin. His tongue searched her mouth, tangling with her tongue, and she felt the electricity zip straight to her core. Eyes closed, she barely noticed when he lifted his head, his warm breath wash against her face.

  “Damn, babe. I’d rather stay here all day and do nothing but kiss you.”

  “Why don’t you,” she breathed, opening her eyes to see his hazel ones piercing her.

  “ ‘Cause I’d never be able to stop at just a kiss,” Lance confessed, pulling her head to his chest, afraid that if he continued to look into her eyes, she might see deeper into him than he was willing to let her at this moment. He knew he wanted her. Desired her. And more than just for sex or even friendship. He wanted her in a way he had not allowed himself to want in a very long time. Swallowing, he whispered to the top of her head, “We’ll get there. I’ll get there. You need to heal. I just need…some…time.”

  Her cheek pressed against his heartbeat, she held tight, her arms wrapped around his waist. “I’ll give you all the time you want, Lance. All the time you need. Just know that I want you too.”

  As those words filled his ears, he sighed in relief before pressing his lips against her silky hair.


  “Glad Jade’s doing okay, even though I know she feels like shit this morning,” Grant said, his eyes full of concern.

  Lance cast his gaze around the table in the police workroom, seeing the same expression on everyone’s face. Nodding, he said, “Thanks. I’ll tell her you all asked about her.”

  “She taking some time off?” Sam asked.

  “Hell yeah. The ER doctor said she couldn’t go back until Monday
, so with the next two days off and then the weekend she’ll have four days to recuperate.”

  “Even so, she’ll need to take it easy with a bunch of second graders and all the activity they require,” Burt added. “My six-year-old runs me and the wife ragged.”

  “She’s with Tori right now,” Lance said, with a nod toward Mitch, “so that’ll help.”

  Grant piped up, “Jillian and Katelyn’ll be over this afternoon to help as well. You’ll need it as much as she does.”

  “I’ll check in on her too,” Ginny added, her face turned toward him with a smile.

  A strange feeling slid over Lance as the words from his co-workers—and friends—hit him. A warmth spread from his chest outward. The realization that not only were these good people friends of Jade’s, but that they were friends of his as well. Nodding was the only response he was able to offer, as his voice caught in his throat.

  Mitch, stepping in, said, “Okay, we need to get to the body investigation, but also the truck that ran into Jade.”

  “I’m running the plates, but—”

  Mildred interrupted as she hurried into the room. “Sorry, Chief, but I was looking at the report Grant asked for and this just came in.”

  Looking at the paper she handed to him, Mitch’s jaw tightened. “Seems a truck matching the description Jade gave us has just been reported stolen. It belongs to Donald Haskins. He’s got a farm in North Heron county about five miles from here.

  “He’s just reporting it stolen?” Ginny bit out.

  “You and Lance head out to talk to him. When you get back, we will hopefully have more identification on the body. The first of the State lab reports come back today.” Looking at Lance, Mitch added, “Check with Mildred when you get back. She’s ordered more BPD polos and I’m sure they came yesterday.” Grinning, he said, “Approval for you to be the new part-time detective for Baytown came through at last night’s town meeting. Congratulations.”

  Lance met his grin as he accepted the congratulations from the others around the table. Nodding, he said, “Guess I’ve got paperwork to sign?”

  “Yeah, Mildred’ll take care of you and then we’ll get your badge and firearm. For this trip, Ginny’ll take the lead.”

  With a nod, Lance and Ginny left the room and headed out to one of the BPD vehicles.

  “Thank you so much for letting me be here today,” Jade gushed, her smile on Tori. “I know you’re supposed to take it easy.”

  “Oh, pooh,” Tori waved Jade’s concerns away with a toss of her hand. “I’m good. I just need to watch that I don’t overeat at one time and I really have to stay away from spicy food. I’m fine and so is the baby, so the doctor has me on no restrictions at all.”

  Smiling, Jade watched as Tori’s hand sought her stomach as she spoke. “I hate being out of school today,” she confessed. “My kids are so good, but I know it would be hard to move around the classroom.”

  “You think you could handle it, but I think you’d hurt a lot more just having to keep up with the kids. You’re much better off having these days to rest your body.”

  “I know,” Jade sighed gingerly, “but it’s so inconvenient.” Blushing, she added, “Thanks for the help with the shower earlier.”

  Smiling, Tori moved back into the kitchen and fixed an easy lunch. Calling out a few minutes later, she asked, “I hope homemade tuna salad is okay?”

  “Absolutely!” came the reply from Jillian.

  Tori stepped into the hall, grinning as Jillian and Katelyn came through her door. “I should have known you’d come for lunch,” she laughed.

  “I brought dessert,” Jillian said, holding out a pie from her coffee shop.

  “And I’ve got a pasta salad I made last night,” Katelyn offered.

  “Yum,” Jade grinned as she accepted gentle hugs from her friends.

  “So,” Katelyn began as they piled their plates full and handed one to , “tell us everything.”

  Swallowing, she asked, “About the accident?”

  “Well, of course, but also about Lance. How he ended up with you last night and how you managed to get the town hermit to come out of his shell. See what I did there? Hermit, shell, get it?”

  Frowning, Jade said, “He’s not a hermit! He just prefers…privacy.”

  Katelyn quickly set her plate on the coffee table and rushed over to her, taking her hands in her own. “Oh, Jade, I’m so sorry. I truly meant no offense.”

  Jade’s frown relaxed as she held her hands. “It’s okay…really, it is. I’ve just gotten to know him and keep hearing him referred to as a hermit or a recluse. They’re such negative terms. Although,” she admitted, “when I first had a run-in with him, I called him worse things than that!” Giving Katelyn’s hands a squeeze, she added, “I should apologize to you for being oversensitive. But he truly is a good man.”

  Katelyn returned to her seat, smiling as she said, “Then tell us about that good man.”

  Laughing, she acquiesced. “I have no idea what has happened to him, or why he is such a private person, or anything about his past at all. We definitely haven’t gotten to the place where he confides anything in me and I know he needs more time to be able to do that. But,” she shrugged, “that’s okay. He will when he’s ready.”

  “Oh, Jade,” Tori said, setting her plate in her lap, her eyes as warm as her smile. “You are so good for him. Mitch knew him, of course, back when they were overseas in the military. Even Mitch doesn’t know what happened that changed him so much, but he said last night that Lance is so much more like his old self since you came along.”

  Tori’s words warmed her heart and she smiled genuinely toward her friends.

  “So, any word on the bastard that ran you off the road?” Jillian asked, breaking the nice bubble she had settled around her.

  “Nothing yet.”

  “Well, what can we do to help for today?”

  She thought for a second before saying, “I hate to ask, because there are a ton of stairs involved, but I thought maybe this afternoon, I could get back to my apartment. I’ve got a few things to do and I might as well get to them before Lance comes over this evening.”

  “Things we can help with?”

  “Oh no. I’ve got a few bills to pay online, need to look over my lesson plans for the sub for tomorrow. Just easy things like that.”

  “That’s simple enough,” Katelyn agreed. “We can also do a quick grocery run for you, so you’ll have food for the weekend.”

  Plans made, they finished lunch as they settled into easy conversation.

  Driving along the dusty driveway of the Haskin’s farm, Ginny started to park outside the house when Lance pointed toward the barn where he saw a man enter. Nodding, she pulled down the drive a little further, parking where he indicated.

  An older man looked out, his eyes narrowing for a moment before he threw his hand up in greeting. As they approached, he called out, “Couldn’t see who was coming down the lane. Glad to see it’s you. Got any news about my truck?”

  Lance stood back as Ginny introduced them and watched Mr. Haskins carefully as he answered Ginny’s questions.

  “Mr. Haskins, can you tell us when you discovered your truck had been stolen?”

  “Wasn’t until the misses and me got back this morning.”

  “Back, sir?”

  “We went to Virginia Beach two days ago to visit with our new grandson. Margery hates to ride in the farm truck, so we took her little car. Got back this morning and the first thing I noticed was my truck wasn’t parked at the house. I looked around and then called the police. It was here when we left, so I have no idea when it was taken.”

  “We have a report of a black pick-up truck with tinted windows, the first three letters of the license number as C A B, and it had a metal grill on the front—”

  “That sounds just like mine,” Mr. Haskins said, excitedly. “Has it been found?”

  “No, sir,” she continued. “If that was your truck, it was involved in
an accident where the driver purposefully ran another car off the road.”

  Mr. Haskins opened his mouth several times but no words came forth. Finally, sputtering, he said, “Someone stole my truck and was involved in an accident?”

  “We are uncertain, at this time, if it was your truck that was involved. The paint on the other car is being analyzed, but we need to investigate on the assumption that, very likely, it was your truck.”

  “Ran someone off the road?” Suddenly, eyes wide, he asked, “Oh, Lordy. Is the other person all right?”

  “Minor injuries—”

  “Oh, sweet Jesus,” he cried then looked over as a woman approached from the house. “Margery! Someone done stole the truck and used it to hurt someone!”

  Margery’s steps became hurried as she made her way to her husband, her eyes first on him and then swinging to Ginny and Lance. “What?”

  “Ma’am, we believe your truck was used to create an accident in which someone was injured. Any information you might have would be useful.”

  “I don’t know…I just don’t know,” she said, her hand grasping her husband’s.

  “Who locally knew you were going to be gone?” he queried.

  Shaking her head, she suddenly looked at him, her eyes wide as she sucked in a gasp of air. “I’m on Facebook. I put out a status that we were going to see the grandbaby in Virginia Beach. I’m friends with most of Baytown…lordy, lots of people would’ve seen it.”

  “Dang it, Margery, honey,” Donald said, “I told you that Facebookie thing was gonna be gettin’ too many people in our business.”

  A tear ran down her cheek as her husband wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in for a hug. “Now, now, don’t fret. Hell, I told the workers we’d be gone as well, so it coulda come from me.”

  “Can I get a list of your workers?” Ginny asked.

  “Sure, but I got some migrant workers that just come in seasonally, and sometimes they change daily. But, I’ll give you my lead assistant and he can give you the rest of the information, if that’s okay.”


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